The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 293 Wrapping Up (End)

A pair of pointy horns with blue veins running through it; a silky, long blue hair; a very youthful, handsome look that made him look like a teenager who had just reached his adolescence—Goap hardly looked intimidating.

Given his white skin and not so muscular, lean body; his overall appearance made him look slightly like a woman. One would never consider such a person dangerous, if not for the fact that his Mana pressure could silence the entire battlefield.

Demons and humans alike could only silently stare at Goap in terror. Goap's current Mana was so ferocious, even without him actively exuding it, it disrupted the flow of the Nature Mana in the air, causing the wind to swirl around him.

His subordinates felt something different from him and that made them, too, feel uncomfortable. They knew, however, he was still the Prince they knew, so they didn't only fear but also admire the new stronger him.

"Look at all these eyesores—all of them think they are amount to something." Goap sneered disdainfully as he gazed over the crowd of humans. "To think that your King only sent you to face me... Laughable."

At the same moment he scoffed at the nervous crowd of humans, Goap extended his hand to the front. His Demonic Mana immediately swirled around the extended hand, putting an overwhelming pressure on the crowd.

Every Mage and Knight in the Legions the Five Princes were leading hastily generated a Barrier at that. They didn't even care about the grade of the Barrier they generated; they didn't have the leisure to generate a high grade Barrier.

Goap's attack was ready to hit them, and it would reach them in less than two seconds.

"You are lucky you are many."

As a dome covered the entirety of the Royal Army, isolating them completely from the Demons surrounding them, Goap sent a dark ball of processed Demonic Mana at them.

The ball collided with the dome protecting the people inside, producing a huge explosion as the two contradicting energy pushed against each other.

As the Knights and Mages of the Royal Army didn't combine their Qi and Mana to make one big Barrier, the dome protecting them was actually thousands of layers of Barriers generated by thousands of different of people.

The dome was by no means solid—the Barrier they individually had generated itself couldn't even be considered descent, but due to the amount of the individual Barriers, the dome still managed to prevail.

Crack! Crack!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Despite knowing that though, their heart still skipped a beat each time they heard a layer of Barrier broke.

The collision lasted for roughly ten seconds. By the time Goap's ball of processed Demonic Mana dispersed, only three layers of Barriers remained protecting the army.

All of them were glad that they were unscathed, but none of them felt it was appropriate for them to heave a sigh of relief. After all, they had been three layers of Barriers away from being obliterated by one person.

Gulping dryly as they watched Goap scoff lightly at them, they figured he had expected something like this to happen since the beginning, which was why he had said they were lucky they were many.

"You did fairly well, didn't you, humans?" Goap smirked at the people. "It was not that honourable, I know, but you still shall rejoice, for I, Goap, The Great President of Hell, will give you the chance to back away because of that!"

Goap was greeted with silence. Both sides, humans and Demons alike, were wondering what he was on about, and they were too bewildered to give a proper reaction.

While the Demons were wondering why their Prince would give the humans a chance to go away instead of immediately killing them, the Five Princes and the Royal Army were wondering about why Hell was brought up.

If their memory serves them right, after all, Hell was nothing but a place that religious people believed to be the place where all sins would be cleansed off sinners. It was something abstract—something that existence couldn't be proven.

Therefore upon hearing Hell being suddenly brought up—when Goap proclaimed himself to be the Great President of Hell, the people couldn't decide how they should react—whether to laugh or be afraid.

"Ah, you are doubting me—I see." Goap nodded his head in understanding. "Worry not, you shall. Your Prince was really touched by your tenacity to live, I have decided to reward you a chance to live a couple of days longer."

The Five Princes quirked their eyebrow as Goap completely misunderstood their doubtful look.

"I, for one, unlike humans, never break my promise. You may leave this place, and use the remaining days you have to spend it with your loved ones—I won't kill you here."

Squinting his eyes lightly as he washed the Royal Army with his overwhelming pressure, Goap smirked coldly.

"Of course, that chance will immediately disappear, if you decide to stay here and fight me. I can assure you, you will all die if that turns out to be the case." Spreading his hand, he continued, "Now, decide, humans!"

As the Royal Army personnels gulped dryly, they looked at their Legion Commanders, who were looking at the Prince leading them in anticipation. While all of them had pride to maintain, they unironically saw Goap's offer as a great deal.

