The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 384 Over?

Chapter 384 Over?

More thunders rolled down on Aizel from the dark clouds above. The lightning that was charging through his body and armor made a crackling sound, and the armor's spinning blades boosted his power. 

The clones of Aizel were busy distracting Yoji at the same time. But Yoji kept his vigilance, watching everything around him.

While using magic circles, he was under the impression that Aizel may take advantage of a moment when he has his guard down.

Splitting into four separate selves, Aizel took a low sprinter's stance. Lightning flashed across every manifestation. 

Simultaneously, Sekki replicated, transforming into two blades linked by chains.

*Crackle*... *Crackle*... *Crackle*... *Crackle*...

Their lightning-fast motions ripped through the air as the four Aizel clones took off in different directions. 

This was the last move in Aizel's rapid railgun assault, a plan he had painstakingly planned for this crucial moment.

Without faltering, Yoji's gaze raced swiftly over the battlefield, following every Aizel clone. 

He braced himself for the lightning railgun attack that was about to happen, which would test his focus and reflexes to the limit. All the rest of the Aizel clones have already disappeared at this moment. 

Electricity buzzed through the air as the clones hurried to their assigned spots. With every clone playing an important role in the imminent assault, Aizel's meticulously planned approach unfolded like a ballet.

Each Aizel clone wasted no time launching containers encased in crackling lightning in Yoji's direction.

The containers approached from various directions, a coordinated assault. In a flash, Yoji had conjured another magic circle, this one a brilliant shade of purple.

Before the containers could reach their final destination, four portal-like holes appeared, whisking them away.

Aizel swooped down from the skies and lunged at Yoji, his dual blades blazing. 

Initiating a rapid descent, he executed a concentrated explosion attack upon reaching the ground. Quickly drawing on a golden magic circle, Yoji evaded the strike with his blade. 

The circle countered the assault, redirecting the explosive force back towards Aizel. 

However, it became evident that the Aizel affected by the explosion was merely a lightning clone.

Along with Yoji, two more Aizel swiftly advanced from opposite sides, encircling him in a flash. Their chain dance was a blazing ballet of blades enveloped in flames.

Reacting swiftly, Yoji produced another blade, wrapping both his weapons in the chains and pulling both Aizels towards him.

"This is my gift to you," Yoji said.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The golden magic gave rise to a violent clash of blades, and a blazing attack engulfed the two Aizel.

Amidst the flames and explosions, the final Aizel swiftly appeared before Yoji. 

Aizel reached out and touched Yoji's chest with lightning speed, his hands gleaming in the midst of the mayhem. 

With a smirk, he declared, "Got you,"

Yoji countered Aizel's strike by smiling and summoning a black magic circle, which disappeared all the mana in the area and rendered it useless.

"Good try, you should have been faster," Yoji remarked. Despite feeling a slight pull on his left leg, he disregarded it and swiftly slashed his blade, severing Aizel's neck instantly.

After Yoji severed the Aizel's neck, he watched in disbelief as it turned into lightning and scattered. 

The pull intensified, this time from the left, as the Aizel, battered and half-charred, dragged Yoji towards him.

Coiled around by chains, the Aizel laughed and exposed a half-burned visage. "I've got something else planned, hehe," he announced.

Slamming both fighters into the earth and producing deep craters, the gravitational pressure surged abruptly.

With all of the golden magic circle's power depleted, Yoji needed some time to use it again. 

Meanwhile, Soren swiftly closed in, his blade expanding in size as it descended with formidable gravity.


The reverberation of the sword shattered the platform and gouged a large hole in the airborne fortress.

Aizel and Yoji, reduced to particles, exited the dimension, signaling their demise.

After defeating the twins, Seraphine and Zareena also felt the shockwave. Suddenly, all three of them were back on stage, signaling the end of the last showdown.


"FELGURA KINGDOMMMMMM....." Shoka's voice boomed throughout the Colosseum.






Resonating with the aftermath of the riveting final combat, the Colosseum erupted in thunderous applause and cheers. 

Zareena, Seraphine, and Soren were the only ones left standing on stage. They returned to their balcony after Zareena waved and smiled to show her appreciation for the crowd's support.

