The Nebula's Civilization

Chapter 164: Helix Wings and Saw Blade Tanks

Chapter 164: Helix Wings and Saw Blade Tanks

The Helix Wings were composed of a round body made of wood, a tail wing for stability, and secondary wings on each side. In the center of the body was the rubber powered engine, and the rubber cords of this engine extended into the wide helix-shaped component used to lift the Helix Wings up. Below that was where the cockpit was located. And from the cockpit, the secondary wings on each side could be controlled for maneuvering the aircraft, and the landing controller used to give friction and gradually stop the rubber powered engine to land was also located here.

According to Golt Tebari, a Platy and baron of the Fabirang Union—also known as the one with the biggest mouth in the world—the first Helix Wing successfully taking flight didn’t have a landing controller.

"...Then what happened to the one flying it?"

“Are you talking about the madman, Toolbo, the creator of the Helix Wing?”

"Yeah, that guy."

"He ascended to heaven."


Golt was quite cooperative, and finding it suspicious, Vasen checked to see if Golt was saying something different than the other Platy captives, but surprisingly, it was actually another Platy soldier who lied to cause confusion.

Golt spoke briefly about the hero of the Platys.

"Toolbo was obsessed with Doodooba trees his whole life. Before the Helix Wings were created, Doodooba trees were mostly made into balls to kick around, or used to mend cracks in broken roofs.”

"But Toolbo found a use for them?"

"Yes. Of course, not everything Toolbo made was useful from the start."

Vasen became interested. The Platys had an entirely different history and culture, so listening to their stories could be helpful in some way.

"For example?"

"A replication of a man’s genital for widows who lost their husbands at war.”


"Do you call it something else here? The thing attached between the legs of men..."

"Never mind that, move on. What else?"

"What else? The next thing Toolbo created was for men who lost their wives early in their lives…"


Golt listed the various miscellaneous inventions that Toolbo had made and then said, "At the time, everyone called Toolbo a madman, but only one person watched and supported him."

"Who was that?"

"Well, of course...the Folded Wing Golden Bird."


From what Vasen heard, that Folded Wing Golden Bird seemed to be the god of the Fabirang Union.

The madman Toolbo had surpassed all the priests of the Fabirang Union in gaining the favor of the Folded Wing Golden Bird and risen to the position of a saint. Therefore, not only the priests of the Folded Wing Golden Bird, but even the triumvir, which led the union, had no choice but to concede to Toolbo.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Unlike in the past, Toolbo was then able to receive most of the financial and personnel support from the Fabirang Union as long as it was within their limit.

“In the end, the Folded Wing Golden Bird was right. Because that’s how we gained rubber powered technology.”

Vasen did not remind Golt that the machines using rubber power got shot down by the gunners of Black Scale.

"We believe that the madman Toolbo reached the Folded Wing Golden Bird with the first Helix Wing."

And he also didn’t ask about whether the madman Toolbo would have eventually crashed somewhere after reaching the sky.

Golt then said, "Come to think of it, doesn’t Black Scale also have an ascended hero? Thinking that way, our Fabirang Union and Black Scale Empire share some similarities."

“You should watch what you say, duckmouth.”

"...Huh? Why?"

Golt had an expression of someone who was treated unfairly.


A few days later, at a place that took two days to get to from the city of the Pangolins, Siol, the 500 gunners of Black Scale from the first and second expedition teams of Black Scale were stationed on a small rocky hill, along with 2000 Pangolins. From what Vasen had confirmed, this small hill that didn’t even have a name seemed to be the best location to block the Fabirang Union from.

Siol did have a rampart, but that wasn’t very useful against Helix Wings. And even though the rocks dropped by the Helix Wings weren’t very effective, they would affect the citizens of the city who weren’t participating in the war. Moreover, the Helix Wings themselves could be used as transportation for infiltrating enemy territory.

Unlike Vasen’s expectations, according to Golt, the Platys of the Fabirang Union seemed to make good use of such capabilities. Therefore, Vasen positioned the gunners on the hill where they could shoot down the Helix Wings, which typically moved at a low altitude.

A soldier who had climbed to the rocky hilltop with a telescope came running down toward Vasen.

“Team Leader, I’ve seen their Helix Wings rising into the air.”

“Alright. I’ll have to see it for myself.”

Vasen took the telescope and went to the top of the hill.

Just as he expected, Helix Wings flying at a low altitude began to come into view. There were about a hundred of them. This was a substantial number.

The Helix Wings weren’t very fast. They could fly against the wind, but they preferred to ride the currents rather than fly against them, and even so, their speed wasn't that impressive compared to birds in the sky.

'But moving while ignoring terrain is a significant advantage. I thought they were ridiculous at first, but with more research, there will certainly be many other uses.'

Of course, not right now though.

Vasen focused on the battle.

Though not immediately visible, the Helix Wings were likely moving along with ground troops. This was the typical battle tactic of the Platys that Golt had revealed.

‘They make a preemptive attack with the Helix Wings to cause confusion, then the soldiers on the ground become the main force to crush the enemy.’

The tactic did make some logical sense.

Generally, battles took place on the ground, typically fighting against only one side of the enemy. However, facing attacks from two fronts—and not simply from both sides, but one coming from above—would be difficult to deal with if the soldiers weren’t skilled enough even if the attacks weren’t that powerful.

‘Moreover, if what Golt said was right, the stone throwing from last time was intended for capturing living captives, and depending on the units, they could have arrows or spears… Still, their aim isn’t that great.’

In war, a weapon didn’t necessarily have to inflict actual harm. It would still be useful if it could pose a threat.

And facing enemies in the sky which are difficult to deal with would lead to panic.

‘But for all that to work, they should have chosen opponents who are unfamiliar with new technology.’

