The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 343 Kishin Vs Dimitry

With his sword firmly in his hands, the Sword Emperor charged forward at lightning speed toward Dimitry.

His blade came crashing down and was aimed at Dimitry, who reacted with deft speed. 

Raising his forearm defensively, he intercepted the blow, his concealed armor beneath the robes proving its mettle by efficiently thwarting the slashing strike.

The Sword Emperor quickly pulled back his sword and turned to thrust it at Dimitry's face.

Dimitry took a quick step back and dodged the dangerous stab. His face tilted slightly as the sword grazed past, ruffling his hair.

This time, Dimitry made a move that was a powerful fist strike directed at Sword Emperor. 

The Sword Emperor saw the attack coming and quickly put the flat surface of his sword in front of the blow, making a metallic clang. 

Seeing his chance, the Sword Emperor quickly started a series of spinning sword strikes, aiming to catch Dimitry off guard. 

However, Dimitry's agility proved to be his advantage as he effortlessly evaded slashes, moving with a graceful swiftness that seemed almost dance-like.

Infused with a surge of lightning, the Sword Emperor directed a powerful slash toward Dimitry's head.

Dimitry quickly reacted, interlocking his hands and wrists to use his great strength to stop the attack.

In a seamless motion, the Sword Emperor withdrew his sword and aimed a low slash at Dimitry's legs, attempting to catch him by surprise.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Dimitry dodged the attack by jumping high into the air and landing skillfully behind the Sword Emperor.

Swiftly pivoting, the Sword Emperor retaliated with a swift attack, but before his strike could land, Dimitry executed a fluid, spinning kick. 

His foot connected with precision, impacting Sword Emperor's hand and disrupting his attack.

Dimitry quickly sprinted away, which made the Sword Emperor a little confused for a moment. 

Seizing the opportunity, the Sword Emperor gathered the scattered debris and imbued them with a hint of lightning before hurling them toward Dimitry.





Dimitry turned on his feet and shifted his attention to the fast-moving pieces of debris that were coming at him.

His hands became a blur as he systematically dismantled each broken rock, pulverizing them with his bare fists, one after another.

Suddenly, his attention was quickly drawn to a partly destroyed building that was being hurled toward him with lightning. 

A mischievous smile curled his lips as he channeled his strength into his right fist. Slowly, a blazing fire spread out from the point of impact, and his fist hit the building with a powerful force. 

Flames erupted with fervor, engulfing and blasting the structure in a fiery spectacle.

Abruptly emerging from within the blazing turmoil, the Sword Emperor materialized, his blade arcing downward in a searing trajectory. 

Dimitry's reflexes kicked in, and he quickly twisted and turned his body to avoid the deadly blow. 

The sword's blow struck the earth beneath with such intensity that it carved out a substantial crater, marking the spot where it impacted the ground.

In an instant, the Sword Emperor unleashed a series of compact lightning bolts directed at Dimitry.

Reacting with agility, Dimitry skillfully evaded the majority of the bolts, but one managed to find its mark, striking his shoulder with searing intensity and leaving behind a smoldering cavity.

"You have improved a little, Kishin," Dimitry said. 

Yet in a swift motion, the Sword Emperor raised his sword into the air, the blade crackling with lightning, and with a resounding clap of his hands, a brilliant and blinding surge of electricity erupted.

Dimitry had to close his eyes and cover them with his arms against the overwhelming radiance.

His senses snapped into action in an instant, and he quickly hunched down to narrowly avoid the Sword Emperor's slicing strike. 

The attack was so strong and sharp that it left behind a line of burning lightning that cut through everything in a 360-degree arc.

Amidst the enveloping lightning, he initiated a slashing motion towards Dimitry, who responded by parrying the attack using both his feet, his hand planted firmly on the ground to maintain his balance. 

With his sword wrapped in sparkling lightning, the Sword Emperor pulled a move that made his electric blade move toward Dimitry like a spinning Beyblade.

But Dimitry easily blocked the attack with his fist and hit the Sword Emperor in the jaw with a strong kick from his right leg, momentarily stunning him.

The Sword Emperor quickly moved back and made a bunch of tiny lightning blades that flew toward Dimitry.

In response, Dimitry's hands blazed with fire as he systematically disintegrated each lightning blade, his fiery defenses repelling the onslaught.

The Sword Emperor's movements were swift as he closed the distance between them, executing a slashing motion with his own blade.

However, Dimitry responded with both hands engulfed in flames, shattering the sword into fragments.

But the broken bits turned into lightning, which caught Dimitry by surprise. 

In a surprising move, the Sword Emperor unleashed a spinning kick that sent Dimitry hurtling through the air like a loose cannon.

Suddenly, the Sword Emperor's hands became a channel for tremendous energy, and he summoned massive bolts of lightning.

Radiating an aura akin to a deity of lightning, he hurled the electrifying projectiles toward Dimitry, who got slammed near the broken bar.






With an almost frenzied determination, he unleashed the lightning bolts in rapid succession, each discharge propelling forward with increasing velocity. 

The spectacle resembled a barrage of gunfire from a rapid-firing weapon, except in this case, the ammunition was composed of searing lightning bolts.

People in the Colosseum, who were yelling and cheering, watched Dimitry's relentless progress on the screen.

Each time he hit the lightning bolts with his hands, they exploded in flames, making the scene look like a fantastic dance of fire and electricity. 

Dimitry surged forward unflinchingly, his route through the storm of lightning defined by fiery rebellion, despite the Sword Emperor's barrage of lethal lightning bolts. 

This is epic, truly epic," Aizel thought.

[How many lightning bolts is he firing without getting tired? It's like a machine gun has been placed right before that guy]

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