The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 113 A Storm Is Brewing


*Thud* *Thud*…

The once-beautiful riverside had become unrecognizable as the dust settled. The sheer force of Soren's attack had completely altered the landscape.

Boulders and debris rained down from the sky, scattering across the new terrain created by the massive impact. The massive hole in the center of it all was a deep crater where the creature had been smashed into a pulp by intense gravity.

The aftermath of the attack was still thick in the air, and Aizel and Soren stood there looking at the devastation they had caused.

Aizel furrowed his brow in frustration and asked, "If you were capable of doing this, why didn't you do it earlier?"

"Then it would have been too easy." Soren directed Aizel's attention to the creature, which had degenerated into a pile of mush in the center of the massive hole.

Aizel let out a deep sigh.

"A dual-core! As expected of my sparring partner."

Soren turned away from the scene, patting Aizel on the shoulder, and began walking towards the town, leaving Aizel standing there.

"This guy, a gravity power.

"And that packed quite the punch; I might as well try it in my free time." As he made his way toward the town, Aizel's mind raced excitedly.

He couldn't help but think about the possibilities, as well as the limitations, that came with his newfound Grade II abilities.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The fire breath attack he had just used was truly amazing, but it had sapped him of a lot of mental energy. In his current state, he could only use it sparingly.



The city was nestled on the shore of the North-Eastern Ocean, its picturesque beauty capturing the hearts of all who saw it.

It had become known throughout the Felgura kingdom as a haven of relaxation and indulgence, thanks to its small but enchanting beach and a bounty of sea meat and food.

There was a palpable sense of opulence and wealth in a lavishly decorated room within a grand and exclusive castle that towered above the city. The room was lavishly decorated with delicate tapestries and fancy furnishings, in keeping with the castle's grandeur.

"When can I leave, Mother?" The woman, who resembled David's beloved Katherine, turned to her mother and asked.

"Not right now, my child. It is not safe to go right now," her mother replied while combing her hair.

"It doesn't matter, Mother; I am going to kill Rosewell. It is because of them that I lost my daughter.

"I will make them pay for what they have done." She said with gritted teeth and a clenched fist.

Her eyes were red with intense crying, and her face was contorted in inconceivable rage, resembling an erupting volcano.

Her mother let out a sigh.


The sound of a knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

"You may come inside." The mother said.

The door creaked open, revealing a female guard who entered and immediately bowed in front of them.

"My lady, someone is here for you; they said they have some information that you might really like."

"I don't need any information right now; tell him to go away... Wait, who is it?"

"An unknown mage," the guard replied.


"At least let me meet him, Mother,"

"Okay, but don't go out of the city," her mother replied.

Helen nodded as the guard bowed and quickly followed her to the unknown mage's location.

"Where is he?" Helen asked.

"He said he would be waiting for you in the restaurant."

"Let's go and meet him there."

When Helen and her group arrived at the restaurant, they asked everyone to leave for a few moments so Helen could attend to important business.

Customers left the establishment without hesitation, leaving only a lone figure seated quietly in the corner.

Helen approached the mage and took a seat opposite to him. Her guards and family mages stood vigilant at the entrance, keeping an eye on things.

"Who are you, and what information do you have?" Halen initiated the conversation.

"Miss Helen Gilles... Do you want revenge? My group can help with that." The mage whispered in a low voice.

Helen examined the young mage in front of her, noting his appearance and demeanor. Despite his youth, his words carried a weight that drew her attention and piqued her interest.

"How can I trust you?"

"You don't have to trust me; I am just a messenger. I am only here to provide the information.

"What you do with the information is up to you," the mage replied quickly.

"And what do you want in return?" She asked.

"1000 gold coins."

"That will depend on what you have to offer."

As he began to speak, the mage leaned in towards Helen, and his voice lowered to a hushed tone.

"We have information that a carriage has left Ashford town for Felgura City. And there are only four people inside the carriage.

"Three of them are hunters, and only one is a mage, Leah Rosewell."

Helen's eyes widened with rage as she heard the name Leah Rosewell, and her brow furrowed, veins visibly pulsing beneath her skin.

"Good. Good." Without hesitation, she summoned a pouch from her ring and threw it towards the mage, then left the restaurant hastily with her guards and mages.

"Cristie, go and prepare some carriages; we are leaving right away. Make sure no one finds out"

"But my lady…"

"Follow the orders, Cristie; I finally have a chance to get rid of that girl."

"But how can you even trust the information?"

"It doesn't matter; we are taking the family guards and mages with us. I will see for myself whether it's true or not. Go now; don't waste time."

Her guard acknowledged her instructions and immediately left to make preparations for their secret departure from the city by evening.

"Just wait, Rosewell. Leah shall be my first gift to you." Helen thought.

As the sun began to set, three carriages hurriedly exited the city through a nearby forest. Numerous hooded figures remained hidden from view inside each carriage, their identities unknown to anyone who happened to cross their path.

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