The Path of Ascension

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

After clearing his head through his talk with Aunt Helen, Matt threw himself into both the final preparations for Lizs birthday celebration and creating at least some of his Intent.

The former was fun and easy as he tried to hide from both Liz and Aster, who were similarly planning small gifts and surprises for him and each other as well. Matt shouldnt have been surprised when the family unilaterally decided to make it a joint celebration, but he was still deeply touched by the gesture.

It also led to some good fun.

Liz walking into their room with a massive covered object had to be bait or a distraction, and Matt couldnt be convinced otherwise, no matter what Aster thought. There was no good reason for Liz not to keep an actual present inside her spatial ring or even give it to one of her siblings for safe keeping if it wasnt a trap.

But boy, was it a good trap, as both Matt and Aster were unable to control their curiosity and tried to peek at the covered object anytime Liz wasn't in the room.

Matt had wanted to make the meal for the party, but Aunt Helen had rejected his assistance for anything more than making the cake they would share. Deciding to go in a slightly less traditional approach, he decided to go with a variety of cupcakes instead of a singularly large cake. That way, he was able to ensure everyone would find something they liked, and best of all, he was able to make a few special cakes for Liz and Aster.

Beyond that, he was kept from all kitchen activities as per Aunt Helen's orders, who seemed more than delighted to take up the task herself, and he wasn't going to turn down the chance to taste her cooking.

His Intent, however, was substantially more troublesome.

Everyone he spoke to said that he was making it far harder for himself by trying to ensure it would impact his mana concentration somehow, but harder wasnt impossible. And even if it were impossible, he did impossible things all the time.

Regardless, most of the people he spoke to said there was no such thing as a perfect Intent. The Intent was about the meeting of the spirit and reality, and that always required some level of adjustment. It was a journey, not a state of being, and as a result, it was more possible to guide the result. More possible didnt mean easy, and other people did view it as impossible, that the journey of discovering the Intent was simply manifesting choices that had already been made, rather than making choices for the future.

But, he wouldnt let that discourage him. He meditated for hours each day as they approached the Ascension, imagining different ways his Domain might grow. It was one thing to imagine some of the literally infinite possibilities, but it was a level beyond that to actually tell if they would be valid images, phrases, or anchors.

He couldnt just, for example, go around waving his hand over everything and seeing which item resonated with his Domain that might make a good Anchor. He needed to build out his spirit, prepare for it to manifest in reality, and interpret vague and seemingly-contradictory impulses to figure out what might work as an Anchor. He couldnt actually attempt to form a connection, and thus check if he was right, unless actually trying to form an anchor. Then, if he didnt have the right kind of item on hand, or in some cases the exactly right item altogether, the attempt would fail, and if he were under Tier 20, his Domain would violently break and tear his body apart.

The Image and Phrase were no easier, and made him almost long for the days of his spirit rejecting any memories of him tapping upon the concept of Endlessness before he could safely handle it.

Just a week before the Ascension, they celebrated their collective fiftieth birthdays, even though none of them were actually fifty, which Matt found amusing and Aster slightly insulting.

Im always happy to have a party, but Im almost fifteen years away from being fifty! Im young compared to you old farts.

Matt agreed with her. Yeah, I dont think it's fair we share the limelight with you. Best to keep it all to ourselves.

Aster tried to play it cool and pretend she didnt care, but that lasted all of two minutes before she caved and stopped calling them old.

The banquet hall they were having the party in was fairly small, just large enough to hold a few dozen people comfortably, and was laden with tables with food that smelled divine.

Aunt Helen had clearly outdone herself, and everyone spent the first ten or so minutes just digging into the food. That included all of the royals, who Matt noticed, despite being clones, were all given their own special dishes that he suspected were closer to their Tiers. He wasnt entirely sure how Aunt Helen, as a Tier 24, handled higher Tier ingredients without removing their special effects, but he also wasnt sure she was keeping said effects.

