The Omnistore System

Chapter 261 Training coach

Chapter 261 Training coach

"Can you believe this jungle's got a ruler? A lawless place with someone calling the shots... It's wild, isn't it, Kevin? And if there is a ruler of this crazy jungle, they're not exactly acing the job," Keith mused, slipping into comfy clothes.

With damp hair indicating a recent shower and Kevin's presence in the room, it was clear they'd spent time together. Kevin, engrossed in a holographic document, simply nodded in response to his girlfriend's musings.

Keith, donning shorts and a loose t-shirt, made her way over, settling into his lap as she inquired, "Whatcha reading there?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just diving into this new info about the den... Pretty detailed stuff," he replied, absorbed in the digital document. Continuing, he added, "If we had this info earlier, we'd be rolling in fortune by now."

"Riches, huh?" Keith smirked, reclining against him, and added, "What makes this information different from what we already had?"

Kevin, relishing the softness of Keith's presence and feeling her waist, replied, "Well, did you know this place had ruins... and our kingdom and the neighboring kingdoms used to send armies here to gain control..."

Keith looked surprised, shaking her head. "Is all of that documented there?" she inquired.

"Yeah, somewhat. But what's crucial is they unearthed a lot and there were numerous clashes between these armies, you know why?" Kevin asked, noticing Keith's shake of the head, then continued, "They found treasures beyond our wildest imaginations... things that seemed out of this world of that time... And guess when all of this happened?"

Keith shook her head again, prompting Kevin to burst into laughter. "Hahaha, come on, babe, I'm just messing around... Ahahaha, they found treasure, but hahaha... nothing particularly extraordinary..."

Keith rolled her eyes playfully, nudging Kevin's side. "You're terrible, you know that?"

Kevin grinned, wrapping an arm around her. "Hey, just keeping you on your toes."

She chuckled, leaning into his embrace. "Well, you got me. But let's not discount the potential. There might be something hidden within all that history and chaos."

He nodded thoughtfully. "Absolutely. The past has a way of hiding surprises, and who knows, we might stumble upon something unexpected."

At the outset, his journey to this realm was fueled by an insatiable hunger to unearth the enigmatic secrets veiled within these untamed depths. With every revelation that unfolded, his fervor for discovery only intensified. The allure of traversing the uncharted territories beckoned him further, beckoned him toward locales nestled in the heart of this impenetrable jungle, each site ensconced within treacherous domains.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

These spots were not mere waypoints; they embodied danger in its purest essence. Within these unforgiving landscapes, a solitary bug's bite possessed the capacity to crumble monumental structures reminiscent of Lupin's might, toppling towers with astonishing ease. Such was the unfathomable power concealed within the minuscule yet potent creatures that inhabited these realms.

Yet, it wasn't solely the physical perils that awaited him in this abyssal wilderness. It was whispered among those well-versed in its lore that lurking amidst the dense foliage were entities capable of casting illusions at the mere scent of their presence. These creatures, masters of deception, could ensnare the most intrepid adventurer, weaving spells that blurred the lines between reality and fantasy with a deceptive ease.

Monsters of myriad forms and abilities roamed these lands, each possessing its own unique brand of peril. Amidst the shadows, they prowled, embodying the embodiment of fear itself. It was in these dark corners, amidst the whispered legends and harrowing tales, that his thirst for discovery found its truest test. The allure of the unknown danced tantalizingly at the edges of his consciousness, beckoning him toward the very heart of perilous mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

In pursuit of his aspirations, the foremost requirement loomed large: strength, and a copious amount of it. The attainment of such power lay in the meticulous art of training and cultivation. Cultivation, the avenue to bolstering one's prowess, seemed well within his grasp, a task he could expedite through the expedient technique of merging, accelerating his progress exponentially within a short timeframe. Within close proximity, he identified three or four formidable females who could potentially engage in the sought-after dual cultivation.

Yet, the final hurdle standing between him and his desired potency was the realm of training. The blueprint for his ascendancy rested on the intricate process of refining his skills and physical capabilities. Mulling over the impending commencement of this crucial phase, he had already resolved upon a mentor for his endeavors—one of two choices: either his girlfriend or her sister.

