The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 328 1 Vs 100 (4 Heads And More?)

Aizel witnessed the onslaught of ice frost, which rushed forward with ferocious desire, freezing everything in its path. 

"Hmm... Let me show you mine then."

Aizel followed Ravanna's lead and made a definite gesture, raising one leg and bringing it down with immovable force. 

As soon as his foot hit the ground, molten lava erupted, followed by fierce flames that fought with the ice that was getting closer. 

The battleground turned into a chaotic place where elemental forces met and tried to win over each other.

The lava's searing heat and the ice's biting cold came together in a spectacular show of opposite forces. The clash of fire and ice made steam rise, which covered the battlefield in a mist that sparkled with the spirit of both fire and ice.

Aizel's resolve was like an inexhaustible fire as he tried to counter Ravanna's icy attack. 

Every bit of his magical might was focused on resisting the cold's onslaught, which he did by channeling the very essence of fire and heat.

On the other side of the battlefield, Ravanna's intensity matched Aizel's by drawing on the depths of his cold dominance. 

As the strong clash of magic went on, a small change started to take place.

Slowly but surely, Ravanna's icy power started to win out over Aizel's molten lava and fiery flames.

The once-powerful lava flow began to cool and harden, turning into hard, unmovable rocks as the ice kept moving closer and closer to it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A cold shroud descended upon the battlefield, its icy tendrils spreading out across the landscape. 

[Master, the Grade III core magic is overpowering us]

"Yes, we can't beat him on that,"

As the cold forces closed in on him, Aizel made a quick and calculated decision. With resolve etched on his face, he released his grip on the lava and flames, allowing them to subside.

He took a bold risk by concentrating intently and sending all of his magical power into his extended hand.

With a decisive move, Aizel focused his power on the advancing ice, and the elements started to change. 

The frost that had threatened to ensnare him now yielded to his mastery over water. 

Like a river flowing in reverse, the ice melted and transformed into a cascading torrent of water.

So he can even manipulate the element, even if it's from my core energy," Ravanna thought.

In a brilliant display of control over the water, Aizel transformed the chilly liquid into a multitude of serpentine forms.

The serpents, which looked like ethereal defenders of the water, came out with one goal: to fight Ravanna.

Sekki, meanwhile, turned into a shiny black spear, ready to join the battle.

Aizel took charge and ran ahead. On either side of him, the water serpents slithered and writhed like a living current, forming a fearsome entourage.

With each stride, he closed the distance between himself and Ravanna.

"Let's see how far you can go, human," Ravanna said with a smile. 

"YEEEAAAAWWWWWWWWW" Suddenly Ravanna screamed.

A bone-chilling sound echoed through the air as something strange came out of Ravanna's back: an ominous hand with a head atop its palm.

With a shiver-inducing spectacle, Ravanna now bore four heads. The newfound head on the hand opened its green eyes, its gaze unsettling and powerful.  I think you should take a look at

Ravanna's three remaining arms clapped together as if in perfect sync, letting out a powerful wind shockwave that rushed toward Aizel with frightening force.

Once a formidable entourage, the water serpents broke apart like mist in the face of the wind's strength.

Ripples in the air were all that remained after the ferocious wind had ripped through their liquid forms.

The strong shockwave struck Aizel and sent him flying backward with tremendous momentum. 

"Would you looook at thatttttttt......" Meanwhile, Shoka's voice boomed again.

"Looks like Ravanna has finally decided to step up his game,"





The crowd that had gathered to watch this battle witnessed a wide range of emotions.

Some of the people watching cheered wildly for Ravanna, making it clear who they supported. His powerful show of strength had won them over, and they stood strongly by his side, eager for him to win.

Yet others rallied to Aizel's side, impressed by his determination and cunning in the face of the mighty Orge.  The cheers for him were just as passionate, a testament to the admiration he had garnered.

What the fuck is that? How many heads or arms is he hiding...fuck!" 

[Master, don't you have red mist azalea containers?]

Naa.. the ones I brought with me are all used. The rest of them, I have saved for the upcoming battles."

[Idiot Master! How can we fight more battles when we can't even survive this one?]

With grim determination, Aizel rose once more, the pain from the wounds on his chest and shoulders still gnawing at him. Irfrit, in a valiant effort, had done everything within its power to mend the injuries using the blood. 

His focus shifted to Ravanna, who was marching confidently toward him, a sinister grin etched across his face.

The Orge's appearance was now even more formidable—his arm was severed, yet three arms remained, with an additional limb emerging from his back, clutching a fourth head.

So he can use ice, and his three heads have the same color eyes, which are yellow. He used wind magic when the fourth head opened his eyes; they were of green color."

For now, he can use two elements with great strength and body build."

[Who knows how many heads can pop out with different elements and powers?]

Oye, whose side are you on?"

[Sorry Master]

"Oye creepy giant, how many arms or heads are you hiding?" Aizel asked.

"Hmmm.... Don't tell me you are scared." Ravanna replied with a huge grin.

"Fucker, I will burst that face of yours along with every other face. I will tear those teeth and shove them in your ass, motherfucker." AIzel replied, his brows twitching in annoyance.

"I would like to see how you can even touch them with that tiny build of yours."

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