The Omnistore System

Chapter 187 Eons Together

Chapter 187 Eons Together

"Okay, I think we've got everything we need," Kevin said, eyeing the collection of items on the floor, his gaze flickering between the components. He reached down and picked up a small marble that looked as if it had been carved from solid ice. As he touched it, a palpable coldness emanated from the smooth surface, and a delicate white mist curled around it, giving off an otherworldly aura.

Beside the ice-cold marble lay a tiny crystal bottle, its contents clear as spring water. Kevin examined it closely, noting the pristine quality of the liquid within. It seemed almost untouched, as though it held the very essence of purity.

Adjacent to the clear liquid was a third item, a minuscule bottle filled with a striking crystal-blue liquid. The vibrant hue of this ingredient was almost mesmerizing, and it appeared to pulse with an inner vitality.

These ingredients were essential for Maria to begin practicing the Water God technique. While many cultivation techniques required minimal or no specific ingredients, Kevin had chosen to provide her with three carefully selected components to help her embark on a more advanced and powerful path than normal people.

The ice pearl and the water qi potion were the essential ingredients for practicing the Water God technique. Kevin had also added an earth-grade qi potion, but that was more for appearances.

All of these items had significantly depleted his wallet, leaving it almost empty. However, Kevin didn't mind. He knew that money could be earned, and his primary goal was not to amass wealth but to become powerful and accumulate the coveted omni tokens, which he hadn't spent much of yet.

Kevin had already taken care of financial responsibilities like paying Sia and Amy their salaries, providing some money for his mother's household expenses, and helping out his sister. At this point, he only needed money if he returned alive from Chernbog's den.

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As he contemplated his financial situation and the significance of these items, Maria came from downstairs and asked, "What are these things, Kevin?"

Kevin beamed with excitement as he looked at Maria. She had just returned from a shower, her wet hair a telltale sign, and this time she was clothed, considering Riya would be home soon.

"These things are cultivation resources," Kevin explained, holding up the small marble. "This one is called the ice pearl, the clear potion is called qi potion, and this tiny potion is the water qi potion. You'll be using these to begin your cultivation journey."

Maria appeared a bit perplexed but nonetheless delighted to see Kevin so eager to help her with her cultivation. However, with a touch of concern in her voice, she inquired, "How much did they cost?"

"It doesn't matter," Kevin reassured her. "Come over here and sit with your legs crossed." He gestured toward the cushion he had prepared.

Maria hesitated, still concerned about the cost of these cultivation resources, but Kevin was adamant. "No 'buts,' just sit," he insisted.

Reluctantly, Maria sat down, her face still showing signs of worry. Kevin noticed her expression and smiled, asking, "Have you learned the cultivation technique?"

Maria expressed her concerns to Kevin, saying, "yeah, these things seem really expensive. Why don't you use them for yourself?"

Kevin, however, chose to address her worries in a practical way. Ignoring her question, he instructed, "Good then, Drink this water qi potion. It'll make it easier for you to sense the qi. Once you can sense it, use the qi to open your extraordinary meridians in the sequence specified in your cultivation technique. After that, consume the ice pearl along with the qi potions."

Maria listened carefully to his instructions, but her concern about using these costly cultivation resources remained evident on her face.

"Come on, give it a sip," Kevin said, handing her the water qi potion.

Maria took the vial from him, looking a bit uncertain. She gazed at Kevin and asked, "Can't you just have it? I don't really need to cultivate, and I'm not that into it. I'd be fine if you or Riya use this stuff."

Sighing softly, Kevin settled beside her and spoke with a gentle yet earnest tone. "Mom, you don't need to worry about me and Riya. Just cultivate, even if you don't think you need to. I need you to cultivate. I don't want you to live a regular human life, age, and pass away too soon. I want us to spend a lot of eons together, and the best way to do that is by cultivating. Think of it as an investment in our future, where we can enjoy more years and experiences together. So, please, don't make me wait. Take a sip of this water qi potion and let's start on this journey together. It's not just for you, it's for us, me and you, my dick and your pussy."

Maria's worries had been eased by Kevin's words, and as she held the bottle in her hand, she contemplated, 'Spending eons with him doesn't sound bad.' With a smile, she looked at Kevin and expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thanks."

Kevin returned her smile and replied, "No worries, Mom. Just focus on cultivating, okay?"

Maria nodded and unscrewed the bottle's top. She took a deep breath and then proceeded to gulp the potion down. After swallowing, she commented, "It tastes like water, just a bit sweet."

Kevin nodded in response and said, "Close your eyes and focus on your abdomen to sense the qi."

Maria followed his instructions, closing her eyes and concentrating on her abdomen. As she did, she began to feel a warmth building within, a soothing sensation rather than pain. She suddenly exclaimed, "I saw something... it's... blue, like a cloud..."

Kevin smiled, pleased with her progress. He encouraged her, saying, "Good, that is qi. Now, try to guide it toward the extraordinary meridians you want to open and fill them up to the brim until they break."

The usual qi was typically white, but Maria had just consumed the water qi potion, which had a blue hue.

"I'll give it a try," Maria replied, her eyes still closed to maintain her focus. Kevin, observing her making progress, sat down beside her and began his own cultivation practice. Although he knew he wouldn't make significant progress in this environment, he concentrated on his own cultivation until Riya returned home.

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