The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 181 Different Scenario (11)

The other students who were watching the exchange between Basil and Eugene slightly widened their eyes at Basil's passive-aggressive comment. Looking at Eugene who had flinched at Basil's gaze, they became even more worried of what would happen in the future.

Since they were aware of the history between the two, they were afraid something unwanted would happen. Darius was about to step up to lighten up the mood when suddenly Basil extended his hand.

"I've heard people become even more religious after surviving a disaster. I believe if you survived the Outbreak, you would not only surrender your body but also your soul to your Gods."

"O-Oh. So, that's what you mean? Ha-ha..." Eugene laughed awkwardly. He glanced at Basil's extended hand, before righting himself up. "Kuhum! Just for your information, Basil. The moment I chose to believe in Gods, I have surrendered my everything to them."

Grasping Basil's hand, he continued, "Therefore, I don't have to wait until the Outbreak ends to surrender my soul to the Gods; I've done it long ago."

"Well, that was my way to wish you look." Basil smiled faintly, and shook Eugene's hand. "May you survive the Outbreak."

"You too, Basil," Eugene replied with a smile.

When the two people let go of their hands, none of the students surrounding the two spoke for a few seconds; all of them were busy observing the two. Iliana had sensed the terror in Eugene's Mana earlier, and she was now busy thinking of what Basil was scheming.

While the others didn't feel the terror Eugene's Mana had conveyed, they could easily tell that troubles were bound to happen if they left the two alone in the same place. Therefore, all of them came to a conclusion that they should never let the two be in the same vicinity.

"It is already 8 in the morning, and I am famished." At Basil's word, everyone was awaken from their thought. "Since the food is ready, let us fill our stomach." Basil gestured at one of the empty tables.

"That is a good idea." Darius instantly agreed. Looking around at the talking students in the banquet room, he clapped his hand once to gather their attention.


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"Listen, everyone! I give you 20 minutes to have your breakfast. Right after that, we will have a meeting about what we will do as an aid here." Every student nodded their head, and Darius hummed in satisfaction at that. "Enjoy your breakfast."

Right after hearing that, all of the students stopped talking and sat themselves at the table that they had chosen firsthand. It was done orderly, and quietly; not even a minute had passed, but everyone already ate their meal with a small chat.

"Let us have our breakfast too." Iliana grasped Basil's hand, and dragged him to the unoccupied table, away from the other students.

"Well, I think I am going to join them." Cray pointed his thumb at the couple who had just left. "The foods there look delicious." Although Cray was aware that they were all served the same food, he didn't even blink his eyes at his stupid reasoning.

Darius turned to Whitney, and Whitney quickly shrugged. "You know me. I can't let this bloke alone, unless I want to ruin everyone's day." Whitney left with Cray right after saying that.

"Ha-ha. I guess I am going to join the others then." Eugene laughed lightheartedly.

Darius nodded his head lightly at Eugene, then said, "I'll be joining them too ... There are some things I need to hear from them." Turning around, he moved his feet toward the table that Basil and the others occupied.

Eugene gradually lost his smile, until his face became completely neutral. Looking at Basil coldly, he clenched his fist in silent rage. 'You have used up your luck, Basil. Soon, you will lose your life too.' Assuming his good person persona right after his inner monologue, he headed to one of the tables.

Iliana, who could feel the malice from the Mana Eugene had conveyed, glanced at him, who had seated himself, from the corner of her eyes. Clicking her tongue in annoyance, she muttered, "What is that pretentious prick planning to do?"

"There really is no cure for stupidity." Basil's comment slightly surprised Iliana, as she had thought she had said her word inaudibly enough. "He is exposing himself everytime I encounter him." An amused chuckle escaped Basil's mouth.

Just like Iliana, Basil could feel the emotion that was conveyed by every inexperienced Mage's Mana due to his abnormal sensitivity toward Mana. Naturally, he could also easily read Eugene's emotion.

In the past however, he became a Mage only after Iliana's death. That means, he didn't posses this ability until Iliana had inherited her heart—Magic Circles—to him. Therefore, he had truly believed Eugene had been a really good person in his last life.

Even though there had been some instances where he had doubted Eugene, he had always denied it ... That was, until Iliana's death; his eyes had been opened widely ever since. He had witnessed the outrageous betrayal right in front of his eyes on that day, and he could never forgive Eugene even after killing him.

"You should not provoke that prick too much, Basil." Iliana stabbed the roasted sausage on her plate, and took a bite out of it. "He himself is nothing more than a pebble. However, the people behind him," she took another bite, "are not the type of people the current you can mess with."

