The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 356: Baseball?

Chapter 356: Baseball?

Haru stared down at the robe he had just been handed as he felt the material. It was like nothing that he had ever felt before. It was tough like leather yet as flexible as silk. He couldn't quite understand what it was but he could tell that it would be expensive just by the feel of it.

He began to panic a little as he thought that he might have been trapped by the store owner into buying something expensive since he had already created it for Haru. He figured that it was some kind of scam in order to extort people and he began to activate his storage ring in order to take out the money that he was given in hopes that he had enough to pay for it but he was stopped as Tam spoke out before he could finish.

"I know what you're thinking but it would be my honour to craft some fine clothing for you. Please don't worry, this is on me. Hopefully, you will become a returning customer in the future." Tam said with a slight smile as he waited for Haru to respond.

'What is he getting at? He said that he saw something when he shook my hand. Is there the possibility that he found out something about me?' Haru asked himself as he stared back with suspicion before calming down as he saw the girl look at them both with shock as she was clearly confused at the situation.

"But sir, that material" The girl began to say before Tam raised his hand to silence her. The girl stopped talking but looked worried as she looked at the robe Haru was wearing.

"Please try it on. I can make any adjustments while you're wearing it if you need them." Tam said with a smile as he leaned back against the counter and watched as Haru took off the brown robe and place the new one over his shoulders before sliding his arms into the sleeves.

There was a brief pause from everyone in the room as they looked at Haru and admired the craftsmanship that went into creating the robe for him. It fit perfectly. There wasn't any excess material that hung down too low or any uneven cuts. It looked like a lot of work had gone into making it yet Tam had made it in just a few seconds which showed his skill and years of experience. 

"What do you think? Not too shabby is it?" Tam asked as Haru looked down at his body before spotting a mirror in the corner of the room and then walked over to it and checked for himself. 

As he looked in the mirror he noticed that there was a faint sheen to the material that seemed to glow iridescently. 

'What is this? It's more flashy than I wanted it to be but I feel some kind of connection to it. It's like there is a soul within the material.' Haru thought as he turned back to face Tam with a serious look on his face.

"What is this material?" Haru asked, his voice sounding as demanding as ever as Tam's eyes widened for a second as he felt a slight amount of oppression in Haru's voice before smiling yet again.

"It's just perfect. I have never made anything like this in my life. I never expected this kind of outcome." Tam said as he approached Haru before leaning towards him and whispering in his ear.

"It's a special material crafted on a distant planet from Ice phoenix feather barbs. They have been crafting it for years in secret and I managed to get my hands on this specimen recently for a special customer it's quite amazing isn't it?" Tam asked as he realised what he had just said.

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"This material was for another customer wasn't it?" Tam confirmed out loud as the girl spoke up hesitantly.

"Th-that's, what I was trying to tell you, sir. The one who ordered this material is the city lord. Our business is going to be doomed." The girl said as Tam remained calm as he thought about something for a few seconds. 

"The city lord huh? Pfft, I don't care about someone like him. I managed to make a fantastic robe for Mr" Tam stopped as he looked back at Haru, realising that he hadn't even gotten his name yet. 

"That's right, I don't know your name yet do I? Do you mind if I-?" Tam began to ask but Haru understood what was about to be asked.

"Luo Yang," Haru said as he stated his alias with confidence as Tam stood there for a moment before continuing.

"I managed to make a fantastic robe for Mr Luo Yang. There is nothing more spectacular than that. I don't care about a simple city lord." Tam said as the door to his store opened up again as a small group of guards entered and began to look around.

"This place is a mess. Why would the city lord come to a place like this to have clothes made for him?" One of the guards questioned as Tam turned to face them with a hesitant look on his face. 

"Be quiet. It's not your place to question what the city lord does. If he wants to send such an expensive material here to be crafted into something for him then so be it." Another one of the guards replied before turning his attention to Tam who was nervous as to what was about to happen.

