The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 175 Different Scenario (5)

A few minutes after the rather dramatical event, the situation inside the hotel calmed down once again ... Somewhat.

While the regulars knew Basil wasn't the type of someone who killed people on a whim, the other guests were terrified by him. They were afraid that Basil would suppress them, and treat them as he liked.

Due to that reason, all of them tried their best to act civil so the situation remained under control. Though some of them did it out fear, it was actually a good development.

Basil and the three students were already on the top floor chilling in the spacious guest room. Basil had taken his time to clean himself in the bathroom a few minutes prior—despite the lack of the need to do so—and the others were resting in the sofa.

While none of the students knew Basil was a clean freak, none of them had asked him his reason for taking a shower; they were too tired from facing the group of Demons that Basil had intentionally lured.

"Bloody hell! My feet hurt so much." Cray massaged his feet that were sprawled on the sofa. "I kicked too many demons!"

Whitney, who was sitting by Cray's side, massaged his forehead. "You have many options other than kicking them like a madman." He seemed tired from Cray's whining instead of the fight. "You are taking your role too literally." He sighed helplessly.

"Hey! I just did my job exactly as what I have learnt from the book. Four roles of Mage Formation: Overseer, Guardian, Slayer, and Madman! I took my role seriously, and splendidly!"

"That's why I told you you were taking it too literally!"

Ignoring the banter of the blonde duo, Iliana, who was on the opposite side of Whitney and Cray, turned her head to Basil. He was sitting right beside her with closed eyes, busy with whatever he was doing.

She was slightly irked that Basil had defeated her in the competition. She wouldn't be this irked if Basil had cheated to win it; she was irked because Basil didn't even cheat, but he had still won. Her pride as a Senior Mage was slightly hurt.

She was amazed nonetheless; she wasn't that petty to deny it. Still, she had never thought Basil would become that fearsome in just two months. His growth was simply monstrous; it wasn't a stretch calling him a genius amongst genius.

Of course as a genius herself, her competitive spirit was provoked. Therefore, she had determined herself to increase the amount of time she spent training her mastery. She couldn't hasten the process of her Circle Carving, but she could be better at her Art.

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Knock. Knock.

"Excuse me, Young Master. This is me, Poppy. I am here to deliver the meal."

At the voice, Cray stopped his banter with Whitney, and exclaimed. "The food has come!" His eyes lit up excitedly. "Come in!"

"O-Oh, yes." Poppy was a little bit overwhelmed with Cray's brightness.


The door opened, and Poppy came in with Cecilia who was pushing the trolley that was filled with all kinds of delicacies. Cray's mouth watered, and he would have already jumped at the food if not for the fact that Whitney was holding him back.

The two ladies headed to the right side of the room—slightly away from the sofa where the four people were sitting—where the dining table was located.

Putting the food one by one on the dining table in the room, Poppy and Cecilia made sure to not make any mistake due to nervousness. They could never get used to serving their Young Master; he was always giving off a unique aura that always made them nervous.

When all of the food was set on the table, they turned their body toward Basil; he opened his eyes at the exact moment. Glancing at the food briefly, he looked at Poppy right in her eyes.

"40 minutes, and you can cook this much ... Acceptable." Standing up from the sofa, he headed to the dining table. "I need you to tell me about the situation of the Barony." Sitting himself at the table, he glanced at Cecilia. "You may join too, Cecilia."

While Poppy looked pretty unperturbed, Cecilia bowed her head politely while hiding the smile of anticipation on her face. She was excited at the opportunity of having a dinner with someone as important as her Young Master.

Of course, she knew not to be impolite; she made sure all of her Young Master's friends had sat themselves before sitting herself at the table.

When the people started eating, the meal was only filled with the sound of utensils, and Cray's exclamation of how good the food was. Only after five minutes had passed did Basil open his mouth.

"What happened to most of the people here?" By "here," Basil was talking about Raneil Barony.

"Some of them managed to flee, and most of them are dead," Poppy answered immediately. "There are also survivors who are hiding somewhere in the Barony," Cecilia added.

Stabbing his fork at the juicy steak, Basil meticulously sliced the well-cooked meat. "What is the status of the Barony?"

Poppy stopped moving her utensils, and turned to Cecilia. Cecilia looked back, and smiled bitterly. "It is abandoned, Young Master," Cecilia answered. "Baron Kreiss Raneil was killed in his manor by the time the Monsters invaded," Poppy explained.