Clashing once with him was already enough to deduce how strong he was if he used his full power. Every one of them was experienced enough to tell that, and because of that, they knew they would definitely lose.

Dying in the battlefield was an honor for Knights—despite so, none of them wanted to die in vain. They could easily predict the upcoming fight would hardly be able to be considered a fight, so they really wished their superior would decide to back away.

Looking hopefully at the back of the Prince leading them, the person who had the right to decide their fate—

"Hmph! Who do you think will take up on your offer, if you give it so easily? We can't help but doubt there is something to it."

—they were faced with a disappointment.

Even though only the Third Prince, Cameron who had shown his intention to refuse the offer, their face immediately turned sour. They were absolute that none of the other Princes would be willing to back away after that declaration.

"Now that I look at it carefully, given how powerful you are and how pitiful we are, there should be no reason for you to spare us," Aldrich remarked calmly. "You giving us that offer makes us think that you really are hiding something."

True to the Legion Commanders' and the soldiers' expectation, Cameron quickly gained a supporter. The supporter was a rather unexpected person on top of that.

Aldrich, unlike the brass Cameron, wouldn't normally act recklessly after all. As the oldest brother, he had always been the voice of reason when his three brothers were about to something stupid.

Therefore, the soldiers and Commanders were really surprised to see him agreeing with Cameron this time.

"A strong enemy doesn't offer—he ignores. Your reason for giving us that chance is either because you are not that confident in your ability or there is something preventing you to fight at your full power."

"We shall not take up on the offer!"

Soon enough, the Second and Fourth Prince also declared their decision to not take up on the offer. None of the Royal Army personnels under them could protest, but they still sighed very faintly in despair at that.

'This is the end,' they thought as they looked at Goap's unamused face.

Turning their head to the last Prince who hadn't declared his decision yet, they looked at Edward bitterly as they saw him discussing with Aaron and the other Legion Commander he was leading.

They wished the Prince in charge of them had also asked their opinion before deciding what to do with the offer.

Although they didn't know what the decision Edward would make, the moment they saw Aaron smile lightly, they knew it was something that Aaron and his subordinates liked. At that, they could only click their tongue bitterly.

"How many days will you give us to spend with our loved ones?" At Edward's question, the other Princes widened their eyes, whereas Goap smiled gleefully.

"Finally, a human who uses his brain!" Goap laughed lightly in delight. "That will be as many as the days humanity can last against me, young human. Worry not however, I can assure you, you will get 5 days of peace if you leave this place now."

"Can I assume that your reason for giving us this chance to leave is because you want to go somewhere? You want to do something more important somewhere else, and thus you don't have the time to play with us?"

"That is... Wonderfully correct." Goap smiled lightly. "You are not the brightest young human I have ever seen, but seeing you amongst these donkeys is really elating."

"I thank you for viewing me that highly." Edward put his hand on his chest humbly.

"Now, decide, young human." Goap gestured at the Princes who had refused his offer. "Be these donkeys or be a smart human? I will tell you in advance that I will help you leave this place if you decide to accept my offer."

"Edward, my little brother, never should you listen to the word of an immoral creature, who claims it is superior to us!"

"Edward! Accept it, and we shall stop being brothers!"

"Royal Brother Edward, shall you accept the offer, you will bring nothing other than shame to our Kingdom."

"Younger Brother, you shouldn't be fooled! Have faith in our soldiers, and stay here!"

Hearing the encouragement to not accept the offer from his brothers, Edward merely sighed and shook his head helplessly. Glancing at Aaron briefly, said Commander immediately nodded his head resolutely.

"What a bunch of imbeciles with inflated ego," Edward muttered to himself. "Believe in the soldiers? Have they even listened to the soldiers."

Scoffing in amusement, Edward raised his hand. "Take me and my subordinates away from here, and let us meet again in the future."

"Splendid!" Goap exclaimed with a bright smile.


"What does this mean?!"


"Take your words back, Edward!"

Being glared at with such hate by his brothers, Edward didn't even flinch. "You are digging your own grave. This is a chance for me to wrap my problems up—to remove my obstacles in one go, so I can't let this pass."

As Goap snapped his finger, Edward, along with the two Legions he was leading disappeared in a flash ... The last thing his brothers could see on Edward's face was a smirk—a gleeful smirk.

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