The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 346: Help!

Chapter 346: Help!

"Help!" A woman's voice screamed from the tree line in the Gaohen language as Haru no longer felt any pain in his body. He looked around for a few moments with sweat dripping from his head as he turned back to Hong Xia who was still laying on the ground with a worried look on her face.

"Help! Somebody, please help!" The voice screamed out again as Haru locked eyes with Hong Xia before she nodded silently although she didn't understand what was said it was clear to her that whoever it was was in danger.

Haru put his hand out towards her and held up his index finger, signalling that he would only be gone for a minute as he ventured deeper into the forest to look for the source of the voice.

The trees grew thicker and until Haru had to squeeze between the trees to follow the source. But it soon opened up again as he walked towards a clearing where the commotion seemed to be coming from.

Haru watched on for a moment as a woman lay on the floor with a look of fear in her eyes as she clutched a young girl in her arms while a group of five men were standing around her with menacing smiles.

"Just had her over already. Our young master won't be merciful if you decide to go against him any more than you already have." One of the men said while unsheathing a sword that he had by his waist and pointing it towards her. 

Haru took another step forwards as he wanted to get a closer look but as he did so he wasn't mindful of his surroundings and stepped on a thin branch that cracked beneath him.

The men all turned to see Haru standing at the entrance to the clearing and formed defensive stances as they all hurried to draw their weapons.

"Who are you!? We're here on the orders of Lord Min, If you know what is good for you then carry on your way or face the consequences!" One of the men shouted with a bit of a stutter as they all looked at Haru with worry in their eyes.

It seemed as though he had caught them doing something that they shouldn't as they were clearly afraid of something. But Haru couldn't tell what it was.

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"What exactly are these consequences that you speak of?" Haru asked as the three men froze up. Although Haru had learnt how to speak Gaohen with Lao's tutelage and his pronunciation was near perfect. Lao was a proud dragon and the tone that he had taught Haru had the same tone that was used for making people willingly submit before one of the kings of the universe.

Upon hearing the tone in Haru's voice the men became tense as they were unsure of what would happen to them.

"Sir, please save me. They are trying to kidnap my martial sister! They want to force her to marry their Lord!" The woman who was laying on the floor shouted out as Haru looked at the two of them before they too froze in place out of fear and uncertainty.

"I don't know where you people learnt your manners. But five men ganging up on two girls isn't nice is it?" Haru asked in the same tone which only added to the tension as they thought that he was going to punish them for their behaviour.

'I thought they would attack me by now. But I guess they are just cowards that pick on girls' Haru thought as he saw nothing wrong. He didn't realise that the way he spoke struck fear into the people who heard him because he had never tested it out before. 

But what he did know is that all five of the men didn't have the guts to attack him as they all remained silent before casting their gazes down to the floor as they didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

It was at that moment that Haru felt a chill run down his spine as he looked up and caught sight of the young girl the woman was holding was staring directly into his eyes.

The girl had pale white skin much like his own and her hair was void of any colour. It looked as though it had all been entirely frozen, she had a small blue tattoo of a snowflake on her forehead that seemed to be emitting a golden glow, similar to the one that was surrounding Haru's body.

"Sir, I don't mean to offend you but" One of the men began to speak as Haru glanced back over to him, causing him to stutter and stop mid-sentence before carrying on again as he gained the confidence to speak once again.

"Our Lord is in charge of everything in this region although you might be a Profound Life stage expert there are many stronger people our lord could dispatch to kill you. If you get in the way we will have no choice but to report you to our Lord. Then who knows what will happen?" The man bragged but as he spoke Haru was surprised to learn of his cultivation stage.

"The Profound Life stage? What? That can't be, right? I have skipped 2 stages with a single breakthrough. I knew that the more Qi I gathered while my soul ocean was flooded the stronger I would become. But I didn't think that it would be to this extent.

Usually, people who reach the upper realms would be at the Nirvana stage but I actually managed to get one step ahead of that.' Haru thought as it seemed too much. He never expected something like that to happen but that was to be expected with the amount of time he decided to stay at the manifestation stage while collecting Qi.

'Wait. Then why do I not feel any Qi within my body at all?' Haru thought as it didn't make sense to him. He thought that he had lost his ability for a moment but it just seemed as though he left his previous strength behind on earth.

From the damage, he had done when punching the ground while trying to deal with the pain he felt he could tell that his physical strength was at least ten times stronger than what it was back on earth. He just didn't know how he would go about using techniques now that he could no longer sense any Qi.

As Haru was thinking to himself he got lost in thought and ended up furrowing his eyebrows as he looked in the direction of the man that had just threatened him. TO the five men, it looked as though Haru was angry and considering killing them.

They knew that if someone of Haru's cultivation stage wanted to kill them they wouldn't stand a chance against him. So upon seeing the look on his face they simultaneously split up and ran away in different directions hoping that if he chased them then he wouldn't be able to get them all without warning, leaving Haru feeling confused as he didn't know what had just happened.

He was still processing the fact that he had jumped two whole stages at once. There was no thought about fighting in his mind yet from his facial expressions alone they had misinterpreted the situation and ran away out of fear.

He felt a type of power that he had never experienced before. It was both thrilling and refreshing.

Back on earth, the majority of people didn't know anything about cultivation so they wouldn't know to mess with someone stronger than them and keep pushing their luck by provoking Haru over and over again.

He had been frustrated by the fact that people weaker than him would try to fight him, thinking that there was something they could do to fight him. Yet now seeing people run in fear from seeing his cultivation stage he felt powerful.

Haru smiled to himself, feeling proud of himself before the woman and girl got up off the floor and brushed off their clothes.

"Thank you, sir, I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if you didn't show up." The woman said as she helped the younger girl wipe the mud off her white dress.

Now that she wasn't surrounded by a bunch of angry-looking men Haru could now see her. He looked up to meet her eyes and noticed that she reminded him of someone yet he couldn't place just who it was. She had shoulder-length brown hair and amber coloured eyes with a slight hint of green to them.

Haru looked at both the girls before realising something as he looked at their matching outfits. 

They were wearing sect clothes and the woman appeared to be older than him. She had slight signs of ageing on her skin which was strange as Haru assumed that most cultivators aged slower than regular people. So if her skin showed age it would mean that she is much older than he initially thought she was.

Haru looked at them both for what seemed like a few minutes before realising that he probably looked creepy to them before speaking.

"Can you tell me where the nearest town is? " Haru asked as both of them flinched upon hearing his question.

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