The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 337: You're really starting to piss me off.

Chapter 337: You're really starting to piss me off.

"Y-You're really not that monster" The woman said in disbelief as she opened the door to see Haru standing in front of her. 

Haru remained silent as he gave her a moment to process what was happening but then she went on to quickly answer his question. 

"No, I haven't heard anything else near here since we were attacked Please! You have to save the president and the others!" The woman quickly shouted as she remembered that she wasn't the only person in danger. She was so frightened that she disregarded the safety of anyone else. But upon seeing another Human she felt relieved enough to worry about the safety of others.

She felt weak before falling towards Haru but he quickly caught her in his arms and pushed the door behind her open to sit her down in one of the chairs in the room.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help. Can you tell me where they went?" Haru asked as the woman began to hold her head with her hands. She was a little bit hesitant to say since she was still scared of what will become of her if she gives up the information that she had kept to herself so far.

The only reason that she didn't tell Haru where the president was in the first place was that she feared that she would be killed when she wasn't seen as useful anymore. But despite that fear, she felt as though she could trust Haru but she didn't quite understand why.

"His bodyguards rushed him and a few of the senators into the panic room. There is only one way to go from here. Just keep following the corridors and you will come to a huge reinforced door. It's blastproof but when I saw that beast destroy the door to this part of the facility I doubted that the doors could stop him from getting to the president. 

Please hurry, they might be in danger!" The woman called out as she saw Haru become slightly worried. 

It was true that whoever took care of the last door would have no issue getting through most things. But if the door was designed to stop bombs then it should have been pretty strong. He just hoped that the door that she was talking about was enough to slow down the demon that invaded the bunker.

"Thank you. I will go there now. You just sit tight here okay? Make sure you lock the door and don't come out no matter what. I will come and get you on my way back." Haru explained to her but she had a doubtful look on her face as she eyed him up and down.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She wondered what someone like him could possibly do. Even though she had just begged him for help she was doubtful that Haru would be able to do anything to save himself let alone the president. She didn't even see a weapon on him so she began to regret telling him and was about to try to make his escape with her instead. But before she could say anything else Haru vanished, leaving her alone in the darkness as the light that surrounded him vanished too.

Haru continued to walk through the corridors, finding more bodies on his way as he went deeper into the bunker before hearing what sounded like a hammer against an anvil as the sounds of something heavy slamming against metal shot through the bunker. 

It seemed to be coming from ahead so Haru went to investigate. But as soon as he entered the next room he saw exactly what he expected to see when he first went down there.

It was Hanying. The one responsible for Suyin's death was also the one who had killed the countless amounts of people that Haru had passed on his way down there and he was now banging against the door and punching it, trying to force his way through.

"Haha, Not so strong now are you? You can't even break through the door. How are you going to kill us when you are trapped out there?" A voice shouted out through a speaker as Hanying continued to pound his fist against the large metal door with a keypad on the wall beside it.

Haru continued to watch as it looked like Hanying was getting nowhere but with each punch against the steel door he was getting closer to breaking his way through and he knew that too that is why he didn't respond to the mocking of the people within.

It was stupid for whoever was inside to provoke Hanying like that but Haru felt as though he had to protect them regardless of their stupidity. After all the president was the key to securing the country. If he died or was captured it would be easy to flip the country into even more disarray but so long as he was alive and wanted to continue leading the country the army would fight for his behalf.

But that could all change if Hanying managed to get through the door. Haru was motivated by rage and anger as he saw Hanying but he managed to keep his anger under control for the moment as he thought for a moment. Haru used his spiritual sense to figure out how many people were nearby and he was surprised with the outcome.

Apart from the seventeen people inside the panic room, there was only one other living being and that was Hanying.

'He's alone? Then now is the perfect opportunity to kill him. There won't be any more interruptions and I don't have to worry about being sneak attacked by any of his lackeys.' Haru thought before entering the room, making sure that his footsteps were heard as he did so and then speaking out to Hanying.

"It looks like that door is causing you a little bit of trouble. Would you like some help getting through it? It's a shame that your buddies on the surface are too busy getting their asses kicked." Haru laughed as he used humour to suppress his rage.

But to his surprise, it seemed as though Hanying knew that he was coming as he didn't show any kind of emotion to hearing Haru's voice behind him. 

"It's not possible for the people of this planet to construct something that I can't destroy. The only reason that I am struggling here is that I'm actively suppressing my power. If I was to use my full strength to hit this thing I would wipe out everything on the surface too.

Just count yourself lucky that I'm holding back." Hanying bragged before turning around to face Haru.

"What do you say young Haru? Would you like to help me demonstrate my full power? If you promise not to hold back then I will do the same." Hanying smiled as he met Haru's eyes.

Both of their eyes seemed to glow in contrast to each other. Haru's eyes made too solid blue rings in the centre of his iris as Hanying stared back with two red orbs. His eyes looked exactly like the lasers shot from the demons ships as the only thing that illuminated the room was the golden glow surrounding Haru's body.

"You surprised me the last time we met. I never would have thought that someone in a lost star system would be able to master the purifying flames. Especially at such a young age. 

This planet is truly full of mysteries and I can't wait to dissect everything when we absorb the core. Maybe I will find something really interesting when that happens." Hanying spoke while staring at Haru, expecting a reaction from his words but something was different.

"What happened? Where did all that hatred from earlier go? Did you get hit in the head or something since the last time we met? Wait a minute If you're here now then where did that bastard disappear to? I told him to keep you busy if you got close. You didn't kill him did you?" Hanying asked as he referred to the night demon that Haru had fought against. But Haru remained silent and continued to look at Hanying with a blank expression.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! At least show enough respect to answer me! You're really starting to piss me off with that dumb look!" Hanying shouted out in anger as his attempts at provoking Haru failed.

Haru sighed loudly as he looked at Hanying before taking a step forward without uttering a single word. The sudden change in Haru frightened Hanying as he never expected that Haru would be so calm when facing him again.

It seemed as though he was a different person completely and that wouldn't be entirely wrong. After he had met with Suyin again he felt calm, knowing that she was still alive even if her body was long dead. He knew that once he became strong enough he would have no trouble bringing her back to life.

But before he went out to achieve strength he wanted to make sure that everyone he cared about on earth would be safe from any future attacks and to do that he would need to get rid of all the demons currently residing there.

Haru reached his hand down to his side and opened his storage ring before pulling out the sword that Li Jun had given to him after they escaped the time array when they first met.

'This should be good enough to deal with you.' Haru said with confidence as he crouched down slightly and twisted his hips to the side before turning back with as much power as he could muster and swinging his sword towards Hanying with all his might.

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