The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 311 Hazel Smart Plan

Heisenberg's brows twitch but he kept his cool demeanor. He knows the biggest challenge has yet to come and he can't lose his focus now.

"So I the cage and Uglorious Ethereal monster will come out.

"It will directly attack you...once it's out. be prepared," Sir Lui said.

"Yes sir," Heisenberg replied.

"Here take this powder,"

Heisenberg walked towards Sir Lui who handed him a brown color powder.

"Umm...So I will count to three and then I will release the monster,"


"Yes sir,"

All eyes were on Heisenberg as he quickly uncorked the vial, brought it to his lips, and took a confident gulp of its contents.

In his left hand, he held a small pouch with a mysterious brown powder inside. A secret weapon was given by Sir Lui to aid him to defeat the formidable Grade III Last Stage Uglorious Ethereal Monster.



"One.... Good Luck...

As Sir Lui's hands closed around the small box, it suddenly burst open with a loud crack, letting out a thick cloud of shadow.

The ethereal haze slowly coalesced into a tangible form, materializing before the eager eyes of the onlookers.

Aizel's eyes were fixed on the ghostly face that was coming into view from the whirling darkness.

The creature appeared ethereal, devoid of legs, and instead, a wispy trail of black smoke trailed beneath it. Its body boasted numerous jagged surfaces as if formed from shards of obsidian.

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The thing was completely black and had no eyes, but it had two mouths: a smaller one on top and a bigger one below.


A sharp piercing voice resounded that made Heisenberg cover his ears.

In an instant, the monstrous entity vanished into thin air, leaving Heisenberg frozen in a petrified state.

All eyes were transfixed on the eerie sight as the creature began to materialize from within the mage.

Gradually, the spectral form consumed Heisenberg, his body shrinking and crumbling until all that was left was a skeletal frame. 

With swiftness born of necessity, Sir Lui seized the opportunity, materializing behind the ethereal entity and hurling the brown powder with precision.

The powder ignited upon contact, triggering a swift and all-consuming conflagration. 

The monstrous being succumbed to the blaze, reduced to naught but ash in the blink of an eye.

"His potion was not effective... Umm.. wasn't able to break through the illusion and see the attack.

"Heshinyberg is dead.. make sure your potions are effective,"

"Woah... The baldy mage has turned into a skeleton. Now the question is who is next?" Shoka said.

One after another, brave mages stepped forward, each eager to prove their mettle against the relentless adversary. 

However, their efforts proved futile as the monster, undeterred by their potions, claimed them one by one, reducing them to mere skeletons. 

Despite their determination and the potency of their concoctions, the creature remained immune to their attempts at vanquishing it. 

The daunting challenge before them grew ever more apparent, casting a shadow of doubt.

Amidst the growing uncertainty and waning hope, a figure emerged from the mages, capturing the attention of all.

It was a dark elf lady, her presence exuding an aura of confidence and determination.

With grace and precision, she unveiled her potion and unleashed its power upon the illusory creation. 

The spells that covered up its weaknesses were broken, leaving it open to her quick, well-planned attacks.

With a flick of her hand, she hurled a carefully crafted powder, and in an instant, the creature dissipated into nothingness. 


The crowd erupted in awe and admiration, for she had not only defeated the formidable foe but had done so with seemingly effortless ease.

"FINALYYYYY..... A gorgeous dark elf has done it," Shoka Yelled.I think you should take a look at

"What is the time she has taken, Sir Lui,"

"Um... 1 minute and 10 seconds," Sire Lui replied.

"What is your name lady," Shoka asked.

"I am Kafy Bezreid," The lady said.

"Give a round applause for Kafy, the first mage who has defeated the monster and the one who is in the lead."

The Beast Kingdom section erupted in cheers as they saw the mage from their Kingdom is in the lead.

"So now, who will go next?"

Clad in a flowing green robe, the mage with spectacles stepped forward, his composure unwavering. 

Sir Lui summoned the fearsome creature. The mage kept his eyes on it and watched its every move with patience. 

As the monster vanished into thin air, the keen-eyed mage remained vigilant, his perception honed by the effects of his potent potion.

He wasn't fooled by the creature's illusions, and he saw right through its trickery.  With cat-like reflexes, he easily evaded the impending strike, his nimble movements a testament to his heightened awareness. 

Seizing the opportune moment, he swiftly unleashed a powder burst, reducing the formidable monster to mere ashes instantly. 

"ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!"

The crowd went wild with surprise and praise, amazed by the mage's quick thinking and quick actions.

"The Mage straight from the ZULIVAN KINGDOMMMM.... Give it a round of applause forrrrr...


"What is the time that Aundrey took, Sir Lui?"

"Umm... 45 seconds."





The colosseum reverberated with thunderous cheers as the crowd erupted in chants of Aundrey's name, their voices cascading through the air like a wave of praise.

Aundrey, with a calm smile on his face, took the praise in stride and walked off the stage. 

"Nowwwww.... who is going next?"

With determined steps, Hazel advanced towards Sir Lui, her outstretched hand graciously accepting the pouch containing the precious brown powder. 

Securing the pouch, Hazel retraced her path, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Uncorking the vial, she raised it to her lips, consumed the potion with resolve, and embraced the formidable challenge that awaited her.

Aizel's hand tightened its grasp around Daisy's, his knuckles turning white with tension.

He never took his eyes off her and watched her every move with a steady focus. 

Hazel's power poured out with a graceful wave of her hand, causing small trees on the stage to grow and connect, making a dense group. 

Sir Lui was surprised by the show, but he accepted it and nodded his approval. With a synchronized countdown, the monster was unleashed once again.

In a swift and fluid motion, the creature materialized, only to disappear moments later. But Hazel's sharp eyes, the potion's effects, and her quick reactions helped her follow it with uncanny accuracy. 

In a blink of an eye, she disappeared beneath the ground, seamlessly merging with the earth itself. 

Suddenly, she emerged from within one of the towering trees, powder in her hand. 

Without hesitation, she hurled the powder towards the monster who was just beside her, its effects instantly turning the once menacing creature into a heap of ash. 

The breathtaking speed and flawless execution of her technique left everyone in the arena speechless.

"LETSSS GOOOOOOO" Aizel Yelled from the Felgura Kingdom balcony.


The crowd went crazy with cheers and praise. The loud applause rang through the Colosseum, filling every corner with an electric energy of excitement and admiration.

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