"Ah, greetings. Is there anything I can help you, young men, with today?" Tam said as he scratched the back of his head while hoping that they hadn't heard what he just said about the city lord. 

"Yes, for a matter of fact. The city lord has requested that you hold off on his order. Something important has come up and he won't be able to come here to be fitted for another week at least." The guard said as he informed Tam about the situation. 

But he heard it as them telling him that he would have a weeks time to come up with a good enough explanation as to why the material had magically disappeared.

"Of course, that's completely fine. I'm not in a rush or anything. You can let him know that he can take as much time as he wants." Tam said as he gritted his teeth slightly, hoping that they wouldn't turn to look at Haru who was standing beside them. But that was an impossible task as the material naturally caught the eye.

The guard who was speaking to Tam turned his head slightly to see Haru standing there with no expression on his face as he was waiting for the first sign of trouble so he could leave. He didn't have the will to pick a fight over someone else's mistake. 

"Is that?" The guard asked while both dumbfounded and shocked. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. No one in the whole town was brave enough to pick a fight with the city lord yet not only had the store owner used his special material on another piece of clothing but there was someone else wearing it.

The girl behind the counter ducked down and began to crawl along the floor and made it into the back room as she was too scared to stay and watch till the end. But there was no escape for Tam or Haru as they were both the main focus points in the room.

"Well, I- Yeah, that's it" Tam said as he looked at the guard and then back at Haru who was quite obviously wearing the material that was meant for the city lord. 

"Well, do you care to explain? That one piece of material costs the same amount as a mid-sized plot of land. It's a priceless treasure and one of a kind on this planet. How could you be so careless as to give it to someone else? Or is this an act of rebellion? Are you planning to betray the city lord after all that he had done for civilians like you!?" The guard asked as the other three pulled out their swords and looked at Tam with fury in their eyes.

Haru sighed to himself as he just wanted to go back to the inn and relax. That was enough drama for him to deal with and he was feeling tired.

"Well, It was nice to meet you, Tam. But it seems like you are a little preoccupied. I will come back some other time." Haru said before heading for the door.

"Don't mind me guys. Carry on with what you were doing." Haru spoke again as he addressed the guards. But they also heard the arrogance in his voice as he spoke and they felt like he was questioning his authority by speaking to them that way. Little did they know that was the only way he knew how to speak their language. 

"Stop right there! You're not innocent either! You are wearing the city lords robe! Take it off right this instance!" The guard shouted at Haru.

Haru stared at him for a moment before replying.

"The city lords robe? Mr Tam here has just cut it to fit my body and said that I didn't even need to pay for it. This is my robe and my property. If your city lord has an issue with that he can speak to me directly. I will not be taking any orders from you or your little organisation. 

So do not address me as though I am your lesser!" Haru explained before shouting back with a hint of anger in his voice.

The room went completely silent as they were all at a loss for words. No one knew what to say as Haru turned his back to them and left through the door and walked out into the street.

Haru continued to walk away as he tried to calm himself down. He had let his pent up rage explode for a second when they had tried to order him around. But he was out of there now so he thought that he could go back to the inn and relax.

However as he walked away, Haru felt a hand on his shoulder as he heard the voice of the guard that had ordered him to take off the robe.

"Stop right there! I didn't say you could leave!" The guard shouted as Haru sighed once again.

"That is your third strike. If this was baseball you would be out right now" Haru said as he turned his head to look the guard in his eyes as he was confused by what Haru had just said.

"Baseball? What in the-?" The guard began to ask before his words left him completely as Haru's foot struck him in the chest with so much force that all of his ribs broke upon impact and he was sent flying back towards the entrance of the store. 

"If you're here to pick a fight then so be it. But remember I wasn't the one who started it." Haru said with a grin as he threw away his pacifism and turned to face the other three guards who were in shock with their swords still drawn as they weren't sure what to do.

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