The Nebula's Civilization

Chapter 293: Because They Were Outraged

Chapter 293: Because They Were Outraged

"Chairman Sarcho."

In the office of the chairman of the western continental Imperial Council, Sarcho heard someone calling them.

"It is almost time."

Despite the reminder, Sarcho remained motionless, sitting in their simple chair, facing away from the people and looking out the window.

The secretaries in the chairman's office quietly went in and out, attempting to read Sarcho's mood, while the members of the western continental council, who were divided into various factions, caught the passing secretaries to try and figure out what Sarcho was thinking.

"Is the chairman not planning to get going yet?"


"...Well, that's something."

"The council members should wait in the meeting hall."


The separatist faction, one of the most radical secularist political forces in the western continent, held significant power. The separatists demanded independence from the Empire, having absorbed the descendants of the Union Kingdom and revolutionary forces over a long period. With sufficient political power and having been the mainstream on the western continent for over a decade, they had many supporters.

Members of the separatist faction gathered in front of the chairman's office, discussing and waiting for Sarcho. They stood in the shadow away from the light streaming through the window, making it hard to distinguish each other's faces.

Someone whispered, "Do you think this is a crisis or an opportunity?"

Despite the Imperial Parliament being a place where one must be careful with words, it was still a secure place. As long as they kept their voices low, there was no need to worry about others overhearing.

Someone in the faction said, "It's an opportunity."

"Yes, it's an opportunity."

During the previous night, the old gods had revealed themselves. Their presence was surprising. Along with the old gods, the famous ancient relic of the Empire, the Sky Castle, emerged. The Sky Castle as they knew it was once the capital of the Union Kingdom and now housed the Starkeeper, a celestial base symbolizing the Empire's moon-facing plan, but it turned out to be only one of many.

The ancient gods had emerged with dozens of such Sky Castles across the world. The exact number was still a military secret, but media reports suggested there were about 70 to 80 castles. Where these Sky Castles had originated was up to much debate, but according to the Wizards of the Vaseniol Wizard Tower, they likely emerged from the space known as the Demon World. The fact that the old gods created so many Sky Castles and even the second moon made the imperial citizens uneasy.

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"The Empire didn't accept their proposal even after witnessing the show of force by the old gods."

The Imperial Palace made an official announcement after the old gods revealed themselves, bringing along the Sky Castles. The Empire declared it would protect all gods of the Pantheon, and those who interfered or disobeyed would not be forgiven in the Emperor's name. This announcement received great support from the central and southern continents. However, the response was not as strong in the eastern and western continents, where the political lineage and influence differed from the Empire’s center.

While the Empire's system and power were pervasive, it was difficult to sway the general public all at once, and the secularists saw this situation as a kind of opportunity.

"How powerful do you think the old gods are?"

"That's not important. What matters is that they believe they can fight the Empire and are acting on it."

In fact, after the appearance of the old gods, localized battles had been occurring throughout the Empire. However, the Sky Castles themselves, seemingly the base of the old gods, did not engage in the battles directly. The attacks were initiated by floating crystals that detached from the Sky Castles.

These unpolished, magenta crystals, sharp at the bottom like awls, ranged from approximately 10 to 30 meters in size and slowly moved toward the Empire's major cities despite the Empire's stern warnings.

The Empire's response to the floating crystals was to attack them. Various regional armies surrounded the crystals and projected firepower, but surprisingly, the crystals were not destroyed by such physical attacks. As a result, the Empire proceeded to evacuate citizens and isolate areas where the floating crystals had stopped.

Investigations on these crystals were still to be revealed, scientifically, magically, and theologically. The Palace's official statement was that it was unknown what the old gods intended to achieve through these floating crystals.

A separatist said, "The Empire is in chaos."

"Do you really think so?"

"With no gods in the Pantheon, what thoughts could those puppets have?"


"This is undoubtedly an opportunity. We must seize it."

Such conversations were merely a reconfirmation of the separatists' thoughts. The separatists expected that the Empire could lose to the old gods and, even if it did not, would lose its influence over other continents in the process of war. If so, the two continents on the sides—and perhaps even the southern continent—could break free from the Empire's shadow.

"But there are many on our western continent who fear the old gods."

"Are they not gods at the end of the day? There's nothing to fear."

"Aren't they...different?"

Of course, the separatists were cautious about the old gods. They seemed a bit different from the gods of the Pantheon. However, they did not yet know much about the old gods and had not had time to properly understand them. The separatists thought that the old gods could be worse than the Pantheon, but without a way to know for sure in the current situation, could it not turn out to be the opposite, that the old gods could be better? And how could they make judgment without experiencing it?

"But look at their faces."

"Their faces?"

"Weren't they like the Tailless and Half Tailed of olden times in this land?"

When the separatists saw the faces of the angels, they couldn't help but recall the oppressed species from the lands of the Union Kingdom. Although the Pantheon of the Empire had diverse values and faces, the old gods had consistent ones.