As Matt bit into his Tier 10 Castoria Lamb, he sighed at the incredible taste. The lamb was imported from the Castoria region of the Empire and was quite literally worth its weight in higher Tier mana stones. It also had the effect of enhancing proprioception when prepared properly.

It was paired with a particular imported variety of rice nearly twice the size of normal grains, and with a subtle set of flavors that had been carefully cultivated by its home planet for generations. It complemented the rest of the dish perfectly without ever upstaging it, and even its lack of cultivation enhancement seemed like a minor potential loss in comparison to the sheer incredible taste it provided.

That was beyond apparent as he looked up the price and almost choked seeing the rice was actually available in the Citadel system, but even half a pound of Tier 10 rice sold for Tier 16 prices. Granted, part of that was from the influx of people to the system, as the price had gone up another Tier, which put its normal price at Tier 15.

Seeing that, he better understood how and why things like the food hauler existed. Buying at local prices and transferring such items to the capital systems would definitely turn some level of profit.

The violet tomatoes, though, were probably his favorite ingredient in the dish. They had a slight tang and stimulating property that could either be used to enhance his sense of taste or as a direct boost of energy. They were a popular breakfast food, and were grown on most planets. He sent a note to Liz to try and buy some of the seeds from a local gardening center and try to raise them in her garden orb. He may not be able to afford a herd of Castoria lambs, but hed take what he could get.

As plates were emptied, conversation began. A substantial number of people were using the opportunity to catch up with people they hadnt seen in a decade or two, but Matt, Liz, and Aster found themselves surrounded by their elders talking about their first century of life and the shenanigans theyd gotten up to.

It was still difficult for Matt to not be more than a little awestruck whenever he was reminded about just who was in attendance. Lizs casual nature was a double-edged sword there, helping him relax by following her lead, but also making him freeze up whenever she acted casually around one of her aunts or uncles that countless people would cheerfully murder to so much as be on the same planet with.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

That none of them seemed to take the event terribly seriously helped, such as Empress Consort Carissa recanting a story about Emmanual- the two of whom were actually in-person, and not just [Clone]s- hiding his identity as a kid on the Path. Even Liz apparently hadnt heard this exact story before, though she was a fair bit more reserved than Matt and Aster were during the telling.

So a bunch of us are getting shaken down by a local Tier 10, and Im quaking in my boots. Im a little Tier 5 who just came out of a rift, and I and my entire team are all but completely out of mana. We were just trying to get back to a city after entering an unsettled continent, and this asshole pops up out of nowhere and starts demanding a protection fee to get us back to the city safely. None of us really want to pay for it, but what else can you really do at a time like that?

Emmanuel sighed at that point, and Matt couldn't help but smile as he thought of the Manny he interacted with inside the Legacy.

And this twerpy little Tier 4 steps out and says, You cant just shake us down like this. Im shocked, like everyone else, as none of us expected the lowest Tier person in the group to stand out first. That was just asking to get your ass beat after all.

Matt was expecting to hear about how Manny had pummeled the Tier 10 for being so lawless despite the massive Tier gap, but that wasnt what happened.

And I was right. He got punched right in the face before he could even react.

Emmanuel rubbed his chin with a grin even as Carissa laughed heartily. That at least got the rest of us to react, and the Tier 10 retreated. Shaking us down is one thing, after all, and actually beating up a bunch of lower Tiers would get him landed in jail. Even back in those days, when the lower Tier protection rules were still new. So we grab the stupid Tier 4 and run back to the city. Someone had to take care of his stupid ass, and I volunteered to watch over him at the hospital. I was the first thing he saw when he woke up, and he instantly fell in love.

Emmanuel snorted at Carissas final statement. Hardly love at first sight. It was more iration that turned to begrudging acceptance of your presence as you kept trying to stop me from leaving. Really there was no reason for me to be kept overnight. I just couldn't explain to you or the doctors that I could change out my Talent to one that let me recover faster once I was alone.

