The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 372 After Two Years

In one of the Professor's offices in Randalvine Magic Institute, an otherworldly handsome man and an equally beautiful woman sat facing each other in a big sofa.

Both of them had a shining intricate symbol carved on their forehead. One was shining in white, meanwhile the other was shining in gold.

The man's hand was on the forehead of the woman. He was imparting the woman some knowledge regarding their Clan's Secret Art through a Magically advanced way.

The two people were none other than Basil Pacifer and Ione Pacifer. Like they always did whenever they weren't busy with their own training or work, they were sharing each other's knowledge to further strengthen themselves.

When Basil deemed he had shared enough, he immediately deactivated his Pacifer Seal. His golden irises slowly faded as they returned to their original colour—brown.

He took his hand off Ione's forehead, prompting her to open her eyes. They gleamed in delight as she deactivated her Pacifer Seal—it was easy to tell she couldn't wait to practice what she had learnt.

"As expected of My Lord, your knowledge is just as vast as the Maha Dmitra's," Ione remarked in reverence. "It is extremely mind-boggling to think that My Lord has learnt all of this by himself."

"Is that your implicit way of saying the time you have spent training under the Maha Dmitra was a waste?"

"I dare not!" Ione shook her head. "However, if I am given the choice of who I prefer to learn under, I will definitely choose you. Your teaching is way more... Enlightening."

Although Basil added his own twist in some part of the Pacifer Arts he had learnt, the reason why all of them were so enlightening for Ione was because his mother was a talented Maha Dmitra.

Basil had gotten all of the knowledge about the Arts from his mother. What he had learnt was according to his mother's understanding towards the Arts, so his mother really played great role in making them more "enlightening."

Of course, Basil couldn't just tell Ione that she should thank his mother, so he just nodded his head in acceptance.

"How is their progress?" Basil asked as he got up from the sofa to make a tea for himself and Ione. "Do you think they really learn something from your teaching?"

Ione stayed silent as she observed the 2 metres tall man in front of her. His hair was tied in a high ponytail, leaving his long bangs decorating the sides of his face—a style that was commonly found in the East.

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Ione still wondered why Basil suddenly changed his hairstyle; but, regardless, she thought it suited him very well. He dressed himself in a suit and a robe, so he looked like a descendant between a Noble Westerner and a Noble Easterner now.

"That kid, Xiu Li is ready to graduate," Ione remarked. "He has managed to turn his fourth Magic Circle that was a Major Circle to a Grand Circle. Holding him here will only limit his growth."

"That is indeed the case," Basil agreed. "If nothing happens, he will be able to graduate next month after taking the graduation exam."

"Is there something going to happen, My Lord?" Ione quirked her eyebrow in curiosity.


Basil put the teacups on the table in front of the sofa, and sat opposite Ione. He took a sip of his tea before answering her question.

"Although people still get the nightmare about the Outbreak that happened two years ago, the last two years have been quite peaceful. You would think the world would be more busy after the Outbreak, but that's not what happened."

"... Indeed. The world has been treating it as if it had never happened."

"Suddenly however, six months ago, a notion about an alliance army was brought up to be discussed. In a week from now, a summit meeting between the Kings of the five Kingdoms will be held. The topic is about the alliance army."

As Basil put his teacup down, Ione gave him a pondering look. Although she got there was something fishy about it, she couldn't tell what they should be careful about.

"The Church will also be part of the army. In other words, they will hold more authority than they originally have." Basil exhaled lightly. "We need to be more careful since Anthony won't be able to help us when they got ahold of our tails."

Ione lightly frowned. "There should be no guarantee the alliance army is going to—"

"It will happen, Ione—the forming of the alliance army," Basil interrupted. "They wouldn't be bothered to have a summit meeting if they didn't want to realize it."

"Even if that is the case, why should we worry about the authority the Church has over the alliance army? They won't be able to do anything to us with that authority."

"You, Iliana, and I can't run away from the alliance army," Basil stated simply. "Exempting three outstanding individuals from the army is the same as throwing a diamond into a dustbin: it's a waste."

"I am sorry, but I don't get where the concern is," Ione said awkwardly.

"They will be able to create a scenario where we have to use our 'specialty' to survive. In a day, the word about the three of us being blasphemous heretics will be spread throughout the Human Empire."

"With how bad their reputation is here..." Ione tried to reason, only to doubt her own reasoning.

