The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 184 Different Scenario (14)

Everyone's attention was focused on the scene in front of them. While most of them were ready to attack whatever was coming at them, Basil and Iliana were as calm as ever.

Although they were ready to charge, one could see from their posture that they were pretty nonchalant about the situation. It was as if they already knew what was coming at them.


At last, when the three storey building in front of them was struck down, everyone could see what was coming at them. It was a grey furred dog like Beast with a fierce expression on its face; anyone would think it was a Saberwolf if not for its size.

However, its very size was the cause of the their bewilderment. What made them even more bewildered was the fact that the "puppy" landed on Basil's shoulder with a happy face in the next moment, and perched there as if nothing happened.


It even cutely rubbed its head to Basil's cheek. Seeing the pet like manner the "puppy" showed, a question that they had forgotten earlier popped up. 'How could a puppy strike down a building?!'

Even before they managed to think about the possibility of what caused the "puppy" to have such an immense strength however, their puzzlement was answered.


There was a 7 meters tall Minotaur Warrior right behind the collapsed building. It was looking straight at the people with its fierce eyes; its gigantic hammer was planted in the ground, signifying that it was the one who had struck down the building.

[Master! This guy is so annoying; he keeps chasing me!]

At the childlike voice, everyone's eyes turned to the "puppy." Although they could see there was a Transmitter around its neck, they were sure the "puppy" had just talked through its mouth, not through it.

While the other students who heard the "puppy" talked were flustered, Basil and Iliana quirked their eyebrow in curiosity.

"You can talk now, little guy?" Iliana asked with an amused smile. Though slightly different, she knew the "puppy" was Deacon.

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[Yes! I am amazing, aren't I?!]

Iliana chuckled softly, and patted Deacon's head.

"Interesting..." Basil understood what had happened to Deacon: Deacon had undergone another evolution.

He was the one who had told Deacon to leave Iliana, and hunt for Beast Cores ceaselessly for the past months, before meeting him when Deacon had attained evolution. However, the result of the hunt had far exceeded his expectation.

'By gaining the ability to speak, Deacon must have become a Fifth Grade Magical Beast—a complete King Saberwolf. To be able to reach such a stage ... I really hit a jackpot by taking him.'

Normally to be able to evolve that much, a Second Grade Magical Beast had to, at least, spend 5 years of diligent hunting—killing other Beasts, and ate their Core. To be able to evolve into a Fifth Grade Magical Beast in a year signified how fast Deacon's growth was.

Even if he had eaten so many Cores, his body still needed time to process it, which means it would consume more time.

Basil knew Deacon's immense growth had also been thanks to Hormonal Rush—the Catalyst for accelerating a Beast's growth that he had made. Still, he couldn't just belittle Deacon's natural potential. The Catalyst wouldn't have even worked in the very first place, if Deacon had a crappy potential.


The Minotaur Warrior, who had been watching the people in front of him for more than five seconds, let out a steaming breath out of its nostrils. It was irked that the two people in front of it minded the pathetic puppy instead of it.

"Why did you run away from it?" Basil glanced at Deacon, and gestured at the Minotaur Warrior.

[I didn't run away from him; I ignored him. Master was already in front of me—meeting my Master is more important—I didn't want to waste my time with fighting this pathetic Monster.]

Basil hummed for a while, before nodding his head. "Makes sense." He could faintly smell the scent of Minotaur's blood on Deacon, which means Deacon had fought some Minotaurs on his way; it was natural if Deacon was sick of them.

"Still, I need you to show me how much you have grown."

[Oh! Leave it to me then, Master. I will show you how amazing your disciple is!]

Deacon got down from Basil's shoulder enthusiastically with Basil's questioning gaze planted on him. 'When did I make him my disciple? Was there some kind of a miscommunication through our [Link]?'

As soon as it came though, it was gone even faster. Basil didn't think Deacon's way of calling him held any significance toward Deacon's performance; as long as Deacon was useful, Basil was fine with however Deacon thought what was himself to him.


The Mana contained inside Deacon's Core exploded outward, overwhelming his surrounding air. His body started to get bigger in each passing time, and his cute appearance was gradually replaced with the appearance that was befitting of a King Saberwolf.