Carissa barked a laugh back at him. Yeah, right. The hospital staff were sure you had brain damage if you were stupid enough to stand up to a Tier 10 as a Tier 4, and Im not sure they werent wrong.

Matt tried to restrain his laughter, but Aster had no such inclination and yipped out her own. I expected you to win that fight, but you got knocked out immediately. Oh, that's amazing!

Carissa nodded in agreement. Hes always thought he was invincible, and seems shocked whenever something doesn't work out for him.

Manny shrugged. To be fair, it usually does.

Like when I broke up with you when you told me who your parents were?

Even as Carissa laughed, Keith nodded vigorously, adding, Its like they expect to drop such a bomb on us and for us to not react. It's insanity.

The Emperor's wife pointed at Keith. Exactly! I broke up with him for a good while. I didnt expect him to tell me from day one, but to drop it on me on the way to meet his parents for the first time was not ok. I was pissed!

As Keith and Carissa started their own conversation, Matts attention was stolen by Rusty, who once more tried to get him to spar before they left, but Matt flatly refused, seeing the gleam in the man's eyes as he kept winking to Melinda as he mentioned fighting.

He wasnt exactly wrong, Melinda would be able to bring him back even if he was literally pasted against the wall, and maybe if they had Rusty start off with Tier 13 cultivation then

Dont do it.

Matt stared at the AI message hed gotten from Sam. How had he

Youre talking to Rusty and not immediately refusing. Say no now, before its too late.

Matt began composing a response, when a message from Liz popped up. Seriously, dont do it. If you need incentive, then the message continued and Matt made up his mind.

Matt shrugged and said, Sorry Rusty, youre getting out-peer pressured.

Maybe next time?

Maybe next time.

Matt dropped into a couch, leaning back and enjoying seeing all his friends and family in one place.

Annie was pestering Tur'stal about her Concept and its growth, Vinnie was talking with Leah about elemental manipulation spells and how to best use them. Liz and Melinda were swapping stories and venting about bad patients.

Everyone was chatting and enjoying themselves, and that was beautiful to him.

When they finally got around to opening presents, things got rowdy.

With the restrictions of the Path, they weren't able to get valuable gifts, which turned almost everything into a gag gift or something similar.

Mara and Leon got them matching towels, a nice and thoughtful gift, at least until they realized theyd been coated with a layer of soap that made them hard as a rock. Travis and Keith got them toothbrushes that automatically excreted toothpaste on the bristles, but were prefilled with a spicy toothpaste. Erin got them mugs that would keep whatever was inside at the desired temperature, but were also literally enchanted to leak. Alice and Daniel got them a joint gift of socks and pajamas to wear around the house, but Matt and Lizs made them ice cold, while Asters would make her hot.

That theme was present for all the gifts, which made each one a fun and silly surprise.

Eventually, the party wound down to a close after one all-too-short day, as the Royals present needed to make their preparations for the imminent Ascension and tournament. It still seemed a little odd to Matt that the Emperor had come in person, and perhaps a little prideful of him to assume that it was because he wanted an updated copy of his and Melindas talents, but he couldnt really think of any other reason for it. Then again, perhaps it was just on the way to some other task. His talent wasnt that realm-changing yet.

It was nearly dawn when they finally left the banquet hall, and Matt and Liz meandered up to a beautiful but secluded garden set up on the top of the Feathered Nestled Inn skyscraper.

The stars far above them twinkled beautifully, and some of the flowers around them reflected that splendor. But Matt only had eyes for Liz.

She was so beautiful, he never tired of looking at her, even after all their time together.

She took after Mara, of course, while Lizs mother was impossibly attractive in the way only an immortal could be, Matt preferred the features that differed on Liz. That her freckles were slightly heavier on the left side of her face, how her lips twitched as she tried to suppress a smile, how her hair was slightly messy from the breeze and her eyes reflected the light of the cloudless sky above.

But that was just the physical.

She was just as enthralling when they were both more casts and bandages than flesh, like during their recovery after Minkalla.

