The Manipulated Villainess

Chapter 11 - Help Me Out

"What's that?" The Prime Minister frowned. "Did you keep your daughter in check?" He inquired Garcia Han.

Garcia Han snickered at his words. "Mr. Jung, are you deaf? Your son is the one who said and did everything. Are you sure that you have him under your control?" She calmly took a sip of wine, hiding her anger.

The Minister of Justice goes by the principle 'Never show your weakness even in front of your allies.' She became the most powerful female politician because she abode by this one principle. She never had full trust in anyone!

Peter Jung was feeling intimidated by her and at the same time, he was feeling embarrassed. He swallowed his pride and said, "I will confront him for that," which earned him a chuckle from the devil. It was much more like a mocking chuckle.

"Mr. Jung, a smooth talk is never enough when it comes to disciplining your child. You know how I handle my daughter. Have you ever heard or saw her defying me?" She stated in a calm manner.

"It's easy for you because she is not your real daughter." The words slipped from the Prime Minister's lips, which he regretted right away.

Garcia Han roughly put down her knife and fork. The sound startled the Prime Minister and made him feel more intimidated! She looked at the man straight in the eye. "Say that once again and I will make sure you pay for that." Her voice was dreadfully low which could send a shiver down the Prime Minister's spine!

She grabbed a tissue and clean up her hands while staring at him the whole time. "About the marriage, let's give them some time. Postponing a bit is not a problem. Besides, we still have time before the election."

She grabbed her bag and rose from her seat. She was about to walk out of the room but paused before she reached the door. She turned around and said, "One more thing. Don't forget to teach your son a good lesson. You know, kids love to go astray when you don't often remind them of their place." She then left the room with an amusing smile.

Maybe because of what she just witnessed, she strangely finds her future son-in-law very amusing. Did she judge him wrong two years ago?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Peter Jung was the Prime Minister but it was only a nominal position which doesn't have real powers. The real power belongs to the President and the Ministers including Garcia Han. It was why she behaved so high even before him! Besides, she might even become the next President and if that indeed happens, she would become the most powerful person in the country!

No matter what, he couldn't afford to offend her. He was not powerless but he can't compare to the devil!

* * *

While the two politicians were having a heated conversation in the private room, Nicole followed Leon till the garage. She didn't understand what exactly did her fiance was thinking but she knows one thing. She was safe from the wedding at least for now.

"Will you let go of my hand?" She finally said when they reach their car. Leon was still grabbing her on the wrist and she was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Sorry." He swiftly withdrew his hand from her and placed inside his pocket. The curious and strange look that she gave him since the private room made him more and more nervous as each second passed!

"I'm grateful that you help me out there. But Leon, will you be able to handle the consequences? Your father is not happy with what happened." She pointed out how they had no say in their life. But this man was much lucky than her as he dared to opposed his father, but that doesn't mean he would be free from facing the consequences of his actions.

"I didn't help you. I only help myself because I don't want to be forced to talk comfortably to the Minister of Justice like they want you to. Besides, I'm too busy to prepare for the wedding. Love or not, it's still a wedding which must not be taken lightly, am I right?" Leon scoffed.

He didn't want her to get the 'wrong idea' that he defied the two greedy politicians for her! He turned his head away from her as if he didn't care about her at all.

"I understand. Then I'll get going." Nicole take out her car key from her purse and was about to get on her car until she heard her fiance said, "Where do you think you're going? Didn't we declare that we have a date in the museum and a dinner?"

She glanced at Leon and simply said, "I don't think you mean that."

"Well," he rubbed his temples and take a step closer to her which really startled the latter. "Whether I mean it or not is not important. What's important is that the two power-hungry persons at the restaurant believed what I said." His gaze never left her the whole time.

Nicole frowned when she realized that her fiance had a point. "Do we really need to go to your museum together?" She used to think that this man was nothing but a troublemaker. But sawing all his behaviour and how he acted guiltless with a seemingly innocent smile, she came to the conclusion that there was much more in him than what eyes could see.

"We can skip that and only eat dinner together. If they know that we go home together after dinner, I think it will be enough to convince them." He opined but when he looked at her expression, he pursed his lips. "Don't give me that look. Do you think I want to have dinner with you? We are not even close." He added bluntly.

Nicole narrowed her eyes. "It's not like that. The thing is..." She trailed off and look at him again. "I have a very important dinner meeting tonight." Her words were followed by a heavy sigh.

Why did everything become so messed up today?! First, it was Aston Kang, the top celebrity. Then, it's her stepmother and the Prime Minister. Now, it's her fiance!

"Then it's impossible today. I'm leaving." He raised his right palm as a sign of goodbye and turned his back at her.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" She grabbed his arm, imagining what would happen if the devil was to find out their lie. She wanted to prevent it by any means! "Help me out." She pleaded.

He turned around again and sighed. But he knows very well that it was the first time she ever asked for his help! In the past, she never bothered to talk to him. But it was mutual as he did the same.

"What?" He asked with an annoyed face.

She showed him a pleading smile and reluctantly said, "Can you wait for me while I have the meeting and take me home after that?"

Leon could feel his jaw dropped to the floor! Did she just asked him to wait while she will be having a dinner?! He finds it hard to believe his own ears! He narrowed his eyes at her as she was shorter than him by a few inches, while the woman gave him a pleading look.

After a few seconds, he responded by saying, "No."


"Because I don't want to."


"Sorry but it's still a NO."

"You can't just back out like this while you are the one who dragged me into this mess! You mentioned dating without even consulting me!" She retorted.

His eyes twinkled with mirth when he heard her but it was only for a very split second. So, she also knows how to raised her voice? He thought that she only knows how to keep quiet without a protest!

He never knows that she could be this talkative! The words she said to him during the last few minutes might already surpass all the words he heard from her during the past one year!

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