Five seconds after, the small puppy was replaced with a 6 meters tall wolf with two fearsome fangs protruding out of his mouth. Even without looking at Deacon's current appearance, just his aura alone was enough to scare any Magical Beasts of the same grade.


In exception of Basil and Iliana, everyone's entire being shook upon hearing the sound that came out of Deacon's mouth. Not only was it filled by a quite overwhelming Mana, but it also brought a feeling of terror.


The Minotaur Warrior, who had suddenly felt threatened, was quick to take action. It was already charging toward Deacon, who was only a meter shorter than itself, and was ready to strike Deacon down with its gigantic hammer.

Deacon merely growled lowly, before opening his mouth; wind gathered in his mouth, forming a dense sphere of wind. When the Minotaur Warrior was already two steps away from him, Deacon shot the wind sphere out of his mouth.


The Minotaur Warrior was stopped in its track, before being thrown away helplessly to the back. More buildings were ruined, and it could only stop its launch when it was already 20 meters away from Deacon and the others.

p While the Minotaur Warrior was busily standing itself up from the ground, Deacon raised his head arrogantly and stepped forward graciously. His movement and manner would make anyone immediately think of someone.

Basil—Deacon's Master.

[Pathetic! I have encountered some Monsters that were smaller than you, but they were far stronger than you.]

Deacon's previously child-like voice was now replaced with a slightly echoing heavy voice; a genuine disdain toward said Demon could be clearly felt from his tone.

Deacon had encountered some of Lucilla's soldiers before arriving here. Though smaller, all of them had been stronger than the Minotaur Warrior, thus the disdain.

Of course comparing the Minotaur Warrior with the Lucilla's soldiers wasn't fair. The disparity in their prowess is apparent because of the environment they were growing up in.

Any Demon who managed to become a part of the Great General's Army was raised behind the Barrier that was produced by the Obelisk. They were Demons who had always won—who earned the right to remain there.

Different from the Demons that Deacon had encountered however, the Minotaur Warrior, though bigger than any other Minotaur Warrior who had come out of Dungeon Howl, belonged to the losing side.

Meanings, it had gotten expelled out of the Barrier in early age, and grew in a less competitive environment—the land of the living. Such Demon, naturally, possessed an inferior prowess to the Demon who had to compete in their whole life.

The Minotaur Warrior, though it didn't show any sign of intelligence, knew what Deacon was talking about—it was annoyed. When said Demon had stood up, it swung its gigantic hammer widely, destroying the ground and some buildings in the process.


Staring at Deacon fiercely, it charged forward with an unimaginable speed for a creature with such a big body. Deacon didn't show much reaction, as he merely snorted in ridicule, and raised his paw.

Scratching the air with his claws, four wind blades appeared in the air; they quickly moved toward the Minotaur Warrior. Instead of dodging Deacon's attack however, the Minotaur Warrior took it with his body. He received four deep gashes on his chest as a result.

[As expected of an unintelligent creature, you know nothing about difference in power.]

As Deacon had been pretty much fed up seeing the big, loud, and stupid Demon in front of him, he didn't want to waste anymore of his time. Gathering Mana to his feet, Deacon also charged at the Minotaur Warrior.

Different from said Demon however, Deacon possessed a speed that far surpassed its speed—befitting of a Saberwolf King. In result, Deacon reappeared in front of it in the blink of an eye.

With that big body of his, Deacon easily pushed the Demon down, and it was too bewildered to properly react.


It even lost the grip on its hammer—its sole weapon to attack. Of course, it didn't only have its weapon to attack Deacon; it still had its immense strength. Alas, Deacon was even stronger than itself, as he could easily suppress its hands with his paws.

[Next time, don't be a failure.]

Deacon said it lowly, but the humiliation it brought to the Minotaur Warrior was immense. Unfortunately, it didn't have any time to rage as Deacon bit into its neck, and tearing its head off in the next moment.


Blood spurted out of the neck, and the violent scene was witnessed by everyone. Casually throwing the Minotaur Warrior's head to the side, Deacon dashed toward Basil, and smiled brightly at him upon arriving beside him.

Uncaring to the bewildered gaze the five students in Iliana's team were giving, Deacon opened his mouth.

[Did I do great?!]

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