Her determination to shoot for the sky and get there herself, and infallible drive to improve herself rather than define herself by her failures, and her endless patience when he would ramble about runes. Their running debate about if cooking is alchemy, cuddling on the couch with hot chocolate while they watched a show to unwind. A thousand and one little things he couldnt put into words, and the rest of their shared moments from the past three decades were all treasured. It drew him in and kept him coming back time and time again, like a spring of purest water. She was his stability and driver, the person he wanted to be better for.

She was who he wanted to spend eternity with, who he wanted to build a family with.

Liz felt his gaze and looked over at him, making eye contact and slowly smiling. What's up? You seem distracted.

Matt grinned. Thanks to you.

Liz returned the grin and teleported in front of him to give him a kiss. He returned, but pulled away before they got carried away.

You know I had so many plans and ideas, but I thought this was best.

Liz raised an eyebrow in question even as she settled on the handrail of the building. Oh?

That simple utterance had a pound of question in its tone, but he ignored it.

Matt shrugged as he mirrored her relaxed pose, despite his heart beating so loudly that he was positive Liz could hear it. I kept thinking about having some big presentation or spectacle, some kind of callback to when we first met, but it always felt wrong. Its just that our relationship isnt built on the highlights or our delving, though I wouldnt trade those away for anything. But whats really important are the parts between all that, when were just talking or sitting on the couch with each other. Eating dinner together even as Aster tries to steal something off our plates. I don't remember every rift we have cleared together, but I remember sitting on the cliff face of that one rift as we watched the sunset. Im pretty sure I was missing half my leg, but I couldn't tell you which one, I just remember the feeling of holding your hand.

Matt reached out and took her hands in his. He reached out with his Domain, lifting the two of them a few feet into the air, then pushed the rest of the world away. Next, he filled the expanded space with a bubble of silence around them to make the sounds of the city fade away. Shadows wrapped around them, bringing them into their own private world. Points of light broke through the darkness to illuminate them, first one, then two, then dozens and hundreds as an illusory starscape blossomed around them.

Liz was getting a bit moist around the eyes, and Matt found himself wracked with nervousness. He didnt want to mess this up. It took his AI blaring his prepared words directly into his head to keep him on track.

Im happy with you, Elizabeth Moore. Im not content because that implies we settled, and I don't think you could ever be described as settling. I chose you as I hope you chose me. I chose you yesterday, I chose you today, and I-

His hands shook as he stared into the pools of gold that were Lizs eyes, and Matts voice failed him utterly. The empty sheath for a dagger tugged itself free from its hiding spot on Matts back and floated to the space right between them, facing the most beautiful girl Matt had ever seen.

El, Matt tried to speak, but couldnt muster the sound. He didnt want to speak, to break this moment. Theyd remember this forever, he wanted to make sure it went well, but his throat refused to cooperate.

Elizab, Matt swallowed the lump in his throat once more, Elizabeth Moore, will will you marry me? Wi

Before he could finish, Liz smothered him with a kiss as she pulled him into a hug, her hands cradling his head to pull him all the closer. She broke away after a moment, practically vibrating. The first noises she made were just squeaks, but they resolved into actual words quickly enough. Yes. Yes. Yes. A million times, yes.

Matt tried to laugh but could only manage a smile. He went to hand Liz her dagger, realized it was awkwardly stuck between their bodies, and carefully pulled away from his fiances body to extricate the weapon. He didnt let go entirely, and held her tight with his other hand even as Liz took the sheath from his hands.

The sheath was a work of art. Incredibly fine silver filigree adorned every inch of the lacquered wood, each representing one of his favorite memories. Liz working at her alchemy station, Liz sitting on the couch. A precious moment Matt had of Liz and Aster passed out on the couch after a rough delve. Both of them were battered and bruised, but that made it all the more precious to him. Liz failing at flipping an egg in the pan and splattering them in egg yolk, and dozens more all displayed in intricate line art that almost glimmered in the false starlight.

Her fingers traced the sheath as she sighed. It's beautiful.