Turning towards Keith, he inquired, "Could you enlighten me further about the Soldier Blade?"

"Why?" Keith queried, rising from his lap and reclining on the bed.

"Just gearing up for training tomorrow," Kevin replied, settling down beside her.

"Ya know, when it comes to fighting techniques, it's not all about book smarts. You gotta get your hands dirty to really get it. So, sorry, can't give you the lowdown on that," Keith shrugged, checking her watch, probably hunting for something to watch.

Kevin leaned back, processing Keith's words. "So, it's all about hands-on experience, huh?"

"Yeah, exactly!" Keith nodded, scrolling through the watch interface. "You can't just read about it and expect to throw a punch like a pro. It's about practice, feeling the moves, making them second nature."

He nodded thoughtfully, contemplating the nuances of what she said. "Makes sense. Guess I'll have to get my hands dirty, quite literally."

"Absolutely," she agreed, a hint of amusement in her voice. "But hey, nothing beats the satisfaction of seeing your hard work pay off. Plus, it's a journey, not a race. Take your time, learn the moves, and you'll get there."

Kevin grinned, feeling emboldened by his newfound resolve. "Thanks, Keith. So, you're up for helping me train tomorrow then?"

Keith's expression shifted to one of mild shock, and she shook her head with a laugh. "Hold on, where did this training idea come from? I can motivate you if you want, but no training from me... I'm all for resting, lounging, and don't you dare tell me this whole conversation was a ploy to make me train you... you sly fox..."

The playful accusation hung in the air, punctuated by a chuckle. Kevin raised his hands in mock surrender. "Guilty as charged! Alright, no training, just motivation. But you've gotta admit, it's tempting to have a pro like you as a coach."

Keith rolled her eyes playfully. "Nice try, but no chance. Now, let's get back to finding that show, and maybe I'll motivate you with some popcorn."

Kevin shrugged, flashing a mischievous grin. "Alright, if you're not up for it, I can always ask your sister. I heard she's got some killer moves herself."

Keith's eyes widened in mock disbelief. "Oh no, you wouldn't dare!"

He raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Wouldn't I? She might be more inclined to help, you know."

"You're bluffing," she retorted, though a trace of playful concern danced in her eyes.

"Maybe, maybe not," he teased, enjoying the playful banter. "But hey, if not you, I'll have to resort to her for some guidance. Your call, Coach Keith."

Their banter escalated, punctuated by playful threats and counter-threats. Despite the jesting, a subtle camaraderie underscored their exchange, a testament to their easy rapport and shared moments of lightheartedness.

While Keith and Kevin reveled in their youthful moments, Keyara busied herself arranging their upcoming trip to the den. "So, what do we need this time?" she inquired.

Meanwhile, Viana perused the virtual documents concerning the den, her attention caught by numerous mentions of Chernobog. "Firstly, we need better herb-finding devices, and plenty of them, about 50 at least." she suggested.

"Why so many? Wouldn't 11 be enough?" Keyara queried, a hint of confusion coloring her tone.

Viana explained, "We can program them to locate rarer herbs than just the Noxlight flower. This might be our only trip for a while, considering we can't come back until years as most of the strong people are gonna leave our family leaves. We need to make the most out of it."

"Plus," Viana added, "we have plenty of less valuable herbs we can use to trade for more of the devices."

Keyara nodded, considering Viana's point. "You're right. Maximizing our time there makes sense, especially with the rare herbs. We can stock up while we have the chance."

Viana nodded affirmatively. "Absolutely. Chernobog could be harboring more secrets than we've ever imagined, and we don't want to overlook any valuable discoveries." She glanced at one of the documents before continuing, "Speaking of secrets, there are numerous runes mentioned here. We could explore those to uncover potential treasures."

Keyara's expression shifted slightly, a tinge of disappointment evident in her voice. "That sounds promising, but Aunt Yelena and the others wouldn't approve. They consider it too risky..."

Viana's gaze flickered across more documents, determination etched on her features. "Then we'll have to convince them."

As Viana scrolled through the documents, her determination only grew. "We'll need a solid plan to persuade them. If we can show them the potential rewards outweigh the risks, they might reconsider."

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