The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 324 1 Vs 100 (Aizel Vs Senior Roxx)

"Gotta save mental energy as much as possible.

"Sekki, we gotta rely most on the close combat,"

[Yes Master, I am ready. We haven't used that anime technique... might give some surprises and take some of them down]

Yeah, you are right."

Sekki transformed swiftly into a sleek, obsidian-black katana, fitting perfectly into Aizel's grip. The Katana emanated a subtle orange glow, pulsating with a potent energy that seemed to hum in harmony with the surroundings.

  With swift determination, Aizel took charge, propelling himself forward with incredible speed, heading straight towards the group of 16 mages.

In the middle of all the chaos, half of the mages charged forward with their weapons in hand, while the other half cast magic from the safety of the back lines to help them.

Aizel moved like lightning, zigzagging across the top of the water to avoid the spells that were coming at him. 

In the middle of the chaos, he fought in close quarters with eight skilled mages, each of whom had a different weapon: spears, axes, hammers, and different kinds of swords.

Their attacks came from all directions, but Aizel met each strike with swift dodges and expert parries, skillfully keeping himself out of harm's way while still evading the spells being hurled at him from the rear.

Aizel found himself fighting three mages, each of whom had a spear, an axe, and a longsword. 

They tried to corner him by coordinating their assaults. Aizel relied on his quick footwork to stay out of reach of the spear's dangerous tip and counter the axe and longsword blows with his own blade. 

Aizel dodged the spear's thrust, blocked the axe's blow, and countered the longsword with a quick, well-planned strike, like a master swordsman. 

As their blades clashed, Sekki felt a rush of power, which Aizel had been building up all along. In a single second, the concentrated explosions that were building up inside Sekki came into play.


As the explosion shook the air, the other mages were stunned in silence.

The blast turned the three mages who had dared to face Aizel into ash. The impact had scorched the land as well, leaving a deep, burned crater on the coast as a reminder of Aizel's tremendous might.

[66 down, 13 remaining from Zulivan]

As the night got darker, Aizel made sure to save his power while fighting with the other mages.

With each fight, he quickly got rid of them one by one, making their defeat at his hands inevitable. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Time went by, and the moon's soft light fell on the scene as the last mage fell to Aizel's might.

After the intense battle, Aizel found himself with heavy breathing and a solid need to cool down.

He summoned a small container filled with water from his storage ring, eager to quench his thirst.

[79 down, Master. Now only they both remain from the Zulivan Kingdom]

As the excitement of the fight wore off, Aizel found a spot to rest near a large rock, paying no mind to Sekki's murmurs for the moment.

He sat down and looked up at the calm night sky, adorned with a shimmering moon and countless twinkling stars.

As Aizel sat there, memories of cherished moments began to flicker through his mind like stars lighting up the night.

In his thoughts, he saw images of the kids and him playing among the clouds, their laughter reverberating through the sky.

Vespara, with her mischievous smile, appeared before him, sharing her vast knowledge of herbs and plants with a playful hint of seduction.

The picture then changed to Shelly, whose warmth and kindness had always been a part of his life. Her caring nature had always been a guiding light.

Aizel's heart skipped a beat when he saw Daisy and his mother in the moon's reflection. 

His heart beat faster, and all of a sudden he felt uneasy. 


Something about the sight of her mother stirred a deep sense of longing and curiosity within him.

Aizel was gasping for air and felt like a weight was pressing down on his chest. The memories of his mother, the one he knew nothing about, seemed to beckon to him from beyond the veil of his past. 

[Master.. what is happening to you... MASTER]

Aizel's chest stiffened, and he took short, gasping breaths. He held his heart tight and felt like an unseen hand was squeezing the air out of his lungs.

Every breath in felt shallow, and every breath out felt like a fight against something unknown. 

He felt a rush of panic as he tried to get back control of his breathing, but the crushing feelings kept pressing down on his chest. 

In the Felgura Kingdom Balcony...

"What is happening to the kid? He was doing so good till now," Xavier Valtor shouted as he watched the scene, standing close to the railing.

Daisy and Hazel stood side by side, their eyes fixed on the distressing sight before them. 

Their hearts pounded in their chests as they watched Aizel, his normally strong and composed demeanor now replaced by a visible struggle.

"Vespara... Daisy quickly summoned the crystal ball and tried to connect with Vespara, but the ball didn't respond.

"You can't use that here in the Colosseum," Ashyln replied.

"Then... we have to do something.. He is struggling to breathe.

"Princess, please do something." She turned around and asked Zareena.I think you should take a look at

"For that, we have to surrender the match now, and that will end up with Aizel losing the bet. Do you still want to do that?" She asked.

"Yes," Daisy replied. She didn't have to think twice and knew what was important for now.

Zareena sighed, and just as she was about to stand up, Soren placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "Don't worry, just sit back and relax," He said.

"What do you mean, Soren? He will die like this, or someone else can take the chance to kill him," Zareena replied.

"Just wait and watch."


"Yo Calisto brother, that guy is struggling," Roxx said.

"I can see that. What should we do?"

"Let's get closer and see what is happening. Someone might try to kill him in this state, you feel me?"


[Master, can you hear me.. Master]

As Aizel looked at the moon, a strange feeling washed over him. His eyes seemed to change like the phases of the moon, contracting and expanding with each passing moment.

Once difficult, labored breaths began to slow down as if a relaxing presence came from the moon above. 

The celestial body had a relaxing effect on him, and his breathing became more steady over time. The worry that had been in his chest seemed to go away, and in its place was a calmness he hadn't felt in a long time. 

As he kept looking at the moon, he felt a sense of peace that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Aizel's eyes remained fixed on its radiant glow. In that tender moment, he felt a presence that was gentle and loving.

It was as if the stars had come together to show him a vision of his mother with a warm, comforting smile on her face.

[Master Master...]

"Yes... I am alright."

[YOU ASSHOLE IDOIT MASTER, Don't scare me like this]

I am sorry to make you worry."

"Yo brother.. are you feeling better now?" Roxx asked.

Aizel slowly lifted himself off the ground. He took a deep breath and filled his lungs with renewed determination. 

Finally, he turned his attention to the two mages who were watching from afar.

"Yes, I am fine. I was wrong thinking that you both will sneak attack and try to kill me when I will be fighting against others," He said.

"Woah woah... I don't do shit like that. I don't know about Calito but I am all about honor, you feel me?"

"I was waiting patiently to fight against you one on one after witnessing your battle. Man, you are fucking awesome brother...

"But now it seems, I can't do that,"

"Why so?" Aizel asked, his brows raised.

"You seem very weak now. You will lose easily, and that's why we are asking you to surrender. You have done enough," Calsito said.

"You will get killed if you still go on to fight and someone doesn't want that," He further said.

"I understand why you are doing this now.. hmmm.

"But you are wrong about one thing...

"What's that?" Calisto asked.

"If you think insects like you, you can even dream of defeating or killing me," Aizel replied.


Calisto's brows twitched in anger while Roxx started to laugh.

"Yo brother, that's what I wanted yo. Calisto moved aside.."

"Roxx but..

"Senior Roxx brother... Oye kid, listen. If you win against me, we will both accept the defeat and sit here till the end of the battle.

"But if I win, you have to surrender nicely, you feel me?"

"Hmm... I accept."

"Nice, haven't fought someone like you in years. I hope you are ready, brother."

Calisto turned away with a tired sigh and walked away, leaving the scene behind.

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