Matts face was stuck in a permanent grin, but it grew wider as his voice returned. I didnt make it myself, but I did design it. I tried a few times, but the silver wire never- mmmh!

Liz pulled away from her sudden kiss and returned to holding Matts hand at more of arms length, slipping the dagger into a pocket as she did so. Her face was affixed in a smile that almost rivaled Matts own, and with a flip of a wrist her free hand was suddenly holding a lapis-blue dagger sheath. Now, Matthew Alexander, you might have struck before I could, but I love you. I love when you ramble about runes and cooking, I love the adorable face you make when you try something new and it blows up on you, when you talk to me when you think Im asleep.

She managed a casual-seeming wink, but Matt still had her in his arms and she couldnt hide how much she was trembling from him. I love your endless optimism and generosity and all those times you just stare off into space thinking about a new talisman or some plot hole whatever stupid show we just watched. I love it, and I love you. I love these decades spent where you always have my back, both inside and outside of our delves.

Liz was putting up a valiant effort, but Matt could see how she was relying on her blood magic to keep her heart beating at a steady pace and her voice mostly even.You chose me, and I choose you. Matthew Alexander, will you spend the rest of forever with me, that we follow our path into realms unknown and unimaginable together, side by side? Ma- Lizs voice finally failed her, and the final words came out in a whisper, Matthew Alexander, will you marry me?

Matt pulled her into another kiss, breathing the only answer he could give. Yes.

They held their kiss for either hours or minutes, floating in an infinite realm of stars. When they finally needed air, Matt gently lowered them to the ground and inspected what Liz had given him.

It was mostly a single piece of blue stone, save for the obsidian clasps at the tip and base. The stone itself looked simple at first glance, but a bit of inspection revealed that the texture was hiding an impossible number of incredibly intricate runes across the surface. Powering them caused them to light up with a white glow decidedly reminiscent of his white hole. A second later, a dozen images and short videos started playing in the air around it.

Like him, most of the memories were of them just living together, but the largest and longest image was of him standing there washing the surroundings with mana, longsword pointing forward, glowing with power.

I love it.

They held each other for a few more moments before they got up and went down to inform the rest of the family.

Not that it would be a secret. Matt had asked Mara and Leon for their blessing before even talking to Aunt Helen last month. They had, of course, agreed, and had been so excited he wasnt sure they would be able to keep the secret this long, seeing how giddy they were.

When they entered the shared apartment, everyone was there and ready to congratulate them on their upcoming nuptials.

Aster reached them first and barreled into them, asking a million questions a minute.

Who got to ask first? I bet it was Matt. Do you know how hard it was to hide this secret from both of you? Neither of you should have told me, so I didnt have to hide it. Actually, no, the surprise would have been worse. When are you going to have the ceremony? Can I be the flower fox and a bridesmaid? Where are you going to get married? Ohhh, I want to help plan it! We need this to be the best wedding ever!

Matt kissed Asters head even as she squirmed like a ferret back and forth between his and Lizs arms.

Her exuberance was second only to Mara and Leons, who seemed ecstatic to be officially gaining a new son in law and have their youngest get married in general.

The two of them vibrated like cartoons even as the others moved on to make their own congratulations.

The party that had seemed on the verge of dying down was once more alive and well.

Emmanuel and Carissa even popped in, giving their congratulations in person before vanishing once again. Susanne even managed to stop in, but only had a few minutes free before she was whisked away by Jeremiah to her appointment with Ciceron.

Matt and Liz were inundated by well-wishings and suggestions and hints by everyone, but the simple congratulations from Luna and Kurt almost felt more impactful. They seemed generally happy for him and Liz, and while he knew their future training would be just as brutal, it was nice knowing the two managers approved of his and Lizs choice to get married.

It was shortly past noon when they finally went to bed, and they were both so exhausted they slept for a full two hours.

Planning the wedding was fun, even if they werent able to do much without a firm date or location, but that didnt stop everyone from chipping in their own suggestions and things they had learned from their own weddings.

