The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Atlas recorded all the data she collected into his system for safe measure and went past through all of them one by one.

'Wow, these are all detailed, she must have worked her ass off for all this info, and she was also working as an assistant for Joseph. Does she need extra money or something, ha..I will think about that later, after finishing this mission of course.

Hmm.. From the data, those mutated Kamilozes already killed and devoured plenty of humans and can be literally anyone but now that I am here they won't escape from my eyes."

"So where do we start from, you already know about my eyes, what should we do, senior?"



".oh, sorry, just went on a deep thought for a second. You must have a rough life huh, with those eyes and, and."

"And what?"

"...and I guess I will never be able to fully see you?"


Her eyes were slowly turning moist, looking like a drop of tear was going to fall down.

'...did she fell for me that hard? She looks like the world just crashed onto her. Damn! The 2nd stage really gripped her heart in what three hours.'

".... don't worry, I will always be by your side, Prince. I'm not afraid of such curses." Alina said rubbing her eyes from her elbows.


"Ok, change of topic. You have read all the data I collected right? If what you said is true then all the normal ones will be easily handled, the only ones troubling will be the mutated ones and those who have already taken human forms. So let's get started from the boundaries, slowly surround and kill them all one by one."

"I see, simple and effective. Then I just need a high point of view to look around the whole village, to identify as many as I can. You must know a place, right?"

"hmm..for that, the hill near the village is good. You can even see it from the window here."

Atlas stood up and walked towards the window. She was right, there was a hill. Not that tall, not that wide. Very good for viewing around, that wasn't the only hill around though, there were many, in fact.

'Is this village within a valley?'

Being curious, he used his "all-seer" and looked towards the hills and mountains and down towards the road as they were on the second floor.

'Let's look around here, maybe I will find some of them I suppose, those shapeshifting creatures can change their appearance but they can't just change their own inner organs, so it's going to be easy.'

He added his "X-ray" symbol to his "all-seer" and saw everyone's insides, it wasn't that clear but the blur images would still help to vary.

'Oh, found some, pretending to be a horse huh, kind of smart. Oh, there's a chicken as well, that's actually dumb really, hmm.. well they were easy to find, these all must be normal ones I presume...I can't see any people having their insides containing abnormalities. I guess they can't be found that easily.....wait is she the one?!!, looking clearly, no she is just pregnant. Congratulations I suppose. We need more of our race after all.

I should really find them by tracking their mana signature through "all-seer".'

Atlas reset back to his original "all-seer" and used his system to turn it into its advance form, observing more mana than usual, and as standard, the humans showed the same yellow-golden color, it was just that some had little, some had too much, showcasing people having different bloodlines.

He looked at the same creatures which he saw before, first the horse then the chicken and Walla, they show different mana signatures, showing gross green color radiating from within.

Knock! Knock!

"Oh the food is here, is your sightseeing over? Come on, Let's eat first, I'm starving from all the hours of body-numbing experience you put me through an hour ago." Alina said, playfully.

"yame too, I seem to have lost more energy than usual, forcing my hips to move that much." He said sarcastically.

" brute." She said as she opened the door.

"Hello miss. Alina, it's your lunch." Said a little girl, who looked at the age of twelve holding a tray with two bowls and two cups of drinks.

"aww.thank you, Lushly. Thanks for working hard as always." Alina said taking the tray from her.

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"heretake some tips."

Alina picked a silver coin from her storage ring and gave to her, making the child instantly happy.

"Thank you, Ms. Alinayay, I got a silver coin."

The child took the coin, joyfully jumping around the floor. Even though money was not problematic for the family, the silver coin was the first heavy tip. Alina patted her head with a smile.

"Keep working hard as usual, ok?"

"Ok, Miss!!!"

The child walked away, looking at the sparkling coin within her hands.

Alina gazed at her back with a simple smile and slowly closed the door. The little girl didn't saw Atlas as he was fully concealed but he saw both Alina and the little girl interacting wholesomely with kind and innocent smiles.

'Should I tell her?' He thought.

