The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 360 2nd Round

Chapter 360 2nd Round

15 years ago...

"What happened, Aizel? Why are you not showing your gaze huhhhh...."

A man slapped Aizel right at the back of the head.

They found themselves in the men's restroom. Aizel's clothes were soaked through, and his face had many bruises.

"You will not see my girl like this ever again, righttt?"

Aizel simply nodded his head.

Back at the present time,

"You're still all smart and handsome, yeah," the man said, who was holding the pizzas.

"Come inside," Aizel replied, inviting him inside.

The man followed Aizel and joined him in the living room in the end. Aizel sat down next to Alora on the couch, and Alora couldn't take her eyes off the stranger.

[Fufu, the time has come, Master, beat the shit out of this guy]

"I didn't know you had a young sister," the man said.

"It's nice to meet you, Drexler," Aizel replied instead.

"Here, take your money, and you can leave now." Aizel extended his hands, revealing the cash he held in them.

"Wait a minute, bruhh, we have met after so long; why are you already wanting me to leave?" Drexler asked.

"Is there anything we can talk about? Are you really serious?" Aizel asked.

"Ohhh, I get where you are going with this. It's fair after what I have done to you along with the other guys."

Drexler rose from his seat and immediately knelt before Aizel, his forehead pressed firmly against the floor.

"I know what I have done with you and every other guy in high school. There isn't a single day that goes by when I don't regret my actions. 

"There is no excuse for anything that can even make you forgive me. Hell, I don't even want you to forgive me. But it's just that I am trying to become a new guy.

"I live alone; I have distanced myself from every other person and their habits. I just want you to remember that I am not the same guy anymore." Drexler said there were some tears dropping from his eyes.

"I don't care about you or what you're trying to become now. It's good for you, but first of all, stand up, Don't kneel in front of me," Aizel said with an annoyed expression.

Drexler quickly stood up. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You have done worse things to others. 

"I wonder why no one filed a complaint against you. I would like to beat the shit out of you right now, but I won't gain anything by doing it.

"Take the money and leave,"

Drexler wanted to say something but realized that he wouldn't be able to say it or convince him. He simply took the money, put the pizza on the table, and then left the apartment. 

"It's gonna be a long journey," Drexler murmured. Outside on the streets, he picked up his bike and then went away.

"It was nice to see you holding your anger like this," Alora said.

"There is no point. I could have smashed his head into pieces with a single punch. But what would I get out of it? Absolutely nothing.

"I have already stopped thinking about the past; that is not worth it," Aizel replied.

"Do you think he really changed?" Alora asked, taking the slice of pizza and starting to eat.

"Who cares..." Aizel replied.

"So are you enjoying the tournament?" Alora asked.

"Yess, even my core has been healed up to Grade III." AIzel replied.

"Now my focus is to grow my core more; after the tournament, I will head for the Beast Kingdom to bring the fairy back for the potion that is needed to heal Daisy's eyes."

"It's good your core is healing quickly. I hope it stays that way," Alora replied.

"What about here? How is that Godslayer game going on?" Aizel asked.

"I see some news on the TV; it seems it has already taken the world by storm. Everyone is playing and talking about it.

"There even seems to be talk of conducting some tournaments soon," Alora replied.

"So sort of an esports tournament, interesting,"

"How is Shelly's mother's condition?" 

"It's good for now. The way your core is healing, there is a good chance you will be able to heal her soon," Alora said.

"Yes, but for that, we need mana in this world."

"One step at a time, Aizel, just keep patience."


Early in the morning, Aizel went back to the castle. 

He walked through the old hallways of the castle as the first rays of sunlight gave the walls a warm, golden color. The stones told stories about long-ago times, and the paintings on the walls told stories of bravery and mystery.

After getting lost in thought for a while as he wandered around the castle, he made his way to the big dining room. 

Aizel picked a table by the window, where the soft light of early morning filled the room. 

The wood table was polished till it glistened, and the cutlery sparkled like stars in the night sky.

Soon after, a maid wearing a white apron and cap came over with a tray of food.

There were perfectly cooked eggs, the yolks a lush, velvety gold. The smell of freshly baked bread that was still warm to the touch filled the air. 

A slice of sea monster meat that had been seared until it was crisp gave the meal a foreign taste.

"I don't know which sea monster meat this is, but damnnn... this is tasty," Aizel commented.

Aizel ate slowly, enjoying not only the delicious food but also the brief break and silence.

The eggs melted in his mouth, the bread was crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the sea monster meat was a great mix of salty and slightly sweet.

Just as he finished his last bite, the big doors to the dining room opened. Raven, Edumont, Soren, Zareena, Hazel, Daisy, and Seraphine all walked into the room.

"Aren't you here quite early?" Raven asked.

"Hmm... I was hungry, so I came early," Aizel replied.

"Don't leave now; we have to discuss today's match," Zareena said.

"Yeah, sure." Aizel nodded.

Everyone took their seat while the maid brought the same meal for the group.

"This time I have decided, for 1 vs 1, Edumont will be the first one to fight from our team. 

"Next for the 2 v 2 battle, Aizel and Seraphine.

"Last for the team battle, Daisy, me, Soren, Raven, and Seraphine." 

"Aizel, if you act like yesterday, believe me, you won't get a single chance to participate in any battle," Zareena said.

"I get it; I won't do it again," he replied with a sneer.

"Finally, I can show my skills," Edumont said.

"Make sure you don't get your ass kicked," Raven said with a giggle.

Aizel watched everyone get up from the table one by one after their plan talks were over. There was still some time left to get to the Colosseum.

But Aizel's path went in a different direction. He walked up to Seraphine and said, "Come with me."

With a solemn nod, Seraphine joined Aizel, and they exited the castle, making their way to the garden. 

Hazel gently took Daisy's arm, and the two of them followed them. 

"I would like to know how you will fight alongside me. Our lives will be on the line so I don't want any problems while fighting together." Aizel said.

Seraphine started to ponder when Aizel asked again, "How many tools do you have that I gave you?"

"Five," Seraphine replied.

"You have to work with that for now; I won't give any more than that for today."

"Okay," She nodded.

"You can use both water and ice, which I can use as well alongside lightning, fire.. ahem lightning and fire,"

[Close one Master]

"I don't know what type of battle it will be, but I think you should only support me.

"Okay," she said.

"Don't you have any ideas or plans?" Aizel asked.

Seraphine simply shook her head in rejection. 

"You can go all out while I watch your back," she replied instead.

"Fair enough," Aizel said and sighed.

Their conversation flowed, weaving tales of their skills and techniques, while Hazel and Daisy chimed in with their own thoughts.

As the hours went by, the sun started to go down, giving off a nice glow. Soon, they were back in the big hall again.

Standing before the portal, they stepped through one by one, emerging on the balcony in the Colosseum.

Aizel looked around the crowd and noticed that there were more people there this time. The Colosseum was teeming with eager spectators, all poised to witness the second team battle between the kingdoms.






"You guys were waiting patiently to see more fights, hahaha...."

"Only four teams are left now, one from every kingdom. It is already decided by the Kings and Queens, who is going to fight who. 

"And the first battle will be betweeennnnnn....

"The Beast Kingdom vs The Felgura Kingdom,"

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