The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 326 1 Vs 100 (Last Enemy)

With a devilish smile on his face, Aizel raised both hands inside the water prison.


Aizel's palms crackled with mesmerizing brilliance as lightning serpents of varying hues surged forth in every direction within the water prison.

The electric beings wove and danced through the liquid medium. Each one packed a lot of power, and they were all aiming for Roxx, their goal.



As the lightning snakes hit their target one at a time, Roxx's body shook with each shock. He writhed around like a fish caught in a storm, the scorching currents searing through his being.

The water prison, which had turned into a cocoon of lightning, finally fell to the ground and burst upon impact with the ground. 

As the magical spell fell apart, Aizel came out of it unharmed, while Roxx lay on the burned ground, still shaking from the lightning energy.

Aizel walked toward Roxx.

As he got closer, he leaned down a little bit and said, " What happened to your speed brother? Did you feel the electricity properly?" He asked with a smile.

"That's enough; you won." Calisto suddenly appeared and interrupted Aizel.

"Yeah, don't worry. I will not go back to my words. Now I hope you both will stay out of the battle."

"Yes, don't worry; we will not move from here," Calisto replied.

Aizel nodded and quickly left from there.

Meanwhile, Calisto looked toward Roxx and said, "That's what you get for underestimating an opponent, idiot."

[If we count both of them out now, 81 mages are down now, Master]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Yes, now only a few mages from Beast and Theodora Kingdom are left, along with that big boss we saw on that cliff,"

[Do you think he will team up with others to fight or will fight you head-on?]

"I literally have no idea, but the way he was looking from the high cliff, I can predict his personality a little bit."

Aizel ran through the thick forest, his resolution never wavering.

One by one, he faced the surviving mages, each confrontation a demonstration of his unyielding resolve. 

As hours passed, the battlefield was littered with fallen mages, their defeat a testament to Aizel's relentless pursuit.

He had used every trick, tool, plan, and technique he had learned during the preceding months.

With every battle, he showcased the extent of his abilities, displaying a dazzling array of techniques, leaving everyone in awe. 

In the Colosseum..

"T-This... He has finally done itttt......." Shoka's voice boomed throughout the Colosseum.

"What a mad lad...

"Absolute monster...


"The War God is a befitting name for him....

The awe-inspiring show they had just seen caused whispers and remarks to spread like wildfire through the crowd. 

Aizel's astounding might had left them all buzzing with excitement and admiration. 

Everyone in the crowd talked about how amazed they were by the show of skill and strength that had just happened right in front of them.

Calmness enveloped the mages gathering on the royal Zulivan balcony. Unfazed by the losses they had witnessed, their expressions remained serene. 

The King himself seemed happy, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes as he witnessed Aizel's performance against Roxx.

The young mage's show had left an indelible mark, and the King seemed to take comfort in the fact that Aizel would be a valuable asset to the Kingdom in the future. 

"Your lover is really incredible, Isabella," Gremola Zulivan said.

"Stop it, Master. He is only a friend of mine," Isabell replied with a blush.

On the Theodora Balcony, there was a feeling of tension in the air.I think you should take a look at

The Queen's brows twitched as her veins pumped on her forehead, revealing an expression of anger and annoyance.

The battle had taken a heavy toll on her kingdom's mages, with only her son Kelvin surviving, but barely, lying in critical condition in the heart of the forest.

Despite what appeared to be an overwhelming advantage in the fight, she had clearly lost the wager and the chance to obtain Aizel's talents. 

There was a lively atmosphere on the Beast Kingdom balcony, filled with joy and smiles. 

Even though most of their people were killed or defeated in the fierce fight, one true ace from their kingdom was still standing.

"Finally, the book of nature will be in our hands," The Elf King said, his eyes sparkling with anticipation of getting the magic artifact.

"At this state, Ravanna won't have any problem against that kid," The Dark Elf Queen commented.

What should we do, Rayla?" The Whiskerkin Queen sent a mental message.

Just have some trust. He will not go down like that," Rayla replied.

If something happens, do you think I should interfere or not?" The Whiskerkin Queen asked

Of course, you should; don't forget all the things that my Lord has done for you," Rayla replied.

Just remember, if the Lord is alive, then don't forget about my lady, 'Alora'

The Whiskerkin Queen shivered, and her hair stood on end as fear took over her.  At the mere mention of Alora's name, her teeth ground together, and beads of sweat formed on her temples. 

Just thinking about Alora made her visibly quiver with fear and anxiety.











After a hard climb and a quick dash through the rocks, Aizel finally reached the top, where he had last seen the huge, three-headed figure. 

He finally spotted the person after reaching the top, who was sitting quietly with his eyes closed.

Aizel's presence seemed to wake up the person,  prompting two of its eyes to open on the main face, and he rose gradually from his seated position.

They both stared at each other for a minute without speaking. 

Aizel observed the imposing figure before him, its skin a deep shade of green, bearing three heads, each adorned with a pair of eyes, a nose, and a mouth equipped with both upward- and downward-pointing canine teeth. 

The mage from the Beast Kingdom stood at least ten feet taller than him and had four strong arms that added to his scary appearance.

"You have weakened," He said in a deep voice.

"What are you?" Meanwhile, Aizel asked.


"I see, you know my master has beings like you as a pet. They are very good as cannon fodder," Aizel replied.

"Was that supposed to make me angry?" 

"Yeah, sort of," Aizel replied while scratching his head.

"Hmmm... I will make sure to pay your master a visit later. I will make her my bitch and make her breed with every mage in my tribe."

Suddenly, Aizel's calm face was replaced with a deadly death stare.

"Did that make you angry?" The Orge asked with a wide grin that showed his yellow canine teeth more properly.

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