The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 92 Bang

Aizel crept slowly and cautiously toward the billing counter, where the three remaining thugs were stationed.

He stood back and watched the three remaining thugs. One of them was busy stuffing his bags with cash at the billing counter, while the other two watched the civilians and the supermarket entrance.

Aizel knew he had to act quickly and take them out before they harmed anyone else in panic or hesitation.

Meanwhile, outside the supermarket...

There was a heavy police presence, with many patrol cars stationed to ensure that no one entered or left unobserved.

Reporters had also arrived at the scene and were broadcasting live on television, drawing a crowd of curious onlookers who had gathered to witness the commotion.

"Sir, I think we should just rush in from the gate; they are just normal thugs. They will easily get frightened after seeing so many of us." One of the police officers said.

"Are you an idiot? There are civilians present there, and the tugs have guns with them. What if they shoot someone?" Another one replied to him.

Outside, the police officers were agitated, bickering amongst themselves, while their captain remained calm, his gaze fixed on the supermarket door. The gathering media and observers stood there, watching the chaos develop in front of them.


A gunshot boomed through the air, sending shivers down everyone's spine. It seemed to originate from inside the supermarket.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Charge inside, shoot on sight, and try to save civilians." The captain shouted loudly, and everyone charged from the front door at the same time.

The sound of the gunshot reached Alora, Irene, and Sherlyn, and they quickly headed toward the billing counter together.

When they arrived at the billing counter at the same time, they were met with a shocking sight that left them speechless.

"My baby... please open your eyes." A mother cried as she held her dying daughter in her arms. The small child had clearly been shot in the head by one of the attackers, who was now unconscious on the ground alongside the other two.

"Quickly take care of every thug." The police captain shouted as the rest of the team spread out in the market while some of them headed towards the mother.

Alora's gaze was drawn to Aizel, who stood motionless with a painful expression on his face. He muttered something under his breath as his gaze remained fixed on the lifeless child in the arms of her grieving mother.

"It happened because of you; if you had stayed quiet, my daughter would have been alive by now." As the mother hugged her lifeless child, consumed by grief, she shouted at Aizel, who stood there silently.

Alora let out a sigh.

With a snap of her fingers, she silenced the commotion and beckoned Aizel to follow her out of the supermarket.

They took the taxi and headed back to their apartment.

When they entered the hall of their apartment, Alora turned to Aizel and asked, breaking the heavy silence.

"What exactly happened? How did the kid die?"

"I... it's just that I first knocked both of them down quickly while facing the last one.

"He was trying to strangle me, but somehow I was able to reverse choke him from the back to put him in the sleeper hold.

"I was trying to pass him out, but in the process... he shot the bullet that hit the child.

"It happened because of me, Alora. "I... I took that child away from her mother."  Aizel walked over to the glass mirror on the wall, his gaze fixed on his reflection as he responded to Alora's question.

"It was that fucker's fault. He shot the kid, why are…

"NO!" he shouted. His face distorted with rage as he stared at himself. Without thinking, he launched a flurry of fists at the mirror, each strike driven by his hatred and frustration.

"It's because of me…

"I should have just killed him...

Aizel's knuckles went red and blood trickled down as he relentlessly pounded the glass mirror with all his power, his voice booming in the empty room as he yelled in self-blame.

Alora intervened and held Aizel's arms, tears streaming down his face as he whispered about killing.

She snapped her fingers, and Aizel fell into a deep slumber. With effortless grace, she lifted his muscular frame onto her slender shoulders and carried him to his room.

Alora took out the medical kit and carefully attended to Aizel's bloodied hands, delicately removing the shattered glass before cleansing the wounds with a mild antiseptic. Once she had finished, she expertly bandaged his hands.

She gently ran her hand over his head as she spoke in a soft voice, "I really miss the old you.

"I know your personality has changed because of your memory, but you are too weak-minded.

"I don't know how you will be able to explore Xelgar if you remain the same. You have to become stronger, Aizel.

"Your mother is waiting for you." Her lips brushed gently against his cheek before she turned and left the room.

Aizel woke up drenched in sweat half an hour later. Without wasting any time, he hurried back to the hall.

"I can't sleep, I won't be able to sleep properly.

"Help me... Alora."

"What do you need?"

"I need a car."

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"I am going to kill that son of a bitch with my own hands. I can't let him rot in the cell."

Alora's lips curled up into a vicious grin upon hearing Aizel's plan. She rose to her feet, motioning for Aizel to follow, and they left the apartment together.


The sirens of five police cars pierced the city streets as they moved in a line through the streets.

The cops had already handcuffed the thugs and were leading them to the station.

"I don't know, but I feel like there is something I am forgetting," one of the officers said to the other inside the car.

"Yeah, somehow my memory is also a little dizzy from when we rushed inside."

"I am telling you there was one more guy; he shot the bullet after taking it out of my hand." The thug who fired the bullet yelled at them from the back.

"Shut up, idiot."

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