The Omnistore System

Chapter 257 Qi Crystals

Chapter 257 Qi Crystals

"Check this out," Viana exclaimed with a wide grin, eyeing the bottle filled with that shiny water. "Could this be what pushed that monster into top gear?"

"You recognize this stuff?" Keyara asked, giving the shiny water a once-over.

Viana glanced at the shrinking pool, nearly half empty from all the bottle-filling action. "This? It's like a natural energy booster, but top-grade," she explained. Then she turned to Yelena. "How many bottles have you got?"

Yelena looked over at Kevin before replying, "12. Why?"

Viana shrugged. "No big deal. Let's hurry up and empty the pool. My gut says there might be something real special down there."

Kevin, engrossed in filling the bottles with the radiant water, stole a curious glance at Yelena. It wasn't that she seemed suspicious or had done anything dubious; it was more about the number of bottles she claimed to have filled. If his memory served him right, she had filled more than 12 before Viana and the others joined them.

Preferring not to stir any unnecessary commotion, he kept his observations to himself and focused on his task. Meanwhile, he absently caressed the chin of his newfound friend, the small lupin, with a sense of remorse lingering in his gaze.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened to your family," Kevin murmured softly to the lupin. "But I'll make sure to look after you from now on."

"So, you're taking on the responsibility now?" Keith inquired while tending to her wounds beside him.

"Yep," Kevin affirmed, lifting the small pup and presenting it to Keith. "Look at this cutie."

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Keith observed the pint-sized creature, its vibrant green eyes gleaming, its tail wagging happily as it looked at her. A smile spread across her face at the sight, and she reached out to take the monster from Kevin's hands. "It's adorable. Have you thought of a name for it?"

"I hadn't really thought about it... How about 'Noire'?" Kevin suggested after a moment's contemplation.

"Noire..." Keith murmured, smiling. "That's nice. Derived from 'noir'? Clever choice."

While cradling the tiny lupin, she glanced at Kevin with a pensive expression. "It's sad that we had to take down its family."

"Yeah, I felt bad about what happened," Kevin admitted, a hint of regret in his tone. "But I'll make sure it's well taken care of now."

Keith smiled, gently stroking Noire's fur. "It's great that you're giving it a second chance, Kev."

Their attention shifted back to the small creature, who nuzzled into Keith's hand, emitting a contented purr. Kevin couldn't help but grin at the sight. "Seems like Noire approves of you, Keith."

Keith chuckled softly. "Looks like we're off to a good start."

As Kevin and Keith chatted about Kevin's new pet, the others were occupied emptying the pool. "This is deeper than I expected," Arya remarked while filling her bottle. "If I'd known we'd be collecting water, I would've packed larger containers."

"Agreed," Viana joined in beside her. "Once we've cleared the water, handle it gently."

Benny, intrigued, queried, "Why's that?"

Viana didn't immediately respond. Instead, her grin stretched wide before she finally revealed, "There's something down there more valuable than a thousand Noxlight flowers."

This revelation startled everyone, prompting Ken's curiosity. "What's down there?"

"You'll find out soon," Viana teased, her smile mischievous and playful.

As the team continued to drain the pool, their collective efforts echoed through the cavern. Each member carefully filled their containers, making sure not to disturb the water more than necessary.

Arya, a bit intrigued by Viana's cryptic comment, couldn't resist asking, "So, Viana, what exactly is hidden beneath this water that's more precious than a thousand Noxlight flowers?"

Viana chuckled softly, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Ah, patience, Arya. You'll witness it soon enough."

Meanwhile, Kevin and Keith, still engrossed in discussing the tiny lupin, glanced over at the ongoing conversation with curiosity. The small creature, now comfortably nestled in Keith's arms, seemed content as it dozed off.

Ken, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, prodded, "Come on, Viana, give us a hint. Is it some kind of treasure?"

"Treasure?" Viana mused, her expression thoughtful. With a chuckle, she added, "Indeed, for people like us, it could very well be considered a treasure."

The process of emptying the pool took time, each member meticulously collecting the water while ensuring minimal disturbance. The once vibrant pool gradually receded, unveiling the cave's sandy floor and revealing intricate patterns etched by the water's movement over time.

Zaria, with focused determination, diligently filled her bottles. "It's amazing how much water this pool held," she remarked, peering into her nearly full container.

They had successfully drained the pool by nearly half a foot, filling over 200 bottles with its shimmering contents. "The more, the merrier," Ken remarked, flashing a wide grin.

