The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 184 - Testing My New Skill To The King

After hearing that Veronica was going to join my clan, and the establishment of my clan will really happen, I smashed the door and barge into their room as I shouted a complain to Albert.

Why does he want to have me do everything for him? Is it because I came from the future? My Aura ability? The fact that my summon came from another world? My reliability? My charm? My awesomeness?

…I think those are the reasons why he believes in me. Especially my awesomeness. But that doesn't mean I have to do everything he says.

As I barged into the room, no one is surprised with my reaction. Do they already expect this? Or is it that I'm predictable?

As for Veronica, she should be able to notice my location since she is an expert level mage, but she must have not expected that I move too fast from where I was behind the wall, to the door, and smash it open. That must be why she has a shocked expression seeing me.

Or is it because she never expected me to be so handsome that I am her type? Let's stay positive and think of it that way.

"Oh, Roy! You have met Veronica before but I don't think she has seen your face before. Veronica, this is Roy. Victoria's master. And he will also be the leader of the clan that you will join eventually. As for the name of the clan… how about The King's Henchmen?"

There's one thing I learned to do during my free time after the stampede and crafting my equipment. It's a little combination of my air element magic and my Aura ability.

First, I compress air in front of me, or anywhere within my body's reach, then I covered it with my Aura. Then with any part of my body covered with Aura, I pushed the compressed air toward my target, then once it gets close to my target, I let it explode. My manipulating objects remotely with my Aura is still difficult for me and I can't use it for a long time, so I have to move quickly.

This is also served as a practice for me so I can quickly learn how to step on air. I managed to touch air by doing this, but for me to take a step on air is still impossible. The air I compressed can't hold my weight, and the speed of my steps is too fast or too slow that the compressed air burst before I can move forward.

But this time, I used it as an attack.

With the air compressed, but only as strong as a shoulder taps, I pushed the compressed air forward with a slap toward Albert's face. As it gets closer to Albert's face, I let it explode and the impact hit him on his right cheek.

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"Air Slap!"

I shouted the name I just made for this technique. And Albert got knocked back and fell on the chair's armrest.


Of course since it's just at the level of a shoulder pat, it doesn't hurt much. Albert is just overreacting.

"That's freaking hurt!"

"It doesn't."

"Of course it does!"

"It doesn't."

"You will be given death sentence!"

"No, I won't."

"Miguel! Kill him!" Albert ordered Mustache to kill me.

"My apologies, your majesty. He's beyond my strength to kill." Said Mustache calmly.

Meanwhile, the girls are looking at us as if it was daily occurrence, while Veronica is shocked to see that the King is being attacked in front of her.

"Don't worry, Veronica. This is how they are bonding with each other. Men are like this." Sonia said to Veronica.


"Yeah. You'll get used to it soon. Since they are acting like this in front of you, it means that they have chosen to trust you. You should be glad." Sonia said.

Veronica is still confused hearing Sonia's remark.

As for me, I'm still in a heated argument with Albert.

"You want to kill me? That's impossible! I'm too important of a chess piece for you that you will never think of killing me for real!" I said.

"Oh, yeah? I have other methods to make you suffer! I'll make sure you will receive difficult mission once your clan is established! That's right! Your clan will undoubtedly be built sooner or later! You can't escape from being its leader!" Albert said.

Man… Is he doing this because he trusts me, or is he doing this because he wants to make me suffer?

"Enough, you two! We're in an important discussion here! You can play later after we're done!"

The only one here who dares to say that to Albert is his own sister, Shirley who is watching the discussion. As for the others, there are some who have enough courage to do that, but they don't want to do it. They are the oldest people here, Victoria and Sonia. But they just watched us arguing.

We were still haven't finished our quarrel even after Shirley told us to, but Victoria choose to ignore us and continue the discussion themselves.

"So, you are here because of a mission, right?" Victoria asked.

"Yes. I was told to check on this city is destroyed or not. If not, I need to find the reason why." Veronica answered.

"I see. Then why don't we make up a reason for that instead of arguing?" Victoria said that to Albert and me.

"I guess we can settle our score later." Albert said.

"There's nothing to settle about. Now let's make up some story." I said.

"Once these two are like this, you should be careful and listen carefully so the story they made won't be too messed up. They will enjoy this a lot." Candy said to Veronica.

Alright, so we need to make a story about how the stampede is over without destroying the city.

"First, let us tell you what happened here after the stampede is over first. Once we do, you can understand the story better. We will just tell you about what everyone knows, so in case someone from the cult asked you about it, it won't be a lie." I said as I took a seat next to Albert.

We told her that after the stampede is over, the story that we told everyone in the city is that we managed to capture one person involved with the stampede. He is the governor himself.

Then through some kind of interrogation, we managed to make Luiz talk. He couldn't use magic since we have a Magic Restriction Collar used on him. We told Veronica that it was taken from Luiz's palace.

Of course Veronica knows that the Magic Restriction Collar is something we took from one of her people during the time they targeted Angela when she was about to breakthrough. But she didn't deny everything we said and listen closely to us.

Then we made a public appearance with the tied-up Luiz in front of everyone, and told them everything we knows as if it was something we learned from Luiz.

"And that's basically everything that happened after the stampede. Do you have any questions?" I asked.

"Hmm… so you telling this mean that it's fine for the cult to know about this? About how you guys are trying to make the cult as everyone's common enemy to unify everyone in this kingdom. You're making the cult guilty about every crime you point at us. Then using that, you called out to every citizen and told them that the cult is their enemy. Am I right?" Veronica summarized what we told her.

"That's basically it. But we're also planning to make every other country to make a move against the cult. This is also the reason we let the stampede happened on purpose and let many people die as a result. Although it's something we wanted to avoid, it's a necessary move from our part to let people know the danger that cult gives." Albert said.

"Alright. I have no more questions. Even if other people from the cult tries to investigate, if those are what the people here knows, they will find the same answers however they investigate."

"Yeah. As long as people from our side keep their mouth shut." I said.

"Don't worry. I have told everyone to never get drunk until everything is taken care of, and only speak what everyone knows as well."

Seems like Albert has made a move and told our allies here to shut their mouth.

"Now as for the story of how the stampede is over… let's say that the princess was here during the stampede, and she brought a really powerful bodyguard. That bodyguard is a tamer who has two Living Armor as his contracted monsters. Make it so the story goes like this. The princess' bodyguard found some powerful magic weapon from inside a dungeon, and he gave those weapons to his monsters. Making them powerful enough to kill a Giant Salamander." It was Shirley who suggested that story.

And seeing from the girls' reaction, seems like they have prepared this answer. Which means we won't have our turns in making the story.

"Hey! What about my version of the story!?"

"Yeah! Mine as well!"

Albert and I complained, but Shirley replies calmly.

"We don't know when the people following Veronica will come, so the faster we finish the story, the better it is for us."

After that, the girls started chatting with Veronica about her living condition in the cult, her past, and what makes Victoria sympathized with her during their first meeting.

As for Albert and me, we are completely forgotten. If it's like this, then I should be allowed to go home, right?

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