"I hope I won't hear another conflict occurs between the two of you," Darius commented, while looking at Basil.

"I am not going to start any, Darius."

"I am glad to hear that." Although Darius wasn't really convinced, he was sure he could prevent a conflict from happening between the two. He would definitely separate the two far away from each other. "Anyway, what really happened to you?"

Basil slightly raised his eyebrow, and asked, "Haven't you heard what happened?"

"I have." Darius nodded lightly. "What I want to ask is, how did you get out of there?" Misunderstanding Basil's silence as hesitation, he reassured him. "You don't have to worry about anything; your case is kept as a secret from the other students ... Except from us, and professor Alcott of course."

"Nothing fancy happened," Basil said casually. "I got the control over the Dungeon, constantly moving to avoid the Monsters, and got out of it when I had achieved a breakthrough."

Darius lightly frowned. "What about the Kinslayer?" He was equally intrigued, and sceptical of Kinslayer's existence. "I mean, is what you saw really a Kinslayer or it was just a High Grade Monster?"

Instead of answering, Basil took a sip of his drink; he had finished his breakfast. Interlocking the fingers of his hands, he put them in front of his chin, and gazed at Darius mysteriously.

"I don't know whether he is real, but I did fight him. What do you want his existence to be, Darius?"

"I think ... I am inclined to believing the fact that Kinslayers ... Still exist." Darius pondered many times about it, and he opted to believe what his friends had seen. "Still, I want you to keep it as a secret; no one will be happy if they hear about what you have seen."

Basil slightly raised his glass, and made an 'I got it' face. When he had emptied his glass, only then did Darius realize Basil had also finished his breakfast.

"What the... When did you?" Darius looked at the students in confusion only to find them giving him a 'first time?' look.

He was so bewildered, he even forgot to ask Basil what happened to the Kinslayer.


The breakfast had finished, and the students were now having the promised meeting. Darius and Iliana were in the front of the room, sitting themselves at the long square table that Familia Hotel had provided—they were leading the meeting.

"Raneil Barony had an area of 240 square kilometers. Since there are 23 of us, I will split the team into four teams, and station each team in four different spots. These four spots—"

"Excuse me, president!" A student raised his hand, interrupting Darius in the middle of his explanation. "Pardon me for my impudence, but may you tell us who is the extra person that will join our Subjugation?" He was actually asking about why Basil joined them.

"Just like some of the chosen first year students, Basil also has the duty to aid us in the hurdle we are currently facing. Therefore, he will join the Subjugation with us." Darius was about to explain more, but the same student opened his mouth once again.

"But sir, I believe he has no qualification to join the Subjugation that belongs to us, the Senior Mages." Many students nodded their head in agreement at this remark.

Instead of immediately answering, Darius chuckled lightly. "Why do you think Basil has no qualification to join us?" He asked in amusement. "He doesn't only have fulfilled the requirement to be a Senior Mage, but he also has the qualification to be registered in the top 200 list."

"What? Is President being serious?"

"The new kid has broken through to the Middle Realm?"

"He has become a Senior Mage? After only 2 months?"

"What in the Akasha's curse is this? That kid has become a Fourth Circle Mage?!"

Murmurs of disbelief filled the entire room, as they quickly turned their head to Basil who was too immersed in his Circle Carving; he looked like he was sleeping while sitting. Eugene clicked his tongue in envy at Basil's achievement, and his hatred for Basil grew even bigger.


Everyone's attention was gathered once again after Darius clapped his hand; upon receiving his stern look, the students quickly behaved themselves. Clearing his throat, he began speaking once again.

"Kuhum! Although he is not a senior student yet, Randalvine Magic Institute will make it official once everything ends, and if you are afraid Basil will risk killing himself, you can rest assured. Iliana will be there to guide him."

Waving his hand lightly, he put a stop to the discussion. "This matter is not relevant to our meeting; we can talk about it in some other time."

Infusing his Mana to his Spatial Bracelet, Darius took a Projection Talisman out. Putting it on the table, he infused his Mana to the small glass marble, and a map was projected right after.

Gesturing to the map, Darius said, "This is the map of Raneil Barony. We don't have any official information regarding the most Monsters populated area yet; the Kingdom hasn't sent anyone to investigate it. Therefore, this will be our first task."

Standing up, Darius looked around. "I will now split you into four teams, and I will announce the area where each team is stationed right after."

That way, the team assignation began.

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