The Omnistore System

Chapter 269 Offer

Chapter 269 Offer

?"Wow, this steak is incredible," Kevin exclaimed, savoring each juicy and flavorful bite with closed eyes, completely immersed in its deliciousness. Then feeding it to the black pup in his lap who also enjoyed it happily.

Keith echoed the sentiment, his expression mirroring Kevin's as he relished the succulent texture of the steak. Observing their evident delight, Julie, while serving, couldn't help but inwardly smirk, thinking, 'They're certainly relishing every bite...'

Around the table, everyone was engrossed in their meals—some indulging in steak like Kevin and Keith, while others savored soups or various meat dishes. Each guest was thoroughly immersed in their culinary experience, their mouths too preoccupied with relishing the flavors to engage in conversation or even offer praises for the exquisite dishes.

Amidst the collective enjoyment of the meal, Keyara and Director Shina engaged in a private conversation, with Robert and Viana leaning in attentively, listening closely to their discussion. The table buzzed with the gentle clinking of cutlery and the occasional murmur of conversation, the guests wholly immersed in the dinner's multifaceted experience.

As Keyara and Director Shina conversed, their discussion gradually shifted toward the establishment of a city within the dark forest. Keyara, her tone filled with a mix of intrigue and curiosity, delved into the details.

"We were amazed by the idea of a city nestled within this mysterious forest," Keyara began, her voice carrying a tinge of wonder. "But we've been curious about how you managed to establish such a settlement in this environment."

"As I mentioned, we obtained permission from the ruler, but I'm afraid I can't divulge their identity," the man explained between bites of a creamy rice dish. He continued, "While it made things somewhat easier, we still faced challenges—dangerous creatures, natural phenomena, and other obstacles. Yet, somehow, we managed to push through and accomplish our tasks."

As the meal progressed, the conversation drifted to the intricacies of navigating the forest and the unique trials they faced. Keyara leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "What were some of the most daunting challenges you encountered while establishing the city in such a mysterious and dangerous forest?"

Director Shina, contemplating for a moment, replied, "Ah, where to start... The darkness itself was quite daunting. It's not just the absence of light; it's the pervasive, almost tangible presence of it that envelops these woods. It's disorienting, to say the least."

Viana nodded in agreement. "The shadowy ambiance here can be quite unsettling. It took us a while to adapt and find our bearings."

Kyle, considering their challenges, contributed, "We encountered formidable creatures when we arrived here. Initially, the region was under the rule of powerful monsters. Driving them away cost us many lives, but with external assistance, we managed it. However, that aid came with its own cost, and we are still dealing with the repercussions of that assistance."

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"Regarding the noxlight flowers," Robert remarked contemplatively, prompting a nod from Kyle. Setting down his cutlery with a serious expression, Kyle broached the subject. "Now that we're on this topic, I have an offer for your party. Would you be interested in hearing it?"

Keyara exchanged glances with Robert, Viana, and Yelena, all of whom had been attentive to their conversation, and they collectively nodded in agreement.

The beardless man smiled upon seeing their consent and elaborated on his proposition. "As you're aware, we have our own teams dedicated to locating the noxlight flowers, which serve as our primary source aside from independent cultivators. I propose integrating your party into these teams."

Keyara leaned forward, intrigued by the proposal. "That's an interesting offer, Director Shina. But before we accept, could you elaborate on the benefits our party would gain by joining your teams?" she inquired, her tone measured yet curious.

Viana nodded in agreement, echoing Keyara's query. "Yes, understanding the advantages for our group in aligning with your teams would help us make an informed decision."

Kyle, acknowledging their valid concern, leaned back in his chair, considering their query. "Joining our teams would offer several advantages," he began, outlining the potential benefits. "Access to additional resources, logistical support during expeditions, and the opportunity to collaborate with experienced cultivators among our teams. Furthermore, you'll gain insights into our operations and be part of broader cultivation efforts within this region."

As the man elaborated on the benefits, Robert's eyes lit up with excitement. His wife had been contemplating leaving the Demitia family for another organization, and the offer being explained seemed to align perfectly with their aspirations. "Moreover," the man continued, "we'll provide new weaponry and combat techniques. Additionally, you'll have the liberty to claim 70 percent of the discoveries made during explorations, prioritizing your party expect noxlight flowers, of course."

Robert, unable to contain his excitement, blurted out, "Would there be a chance for a permanent position?"