Seeing Leon and Alice argue about what type of centerpieces worked better was surprisingly informative, while also being hilarious, as both seemed to have half a dozen samples in their storage rings. Though, from the loud complaints of the other siblings, they seemingly had been stolen from their own weddings.

In the end, they settled on very little, but the process was fun.

What they did settle on was that theyd wait until the very peak of Tier 14 for the event, allowing Aster to participate in the ceremony with no worries about the beast college conflicting.

Mara hinted that no matter what they did it wouldnt be an issue, but Matt wanted to avoid her needing to pull strings as much as possible.

Finally, the day of the Ascension and start of the Tier 10 tournament approached, which put everything else on hold. Matt, along with everyone else in the system, were watching the opening moments of the tournament with eager anticipation.

Rusty came on stage and waved to the audience, starting with an exaggerated wink. I feel like we just did this not five years ago, but at least we have a good reason to repeat our performances. On a more serious note, let us thank Yellow for their service.

At the mention of one of the seven members of the tribunal, Yellow stepped forward. Despite the name Madam Terror, the yellow mask of the tribunal was clearly a man.

Waving, they took their place next to Rusty and addressed the crowd. Im sure most of you can't wait for me to bugger off and Ascend, but let me say a few words first. Ten thousand years. Ive been in this position for ten thousand years. Some days it feels like weeks, and other times it feels like it's been a million years. I pushed for this position because I thought The Path was a good idea implemented badly.

That hadnt been what Matt thought someone who ran the Path would say, but as Yellow reached up and took off the mask, revealing his face, Matt understood as his AI registered the mans identity and spat out a quick report.

Jebediah Tallow was from the hereditary noble faction, and had been a strong voice who objected to Emperor Georgios proposed expansions of The Path, saying it was a waste of resources that could be better used elsewhere.

After being publicly rebuked in open court, the man had vanished from public life, and most suspected Georgios had had the man killed for openly questioning him.

Jebediah grinned. Most of you are probably surprised Im not dead, but Georgios didnt execute me for daring to question him. No, he challenged me to prevent the frivolous waste we were starting to see in The Path with its rapid expansion. I like to believe that I succeeded in preventing what I feared, and made it better than I could have hoped. It hasnt been easy. Its been brutal work, full of hard choices, where even with all the proposed increases in revenue, we frankly havent had enough resources to cover all that deserve it. Still, I like to think we have made the best of what we had.

Gesturing to the crowd of Tier 10 Pathers standing around him, he continued. You are living proof that we succeeded in making something lasting. Each generation is getting stronger and stronger, forever pushing yourselves in a cycle that surpasses the last. Id love to stay around for another ten thousand years, but its time I moved on. My husband has been acting as a nigh-widower for too long, and it's time we Ascend to the next step of our lives. And for that I give you all one last gift. As much as Id love to watch one more Tier 10 tournament, I want to help you all one more time. Most of you have your Concepts, but not all. Take this chance and give the best showing you possibly can.

Looking up to the cameras, Jebediah addressed the Empire as a whole. To everyone else in the Empire, I wish you all the best as you head into a golden age, but I offer it with a warning. The others fear us for good reason, but our strength is made up of the collective efforts of everyone. If you disagree with something, dont just complain, but campaign to fix it. Join your local political spheres and fight for what you believe in, but don't forget that you can always still learn, and might not always be right.

As he said that, another figure walked up on the stage and took a position right behind Jebediah.

Caressing the yellow mask, Jebediah handed it to the newest member of the tribunal. Who you are behind the mask doesn't matter. From today on, you are Madam Terror, Yellow mask of the tribunal. I wish you luck in guiding the best and brightest of the Empire. It's not an easy job, or even one with recognition, but it's one with the greatest rewards.

His final words spoken, Jebediah floated into the sky alongside another man, and the two of them linked hands and faded from reality.

It was all over in a blink, a flash of light and wave of energy accompanying a ripple through reality. Matt closed his eyes, and reached out with Intent.

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