"Although many will disagree, the Church has too much power to consider the opinion of those who disagree with them." Basil shook his head faintly.

"They only need one 'evidence,' and no one will be able to say anything after the Great Pontiff tells his subordinates to hunt us. The Empire, I assume, will also give them support, so Anthony will definitely turn a blind eye on the situation."

After interacting with Anthony for two years, Basil could see his passion for bringing his Kingdom to a greater era. He was a good King who would do anything for the Kingdom, which was quite surprising for Basil.

Anthony was sure Basil would be able to bring the Kingdom to a new greater era, which was why he really cherished Basil. Because of this, he always shooed the pesky pests away from Basil even without Basil asking him to.

When the matter escalated however, Basil was sure Anthony wouldn't dare to do anything. The Human Empire, after all, would be involved—he wouldn't dare to risk losing his Kingdom.

"Then, what we have to do is..."

"Secure our position in the army," Basil completed. "As long as we have a solid standing there, we won't have to worry about their scheme, because we will also be able to scheme against them."

"Is that why you are going to leave next week, My Lord?" Ione's eyes widened in realization.

"Yes. I will accompany Anthony to the summit, and secure our position."

As usual, Basil was ready when a concerning thing was about to happen. He already had ways to take on the ordeal, and Ione couldn't help but be amazed.

It seemed to her Basil had even foreseen something like this would happen, which was why he didn't look surprised when it was happening.

"Behave casually, while I am gone later," Basil reminded. "You are no longer a stranger in this Kingdom, so you don't have to look guarded whenever I am not around."

"I will keep that in mind, My Lord."

"Very well. Now, treat me casually, because someone is about to enter our office." Not long after Basil saying this, the door of his office was opened.


"Excuse my rudeness, Professor!"

A student came inside the room. He stood uprightly in front of Basil's desk, but couldn't help buckling when Basil pinned him with his gaze.

"Tell me your business, student," Basil said stoically.

'Gah! He is no older from my brother, but his pressure is simply ridiculous! As expected of the Mythical Slayer,' the student thought. "Kuhum! L-Legion Commander Iliana is expecting you in the Arena, P-Professor."

Glancing at Ione briefly, Basil immediately shook his head the moment she blinked her eyes. Just like him, she also wasn't informed of Iliana's return from her Mission.

"You are sweating coldly. Did she threaten to kill you?"

"N-No, Professor. Not me." The student shook his head. "Legion Commander Iliana threatened to destroy the whole Arena if you don't come in a minute."

Realization dawned on the student in the next moment. "Now that I think about it... It's already close to a minute, isn't it?" His eyes darkened as he remembered why he had been in a hurry.

Sighing lightly, Basil snapped his fingers once. In the blink of an eye, all the three of them were teleported to the Arena in the Magic Institute.

Standing imposingly in the center of the Arena with the 6 metres tall Deacon behind her was Iliana. She was clad in her Vanadium Armour, which was against the rules of the Royal Army that obligated its members to wear a white or golden armour.

By this point, her "deviance" was already well-known. Whenever one mentioned her name, one would immediately think about the the currently bmost troublesome but most outstanding Legion Commander.

She was liked by everyone due to her way of treating them. Although she looked cold all the times, she did a lot of kind things implicitly to people she deemed worthy of her kindness.

"59 seconds. Another second, and you would destroy one of the Institute's facilities!" Iliana exclaimed with a smirk. "I didn't know the famous Basil Pacifer was this tardy."

Knowing where the talk was going to, Basil couldn't help sighing helplessly as he approached her. It was always the same pattern; so, of course, he knew what she would do next.

Everytime she came back from a long Mission, Iliana always had a few hours of being petty due to her fatigue. She just wanted to be spoiled by Basil, but she would ask it in a really roundabout way due to her pride.

"Must have been nice spending weeks alone with your sexy assistant, huh, Professor Basil?"

She would always act like a jealous wife, even though she knew she was basically throwing Basil false accusations. Fortunately, Basil knew the right way to placate her.

Snapping his fingers once to Seal the Arena, he kissed Iliana without saying anything. Iliana wanted to pretend she hated it, but she ended up being to eager to return it.

Ione couldn't see what was happening, but she still could tell. She couldn't help shaking her head bitterly at Basil's consideration—it seemed he had realized her growing feelings towards him.

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