The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 331: Soul Cavern.

Chapter 331: Soul Cavern.

Rain poured down from the sky as Haru sat on the cold concrete foundations as rocks were spread around him as he looked up, feeling drops of water splash against his cheeks as he did so. 

He then looked forward to seeing a sight that he wanted to forget. Suyin was Laying on the floor in front of him with a large pool of blood beside her as a dark red patch spread out from beneath her shirt. 

"Suyin! Noo! How could this happen!" Haru yelled as he shuffled across the floor without thinking to be by her side to try to stop the bleeding.

Haru reached out and placed his hand against Suyin's stomach where the blood was coming from and began to press down. But as he did so he looked up to see Suyin's pale face. She was already dead. There was nothing he could do to save her. He was too late once again. 

Haru closed his eyes as he felt regret and defeat. He didn't know what was happening but knowing that he couldn't save her once again crushed his soul. He clenched his fists as tightly as he could before hearing something he never expected to. 

"Haru? Are you okay? You  don't look too good." Suyin's voice called out as a warm hand touched his cheek. 

Haru quickly opened his eyes at the sudden touch to see that Suyin was looking down at him with a slight smile on her face. Her face was exactly how he remembered it to be and her smile was still as breathtaking as it always was.

"I- I'm sorry. I couldn't save you I'm so sorry!" Haru called out as he tried to ask for forgiveness but Suyin looked back at him with confusion, not understanding what he was talking about as she watched a tear roll down his cheek. 

"It was just a dream. It's okay. I'm right here with you see." Suyin said as she leaned forwards to hug him.

Haru closed his eyes as he felt Suyin's arms rest against his shoulders as her scent drifted towards his nose but he could only smell a scent of Iron as her touch disappeared and he opened his eyes to see the same scene play out.

Suyin was laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood once again. Haru hurried towards her without thinking as he hoped there was something he could do to save her. But it was no use as he looked at her for a second time to see that she was dead.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This was now the third time Haru experienced Suyin's death yet it wasn't any easier for him. But this time as he continued to look at Suyin he realised that what he was seeing was just an illusion. Haru remained still as the scene reset and Suyin began to gasp for air once again. 

Although he now knew that it was an illusion he couldn't help but run towards her and try everything within his power to try to save her but each and every time he tried it would always end the same way and he cried until he had run out of tears. 

After the tenth time of failing to save her, Haru began to count the many times he had watched Suyin die as that was the only thing he could do to keep his sanity as each time got harder to watch. 

His heart ached as he was helpless to the situation and he knew that no matter what he did there would be nothing he could do to save her. Yet that didn't stop him from trying. 

On the ten-thousandth time, Haru watched Suyin die he experienced Ralph's frustration as Suyin's corpse lifted up into the air and began to walk circles around him.

"Come on. How long are you going to sit around and mope? Haven't you learnt what I'm trying to teach you yet?" Ralph asked as he took Suyin's appearance and voice.

"Put her back! Don't you dare take her from you bastard!" Haru shouted in response as Ralph complied with Haru's demand and vanished with a sigh, returning Suyin's body back to where she previously lay. 

"I'm sorry. I won't let him do that again. You don't hate me do you?" Haru asked Suyin as she lay gasping for breath once again. 

It became obvious to Ralph that it wasn't doing Haru any good to be experiencing the death of his girlfriend over and over again. He doubted that Haru could forgive himself and learn that it wasn't his fault but he was curious to see what would happen if he carried on forcing him to watch repeatedly. 

But as Ralph watched over Haru a flame shot past his face from within his soul ocean, catching him off guard completely as he turned to see Kun angrily staring in his direction. 

Kun previously avoided the floating mansion at all costs but ever since Haru began to glow with golden flames when he faced Mr Ma there was a change within Kun as he became more daring. 

Ralph glared back at Kun in an attempt to scare him away but Kun remained still and continued to angrily stare at Ralph with an oppressing force.

"Fine. I will stop it. I guess it would be quicker if I just let him see her again wouldn't it?" Ralph spoke with annoyance as the phoenix continued to stare at him. 

Ralph then released his hand from Haru's head causing him to regain his senses and the visions to stop. 

"I changed my mind. Follow me. I will take you to see Suyin." Ralph said before walking towards the doors to the mansion.

Haru looked up in confusion as he replayed Ralph's words in his head. 

"What did he just say? How can I see Suyin when she is dead?" Haru asked himself as he wasn't sure of his own emotions anymore. He had watched her die over twelve thousand times in a row and he felt as though nothing had changed. But what he didn't realise is that now he was capable of thinking about something other than revenge.

Although Ralph had mentally tortured Haru repeatedly it seemed to work in bringing him closer to forgiving himself. But he wasn't sure what was going to happen once he had allowed Haru to meet her again. 

"Here, do you know what this is?" Ralph asked as he pointed to the machine that he and Li Jun had used to revive Haru from the brink of death.

"I guess you wouldn't would you? Well, this right here is a device that allows me to reach into the soul cavern and pull out souls at will. You might be able to use it to revive Suyin one day if you become strong enough but it requires too much energy to simply use at will. 

But since it can reach into the soul cavern it can also be used to transfer a soul there. What do you say? Do you want to see her again?" Ralph asked as he saw the look of astonishment on Haru's face as his eyes widened and his cheeks began to twitch a little. 

"What do I need to do?" Haru asked, getting straight to the point as he had no time for games and he was desperate to see her one more time.

"I see you're eager. Well, all you have to do is lay down over on that bed. I will do everything else to make sure that you arrive there with your soul intact. Although it might be a little bit difficult to find her. But if you try your best to remember something about her you should be able to sense her." Ralph informed Haru before he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

As Haru lay there he heard Ralph fumbling around with something in the room and he was getting impatient. 

"Hurry it up!" Haru shouted as he tried his best to remain calm. But as soon as he spoke everything around him seemed to fade away as it felt like a piece of himself was ripped away. 

A shock of electricity ran through his body as on the outside of his Soul Ocean his body had temporarily died as his soul was transferred into the soul cavern where people's souls were transported too after death.

But as his body died time began to flow normally on the outside and every second he spent away from his body was time that he was at risk of actually being killed by somebody. 

Everything seemed calm as Haru's mind was at peace as his soul was naturally directed towards the soul cavern by Ralph as he imagined that's what it would be like for everyone who had died. The only thing that he had with him as he travelled to the soul cavern was his thoughts and the hope to see Suyin once again.

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