The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 389 Kalesi

Chapter 389 Kalesi

Aizel felt a surge of unease as he beheld the dragon's soaring wings as they pressed down on him. He felt a shiver run down his spine and a strong impulse to run away. 

Yet, amidst the fear, a spark of excitement gleamed in his eyes.

He felt a rush of adrenaline. 

He dipped himself into crackling lightning and quickly turned Sekki into a blade.

[No no Master, this is not the fight we want right now]

He..hehe...hehee... let's make this battle legendary," 


Aizel witnessed a remarkable occurrence as the colossal dragon before him began to shrink in size upon drawing near.

In a breathtaking transformation, the dragon became a woman of formidable stature, standing at a towering 6 feet tall. 

Her tan skin radiated a subtle sheen, adorned with delicate dragon scales. With certain ease, she approached Aizel, her grey eyes fixed on him. 

She wore a flowing brown gown that added to the feeling of mystery and her long, black hair moved in sync with her motions.

The mysterious transformation enchanted Aizel, even as he braced himself for combat.

"Never expected the young war god to be the princess's personal royal mage," She spoke first.

When Aizel realized she was only there to talk, not fight, he sighed with relief and quickly dissipated the lightning.

"Just for the personal benefits," Aizel replied.

"Connect with Princess, I want to confirm something with her first," She said.

"Sure, give me a moment,"

Aizel retrieved the magic crystal, establishing a connection with the princess.

The dragon lady, meanwhile, was making her way toward him. 

Just as the princess answered, she swiftly took the crystal from his hand and moved a bit away for their conversation.

What do you think, Sekki? How powerful is she?" Meanwhile, Aizel asked.

[She definitely feels on par with Vespara]

Damnnn... how the fuck the princess saved her life. It should have been the other way around."

[Maybe it is about something else]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I have confirmed with the princess," She said and threw the magic crystal back to Aizel.

"So are you gonna help me to get the beast fairy?" Aizel asked nervously.

"..... I will try my best for the princess... but it will all depend on you," she answered.

"For now, wear this." She came close and handed Aizel a black cloak with dragon scales and a pattern on it.

"What's this?" Aizel asked.

"Wear it,"

Putting the hood over his head, Aizel quickly put on the cloak. But once he put it on, he still didn't feel different.

"It will hide your human aura and smell from the other dragons here," She replied.

"Wait a minute.. does that mean there are no humans in this region?"

"There are few, but you won't like it how they are treated. So if you don't want any trouble, shut your mouth and follow my orders," She said.

Why doesn't she show any emotions? It's like I am talking to a robot," Aizel thought instead. She wasn't showing any emotion or reaction on her face as Aizel observed her.

"Follow me now,"

She started to change back into the dragon without notice, and Aizel stood a little farther away to watch it happen again.

As if waiting for something, she stood motionless this time, her big dragon-slit eyes fixed on Aizel.

Is this what I think it is,"

[Yes Master, she wants you to ride on her]

Why does it sound so weird,"

Aizel approached her cautiously, then ascended to her back. As his hand brushed against the black scales, he could feel their rough texture.

She spread her wings and soared into the sky. They were flying across the sky in no time at all.

Aizel peered down at the rugged terrain and the jagged mountains as they journeyed above.

"I wonder if we are going to get the beast fairy right now," Aizel murmured.

"No, we have to plan first," Suddenly dragon spoke in a rough voice, which surprised Aizel.

"So... we are going somewhere else,"

"You are coming with me back to my tribe. Remember not to speak to anyone. Only respond in an emergency and don't leave my side no matter what," She said.

"Got it, what's your name by the way,"


How dragonlike," Aizel thought.

They continued their journey, taking a bit longer to reach their destination. 

Immersed in a book he had brought from Earth, Aizel lay on her back and read. 

It was an action-fantasy tale, and both Aizel and Sekki engaged in discussions about the protagonist's abilities and tactics.