"Well, that's a possibility, contingent upon your skills. However, it might involve relinquishing some of the benefits I mentioned earlier and gaining different ones," Kyle responded, taking a sip of his drink. Observing Keyara's intense gaze directed at Robert, he understood the underlying tension.

"What kind of benefits?" Robert pressed on, and the others around the table stopped eating, now invested in the conversation.

"You'd need to prove your capabilities, and then you'll discover the specifics," Kyle answered. He turned to Keyara, posing the pivotal question. "So, are you willing to work for us? As a gesture of goodwill, we'll waive your debt of 10 noxlight flowers and gift you this technique upon acceptance." With that, he produced an aged book from his spatial ring and placed it on the table.

"'Zephyr Dance'—an immortal level peak stealth technique. It's incredibly useful in jungles, particularly as it harnesses the power of the wind element," Kyle explained, emphasizing the technique's significance.

Keyara paused, mulling over the offer. Observing the mix of excitement and disappointment on everyone's faces, she found herself struggling to make a decision. Addressing the director, she hesitantly voiced her request, "Could I take a few days to think it over before giving you an answer?"

Kyle nodded understandingly. "Of course, take your time, but don't let it linger too long. Offers can evolve." With a smile, he added, "For now, enjoy the dinner. I have some other engagements to attend to." He excused himself courteously, leaving the group to savor the remainder of the meal and engage in their own conversations.

Julie followed the man respectfully, bowing to the guests before catching up with him. With a warm smile, she sought permission for a query. "Sir, if it's not too much trouble, may I ask you a question?"

Kyle glanced at Julie, acknowledging her request with a nod. "ask away."

Julie grinned upon receiving permission to inquire. "It's regarding the generous offer you extended to our guests. Why grant them such a favorable deal? From what I've gathered, they're rather average compared to our other teams. So, why?"

Kyle pondered for a moment before responding. "Did you know this seemingly average team hunted down a pack of Shadowcrest Lupins without a single casualty?"

Julie shook her head, displaying little surprise. "Our team has had similar hunts. What makes them so special?"

"Well, the exceptional part is that they faced a monster of at least Earth Peak rank, with other pack members reaching at least Mid Earth Peak. They not only defeated them all but also managed to capture the alpha's offspring," Kyle revealed. Despite his explanation, Julie remained unconvinced and questioned, "But is that reason enough to offer such a significant deal to these individuals?"

Kyle paused for a moment, considering Julie's skepticism. "Their ability to handle such formidable adversaries, especially at their current cultivation levels, speaks volumes about their potential," he explained.

Julie raised an eyebrow, still uncertain. "I understand, but why invest so much in them? What's the long-term gain for our association?"

"Sometimes, potential isn't measured by the current state but by the possibilities it holds," Kyle replied cryptically. "Besides, it's not just about this particular deal; it's about the future. Investing in talent can yield unexpected returns."

Julie mulled over his words before nodding slightly in understanding. "I see your point, Director. But wouldn't it be a risk?"

"Every investment carries a certain level of risk. It's about balancing risk and opportunity," Kyle remarked with a thoughtful expression. "Now, let's continue with our plans. There's much to accomplish." With that, they resumed their pace, delving into discussions about upcoming strategies and developments within the association.

Inside the dining hall, the mood was a mix of lingering curiosity and contemplation. Conversations swirled among the guests, the air thick with anticipation and shared murmurs about the unexpected turn of events.

Keyara, sitting among her companions, was engaged in a hushed discussion, their voices carrying a blend of excitement and uncertainty. They weighed the pros and cons of the director's offer, their expressions shifting between excitement for the potential benefits and concern for the unknown aspects.

Robert, visibly intrigued by the possibilities, exchanged thoughtful glances with Viana, their eyes reflecting a shared interest in the enticing proposal. Yelena, his wife, listened intently, her expression a mix of cautious optimism.

Kevin and Keith, immersed in their own deliberations, occasionally shared nods of agreement, their minds calculating the advantages this arrangement might offer. Arya and her husband, caught up in the discussion, exchanged meaningful looks, contemplating the implications.

Amidst the buzz of excitement and thoughtful consideration, the group savored the remnants of the lavish dinner, each member lost in their contemplations about the future and the director's unexpected proposition.

The ebony lupin pup relished the dinner, evident from its contented, round belly. It nestled comfortably in Kevin's lap, offering its distended belly for a gentle rub, while Kevin grinned at the pup's joyful satisfaction.

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