The Manipulated Villainess

Chapter 52 - Don't Feel Responsible For Me

Being one of the most prestigious museums in the country, Gold Porcelain Museum was filled with visitors. It also played the role of a gallery because most of the artworks and porcelains displayed there were eligible for purchasing.

Due to the fact that most of the porcelains there were crafted by Leon Jung, one of the most famous and skilled potters throughout the world, the sales were always at their peak. Not to mention that just a single piece would always cost a fortune!

It was noon and the museum became a bit less crowdy. On one corner of the museum, the potter stood still, pressing his back against the wall. To be more precise, he already stood there for minutes.

His eyes trailed to one woman, following her every action. The way she talked to the guest, the way she helped them find an artwork of their preference, the way she explained the piece to the visitors; his eyes didn't miss her single movement.

Wasn't she, his best friend for a decade who end up kissing him last night while he was drunk?! That kiss! Leon sighed and covered his eyes. What does that kiss suppose to be?!

Yes, he was very drunk last night. It was why he passed out right away after that kiss. But as soon as he woke up in the morning with a heavy head, that scene was played on his mind! He didn't even remember what he said to her last night but... why did he remember just that? It was so embarrassing!

Too good that he told her a lie. He said to her that he didn't remember a single thing, like a coward. Well, he was always a coward, so it's okay. She was his best friend who was more than precious to him. He didn't want that single kiss to ruin everything!

While he was busy befriending his thoughts, he saw her approaching him. He quickly stood straight, trying his best to act normal.

"Shall we have lunch now?" Shara glanced at her wristwatch and then shifted her gaze back to Leon. "It's already the time." She smiled like she always did.

"Oh! Okay, let's go." Leon responded and they left for the restaurant which was located just next to their museum. They frequent the place and they used to have lunch there every day.

After the dishes which they ordered were served, the two 'friends' started eating their lunch. It was very quiet for a while, too quiet that both of them felt uncomfortable yet awkward.

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'Why did she behave like nothing happened? It's not like she was also drunk last night.'

'Did he really not remember? Maybe I think too much. There's no way he would not say anything if he remembers.'

"Last night... " Shara started but instantly paused, all because Leon choked on the fish soup that he drank!

He was in the middle of drinking the soup but when he heard her saying 'last night', he was too flustered which made him choked and coughed nonstop!

"Are you alright?" Shara abruptly rose from her seat and patted his back. "You are so careless." 

"I'm fine." Leon's face was all red due to the coughing. He poured a glass of water for himself and drank it while Shara returned to her seat.

"What did you try to say?" He asked as soon as Shara sat down.

"You were a crybaby last night. You chanted about your fiancee nonstop, to me." She enunciated the last two words, confidently looking him right in the eyes.

"What? Crybaby? No way! I wouldn't do that." Leon waved his hand before his face, showing his strong doubt. He didn't think he had that side in him. Shara must be telling a lie!

"Do you know what you said last night?" Shara cleared her throat, prepping herself for some acting.

"Will I be able to change her heart?"

"Should I beg her to give me a chance?"

"Even if it's for just once, I want her to look at me."

"I don't want her to hate me -"

She mimicked the words Leon said last night but his voice made her stopped immediately.

"Is that why?" Leon asked to which Shara raised a brow. She was confused.

"Is that why you kissed me? Because it's too hard for you to listen? Because you want me to stop talking about her?" Leon asked. This time, he was the one who glanced at Shara right in the eyes.

When he heard what he said last night, he was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt! Did his words hurt her? Was that the reason why she lose control? When he put himself in her place, he understood how hard it would be! 

"Didn't you say that you don't remember? Was that a lie?" Shara asked. Her face was totally unreadable which made Leon anxious.

"Shara, I was afraid. You know how much you mean to me. What if -"

"What if that kiss ruined our relationship?" Shara interrupted by finishing the words he was about to say. "Leon, I never expect anything from you. I know my place." She muttered and narrowed her eyes at her hands that were placed on her thighs.

"Shara, you know I don't mean that. I'm the one who knows you the best in this whole world. You also know that I hate it when you belittle yourself." Leon firmly said.

When Shara didn't say anything and kept her mouth shut, he became more anxious and struggled for words to say! What if he really lose her? He would never be able to go through it!

"Shara, please. You scared me when you are like this." He begged.

"Then you should at least be happy!" Shara snapped which made Leon blinked in surprise. It was the second time she ever raised her voice at him! Last night was the first.

Trying to calm down herself, Shara let out a breath. "If you were happy, then this would have never happened. I decided to not be greedy. I told myself that as long as you're happy, I will be fine but... she broke your heart and you blabbered about it to me nonstop." She made a deliberate paused and then glanced at Leon.

"Leon, do you even know how pathetic you made me feel?" She muttered.

Leon was tight-lipped. He wondered how much she had suffered because of him. Why was he so thoughtless? Why didn't he noticed her feelings? If he had known it earlier, even if he couldn't give his heart to her, he could have at least refrain himself from hurting her more!

He sat there, staring at his best friend who saw him as a man. He recalled how she was the only one with whom he could share his pain no matter what the reason was, be it his power-hungry father or his beloved fiancee who didn't love him back.

His heart broke when his fiancee told him that she likes another man. But he had no idea that each day, he broke the heart of his friend who was sitting opposite to him! How could she hold it back so well?! He remembered himself making a fuss when he was hurt, it was just yesterday!

"You don't have to feel sorry for me, Leon," Shara said which made the potter more puzzled. "This is my problem and it's not like you have a clue. I'm the one who looks at you more than I should. So, don't feel responsible for me."

She paused for a while before saying, "I will leave first." She then rose from her seat and walked towards the door.

"Shara." He called her name but she didn't respond. She maintained her pace and leave the restaurant, leaving him alone with a troubled mind.....

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