In war or any catastrophic situation, Abandoned Territory was a term used to call a territory that had lost its owner. It means either the owner was already dead or the owner had simply run away, leaving their people behind.

Basil nodded his head lightly. "Very well. How about the help from the Kingdom?"

"So far, there are only... 8 groups of Mercenaries that have arrived, Young Master." Cecilia was a little bit unsure with her answer. "There are also 10 Paladins standing by at the late Baron Raneil's manor."

At Poppy's word, the students stopped eating. They turned to her, before turning to Basil; they were looking at him with an understanding but complicated gaze.

Turning his gaze to Poppy, Cray curiously asked, "Why are you so up to date with what is happening in this Barony. Aren't you supposed to be cooped up inside here?"

At the question, Poppy hesitantly looked at Basil. He nodded his head lightly, as if telling her, 'Go ahead.' Turning her gaze back at Cray, she said, "We have a... Special department for that." Cecilia added, "It is originally for marketing purposes."

They three students knew it wasn't the case, but they didn't have any intention to probe the matter. They knew how secretive Basil was; they didn't want to unnecessarily annoy him by sticking their nose into his business.

"Any clue about why the Paladins are here?" Basil asked after some moment of silence.

Since Poppy wasn't that close with the Special department, she let Cecilia answer the question. "Unfortunately, we don't know, Young Master. They were already there since an hour after Baron Raneil's death."

Basil hummed to himself in contemplation. The situation had changed, and he didn't know what was actually happening; he didn't recall the Church had ever sent Paladins to help in an Outbreak.

His relationship with the Church hadn't become that bad for them to send Paladins to kick his arse, so he knew the Paladins weren't here for him. However, he didn't know why they were here either.

Unless they wanted to protect someone or looking for a heretic, they shouldn't be at Raneil Barony. At that thought, realization dawned upon him.

He turned his head to Iliana. "Do you receive any notification from Randalvine Magic Institute about the stationed students?"

"Notification? I believe—oh, there are many of them." Iliana was surprised to find there were three messages from Randalvine Magic Institute and two messages from Darius upon checking her Transmission Talisman.

When she listened to the message from Darius however, she clicked her tongue in distaste when he said Eugene was coming with him to Raneil Barony. "Tsk! That prick is coming here too?"

Basil didn't need to ask who the "prick" was; he knew it was Eugene. This way, he could easily deduce the Paladins were here to protect Eugene.

That also means, the Head Priest was already aware of the death of the Executioners he had sent to kill Basil. He knew Basil could easily slay Eugene, his protege, if he were to do nothing.

A cold smirk adorned Basil's face; he wasn't really bothered by the existence of the Paladins. It would be troublesome, but there was nothing could stop him from ending Eugene's life. He had his plan; it was flawless.

"Tell 'them' I am satisfied with their performance," Basil said to Cecilia while wiping his mouth. Trying to Poppy, he remarked, "The meal is acceptable too, Poppy. You are doing a good job." Poppy merely bowed politely at Basil's word.

Standing up from the chair, Basil headed to the door. "I am at the rooftop if you need something from me." Ignoring the bewildered gaze Whitney and Cray were giving him due to how quick he had eaten, Basil exited the room.

On the way to the rooftop, he asked the Guide, 'What is the situation in Woster County?'


[Initiating Visualization to solve the Host's puzzlement; target: Woster County...]

Basil's vision warped; he couldn't see the corridor of the hotel any longer, and he let his body moved by itself to the rooftop.

He was currently looking at Wisselton, the center of Woster County. The situation was peaceful there, as there was completely no one; he was sure all of them had moved to Randalvine.

Moving his vision to the County Hall, he could see seven Guards guarding it. All of them were uneasy, and it was apparent on their face.

When his body reached the rooftop, his vision moved to Ruttenhale Barony. A familiar scene greeted him.

Though not as bad, the battlefield that was decorated with bodies littering the ground, and the river of blood reminded him of the beginning of the Second Age of Chaos.

He observed the battlefield for a moment, before moving his vision to the Demon side.

Since it was already night, both sides were resting in their own camp. Of course, none of them were really resting as they were looking for an opportunity to strike back.

In the middle of the Demon camp, there was a haunted looking hut made from obsidian like structure—the general's resting place.

He was about to move his vision to somewhere else, when he remembered that Visualization also allowed him to see through buildings.

Using the ability on the hut, he immediately regretted his decision.

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