The Omnistore System

Chapter 190 Change of Plan

Chapter 190 Change of Plan

"Keyena was worried that the ten of us, including you, wouldn't survive the journey to Agenya Academy through Chernobog's Den. So, she contacted other parties heading in the same direction," Keith explained as she drove the armored car at breakneck speed, paying little attention to road rules.

Kevin, feeling grateful that the road was mostly empty, didn't have to worry about hitting anyone. He kept listening to Keith and asked, "Is there any?"

Keith smiled and continued, "Yes, there were many groups heading through that region, and Keyena managed to join one without too many compromises. The problem was that it wasn't big enough to safely cross the region, but that wasn't an issue until yesterday."

Kevin, intrigued by the story, pressed further, "What happened yesterday?"

Keith's expression turned more serious as she explained, "A very powerful merchant from the central cities arrived and started recruiting every cultivator, whether individual or part of a party. He demanded that they work for him in Chernobog's Den."

"So, does that mean we're also working for him?" Kevin asked, and Keith nodded. However, Kevin noticed her concern and inquired further, "Why are you worried? Isn't it a good thing to travel with a larger group?"

Keith explained, "I'm worried because we're not traveling with him. Only Kari will be crossing Chernobog's Den; we are going to work for the merchant."

Understanding dawned on Kevin, and he said, "So you're worried about Kari traveling alone?"

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It seemed that Kevin was on the right track, as Keith nodded and continued, "Well, she would be traveling with a big group, but she would be alone with them. She's never been without my sister and me all her life. We were always with her. How could my sister decide to let her go alone? She's just a little older."

Kevin wasn't sure how close Keith was to her niece, but he could tell that she cared deeply for her. Reflecting on his own mother's reluctance to let him go, he gazed out the window and asked, "Is she around my age, though?"

Keith gave him a puzzled look upon hearing his question and said, "Yeah, but what does that have to do with this conversation?"

Kevin countered, "Then why aren't you worried about me? I'm also going to dangerous place"

Keith responded, "But you'll be with us, and I can protect you. She'll be alone."

Kevin gently scolded, "I was alone before I met you, and I was doing just fine. I'm not saying I don't appreciate you, but I'm just saying she'll be fine without you. Even if you don't want to let her go, she has to. How else can she grow powerful enough to protect herself, and even more importantly, she could grow enough to protect you? From what you've told me before, she's a genius compared to me, and look, I'm still alive. She'll be alright."

His lecture seemed to have a positive impact as he observed a mix of sadness and contemplation on Keith's face.

Keith muttered, "Yeah, she would be..." Her expression seemed to have lightened a bit. Then she continued, "Where was I? Right, from now on, we're going to work with that merchant in exchange for sending Kari to Aganya Academy. We have to work for 2 months inside the Chernobog's Den."

Kevin was curious and asked, "What kind of work are we talking about?" She had been mentioning work earlier, but hadn't specified what it entailed.

"That, I don't know," Keith admitted. "But if you don't want to go, you can say no. My sister didn't include you in the names she submitted to join the party."

Kevin sat in the passenger seat of Keith's armored car as it sped down the highway, the scenery outside a blur of green and gray. He couldn't help but think about the choice he had just made. Working for a powerful merchant in the Chernobog's Den was not something he had planned for when he first arrived in this world, but now, it seemed like the most logical step to take.

Keith, who was driving, had explained the situation to him in more detail. The merchant had arrived from the central cities, seeking to recruit as many cultivators as possible to work for him inside the Chernobog's Den. The den was a mysterious and dangerous place, but it held untold treasures, and the merchant was willing to pay well for those who were willing to risk their lives to retrieve them.

For Kevin, the prospect of exploring the den was enticing. He had arrived in this world with few clues about how to return home, and the den seemed like a place where he might find some answers. The name "Chernobog" itself intrigued him. It sounded ominous and foreboding, like a name out of a dark legend.

But as Keith continued to explain, Kevin realized that they wouldn't be traveling with the merchant's group. Instead, they would be part of a separate team assigned to specific tasks within the den. The merchant was recruiting a large number of cultivators, but only a few would have the privilege of traveling with him. The rest would be divided into smaller groups, each with its own mission.

Considering that the work might involve exploring the den, which aligned with his goal, he made his decision. "No, I'll be going too," he declared.

"Are you sure?" Keith asked, a worried expression on her face.

Kevin chuckled and reassured her, "Yeah, don't worry. I can look after myself, at least. You don't have to come and save me."

Keith blushed slightly and seemed a bit awkward as she replied, "I didn't mean it like that."

Kevin chuckled hearing her and said. "Hey, I was just teasing you."

Keith smiled but, turning her face serious "Kevin," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of worry and tenderness, "I appreciate your determination to go to Chernobog's Den. I know you want to uncover its secrets, but it's a dangerous place. Even experienced cultivators tread lightly there."

Kevin looked out of the car window, his eyes scanning the surroundings as his mind worked through Keith's words. "I understand the risks," he replied, his tone earnest. "And I know you and Riya want to protect me. But, Keith, I can't stay sheltered forever. This journey is not just about curiosity; it's about growth. It's about finding my place in this world."

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