Vasen additionally thought.

‘...And it would be better if they would instill greater loyalty in their soldiers. ‘

As the Helix Wings approached, Vasen ordered the soldiers to light their fuses. Because this was a surprise attack, the order was relayed by having the soldiers telling those next to them.

Soon, smoke would rise from the gunners’ matchlocks, but Vasen wasn’t concerned.

‘By the time they realize…’

As Vasen had predicted, the Helix Wings didn’t cross over the hill and instead came around from the east to ride the current. It was right where Vasen’s military expedition members were hiding.

Then, a soldier that was aboard one of the Helix Wings was heard urgently shouting something.

So Vasen stood up and yelled, “...Fire!”

The gunners stationed in various locations on the hill in sitting firing positions all opened fire at the Helix Wings at once.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Around twenty Helix Wings immediately began to crash, and another twenty fell down more gradually. Some of the other Helix Wings hurriedly changed their directions or flew higher, and as a result, the Helix Wings collided against each other, or as they flew higher in the air, the weak axles broke and they began to fall. Around twenty Helix Wings survived the first attack and managed to escape.

‘Many of them aimed at the same targets.’

Despite dividing the gunners into squads and giving them slightly different orders, they weren’t able to wipe the enemy out with one try. But Vasen wasn’t disheartened.

‘After all, attacks from guns have high damage rates.’

Those riding the Helix Wings seemed to have a rough understanding that there would be some delay between matchlock shots. Therefore, instead of flying higher into the sky where the matchlocks wouldn’t reach, they counterattacked and quickly turned back around to return to where their ground forces were.

Then, the Pangolin crossbow unit that had been hiding in the bushes with their backs to the sky raised their crossbows and began shooting. Like rain being pulled back into the sky, arrows soared into the air and struck the Helix Wing unit. All the remaining Helix Wings began to spiral down.

‘There might be surviving Platy pilots in the forest. Besides, we should prepare for the incoming ground troops.’

If Golt was right, the Helix Wings also served as a reconnaissance group, which meant that the ground troops weren’t far, so they would have heard the gunshots as well.

As the troops finished preparing again, a reconnaissance soldier came running to Vasen and said, “The enemy's ground troops are starting to appear!"

Compared to the northern jungle, the density of vegetation was lower in this part of the forest, but the forest was still full of trees, making it difficult to identify the enemy. Among the branches, though, the Platys and the saw blade tanks that the Platys were proud of could be seen.

The Fabirang Union was divided into three main species, and thanks to the madman Toolbo, who created the rubber powered technology, the Platys were the ones who best utilized the technology.

‘Of course it wouldn’t be simply for that reason. Their small and light physiques would make it efficient for them to get on the machines, and this efficiency wouldn’t apply only to the Helix Wings, but also the saw blade tanks.’

The saw blade tanks were something that Vasen also hadn’t ever seen before, but thanks to Golt’s explanation, he became very familiar with them.

The hull of these tanks were almost the same height as Lizardmen, and the tanks moved forward on their own through rubber power, without the help of a creature. Unlike the Helix Wings that flew up with one rubber powered engine, saw blade tanks contained five engines, making them massive. The four wheels on each side were wrapped in thick and sturdy rubber in the shape of a M?bius strip, and rotating helix poles were attached to the front. These helix horns were made of brass, and each spiral end had small saw blade teeth, making it look like the bud of an alien flower. Smaller helix horns were also attached to the central axis of each wheel, making it possible to literally grind any infantry that attacked from the side and not just the front.

‘Hm, so they haven’t just come without a plan.’

This was also what Golt had predicted, but unlike Helix Wings, the saw blade tanks were able to easily carry more weight.

The Platys of the Fabirang Union didn't know exactly what weapon their opponent had, but they must have felt the need to defend themselves against external attacks if all the additional brass plates they had attached to the front and sides of the tanks was anything to go by. Normally there would only be wooden plates, which would have been enough to block arrows.

‘A heavy and massive tank that isn’t built by creatures. In previous wars, they would have played a significant role on the battlefield, just like cannons.’

Surely there would be ways to counter them in a second encounter, but in Vasen’s opinion, the new gunpowder weapons that would emerge after each fight in previous wars had the upper hand. And this would also be true for the rubber engine powered tanks.

‘However…apart from the timing, isn’t the location unfavorable?’

Vasen had thought the saw blade tanks might not make an appearance, but he seemed to be mistaken. Their enemies seemed to like their weapons more than Vasen thought.

A soldier shouted, “The enemies have appeared!”

The Fabirang Union spotted the line of Vasen’s military expedition troops and the Pangolin troops that Margo led on the hill, and they placed their saw blade tanks at the front.

There were about 2000 Black Scale and Pangolin troops. Although it was a small number, there were only ten saw blade tanks. Vasen believed that if they were to fight with the same weapons and without any cavalry on a normal flatland, it would be difficult to fight with the same numbers.

“Tell them to reload each of their weapons and stay in formation.”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon, the saw blade tanks advanced forward.

‘The strength of the saw blade tanks is its massiveness that not even cavalry on horses could face.’

Vasen waited.

The saw blade tanks emerged from the forest and charged fiercely at a speed similar to a horse running slowly. They weren’t very fast, but it was still a speed that could effortlessly crush and run over the enemy’s infantry.

‘And the weakness of the saw blade tanks…’

However, the saw blade tanks began to slow down at a distance of about a hundred footsteps before reaching Vasen’s formation. They weren’t reducing their speed though. The wheels were spinning in place.

‘ also their massiveness.’

Soon, the wheels of the saw blade tank that was charging at the very front sank into the ground. They were trapped in a swamp.

Vasen believed that as long as they could fight in a location of their choosing, they wouldn’t be defeated.

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