The Manipulated Villainess

Chapter 196 - Successfully Tamed

Was he just told to kneel before the man who killed his father and destroyed his family?!

Aston Kang could feel how every inch of his body was fighting against it.

Not only did Peter Jung killed his father, but that incident also separated his family. His mother took her own life and he almost died too! Then even his sister was forced into submission by this monster for years!

But now... the life of the woman he loved was in this man's hands.

"Why?" Peter Jung asked when he noticed how reluctant the actor felt. "Is your pride more important than her life?" he asked with a mocking tone.

Aston slowly shifted his gaze to Nicole who shook her head. She didn't want him to lower himself before the man who destroyed both of their families! However, one nod from Peter Jung and Daniel Gu take out a knife. He pressed it against Nicole's throat and soon, Aston noticed the slight blood coming out!

He couldn't think anymore.

"Please stop!" he shouted and quickly turned back to Peter Jung. "I will kneel. I will beg. I will do whatever you want! Please don't hurt her!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hearing this, there was a little smile on the Prime Minister's lips. Then he nodded to Daniel Gu who withdrew the knife from Nicole's throat. However, a handgun was still pointed at her head.

"If you make up your mind sooner, you won't have to witness that," Peter Jung remarked, sarcastically. Observing Aston from head to toe, he continued, "You won't want that to happen again. Next time, it will be more severe."

Aston understood that it was a warning. He must quickly comply with his order if he didn't want to witness such a scene again.

He clenched his fist and braced himself. Of course, her life mattered more than his pride. It even mattered more than his life, in his opinion. Why must he feel hesitant and make things more complicated?

This time, he refused to look at Nicole again as he could sense how she was still shaking her head. She should know that he won't let her die this easy. That he will be willing to do anything to save her. He always made himself clear in that matter.

Finally yet slowly, he dropped to his knees, kneeling in front of the man he loathed the most! The scene made Nicole shut her eyes as tears rolled down her face! She knew that if he was threatened with his own life, he will never do that! But it's her life and to him, it mattered the most.

"That defiant gaze isn't persuasive for someone who is about to beg for something," Peter Jung pointed out. Soon, there was a satisfying grin on his face, tasting the sweetness of victory. He was so eager to let this happen ever since he finds out what this actor did behind him! He was the one who ruined him and his years of effort!

Aston Kang could do nothing but swallowed the insult along with his pride. Then he let loose of his hands which were tightly clenched. The moment he lowered his gaze, he resembled a once ferocious tiger who was now successfully tamed!

"Please spare her life," he begged Peter Jung. "I will do anything you want."

His voice. He sounds so broken and desperate that it broke Nicole's heart! She struggled, wishing to break free and helped him up. However, the rope that held her in place was so firm and it almost made her crazy!

"Anything?" Peter Jung asked with a smirk. "Will you give up your life then? You know I will be very pleased to see that."

Aston Kang didn't respond. He didn't have to as he was sure that he didn't have a choice here, not when Nicole was still in his mercy. Peter Jung's smile grew wider and he suddenly lifted his foot and placed it on Aston's shoulder, pushing him down until the latter was on the floor.

He was skilled enough to defeat a middle-aged man like Peter Jung but... he can't defend himself when he saw Nicole a few steps away. Soon, the abusive Prime Minister started kicking him mercilessly. He violently coughed as pain invaded his whole body.

He noticed how much Nicole struggled to break free. He also knew that she will be dying on the inside right now but... at least, she was still alive. He could only hope for his friend to reach soon.

When Peter Jung finally gets bored of what he did, Aston tried to push himself up. With his whole body burning in pain, he struggled to do that. However, he finally succeeded after trying a few times.

It wasn't his first time experiencing such torture. Lester Yun had done it to him, twice. He wasn't just the type to break easily.

When Peter Jung saw him get back on his knees, there was an amusing smirk on his lips. "I see you're quite a tough one to break," he remarked. "You indeed have the blood of Ethan Min in you."

Hearing him mentioning his father's name without any remorse hurt Aston even more than the torture! He hardly fought against the urge to fight back and the helplessness was tearing him apart on the inside!

Aston Kang didn't even notice how Peter Jung picked up a steel pipe. Maybe it was the effect of Peter Jung mentioning his father! As such, he clenched his teeth in pain when Peter Jung suddenly hit him on his left upper arm!

Seeing him in pain, there was a little smile on the Prime Minister's lips. What a sadistic monster! Not to mention that he still didn't stop! He hit Aston on the arm again and again until... he landed one last blow on his head! This made Aston collapsed to the floor, immediately rendering him unconscious.

Nicole struggled so much that her chair fell to the side along with her. Every muscle in her wished to break free when she saw Aston on the floor, with blood covering him. When she couldn't move even an inch towards him, tears flowed out nonstop.

Meanwhile, Daniel Gu walked towards a broken window on the left. Observing outside, he raised a brow and quickly turned to Peter Jung. "Someone is here."

Peter Jung's face darkened at the information. Someone still managed to locate them, again?!

"Let's leave this place first," he muttered and looked at Nicole.

Daniel Gu understood his Boss's mind and he quickly approached Nicole. Just like he did before, he rendered the struggling Chairwoman unconscious by using the chemical in his handkerchief. Once she passed out, he carried her and left the place through the back exit and Peter Jung also followed him out right away.

When Nathan Woo rushed inside with some of his men, all he saw was his friend lying cold on the floor. His body, especially his head was covered by blood! The Reyon Boss quickly crouched down and holds his friend.

When he finally noticed the wound on his head, he turned to his men, panicked. "Call an ambulance! Hurry!"

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