The Manipulated Villainess

Chapter 177 - Don't Forget What You Said

"Seems like you think that you know me well, Mr. Prime Minister but you're wrong." Joshua Kim firmly declared. "My loyalty is still with the Lim's and while Cassandra is in danger, I don't care about anything else. So, I won't repeat myself."

Joshua Kim glanced at his wristwatch and shifted his gaze back to Peter Jung. "It's 9 a.m. now. If Cassandra didn't come back before 1 in the afternoon, you will see how I'm not joking around. If you lay a hand on her, I will never forgive you."

Peter Jung finds himself in a dilemma. He knew that Cassandra Lim would already suffer a lot by now but Joshua Kim wanted her back safe and sound. If he says about this, he was sure that Joshua Kim won't be still and that's a huge risk.

He still remembered Joshua Kim in his prime. He was more than capable and reliable. If it was not for him, Andres Lim won't achieve so many things and instead, the late Moyan Boss might even meet his downfall years ago! Joshua Kim wasn't one to be underestimated, especially in this situation.

"Alright, but you should hand over all the evidence to me if I am to do as you said," he said to Joshua Kim.

"As long as you met my demands, you will have what you want."

"Don't you think it will only be fair if we exchange it at the same time? What if you go back on your words after you reunite with your leader?" Peter Jung said.

Joshua Kim gave a quick thought and said, "Fine. However, I will be the one making all the plans. I have to make sure that you don't play your dirty trick."

The Prime Minister knew that he was the one with the limited choice here, at least for now. So, he nodded. "I agree."

"Then I'll contact you," Joshua Kim said and losing no time, he gets inside the car with Jaxon and they drove away from the place.

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Staring at the disappearing form of the car, Peter Jung clenched his fist in anger. Then he turned to Daniel Gu who was standing a step behind him. "Cassandra Lim is not in a good condition and if Joshua Kim sees her like that, he won't be still. We need to find a way to stop him. We don't have much time."

* * *

Nicole was alone in her office when Colin Park came to meet him. Now that Cassandra was kidnapped, she was more than displeased to see this man. However, she can't let them know that she was acquainted with the Moyan Boss as it will only draw suspicion.

The Chairwoman also knew Colin Park's purpose in meeting her. Peter Jung must tell him to check on her. Last night incident made them grew suspicious of her but she already saw this coming.

"What brings you here, Director Park?" she asked as they both took a seat on the couch.

"I just want to ask how the preparations are going, Chairwoman. And also if you need any help," Colin Park said with a seemingly innocent smile.

"Thank you, but I'm doing fine. I don't think I'll need help," Nicole said. She faked a little smile and feigned ignorance.

"I'm glad to hear that, Chairwoman," Colin Park replied. On the inside, he was feeling quite a pressure, wondering what would he do to know her real intentions.

Nicole stared at the two-faced Director and slowly, her fake smile faded. "Are you here because of last night incident?" she asked. This time, her voice was cold just like how she used to treat him in the past and it startled Colin Park. He quickly thought of a way to clarify himself.

"It's not like that, Chairwoman. The Prime Minister -"

"I don't know what the Prime Minister is looking for. However, I'm not pleased by last night's intrusion. He even ignored my guards and forced his way in with his guards," the Chairwoman uttered. She maintained her voice firm and her gaze never left the Director.

Sly or not; Nicole knew a lot about Colin Park's nature as she had known him for years. He might be cunning and wicked but... he easily gets intimidated. That was his weakness and she often took advantage of it.

"Please don't feel offended. The Prime Minister is searching for something very important. He is desperate and maybe that's why he acted like that. I apologize on behalf of him," Colin Park promptly said. He still hoped that things could go as planned and he wanted Nicole's help for that to happen.

Whatever her relationship with Leon Jung was, he was convinced that she would never find peace with her stepmother of all people. If only he knew how unique the young Chairwoman was!

When Nicole didn't say anything, the Director spoke up again.

"Chairwoman, may I ask you if you still maintain a good relationship with your ex-fiance?" he cautiously said, reading Nicole's every expression.

"Leon?" She raised a brow and then nodded. "We're on good terms. Why are you asking me that?"

"Never mind," Colin Park promptly said with his too fake of a smile. "Please inform me once you're ready. I'll be waiting." He rose from his seat and walked out of the office. Then he called Peter Jung right away.

"Hello, it's me. I don't think the Chairwoman has other thoughts but... if you want to make it clear, we can follow the plan and test her."

After a few more chats, he ended the call and went to his office.

Meanwhile, Nicole wondered what the two men might be up to. They wouldn't be able to trust her easily. That's impossible unless they were a fool. What did they plan again?!


Nathan Woo's eyes grew wide when he read the contents of the letter in the envelope which he received. It was 11 a.m. and he knew that Aston would still be working. So, he decided to not disturbed him.

As such, he quickly takes out his phone and called his right-hand man, Kyler. "It's me. Gather our men and set out right now. I'll send you the address."

When he put down his phone, what Jaxon told him in the morning crossed his mind. He knew that Jaxon was still working with Joshua Kim in rescuing Cassandra and he didn't want to bother him in case something goes wrong. So, he gets prepared and left his house right away.

* * *

Cassandra stared at Mathias who just walked inside the room again. After staying for a while here, she often heard the sound of vehicles and guessed that she must be inside the city. A villa, perhaps?

No matter what, the action and behaviour of the leader still troubled her a lot. He seemed quite different in a strange way. It's hard to guess what he was up to. Besides, why did the torture and questioning stop since last night? They still haven't got the answer they want.

Now that they know her weakness, it might be a lot easier if they give it a try again.

Like he always did, the young leader took a seat opposite her again. However, he didn't say anything but once in a while, he would stare at the phone in his hands. Was he waiting for a call?

Maybe. His phone finally went off after a few minutes. Then he quickly picked up the call. "I'm listening."

Unlike last time, he was more than calm when he listened to the other person on the other line. Then he spoke up again.

"Alright. Do as I said before."

He briefly glanced at Cassandra who was staring at him the whole time. Turning away, he shifted his attention back to the phone call. "Don't make me repeat myself." Then he ended the call.

"What is it this time?" Cassandra asked. Though she had already suffered a lot, she still had that defiance in her gaze just like the time she was captured.

"You're a curious person, Miss Lim. But I don't think I'm obliged to tell you everything," Mathias simply said.

"You won't go away with this," Cassandra uttered but Mathias simply smiled this time too.

"I'll wait for that time." He narrowed his eyes at his wristwatch and rose from his seat. "Don't forget what you said." Then he walked out of the room again.

Feeling stunned, Cassandra stared at the empty door for a while. What was that man talking about?! However, it was just a matter of time before she witnessed the thing that shook her to the core!

The door was suddenly pushed open and the one who entered this time was... Nathan? For a split second, she thought that she was hallucinating. This was impossible but...

She froze when she felt Nathan's touch on her body! This wasn't a dream?!

"Cassandra, are you alright?"

Bending his knees beside her, Nathan Woo was really calling her name! How was this possible?!

When the leader's last two sentences crossed her mind, she blinked. Did he just... let her go?!

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