The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 365 Light Element

Chapter 365 Light Element

"This guy must be the light mage," Seraphine thought.

She kept her eyes on the elf, who was surprisingly calm. He moved steadily forward, closing the space between them with each step.

"It's a pleasure to face a royal mage and especially the king's daughter," the elf said as he bowed a little, showing some respect to her.

"I don't want your respect, and I am not his daughter," Seraphine replied, summoning her spear. 

"Well, even if you deny it, it won't change the fact that his blood runs in your veins. I will not kill you, as I don't want to become an enemy of the King." The elf said.

Hearing that made Seraphine's expression change.

Seraphine charged forward in a rage, her spear shining with a cold, bluish light from the ice she had applied to it. 

She thrust her spear at the elf, but he vanished into the air, leaving behind only shimmering golden light.

Seeing that, Seraphine's mana senses went into high gear. She scanned the surroundings, her senses tingling in emergency mode.

Her brows furrowed as she saw the elf materialize again, this time high above them on the mountain's pinnacle. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His body emitted a soft, ethereal golden glow, an eerie contrast to the stark, snowy landscape.

"My name is Danielle Riccarcio, and it will be my pleasure to defeat you, Seraphine Felgura."

His voice echoed off the peak of the mountain. 

The elf suddenly stretched out his arms, and from his spread hands, laser-like beams of bright light shot out. 

They danced wildly across the top of the mountain, creating a dangerous web of energy that threatened to swallow everything in its path. Seraphine was stuck in the middle of the beautiful but dangerous show.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Even though they looked thin, the golden light beams did a lot of damage to the mountain's peak. Their touch, soft as a whisper, carried destructive force.

The once-flat hilltop, which had caves all over it and was covered in a clean blanket of snow, became the center of chaos. 

Rocks, once securely anchored, were ripped from their ancient perches and sent hurtling through the frigid air. 

Pure snow became a whirling, blizzard-inducing whirlwind as debris slid and clashed.

Caves that looked like they had been safe havens for thousands of years fell apart, their rough mouths opening in silent screams as they gave in to the constant attack of radiant energy. 

The ground itself shook in protest, sending fault lines through the surface and creating sharp cracks in the once-solid ground.

The sound of an impending snow avalanche disturbed the mountain's tranquility. 

Danielle's sharp eyes swept over the damage below, like a sentinel of chaos looking over a battlefield, as he hovered above the battlefield.

It wasn't long before his eyes alighted upon Seraphine, a lone figure adrift in a cascade of snow and debris. 

She rode the crest of the impending avalanche.

Danielle's face twisted into a sly grin as he skillfully intertwined his fingers, summoning a magical power that ran through him. His dark eyes, which sparkled with evil pleasure, were fixed on Seraphine. 

With a focused gesture, he directed his palms toward her, channeling his malicious intent into a formidable light beam.

The beam came out in a blaze of ethereal brightness, a blazing lance of golden light that tore through the air, a relentless force hurtling toward Seraphine.

But she was no amateur in the ways of escape, and her senses tingled with urgency as she sized up the danger.

As the unforgiving light beam surged toward her, Seraphine seized her surroundings, manipulating the snow and water that cascaded around her in a furious torrent.

She did a dangerous dance through the chaos to stay away from the deadly light beam that was trying to get her.

But Danielle's malevolent creation was not easily dissuaded. It continued to follow her with dogged persistence, like a persistent hunter reducing the distance between them. 

The light beam quickly reached her in an instant, and this time it directly hit her. But at the last moment, Seraphine blocked the beam with her spear, but the explosion still sent her flying towards the ground. 

Danielle, who was covered in flashing lights, walked down into the snowy hole with a sense of victory. His body landed gracefully on the ground, and his dark eyes sparkled with pleasure. He was waiting for the time when it seemed like Seraphine's fate was set.

Yet, as he materialized, a jolt of astonishment rippled through him. The crater lay empty, devoid of the expected target.

As he looked around, his brows furrowed in confusion. 

Then Seraphine came out from behind the snowdrifts as quickly as a sudden storm, her spear looking like a line of frost in the cold air. The deadly weapon cut cleanly through the air where Danielle had just been standing.

But Danielle, whose body was bathed in fleeting light, disappeared, so Seraphine's attack hit nothing but empty space. 

His mastery of light allowed him to slip through her grasp, his form flickering in and out of existence like a phantom.

During this exciting fight, both fighters showed off their incredible skills, and every move they made showed how much power they had.

Damn it, it's going to be a tough one." Seraphine murmured.

Danielle's quick return, this time with a bright sword in her hand, caught Seraphine by surprise.

She raised her spear defensively, her frosty weapon glinting in contrast to the brilliance of his blade. His voice, smooth and dripping with confidence, cut through the tense mountain air.

"Let's see how well-versed you are in close combat, Princess," he declared, his eyes locked onto hers.

Seraphine's eyes didn't move, and neither did her resolve.

Wordlessly, they circled each other on the uneven, snowy terrain, two formidable opponents in a deadly dance.



Seraphine's spear and Danielle's sword clashed in the duel. 

Danielle used his light element to empower and increase his speed in the sword slash, but despite that, Seraphine kept dodging and deflecting it with ease. 

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