Aizel, who was on the balcony, smiled and nodded as he watched.

Finally, we won. At least now I am safe from that bitch. Nothing matters more. I will take it as our victory, hihi." He thought. 

[Fufu, brilliantly done, Master]

"Now we can safely go back and meet kids and others," Daisy said, she was standing just beside him.

Aizel smiled towards her and nodded.

At the Theodora Kingdom Balcony,

Even though the queen was smiling, her disguised irritation was visible in the pulsating veins on her forehead.

Gripping the sofa where she sat, her irritation was evident. 

She lost 20% of her land in the wager against the king of Felgura, and the chance to claim the young war god slipped away.

"You disappointed me," She said. 

Seated directly behind, Yoji sensed the remark was directed at him. Realizing he had blown his chance to win the queen's favor, he tightened his fists hard.

The queen's gaze zeroed in on Aizel, who, in turn, locked eyes with her. She sported a foolish grin directed at her, further fueling her frustration.

"We are leaving," She said. 

Gradually, individuals from the Theodora Kingdom began to exit the Colosseum, one by one.

"We should also leave, Ashlyn would you please," Aquarin said. 

"Woah woah, ain't there like an award ceremony or what?" Aizel suddenly said, which made everyone confused after listening to that. 

"Nevermind," he replied.

As scheduled, each person stepped through the portal that Ashlyn had conjured, and they were soon back at the castle.

"Finally this is over," Aizel murmured as he stretched his hands. 

"Good work everyone; there will be a feast tonight for winning the tournament." The king ordered with a smile and then left for his room. 

Upon seeing Soren approaching, Aizel's once joyful demeanor quickly turned irritated.

"I know, I know," Aizel said first.

"It was a good assist, Sparring partner,"

*TSK* I could have taken care of him alone, it's just have wasted more time and my men...*cough* core energy," Aizel replied.

"Whatever you say," 

Fuck this asshole, I didn't even use my full power" Aizel thought.

[Yes Master, or we could have taken him down alone]

"It's good that we finally won." Zareen interrupted.

"You better remember your promise," Aizel said.

"Don't worry, when we will back at our home. I will visit you personally and will give you the further details," She replied.


Everyone went to their rooms to get some sleep and get ready for the feast later tonight as the night progressed.

After several hours, night descended, marking the commencement of the feast.

Radiance from all directions illuminated the castle's magnificent dining hall. While the King, magnificent in his regal clothes, mingled with reveling nobility in their finest garments, the latter enjoyed a night of sharing drinks and laughs.

As the visitors mingled, the sound of maids and servants frantically bringing various foods and drinks filled the air.

Aizel and Daisy, both dressed like royalty, entered the hall. The lips of Aizel watered in anticipation as the enticing scent of the feast drifted through the atmosphere.

As they neared the extravagant feast, the dishes' vivid hues enticed them. The culinary artistry on display at this magnificent event was on full display at the tables set with an assortment of delicacies.

It was a visual and gustatory extravaganza with roasted meats, perfectly seasoned veggies, and rich desserts lining the tables.

The hall was filled with the joyful reverberation of clinking glasses and excited conversation. In the midst of the energetic ambiance, Aizel and Daisy took their seats at the table.

The king raised his goblet, initiating a toast, and the hall erupted in cheers.

"Time to gobble down everything after that battle, hehe," 

As the evening progressed, the feast unfurled as a display of excess and joy. The taste burst in Aizel's mouth with every bite, and he loved every dish.

The animated conversation and the musicians' enchanting melodies created a festive atmosphere. 

The maids and servants continued their tireless efforts, ensuring the guests lacked nothing in their culinary experience. 

[Master, are we going on a tour with Isabella after this?]

I thought about it but we have to say no to her for now. We will first meet with the kids and other's back at home. Then we will head towards the beast kingdom for the beast fairy that is required for the potion."

[So that Vespara can make the potion for the Daisy eyes, fufu]

Yes, and also we have to train ourselves and fully get comfortable with the Grade III core. The next mission won't be easy for us,"

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