The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 15: Fight!*

Chapter 15: Fight!*

Alan Duo thought such a simple matter could be handled by the other girls. Who knew the other party was stronger than expected? Now she had to step in. If you apologize to Ai Lu Ill consider letting you live. Otherwise Ill have to take the place of your teacher and teach you some proper manners! Immediately after saying so she pulled out a red colored staff. The staff was clearly special with bird feathers at the top and an embedded core from a magical beast in the center. Her father had given her the staff. He had paid a high price for it because it had special characteristics like amplifying fire attacks.

Without giving her a chance to reply Alan Duo threw a fireball at Feng Wu. Even if the staff was special, it was only as strong as the wielder, and Alan Duo was only a second tier fire magician. Her offensive power wasnt even as strong as Jiers, so Feng Wu was able to destroy the fireball easily using her sword.

Alan Duo didnt give up though. Since she couldnt kill Feng Wu with one big ball of fire then she would try several smaller ones. She immediately switched tactics and cast Firebolt, a lower level fire spell, in quick succession. A humming vibration echoed in the air and five balls of fire flew at Feng Wu.

As soon as they saw the fireballs, Mi Li and Yali dragged Ai Lu out of the bathroom. They knew Alan Duos attacks wouldnt discriminate between friends or foes. If they didnt want to get hurt they needed to withdraw immediately. Alan Duo had shot the girls a warning look earlier so they knew it was coming. Glancing back and seeing the flames, the girls were very excited, believing in their hearts that the other party would die. Although the spell depleted much of Alan Duos energy, she was confident she would win the fight with it. No matter how good she was with a sword, that person wouldnt be able to dodge or destroy five flames at once.

Ah but they were destined to be disappointed. Earlier Feng Wu had infused her sword with internal force, so she was able to deflect each of the fireballs back at Alan Duo.

Alan Duo instinctively cast a shield spell. It was a basic defensive spell; as long as the caster had any energy left it could be cast. So even Alan Duo in her current state could cast it.The shield managed to block the fireballs but cracked and dissipated right after.

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Alan Duo was just catching her breath when she heard footsteps approaching her, followed by a flash of lightning. Feng Wus palm appeared directly in front of her. In the next instant she was slammed against the wall with so much force that she vomited mouthfuls of blood.

Feng Wu didnt hit hard enough to kill her, but she did hit hard enough to really hurt.

Magicians didnt train for close hand to hand combat since they relied on spells to attack from a distance. This meant that most were physically weak because they neglected training their bodies. Earlier when Feng Wu closed the distance between them Alan Duo became nervous and wanted to flee, however with her weak physical strength she didnt see any way to do so.

Alan Duo felt humiliated. This was the most shameful experience in her life. It was all thanks to the girl in front of her. With resentment in her eyes she said, You just you wait Baixing Academy wont let you off She made a vow to rip the girl in front of her to shreds. Her heart was full of angry fire despite not having the ability to back up her words.

Alan Duo! Are you OK? Mi Li and Yali dropped Ai Lu like a rock and rushed over to Alan Duo. They didnt dare face Feng Wu or approach her, instead they looked at Alan Duo with worry on their faces. How could they stand a chance if even Alan Duo, who was the strongest in the group, lost? Wouldnt they just be asking for a beating if they approached the other party?

Alan Duo didnt bother with the girls, she just used them to pull herself up.

Feng Wu didnt understand why the other party spoke like that after losing. Wasnt it just losing? Back on Yuehua Mountain, when she competed against Master and the other wild beasts, she had lost so many times that her confidence dropped. But by thinking about her losses she was able to understand her weakness, and from there improve and become stronger.

The people here instead of thinking things through they just made a fuss. They were so delicate. Shaking her head she went back to the sink and washed her hands, dried them, then walked out without giving the girls a single glance.

Outside Jier and Tian Ke had been waiting for sometime. When they saw her Tian Ke asked, Why so slow?

Some girls inside wanted to fight. Yes it was a fight, a fair fight.

A fight? In the bathroom?! Jier was surprised.

"Hm," Feng Wu nodded her head.

Tian Ke knew Feng Wu pretty well. If there was a fight then it must have been because the other party was trying to bully her, which meant she must have beat the crap out of them. Are they OK in there? Tian Ke could only offer thoughts and prayers for the fools who tried to bully her. He had seen with his own eyes how awesome she was when they travelled through the mountain and when they entered An Lou city.

Mm. Still alive.

Jier whistled. This was a bit much to digest. He had to think about it for a bit.

Standing next to him were several boys in uniform. They had a bad feeling when they heard Feng Wus reply.

Right then Mi Li and Yali walked out holding Ai Lu between them. Trailing behind was a deathly pale faced and bloodstained Alan Duo.

Mi Li addressed the seniors she saw waiting outside. Fellow seniors! Quickly stop that woman. She secretly spied on us in the bathroom. We caught her, but she wouldnt admit to it. Instead she injured Alan Duo and Ai Lu. She needs to be detained for punishment. Ha! See if you can escape now. Youre dead for sure!

Because Xingguang Holy Academy only recruited the best students, the seniors Mi Li called over were all outstanding upperclassman of Baixing Academy.

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