The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 94 The Magic Institute

The next morning...

Alora awoke from her slumber and made her way to Aizel's room, hoping to find him there.

She walked into his room, but all she found was the crumpled bedsheet lying on the empty bed.

"It seems like he went back." She sighed.

Meanwhile in Felgura city...

Aizel went down the corridor, his steps softly echoing on the polished floors. He rounded the corner and entered his room at the Pearl Inn.

*Knock* *Knock*

He rapped the wooden door with his knuckles. After some time, the door swung open, and a small kid leaped forward and tightly embrace him.

"Good morning, Emma."

The little girl smiled at Aizel as he caressed her head, revealing a bullet wound on her forehead and gushing blood from her eyes, nose, and ears.

He closed his eyes to calm himself. When he opened them, he saw Emma's smiling face with no indication of harm. He exhaled a long breath.

Aizel and Emma entered the room, which was packed with kids reading books about magic. Daisy was one of them, and she sensed Aizel and approached him.

"Did something happen?" she asked.

"No... everything is good."

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"Don't lie to me; I can see your face; it's gloomy and tired."

"Wait, how do you even know? You can't see shit." His voice rose a little.

"Emma could go leave us for a moment? I need to speak with him in private."

Emma acknowledged her with a nod before darting off to join the other children.

"I... am sorry." Aizel sighed.

"What happened yesterday?"

"It's just that I ran into some hunters who were looting some people in the forest; I knocked out every one of them, but the last one fired a spell that hit a little kid, and she died."

"Do you think it's your fault that she died?" Daisy asked.

"Of course it is! If I had killed them instead of knocking them out, the kid would be alive now."

"At this point, I don't think anything I say will make it into your head, the only thing I could say is that you at least tried saving them.

"Who will even actually try to save some ordinary people without even trying to kill the others?

"You might even see more deaths in your way as you advance on your mage path. Everyone will die someday, Aizel; the only question is, "When?"

Daisy stepped closer and gently stroked his face with her palm, her fingertips tracing the contours of his cheekbones.

"All the girls flock over this face, I think."

"So you can even sense how I look?"

"Almost," she replied... "Go now; isn't today the first day of your magic class?"

"Oh shit, you are right. Thank you, Daisy."

When he left the room, Aizel waved goodbye to the kids on his way.

With a single-minded purpose, Aizel ran breathlessly toward the magic institute, his feet beating against the pavement with each stride.

Aizel approached the magical institute's main entrance, where a group of mages was chatting and arriving as well. Hazel was among them and spotted Aizel, quickly making her way over to him.

"Are you also excited for your first day, Aizel?" she inquired, her eyes shining with excitement.


Aizel and Hazel went into the courtyard as they approached the gate, their steps reverberating on the cobbled stones. They made a beeline towards the magical institute's main entrance, passing bustling magicians.

"You know, I was so eager for the class that I wasn't even able to sleep properly last night."

"Yeah, me too."

But for a different reason, he thought.

Hazel chattered happily as they headed towards the institute, while Aizel nodded. Eventually, they arrived at the Cedric Felgura statue.

"You know, Aizel, I want to be like him.

"He was the most powerful mage in our kingdom. He had four magic cores: earth, wood, metal, and plant."

"Wait a minute—plants and wood are not the same?" Aizel asked.

"In some ways they are, but in some ways, they are not.

"I haven't seen anyone with a plant core, but I read in the books that someone with a plant core can manipulate the growth of different plants and herbs, which can be very helpful in potion-making.

"That's all I know for now."

"Interesting," Aizel replied, deep in thought.

"I have the same earth affinity as him; I hope I can learn more about it and form more cores related to earth."

"So they were all related to earth; is this also the case for other elements?" Aizel asked.

"Yes for every element along with rare."

"Then what about the unique power?" Aizel asked.

"What are those? I haven't heard about that." She asked.

"…Nothing. Forget it."

"We should head straight. Let's go.

"I can't wait to wear the institute's magic robe," Hazel said as they both walked straight towards the institute.

Within a few minutes, the massive castle-like structures loomed into view, sprawling across acres of land.

"It's so big!" They both said it in unison.

"Let's head inside Aizel."

But they noticed Professor Liam waiting outside the institute, accompanied by the twins Jareth and Jaxon as well as a woman with silver hair.

As they walked towards the group, Professor Liam addressed them, noting that everyone from the previous day had arrived.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go see the headmaster for a small meeting."

They followed him into the institute and came to a large stretch of stairs leading to various floors.

They noticed a gorgeous green field with fountains. The mages were lounging and chatting all around them on the ground floor. The group proceeded to the headmaster's office, which was also on the ground floor.

"Sir, is everyone who passed the test required to meet the headmaster first?" Hazel questioned the professor as they waited outside the headmaster's office.

"No, only those who are admitted to the high class.

"Besides, your situation is quite different from others." He said as he glanced toward Aizel and the silver-haired woman.

Suddenly, the door opened on its own, allowing them to enter the office.

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