The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 358: Life and Death palm.

Chapter 358: Life and Death palm.

Haru and Hong Xia ate their meal in silence as the Haru quickly finished up and closed his eyes for a few moments. 

'I didn't expect that technique to work so fast. She is already able to walk. That is simply amazing.' Haru thought as he was reflecting on what happened the last time he entered his soul ocean.

'I will take another look in the library while she finishes her meal. I wonder if anything actually happened when I touched those books or if it just forced me out without anything else.' Haru thought as he wondered if he had actually learned a new skill or not.

But as he tried to enter his soul ocean once again he was met by nothing but darkness as it looked as though he was staring out into the vastness of space.

"Huh? What is this place? Did I do something wrong?" He thought as he tried to picture his soul ocean in his mind once again but nothing happened. He imagined the mansion and there was still nothing. All that was surrounding him was an endless starry sky that seemed to go on for miles upon miles. 

Haru tried to open his eyes again as he thought that that would cause him to return to his body like it usually did but no matter what he did it was no use. He was stuck there. 

'What's going on? This is my own body. Why won't it listen to me?' Haru questioned himself as he felt trapped within endless darkness.

But just as he was wondering about what was happening a spec of light appeared in front of him. It was faint and barely noticeable to his eyes as it appeared but he could tell that it was red in Colour.

'What is that?' Haru wondered as he stuck out his hand and reached out towards it. As soon as it came into contact with his hand a flash of light shot out and filled the darkness as he looked at the palm of his hand to see a small black pebble. 

Yet as he took a closer look he realised that it wasn't a rock at all when he saw short vines sticking out from one side of it. That was when he realised that it was in fact a seed and not a rock.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Why is there a seed here of all things?' Haru asked as the whole situation was confusing to him. But just as he began to think about the situation before him a sudden pain hit him like a truck as the image of someone sitting within a cave came to his mind as words began to recite in his head over and over again.

'This seed of dark chaos is collected from the energy from the collapse and destruction of an internal world. Once you breach the foundations of life and construct a world of your own you will become God. Transcending all that is currently known and becoming a creator.

I leave the rest in your hands, Haru. And don't forget to find me when you step into that stage.' A voice called out as Haru recognised the voice all too well.

"Li Jun!" Haru called out in hopes that his teacher was listening but it seemed as though the words spoken in Li Jun's voice were nothing but a recording left behind on the seed as he looked down to see a small rune inscribed on the side of the seed.

'What does that even mean? What is an internal world and what do you mean by becoming God? Does he mean there are multiple gods or is this just an analogy for something else?' Haru asked as he assumed that the fact that Li Jun had said god and not god's meant that there was a creator to the universe and that probably had something to do with what he called Dark Chaos and internal worlds.

But he wasn't quite sure where he was going to go to find out more about those two things but as he was looking down at the palm of his hand everything soon faded to white as he heard another familiar voice. This time it was Ralph as he was standing in front of Haru with a look of confusion on his face.

"I sensed someone invades your soul ocean. What happened. Are we under attack? I will put the mansion on defence mode so it can kill anyone who has the guts to enter." Ralph said as Haru quickly stopped him.

"No, don't. It was just a message left behind by Li Jun. He left behind this strange seed and told me about some things called dark chaos and internal worlds. Do you have any idea what he means by that?" Haru asked as he figured that if anyone knew about such things it would be Ralph since not even Li Jun was sure about the origin of the person that created the mansion.

"He's trusting you with so much already? I guess he expects you to survive till the very end doesn't he? If that's the case then you had better gather as much strength as you possibly can and quickly. If I tell you anything more than he has just told you right now you will be put at great risk.

And as for that seed Throw it away. As far away from the mansion as you can possibly manage to." Ralph instructed as Haru looked down at the seed in his hand.

"What do you mean? Why would Li Jun trust it to me just for you to tell me to throw it away? Isn't it something important?" Haru asked as Ralph sighed.

"It is a seed that will grow no matter where it is within your soul ocean and will continue to grow and consume everything nearby. If you want it to get destroyed by the mansions auto threat system then by all means keep it with you and let it grow here. 

But if you want it to survive then put it as far away as you possibly can from this place." Ralph explained as it seemed as though Haru had gotten his hands on something really special that should be looked after. But he knew that the mansion's power was nothing to scoff at. He trusted Ralphs words and threw the seed as hard as he could into the distance as it shot through his soul ocean before disappearing into the distance.

"Good, now I heard from Lord Librarian that he let you take those three books but you were forced out of your soul ocean by something that was left behind by the previous owner of them before you could claim them. So he told me to tell you to go back and claim them the next time you came here.

He would do it himself but he is forbidden from leaving the library you see." Ralph explained as Haru wondered if Li Jun was the last owner of those books that Ralph mentioned.

'Li Jun rose to the top of the universe after a few years of reincarnation. It wouldn't surprise me if the secrets hidden within this mansion are what helped him do that. I wonder if I could discover more than what he did within a lifetime?' Haru wondered as he followed Ralph back to the library where he was met by the same librarian that was there the first time.

"You! You're back! Quickly! Follow me! I have been holding the seal open all night and it's tiring. Come and get the techniques already. I can't do this forever!" The old librarian shouted as soon as he saw Haru. It seemed like there was something that was stopping the restriction on the three books from being released completely and the best that the librarian could do was keep them available for a short amount of time.

"I'm sorry." Haru apologised for keeping him waiting and then quickly ran over to the three techniques and reached out his hand before placing it upon the one in the middle.

Suddenly his mind went blank as the information from the book burned its self into his head. 

'That's This is just what I needed. A cultivation technique that is compatible with me. I will be able to cultivate and use true qi just as soon as I consolidate my cultivation stage. It's still unstable for now but a couple of days cultivating should be able to fix that problem.' Haru thought as he proceeded to touch the other two books.

"Walk the line of life and death?" Haru asked as he was filled with the knowledge from the second book which seemed to be a movement technique that could either be used for travelling long distances or avoiding attacks that were targetted towards him.

'This will be useful too.' Haru thought as he touched the final book and was stunned for a few moments.

"Life and Death Palm." Haru read out loud as everything he needed to know about the book flashed within his head.

"This technique How is this fair!? This seems too good to be true. But there's no way that the information is wrong This will be the most useful thing by far." Haru thought as a smile formed on his face as the restriction on the books fell back into place as a slight green glow covered them and masked them into the background to the point where the shelf was barely noticeable to the point that if he didn't know what he was looking for then he wouldn't have seen it at all.

"Okay, now you better go back. That woman has been calling your name for a while now. It's getting a little bit annoying." Ralph said as he held his hand out towards Haru and forced him out of his soul ocean and back to the real world where Hong Xia was staring at Haru a little too closely.

"Hello!? Are you still alive?" She asked while waving her hand in front of Haru's face before he noticed her and quickly moved back.

"What is it!?" Haru shouted out as she stared at him with a judging gaze.

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