Judging from the faces of minority races like Dwarves, Halflings, Humans, and Elves, perhaps the old gods favored these species more. In fact, many of the separatists were of Tailless species origin in the past.

"So we must persuade Chairman Sarcho."

At these words, all the separatists nodded.

For the secularists, Sarcho's influence was absolute. Sarcho was indeed a living legend of the revolution. In fact, based on famous broadcasts transmitted worldwide, Sarcho's secular discourse recorded higher viewership ratings than the Emperor's speech at the imperial palace.

One of the separatists said, "But will Chairman Sarcho agree with us?"

"I'm curious, why do you think they won't agree?"

"I've heard that people like Dain in the labor sector hold the same will as the Empire. Dain is a long-time comrade of Sarcho."

"Ha, nothing but a traitor."

An old councilor waved their hand dismissively. "Chairman Sarcho had their life saved during their last visit to Orazen."

"And do you know what the chairman said after that? They said their life was exploited, politically consumed in the fight of the gods. That the Pantheon could have prevented such a thing from happening in the first place."

The old councilor continued, "I believe they’re just deliberating for a decision. I trust that their will aligns with ours."

"What do you think will happen next, councilor?"

The councilor brought their hand to their chin and slowly rubbed it. "If the chairman delivers the right speech, they could gain the support of the secularists of the western continent. It would be an unprecedented event. They could also make use of the various symbolic powers held by the council."

"...Such as?"

"They could use continental autonomy discretion in a crisis, ignoring commands from the Empire and the royal family in times of disaster. This includes the emergency detention of dangerous individuals. Do you understand what I mean?"

A young separatist councilor caught on immediately. "To detain the gods' mortal manifestations?"


"Well...that would be a tremendous event."

"It would be."

Even detaining only the known gods of the western continent that went through the Fall would still create a massive echo.

Although the secularists were still sharing inside information, there was unconfirmed news that the location where Night Sky descended was located in the western continent.

"But the Imperial Army won't just stand by."

"Even the Imperial Army can't ignore the chairman's autonomy discretion."

"Officially, that's true."

"I know what you mean, but there are factions in the western continent's Imperial Army who are devoted to the chairman, former revolutionaries."

"Are you saying this could lead to a civil war?"

"If the chairman wishes."

At this point, Avartin stood at a crossroad.

"If the western continent makes the first move, the eastern continent will resonate. Add the old gods to that, and the Empire could collapse in an instant."

It was natural for the separatists to be agitated in such a situation. The long-standing oppression of the Empire was falling, and the world was beginning to move. They believed that each of them could create a different world they dreamed of.

One of Sarcho's secretaries burst out of the door. "Chairman is coming out!"

Bugbear Sarcho, with a white-bearded chin and sideburns, immediately headed to the council upon leaving the chairman's office.

The separatist councilors, unable to keep up with Sarcho's fast pace, followed and called out, "Sarcho! Talk to us!"

Sarcho continued walking as if they hadn't heard, almost kicking in the doors of the council chamber. The cameras of the waiting journalists flashed dazzlingly.

"After being 30 minutes late from the emergency council meeting of the western continent, Chairman Sarcho finally enters the council!"

Sarcho, now unfazed by the camera flashes, walked up to the chairman's seat. Ignoring the murmurs of the councilors, Sarcho flawlessly initiated all the official procedures of the emergency council and then walked up to the podium. Reporters, sensing a historic moment, took shots faster.

"Greetings, comrades of the western continent, and those watching through the screen, comrades of the entire Empire. I am Sarcho, the chairman of the western continent."

It was the standard greeting before every speech, but even that quieted the buzzing audience.

"Currently, we face unprecedented situations with the Fall and the arrival of the old gods. Such events are unprecedented, like the moon-facing plan, which means it's frightening because it's something we cannot address with lessons from our past history. We must make a timely choice in this situation solely with our wisdom and bear the responsibility... The original plan was this."

Everyone's attention focused on the direct address of the situation. All the public channels of the Empire were now showing Sarcho's face.

"The plan was to start a separatist movement in the western continent against the Empire once the moon-facing plan was over. If the Empire has no enemy, it would only exist as a symbol of perpetual violence. But strangely, the plan went awry, the Pantheon Fell, and the old gods returned.

The separatist comrades tell me that now is the time. Now is when the western continent must break away from the Empire. I am aware of the separatist comrades' opinion, which is why I was unavoidably late... Not because I was deliberating."

Sarcho pounded the podium with their fist.

"I was outraged. I didn’t know what I would do if I just walked out here! I was trying to suppress the anger erupting from those words!"

Sarcho struck the podium again. One of the microphones slipped off and created a high-pitched noise.

Some councilors covered their ears, but Sarcho continued their speech.

"How can those who claim to follow the cause of secularism sympathize with the revolting oppressors who want to climb over us once again!"

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