Learning and expanding his imagination were two goals Aizel achieved while delving into the novel.

Upon reaching the Kalesi tribe, Aizel observed the sparse yet colossal houses. They would still be able to squeeze inside, even in dragon form. 

Kalesi descended towards a substantial structure crafted from stone and trees. 

Aizel disembarked from the dragon as Kalesi assumed her human shape again. Following her, heentered the spacious dwelling, guarded by two dragons in their human forms.

"Welcome back, Dragon Queen," both of the guards bowed and said, and then started to glare towards Aizel.

She is a queen!" Aizel thought, meanwhile, ignoring the gazes from the guard.

Aizel trailed behind her and stepped into the house.

Inside, he noticed many dragon women working as housekeepers. Feeling self-conscious and uneasy, Aizel ducked his head and tried to evade their curious looks.

After following Kalesi into an empty room, he found a large, airy room with a single bed and some artwork and furnishings. 

"This is my room; you will live with me here until we depart for the mission," Kalesi said plainly.

Are dragons really that carefree?" Aizel thought.

[Fufu Master, you can enjoy a little and relieve some tension before we head for the dangerous mission]

Shut up,"

With two large glasses in her hands, a housekeeper stepped inside. 

She set the glasses on the table next to Aizel and Kalesi, smiling as she did so. Aizel enjoyed the aroma of the drink before taking a sip. 

The beverage had a delightful balance of sour and sweet, perfectly pleasing to his taste buds.

"Did you finally find a man, my lady?" The housekeeper asked, which made Aizel spill the drink out of his mouth.

"You may go now, and tell others I will be busy for some time. Contact me only in emergency" Kalesi replied.

"Yes my lady," With that said, the housemaid left the room.

"Now we will plan, how to get the beast fairy," Kalesi said, turning her attention towards Aizel.

"Sure, so where can we find it?" Aizel asked.

"Lunar Mirage Marsh," Kalesi said. AIzel was paying full attention to it. 

"It is a mystical and treacherous wetland, known for its illusions that come alive under the silver glow of the moon.

"The marsh stretches as far as the eye can see, its murky waters reflect the moon."

"Is it the only place where we can find the beast fairy?" Aizel asked.

"Yes, only here you will find the beast fairy. 

"The lunar energies here are dominant and the beast fairies love that. With it, they can create an illusion domain throughout the marsh. 

"As the moon changes its phases, the fairies' powers also change with it and the illusion tides on the Marsh. 

"It is also a home for rare magical flora that sustains the fairies," Kalesi explained.

"This is interesting," 

"And dangerous. The illusion there is no child play. 

"There is a 90% chance of dying or getting stuck in the illusions forever. It's not an easy task."

"At least there is a 10% chance," Aizel replied.

"Also, hunting beast fairy is a crime in the dragon region. You know what it means right?" She asked.

"So not only do we have to avoid everyone, we also have to pass the illusions, and then only we can catch the fairies." 

"We... only you. I can't risk my tribe." Kalesi said.

"What do you mean? You said you would help me."

"I will help you reach Lunar Mirage Marsh. From there, it will depend on you.

"You have to catch the fairy and escape on your own back to your kingdom," Kalesi answered.

"Umm.... fine. So when do we leave?" Aizel asked.

"I need to prepare for it. We will depart in 3-4 days," Kalesi said.

"Okay... by the way where I am going to sleep?"

"With me on the bed," 

Aizel looked awkwardly towards her, but she didn't show any emotion. It was like she didn't care for anything.

Rather than responding, she rose and reclined on her bed. Uncertain of his next move, Aizel made his way to the bed.

To his surprise, the bed was exceptionally spacious. Opting for a corner, he lay down, maintaining some distance from Kalesi.

I think I should make a dream loop and start practicing for the magic circle,"

[Master, at least you should try a dragon, fufu]

I will beat your ass up,"

As he dozed off, he initiated a dream loop in his mind. Once more, he delved into the practice of the arcane magic circuit.

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