He saw her taking the trey near the table near him.

" should I say this.umm, that little girl.."

"is a Kamiloze." Alina said her smile disappearing altogether.

"yeah.., how did you know?"

"I already lived here for months and researched everything and anything about them and in those times what taught me the most is that trust no one and little lushly there a moment ago never takes tips without her mother's permission."

"I see. An Alibion adventurer indeed." He said fully impressed.

"haha..your eyes seem to work as you alleged, a black card nominee indeed," Alina said with a smile but with a hint of sadness, which didn't escape Atlas's eyes.

She was trying to show she was ok, but he already knew from little details and face expression detected from Advance 'all-seer', but he didn't really need his 'all-seer' to know how she was feeling right now.

' didn't just spend your time here just researching huh.'

She was still looking at the stew with a bit hollow eyes. She wanted to at least eat the stew in her memory but, the chances of it being poisoned were too high and she didn't want to take any risk.

"Don't worry, the stew isn't poisoned but the drink is. It seems that shit didn't get the chance."

"...I see, thank you." Alina said with a tad of relief.

"So let's dig in then." He said.

They both sat near the desk and started eating, the tender rabbit meat seasoned with spices, spices which were only found here making the taste unique on its own. The wild onions melted brown tomatoes keeping the soup of the stew tasteful. It was indeed a nice meal to have.

Alina eat and drank every last bit of the stew, sweeping the bowl clean like there was no food from the beginning.

"haa...that hit the spot.farewell Lushly, may the god of death behest you to your rightful place," Alina said with a bit sad tone.

"You know that I can take care of her alone right, you can handle the normal ones first."

"No, her mother still doesn't know. I need to tell the truth that she's already dead and the one she is caring and loving right now is a human eating imposter."

"Will she believe you then?"

" will be hard and she might have a breakdown knowing her only daughter is actually dead, giving that 'shit' a chance to skip but I have a plan. It might be cruel but it needs to be done."

"Ok senior, what's the plan then."

"First we corner that shit.."




" know that she will start to blame you even after the truth is revealed right?"

".i know, but it has to be done, the mission comes first. We can't let any casualties continue any longer."

"hayour decision senior, until night then?"

"Yes, we wait for the night and until then, we handle the normal ones."

"Already on it, wait right here."

"What? Aren't we going to the hill first?"

"It will take more time if we walk there."

"I do not get..."

Before she could say anything further, Atlas just vanished right in front of her eyes shocking her speechless.

"whwhat just happened? Prince? Prince?!! Where are you? Is this some kind of trick?"

She looked around the room, panicking a bit but didn't find him anywhere, she looked out the window if, by some chance, he just jumped out, but didn't found him outside either. The only thing she could see was the normal people who were doing their own normal stuff.

"Where did you go?" Alina said with a worried tone, still looking outside trying to find him.



Alina instinctively punched the person, who came out of nowhere startling her to the limit but to no avail, her punch was easily caught by the recognizable masked man.

"You got some punch in you, huh, do you only just use that longsword or there's something more I presume," Atlas said.

"....what? did you?...." Alina said, her mind still confused and surprised to bits.

Atlas let her hand go with a little giggle.

"I'm a proficient space symbol user, you see." He said with a proud voice.

"D..Do you me..mean you just used the le..le..legendary 'blink'?"

"yup, do you still have any doubts."

Another punch came flying to his mask but, Atlas easily caught it again.

"Why didn't you told me sooner? Scaring me out of nowhere," she said with a bit angry but worried tone.

"Well, would you believe me though? If I just said it without showing anything."

" have a point," Alina said begrudgingly.

"So let's get to matters at hand then."

"humph..don't think you will get away with this," Alina said, pouting her right cheek.

"Ok, ok. I get it, I get It," he said a bit apologetic.

"Let's go, you must already know their locations." She said.

With a final thud, she started walking in front like she was mad but a small smile flowered right after changing her bitter mood to a bit cheerful one.

'A literal shock really can change a person's mood huh' Atlas thought with a smile and walked behind her to start the coming festival of slaughter.


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