The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 364: [Bonus Chapter]Master Chu.

Chapter 364: [Bonus Chapter]Master Chu.

"You mean to tell me that the three clans are at war with each other? I never thought this would happen. That's certainly news to me." The cultivator said as he looked at Haru with a doubtful look for a few moments before realising that there was nothing he could do to check the situation for himself but judging by the look of relief on Haru's face when he found out that there was no way for the demons to track him down and the tone in his voice when he described what was going on he felt as though it wasn't a lie.

But if the universe was really at war then it was only a matter of time before the Kastron star system would be found again by the forces of the universe and that meant that the chaos out there would destroy everything they had worked hard to maintain in their own star system. 

"Yeah I feel as though I'm partially to blame for it but with my strength right now there is practically nothing I can do about it. So as long as I have a few years living peacefully here I can work towards getting stronger so I don't have to run anymore." Haru said with a sigh as he felt a little bit tired of the whole situation. 

The grudge the demon clan had with Haru was petty but it seemed as though they really wanted to get revenge on him for hurting their pride and having one of their leaders killed by Li Jun when he invaded Haru's soul ocean.

But as Haru thought about Suyin's death once again and how she was trapped within the soul cavern he became furious once again. Just the thought of her being stuck there alone was enough to make him wish that the demon clan was exterminated to the very last person. But despite his rage even he wasn't twisted to take the lives of innocent people within the demon clan. He really only wanted revenge on those leaders in power that were coming after him.

He calmed down after a few moments before the cultivator spoke out with a confused expression as he tried to make sense out of what Haru had just said to him but he couldn't quite understand.

"What do you mean by you are partially to blame. Why would the demon clan declare war over something you have done? I doubt they even remember the grudge that you have with them." The cultivator said as he seemed to understand that it was pretty common for the demon clan to hold grudges against people but he needed more details to be sure if it was something that they would take the time to track him down for.

But as Haru explained what had happened about him offending one of the heirs to the demon clan and killing one of their military leaders it became increasingly likely that Haru was the spark that caused them to jump to action and declare war but as he heard that they attacked the soul tempering grounds first it made him realise something.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"The soul tempering grounds you say? It's been a while since I have been there but my teacher was friends with one of the old masters there in the past. If they attacked the soul tempering grounds then that probably means they were after the grand formation crystal in the centre of the planet." The cultivator said as he raised his hand to his chin for a moment as he thought about it.

"The grand formation crystal? What is that?" Haru asked as this was the first time he had even heard that mentioned before. Although he hadn't heard of the name he figured that it was a special crystal used for formation but he was unsure as to how it would work.

"Well, I assume you know how formations are cast right? You use a rune from the dragon's language as a catalyst as their words contain Qi. But it's rumoured that before the dragons came about there was an ancient species that was created at the start of time. Their bodies were as hard as diamond and their power was far greater than anything heard of in the present. 

The great formation crystal is apparently the head of one of these beings that was found in the depths of an ancient ruin along with instructions on how to harness power from it. The crystal is a catalyst much like dragon runes but the effects of the formations that happen when it's used are on a much larger scale to the point where you could shroud a whole planet in darkness if you wanted to.

Although not much is known about the crystal, the founder of the soul tempering grounds locked it away in his sect on his own planet thousands of years ago, only to have it plant roots within the ground and begin to grow upwards like a tree, becoming more powerful with every year that passes." The cultivator said with a smile as he accounted what he knew about the crystal before Haru interrupted him.

"If it's that strong then why was it not taken by someone from the upper realm? Surely they would be interested in something like that, wouldn't they? I don't get why the demon clan in the middle realm would go after it." Haru said as the cultivator across from him erupted into a fit of laughter.

"The upper realm? They wouldn't have even heard of it before up there. The people there have no interest in what happens in the lower realms. They are far stronger than us in every single way and they don't even see us as a threat. Comparing anything from the middle realm to the upper realm is like comparing a drop of water to an ocean. That is simply how powerful the people of that realm are. 

I guess if they wanted to open a museum up for ancient objects then the grand formation crystal would be a nice addition to it but for anything related to gaining power from it wouldn't be worth the effort, since the weakest person in the upper realm is stronger than the strongest person in the middle realm by 100 times." The cultivator said as he soon stopped laughing and then looked over to the doorway as Haru also turned his head as he heard footsteps nearby.

"Come on in Xiu I've been waiting for you." The cultivator said as the young girl that Haru had met with Annabeth in the forest stepped into view before walking in through the door nervously and then coming to a halt as she saw Haru sitting on the floor with her teacher.

"What can I do for you Master Chu?" The girl said as she turned her attention back to her teacher and waited for his response.

"Well, I sent Annabeth out on a mission so it's your job to serve our guest here. Do you think you are up to it?" The cultivator said with a smile as the girl nodded her head.

"Yes, Master Chu. I can do it!" Li Xiu Said with determination as she clenched her fists together before walking to the corner of the room and picking up a black iron kettle with the emblem of a koi fish on it.

She then turned around and picked up a tray with two cups on it and placed a cup in front of her teacher before putting one in front of Haru before pouring the kettle into the cups to which they became filled with a red liquid. She then took a few steps back and smiled proudly for a few moments before her teacher smiled back in approval. 

"Sorry about that. I have a few requirements that my students must be able to do if they are going to learn from me. Serving tea is one of those things that I think everyone should be able to do so I have my students serve my visitors. I hope that it doesn't bother you. Do you have any more questions or should I send her away so we can talk privately once again?" Master Chu asked as he glanced between both Haru and his student awaiting his response.

"No, not really. I didn't come here for a chat in the first place. I wanted to find Annabeth so she could help me with something but since she isn't here then I guess it's probably for the best that I leave. Thank you for answering a few of my questions and explaining how things work around here. But I'm going to head back for now." Haru said before gulping down the tea from the cup in once and then turning to see that Li Xiu was still standing behind him.

"Thank you for the tea. It was delicious." Haru said with a smile but his tone of voice was still a little bit frightening to her but she nodded her head to acknowledge his thanks and then looked back at her teacher who seemed interested to know just what Haru needed help with.

"If, it's not too much trouble I could help you with whatever it may be. If it's something that only Annabeth can do I can always pass a message on to her if you would like to share it with me?" Master Chu asked as Haru turned back to face him.

"Well, I guess you should probably know this since it involves you too but I'm not sure how you would like to proceed with it," Haru said as he thought about it for a moment.

"That sounds serious. But like I said. If it's not too much trouble then I can help you with whatever it may be." Master Chu said again as he looked up at Haru.

"Well, those people who tried to kidnap your student. They thought it would be a smart idea to send an assassin to kill me earlier today. After a little bit of interrogation, he told me the exact location of their base. I was going to go over there and let them know that they are making a mistake by making me an enemy. I figured she would want to come along too but since you offering your help then I might take you up on it.

It would be nice to have someone as strong as you with me when I dish out some pain." Haru said with a smile as he thought that his joke would lighten the situation as Haru planned to kill them all for attacking him. But as he looked at Master Chu he realised that he didn't laugh or even smile he looked down at his hands with a serious expression for a few moments before looking back up at Haru and shaking his head at Haru.

"That's a really bad idea. Please tell me you didn't kill the assassin" Master Chu said with hesitation in his voice as Haru became relieved that he didn't kill the man like he originally wanted to but he was confused as to what had made Master Chu so nervous.

"I didn't kill him. But he will probably suffer from long term brain damage. Why would it be a bad idea though? Are they backed by someone strong or something?" Haru asked as Master Chu slowly lowed his head onto his hand and looked down at the table.

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