The Manipulated Villainess

Chapter 43 - Why Can't It Be Me?

"What do you want?" Aston's legs were rooted in front of the door. He glanced at the gorgeous woman before him with a nonchalant face.

Little did he know that his indifferent behaviour towards her was the reason why this perfect woman couldn't let him go easily. It was the same reason why she started a relationship with him. She thought that she would be able to win over him so that he won't be indifferent towards her anymore.

As a famous actress who was often labelled as the most beautiful woman in the country, she never needs to make an effort to get a man.

There were always many men who would even worship her and put up with all her actions. In her case, men were always the one to make an effort. But when she met the top actor three months ago, she was completely smitten by him yet he never looked at her the same way she did. As such, it was a new challenge for Anna Park.

At that time, she didn't know what she felt was. Was it an infatuation? That's what she thought but maybe she was wrong.

Anna was stunned when she had a good look at the actor. "What happened to you? Did you get yourself in a fight?" She worriedly asked when she noticed a few small wounds in his face that was not completely healed yet.

"No. Just tell me why you come here. I want to rest." He bluntly replied again.

Out of all days, why did she has to come today? He only wished for a quiet day but it seemed like even that was too much of a wish!

"Can't you just let me see you for a while since I'm already here? It's been days since we last see each other." Anna decided to be persistent and stepped inside Aston's house, though she was not invited.

During the three months that she had known this man, she always finds herself doing strange things which she couldn't even imagine. Sometimes, that made her confused and sometimes she was scared because the things she felt whenever she saw Aston was so unfamiliar to her.

Aston turned around and looked at Anna who was now standing inside his apartment. With a face devoid of expression, he simply closed the door and walked to her. "Anna, you know I don't like it when you behave like this. Did you forget that we already agreed not to involve with each other anymore?"

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"I know." Anna calmly replied. She stood before Aston while crossing her arms and confidently meet his eyes.

"Then what is this? You even came to my house. What if someone took pictures of you? I'm sure that you always cared for your reputation deeply."

"I don't know." She suddenly blurted out which made him raised a brow. "I want to ask you that question, Aston. Just what did you do to me? These days, I change so much to the point where it made me cringe! This is so unlike me!"

"Why would you ask me that? I don't -"

"I think I love you." Her words instantly made his mouth shut. He stared at her with a puzzled face.

"If love is missing someone endlessly to the point where it made me lose control; thinking about that person all the time, and everything else becomes worthless; wondering if that person is doing alright; if such strange things are the traits of love, then that means I love you." Her voice trailed off at the last sentence but he heard her clearly.

"Anna, you're not in your right mind. Before we agreed to date, didn't you told me that we should not entangle ourselves in such feelings and instead, we should just play around? That's what you said." Aston hoped that he could talk her out of this as their relationship was never serious in the first place. But Anna's next words put him in dazed.

"I used to think that way. But Aston, I figured out that our heart and feelings are beyond our authority. It's useless to try to control them." Anna talked it from experience. She holds out for a month until she loses control and came running to see him!

The most beautiful woman in the country was confessing her feelings for him yet his mind was occupied by that young Chairwoman, all thanks to Anna's words. He wondered if Nicole would be able to control herself! He wished that she wouldn't.

Staring at Aston who stood still with an unreadable face, Anna couldn't think of any other things! She lifted her hands and gently touched his face which instantly made him darted his eyes to her. Her soft hands trailed down to his shoulders and she took a step forward to him.

Out of all his perfect features, his lips were the most tempting for Anna. She realized that it had been a month since she got to taste them. Bringing her beautiful face closer to his, she was about to get another taste of his appealing lips until... he pushed her away.

"Stop this, Anna. It's already over between us." He took a step backwards leaving her more stunned than before. She was already perplexed by the fact that he resisted her attempt to kiss him but... he even distanced himself from her? The Aston Kang she knew would never do that. A single kiss was never an issue for him!

"What has gotten into you?" Feeling stupefied, she stared at him with disbelief.

"Just go. I'm not in the mood for this. Besides, I have no intention to get back with you." He walked to the door and opened it for her to leave.

Finding it hard to believe the cold treatment that she received, she roughly shoved her hands to the side and walked to the door. The moment she stepped out of the apartment, Aston instantly shut the door, stunning her once again.

* * *

Nicole doesn't expect to have any guest, especially in her family mansion. But her fiance suddenly showed up in her room.

Her fever had gone down a lot but the doctor advised her to take a day off. So, she needs to be stuck in this house for the whole day. Fortunately, the devil went to work after having breakfast and that alone made her glad.

"Your step-mother told me about yesterday's incident and your sickness. How are you feeling now?" Leon Jung tried his best not to act out how he felt. To be honest, he was so worried when he heard the news that he could barely catch his breath when he reached here!

"I'm fine. It's not a new thing for me." Nicole simply replied. She was sitting at her bed and when she saw a hint of concern in Leon's eyes, it made her feel uneasy.

"Did you went to the cemetery yesterday? It was raining so much, no wonder you get sick." He knew almost everything about her and the cemetery was no exception.

"I don't even get to stay for long. I was brought back right away." She simply replied without much thought like she always did. Being honest was really a not so good habit of hers! It always puts her in trouble!

"By your step-mother?" He asked.

"No. She didn't care about me visiting the cemetery. After all, it's my parent's graves." Her calm facade gradually faded when she thought about the things that happened in the cemetery.

The same goes for Leon. His seemingly calm face was replaced was a gloomy one when he wondered who it might be. "Is it that celebrity?" He asked once again. That actor never stopped making him feel uneasy!

"That's not important." Nicole didn't want to talk about him. Her own words still caused her pain and once in a while, she even wondered how much it would hurt him! She knows that he was just a pathetic man too! because his stories were always beyond her expectation. His mother attempted to kill him? What kind of madness was that?!

"How did he find you?" Leon looked at her while secretly clenching his fist out of nervousness.

Nicole frowned when she heard him. Why was he so persistent and super curious these days? "I only happen to call him before I walked up the cemetery. Somehow, he tracked me down and -"

"Why can't it be me?" Leon interrupted her before she could finish talking.

Being stunned by his words, she stared at him with a puzzled face.

Lifting his head that was briefly lowered due to the unpleasant situation, he met her gaze with a serious face. "The one you called in that situation; the one who came to you and be there for you..." He made a deliberate paused before he finally continued, "Can't that person be me?"

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