The Omnistore System

Chapter 73 Resisting Temptation

"Ugh fuck, why is she doing that every night? And then Cry, for god's sake what's wrong with her and she's supposed to be my mother. How could she do that to her own son?" Kevin muttered, seated behind the corner, his hand on Sia's butt, handling it with less delicacy.

"what did she did to you?" Sia inquired, diverting her gaze from her phone screen, as Kevin had been venting to her about his frustrations for a while now.

"Nothing really... come over here," he beckoned and drew her close, settling her onto his lap.

With his arms encircling her waist, Kevin pressed a kiss onto the back of her neck, sending a delicate shiver coursing down her spine due to the tender touch of his lips.

It had been four days since he had received the blowjob from Samira, and she hadn't reached out for more. During these days, Kevin focused on honing his blade technique with new blades and researching the types of monsters he might encounter in the den. Keyana's advice echoed in his mind – a higher chance of survival required preparation.

Despite his commitment to his studies and training, Kevin's primal desires hadn't been ignored. His sexual appetite sought release in the intimacy of his own company, though he intentionally held back, waiting for the right time. He had been cultivating some special fruits and planned to consume them a couple of days before his venture into the den, like the one sitting in his lap right now.

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In this span, he had introduced Sia and Venice to the technique, allowing them to cultivate it as well. He patiently waited for them to become stronger before indulging in the profound yin energy they would possess. He understood that the longer a cultivator abstained from sexual activities, the more potent their accumulated yin qi became.

As for the prospect of seeking out a prostitute, Kevin brushed it off. He held the belief that he could have any woman without resorting to payment. To him, a mere financial exchange for pleasure seemed dull; he found greater satisfaction in the intricacies of manipulation and the allure of mutual desire.

Everything seemed to be falling into place. Keyan's party was scheduled for today, set to pick up a substantial order of Qi potions. The influx of money would allow Kevin to make purchases for his store during his absence. Despite these favorable circumstances, there was one complicating factor – Kevin's efforts to abstain from sexual activities in order to conserve his Yang energy. He was resolute about saving this vital essence for more opportune moments. To maintain his self-control, he curbed his interactions with Sia to occasional touches and kisses, refraining from crossing into more intimate territories. However, his mother Maria posed a challenge to this resolve.

Ever since that one night, when she had engaged in self-pleasure while fantasizing about him, things had spiraled out of control for Maria. Every night, she succumbed to countless rounds of self-indulgence, often followed by tearful moments of regret. Yet, her desires didn't stop at mere fantasies. She took things further by grinding against his crotch, employing his hands to caress her breasts, and even daringly grabbing his penis just last night.

Through it all, Kevin played the role of a feigned slumber, acting as if he was oblivious to Maria's provocative actions. But while this he couldn't help but just want to be a "motherfucker." Kevin said out loud.

"Who are you cursing?" Sia questioned, her curiosity piqued by Kevin's sudden outburst.

Kevin took a moment to compose himself before addressing her question. "No one. So, how's your cultivation progressing?" he inquired, eliciting an excited smile from Sia.

"It's going great! I've managed to open two extended meridian vessels, and I'm about to unlock the third one in a day or two," she shared enthusiastically. "Thanks to the potions you provided, the process seems much faster. I heard normally, it takes weeks just to open the first vessel."

"That's good. Keep up the practice, and remember, I'm here to support you. Consider me your resource," Kevin replied with a reassuring smile.

Sia's excitement was slightly dampened as she hesitantly brought up another question. "I'm grateful for the Earth-tier potions you've given me, but I can't help but wonder why you're not like giving me the Immortal-tier ones. Not that I'm complaining—I'm content with what I have. I'm just curious."

Kevin chuckled softly before responding. "I wish I could provide Immortal-tier potions, babe, but those aren't exactly under my control. I can't even use them for myself. They're solely meant for sale."

As his explanation settled in, Sia's enthusiasm waned a bit. "Oh, I see. So, I'd have to purchase them, too?"

Kevin nodded, offering further reassurance. "Don't stress about that right now. Immortal-tier potions wouldn't be significantly beneficial for you at this stage. Focus on unlocking all your meridian vessels. After I return from the den, I'll teach you effective combat techniques then you can go hunt some monster to earn money or I can give it you. By the way, did you register with the Cultivation Association?"

Sia nodded affirmatively. Kevin continued with the next steps in mind. "Good, they must have provided you with copy of the Soldier Blade technique and Long Knife. Practice that while I'm away, okay?"

Sia nodded once again and asked. "what about the store?" 

"Well, I'll be away, so you'll have to manage it. But don't worry, I'll hire someone else to take care of things with you. If you find it comfortable, you can cultivate in the store here. The qi density is a bit higher compared to the surroundings in the city," Kevin explained, his tone practical. Suddenly, he gently helped Sia rise from his lap and added, "Now, let's get ready. Our customers must be arriving."

Upon hearing this, Sia promptly started arranging the potions from the display case, placing them into a specialized briefcase designed for this purpose. While this briefcase could be sold, Kevin decided to gift it to Keyana, considering the significant quantity of potions she was purchasing. The briefcase was tailored to store high-tier potions effectively, maintaining their potency and sometimes even enhancing it. However, it was exclusively designed for qi potions and cost just 5 Omni Tokens.

"Hi there, Mr. Morrison, how are you doing?" greeted the blonde beauty as Sia continued arranging the potions in the briefcase as per Kevin's instructions.

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