The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 349: Spirit wine.

Chapter 349: Spirit wine.

The room fell silent as they were left alone without the listening ears of any of the natives from that world. Haru sat down at the edge of the bed and rested his head in his hands before letting out a huge sigh.

"I'm unsure of myself. I decided to sacrifice my life on earth so that I could everyone else on earth live in peace. But I feel a little dissatisfied." Haru complained aloud as Hong Xia chimed in with her thoughts.

"What is there to be dissatisfied with? Isn't this the dream of all cultivators? To reach a stage above the worldly limit and ascend to become stronger? I don't see why you wouldn't want that. But just look at me. I ascended with you because I wanted to look for my teacher. But I can't so much as move my body. This is just pitiful" Hong Xia also sighed as she was the one feeling the worst. 

"You think that your teacher ascended?" Haru asked with a confused look as he turned around to face her.

"Mhm, I don't know where else they could have gone. I sent some of my sects people all around Earth to gather information to try to find a single trace of her but there was nothing so my only other guess is that in that explosion of light they were all taken from Earth and ended up somewhere else.

Although I'm not sure what the chances of them coming to this planet is." Hong Xia explained as she recalled her thoughts with Haru.

"I guess that makes sense. It's quite possible that they could be somewhere in the middle or even the upper realms. I guess seeing me ascend was a good opportunity for you to tag along wasn't it?" Haru smiled as he tried to contain his laughter. 

He had never seen anyone do something so foolish as to follow a person into a transportation tunnel. From what he knew about space and time it was very common for people to go missing inside transportation tunnels from even the slightest mistake informing them.

But as he thought about it he gathered that there was probably no need to worry about such a thing since the tunnel was formed by the universe and there was no possibility for mistakes in the way it was formed. Haru then looked back at her as he had a feeling he knew what was happening to her body.

"If my theory is correct then your body should be trying to get rid of all the qi in your body so it can replace it with true qi since that is the power of the upper realms. 

It might take a few days for it to happen but if I can find a herb like the one I absorbed earlier I think it should speed up the process by a lot." Haru said as he thought about how his power was almost immediately replaced thanks to his Qi being ejected from his body before he ascended.

"Okay well, that's the only good news I have had today thanks for letting me know. But you did say that you had a book that you would give to me so I can learn the language that they speak in this world right?" Hong Xia asked as Haru remembered that he did tell her that and then held out his hand in her direction as he directed a small amount of the true qi from his dantian and towards the ring on his hand as a flash of golden light presented an old leather-bound book.

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Now that he knew what he was dealing with and realised that his True qi could be moved like an extension of his own body he figured that it would be a lot more useful than regular qi. But as he held out the book he chuckled to himself as he remembered that Hong Xia was unable to move so she couldn't take it from him.

He then took off his shoes and shuffled up the bed a little before sitting beside her with his back against the headboard as he opened the first page of the book and held it in front of her.

"It might hurt your head if you look at the pages for too long since it's enchanted so that you are able to understand easily," Haru explained as the page began to glow a light shade of gold.

A couple of minutes went by before the bartender brought two servings of soup which one of them was quickly devoured by Haru as he had to spoon-feed Hong Xia so that she could eat before they returned back to the language class were a couple of hours passed before she could no longer take the throbbing in her head.

It became a little too much for her to bear as the knowledge burned its way directly into her brain but the good thing was that it was easier to understand than she thought it was going to be and after a couple of hours she had already mastered basic conversation skills up to the level of a five-year-old.

Haru was impressed as he also thought that it would take a lot more effort than it did but he figured that the enchantment was the major factor in her being able to learn so quickly.

Up until now, Haru had everything that he needed to become stronger handed to him by his teachers. It was refreshing to be left alone in a world where he didn't know anything and sharing his knowledge and thoughts with someone that knew less than him felt nice.

It made him imagine what Li Jun was thinking when he first chose Haru to become his disciple.

Haru smiled lightly as he heard snoring beside him as Hong Xia drifted off to sleep as a way to ease her headache and he carefully took his time to stand up so as not to wake her before making his way out of the room and closing the door behind her.

'She should be fine in there alone right?' He thought for a moment but wasn't too sure of himself as he took his index finger and drew the shape of a rune on the door, using his true qi to form a barrier that would not only stop someone from entering without permission but would also warn Haru of what was happening no matter where he was as a precaution before he made his way downstairs with the bowels that they had eaten from.

As he entered the main entrance to the inn he took the time to look around and pay attention to what was going on. It looked to be a tavern and the people sitting down were all drinking together.

Haru saw people sitting together dining together and drinking all types of alcohol but no matter how much he tried to relate to the people he was watching, for some reason he couldn't relate to them at all. It might have been due to the fact that he wasn't from their world.

But as he watched the people living their lives it was as though he was watching it all through a tv screen as they didn't feel like real people to him.

It was probably the same for the demons that invaded earth. They didn't see any value in the life of the people that they killed simply because it didn't feel as though they were living beings as they were aliens to them.

It would explain why there were so many wars and different factions in the upper realms instead of being joined together.

The different species and people from different worlds would have a hard time seeing people living on different planets as people worth protecting.

But despite that feeling, Haru got he decided that it would be worth trying to get along with them. If not just to help himself relax at the very least. 

But since he arrived on the new planet he felt like he didn't belong there and as though they would soon find out that he wasn't one of them and lock him up somewhere.

So after taking the empty bowls back to the kitchen he walked over to one of the tables with a group of drunks sitting around it and sat down in an empty seat beside them.

As soon as Haru sat down, the three other men on the table glared at him with fury in their eyes as they didn't know who he was yet he had decided to interrupt their drinking.

"Do you mind if I join you for a few drinks?" Haru asked as one of the men began to smile with malice as he eyed Haru up and down for a few moments.

"If you think you can hold your liquor better than me than us then you're free to join in. But the first one to quit has to pay for everything we drink by the time the sun has risen." The man said as the other two began to smile as they saw that Haru was much smaller than they were.

They immediately thought that Haru would be a cash cow for them to squeeze some free drinks out of but upon hearing their invitation Haru smiled and pulled over the large jug of alcohol in the centre of the table that they had been filling their cups from.

"So how many rounds have you finished so far?" Haru asked as the one who had spoken to him first looked worried for a moment as he replied.

"Six, in total but I don't want to force you to catch up. It won't be any fun if you're out before we start the seventh round." The man said as the others laughed.

But upon hearing their mockery Haru brought the jug to his lips and tipped his head back before gulping down every last drop in less than a minute and then slammed it down on the table as the three men looked at him with fear before Haru licked his lips and looked back at them with a smile.

"Not bad, I can see why you guys are having so much fun," Haru said as the three men erupted into laughter as one of them put his arm around Haru's shoulder and pulled him closer.

"Not bad kid. You might have what it takes to compete against us after all." The man laughed as one of the others raised his hand to call over the bartender.

"Another jug of spirit wine and an empty cup please!" The man shouted out as the bartender smiled before preparing what they had asked for and bringing it to the table.

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