After Viana assured them of its safety, everyone had taken a sip or two of the water and experienced its remarkable benefits. The potent qi within it was easily absorbed by their bodies, requiring minimal effort for absorption.

"I reckon we might not need to hunt for any more noxlight flowers. This water could settle our debts if we negotiate it right," Keyara suggested, joining the others in sipping from their containers.

"Yeah, that'd be a game-changer for us," Ken chimed in, visibly excited at the prospect.

Zaria, taking in another mouthful of the radiant water, voiced her thoughts. "Why rush? It's not as perilous as I imagined... I mean, sure, we faced some monsters, but apart from Kevin and Stuart, nobody suffered any serious injuries." Her observation lingered in the air as they continued to reap the benefits of the shimmering water.

"Yeah, and we've collected as many cultivation resources in less than a week that we would typically gather elsewhere in a month," Viana remarked, swiftly filling bottles.

"We're safe out here at the perimeter, but once we venture deeper, it gets challenging," Robert interjected, his tone grave.

Keith, concerned about the group's unity, suggested, "Perhaps we should stick to the outer regions to gather more resources."

"True, but eventually, others will flock here, making it riskier to remain," Yelena cautioned, her focus on the dwindling water. "I believe we're nearing the bottom—I spotted something shiny down there." Her revelation piqued everyone's curiosity as they neared the end of their task, the prospect of uncovering whatever lay beneath the water adding a new layer of excitement to their mission.

Keith was about to interject with a thought, but noticing everyone hastening to empty the pool, she refrained and joined in the activity. Stuart, nursing his injuries, was resting to the side while the rest of the group worked diligently, swiftly filling up their bottles with the radiant water.

As the group continued to drain the pool, the water cascaded down rapidly, revealing the treasure buried beneath. Amidst the diminishing water, glimmering formations of milky-white crystals emerged, scattered across the bottom. Some crystals sparkled in various sizes—some as large as a human head, radiating a celestial glow, while others were more modest, no bigger than a clenched fist. The play of light within these formations cast prismatic hues around the cave, painting the surroundings with an ethereal glow.

The sight left the group spellbound, their expressions a mix of wonder and disbelief at the unexpected discovery. Robert, drawn by curiosity, carefully picked up one of the crystals, his fingers tracing the smooth, polished surface, feeling the gentle pulsating energy emanating from within.

Robert, taking one in his hand, queried, "Is this what I think it is?"

"Yeah, it is..." Viana confirmed, her eyes shimmering with excitement as she selected the largest crystal among them. "These are qi crystals." The discovery left them all in awe, realizing the immense value of their find.

Everyone shared a silent understanding about the significance of these qi crystals. The mere sight of the radiant bottom of the pool filled them with an exhilarating sense of potential. Benny, ever the lively one, couldn't contain his excitement. His laughter erupted, echoing through the cavern, and soon, infectious chuckles spread among the group.

Kevin, though not joining in the laughter, wore an excited smile. He was eager, not just because of the crystals' power but for their potential value. For him, they weren't a necessity—he had his preferred cultivation methods—but these crystals could be a boon for his family or a lucrative asset if sold.

"Alright, team, let's hustle! Grab 'em before we've got another pack of giants on our hands," Kevin cheered, urging everyone to hasten their collection.

They swiftly responded, delving into the mud, extracting crystals of various sizes. Viana, keenly observing the bounty, reminded them, "Don't overlook the soil. Herb cultivators pay a fortune for this. And if we've got the time, gather the moss too; it elevates the potency of qi potions."

Benny, consumed by excitement, couldn't help but exclaim, "We're going to be rolling in riches!" He meticulously collected every crystal and scavenged the last remnants of water from the pool, leaving no stone unturned. The prospect of wealth propelled their efforts, each member driven by the promise of a prosperous future.

"Let's keep this under wraps, everyone. And Keyara, I'd advise against bargaining with these merchants using the water. They might catch on that it's sourced from these qi crystals," Viana cautioned, causing a somber shift in the group's mood.

Ken appeared particularly disheartened. "So, we're stuck here?"

"Well, unless you want to become the center of attention for every cultivator in the vicinity," Viana replied, her tone tinged with a hint of exasperation.

"She's right. We can't afford to draw attention to these crystals. They're not just treasure; they're even more valuable than that," Robert concurred, nodding in agreement with Viana's suggestion.

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