The Path of Ascension

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Allie whistled a slightly forced, if jaunty tune as she and Zack sat in a cafe, waiting for their appointment. For such an important moment, they could have arrived early instead of biding their time, but neither of them actually wanted to do that.

There was a special flavor in the anticipation and build-up that they both relished.

Even she, for all her impatience, knew that this would only happen once, and she wanted to savor the moment.

Besides, theyd spent countless hours at cafes just like this one. They were all unique, but shared the same quiet atmosphere that shed grown to love, and this would be the last time she could enjoy that as herself.

A distraction arrived just before she thought to check the time.

Korun, Emma, and Marcus walked up to them in formal clothes.

Allie shook the proffered hands without her usual antics and just waited to hear what the trio would say.

Korun spoke first. It was good working with you kids. Well... youre not kids anymore, but to me, youll always be the two little shits stealing rift slots. Youve come a long way.

Allie grinned and opened her mouth, but Emma cut her off. I swear by all the royals if you say or do something dumb, Allie, I will beat your ass black and blue. So help me.

Allie grinned. Just a little interruption of the proceedings?

Emmas glare hardened and Allie raised her hands. Im kidding, Im kidding. I wont do anything I shouldnt.

Marcus just grinned. Thanks for the promotion, guys.

Zack snorted and Allie laughed.

Back when theyd first met, Marcus had been pissed that he had been saddled with, in his own words, the troubled kids, and therefore couldnt show his prowess properly. Allie had responded by confidently stating hed be getting a promotion once he was done with them.

Really though, after over a century and a half putting up with her, he deserved it. And a break.

Zack regained his composure and gave a shallow bow from where he was sitting. Thank you all for your guidance and mentorship. We wouldnt be who we are today without your assistance.

Allie said it in a less formal way, We done did good. See you on the flip side.

With that, the trio made their goodbyes, setting off to get into position early, and left the two of them to their own devices once again. After three more cups of coffee for her, and one refill of tea for him, Allie decided enough was enough.

She needed to move.

That was the nerves speaking.

Or possibly the coffee.

Checking her [AI] again, she decided it was close enough to their time that it wouldnt be an issue to arrive. Peeking at Zacks cup of tea, she noticed he only had a few sips left, but seeing her attention, he drank the rest of it in a single gulp.

He let out a long sigh that she felt in her bones.

Want to just fuck off? It's our last shot.

Zack smiled back. Never. Not after everything, after all our work, all weve fought for and struggled to get? Weve stared into the abyss, I wont flinch at this, no matter how final it may be.

Allie shrugged. We could die. That's pretty damn final.

Zack returned her shrug. That is always a possibility. He opened his mouth to continue, but shut it with a click.

Taking that for the acceptance to leave, Allie dropped a few mana stones on the table and stood up.

They took a meandering route through the city, gradually heading in the right direction as they steeled their nerves, taking their time to reminisce. Well, it was mostly Allie doing the talking. She just had too many nerves to stay quiet.

Zack shook his head, chuckling as they remembered one particular misadventure, then grew serious, signaling for her to slow down before their walk came to an end. Allie. Thank you. Through everything, no matter how much I have frustrated you, youve always been there for me. That means a lot. But please, shut the fuck up.

Allie smiled back at him. An honest smile. Not a mocking one. Not a teasing one. Just an honest smile. You too, big guy. Its been a heck of a ride, hasnt it? You and those stupid little glasses, and your books, and She took a deep breath and finished, I wouldnt choose anyone else.

Their relationship was complicated. She still wasnt sure if shed call them friends, but they were close, closer than most lovers. Certainly closer than shed ever been with someone. They may not have spent much time together outside of missions, but if Zack told her she needed to drive a spike through her head, she wouldnt so much as flinch, and he would return the favor.

It wasnt an exaggeration to say that she trusted him more than she trusted herself, and she knew the reverse was true for him. They were just very different people at the end of the day.

Im glad it was you.

Me too.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Despite everything they were about to go through, she knew that hed have her back. And that was enough.

When they entered their final destination, Allie was disappointed in how simple things were. Oh, things were high Tier, but they werent as gaudy as she expected, which was a slight disappointment.

As they walked through miles of halls, she noticed that Zacks's fingers were twitching, which meant he was trying to plot out the coming conversation.

A sign of nerves.

She smacked his arm and he relaxed a little just as they reached the final door. A door just like any other, but one that hid one of the most influential people in the realm behind it.

Zack raised a fist to knock, but before he could do so, the door opened on its own.

The man inside never even looked up from the document he was writing.

It took Allie aback that he was physically writing. On paper. With a pen.

Together, they entered as he waggled his fingers and the door closed behind them, just as silently as it had opened. Are you two ready? Her boss boss boss boss spoke without raising his head from the slow and steady strokes of his pen.

Zack answered before Allie could make a quip, Yes, sir.

At least his voice didnt quaver.

The man hmmed without looking up. It's a little late, but I can still get you out of this. Fake your death. Let you two start over.

Allie snorted this time. Too late for that. We both know it. The ball is rolling, and theres no stopping it. Besides, I want to see which houses we bounce into on the way down.

Finally, the man raised his gaze to meet theirs, and Allie felt a chill run down her spine as her body instinctively reacted to coming face-to-face with a much more dangerous predator. It was exhilarating.

One day, she wanted to be that predator.

He had been somewhat casual before, perhaps his own way of dealing with nerves, but when he next spoke, it was with the full weight of his office. And it has thus been settled. Zack Varon and Allison Spein. I, Emperor Emmanual Sophron, bid you rise as Ascenders Light and Shadow, to defend the people of this nation from all threats, be they internal or external. From now until eternity, may you serve as a beacon of stability and hope for all who would look to you, and may your enemies tremble in your wake. It is my duty and privilege to bestow upon you the rewards and responsibilities attendant to your new role. May you stand strong beneath their weight.

Allie crunched her cores down, reaching Tier 25 and finishing the Path of Ascension, and felt an upwelling of energy within her spirit. As she stood, her previous outfit was whisked away in an instant and replaced with the ceremonial robes she had been fitted for weeks ago, an ornate outfit that managed to make her look good in purple. Beside her, Zack was in a matching set, albeit in yellow.

Emperor Emmanuels eyes flashed gold as he smiled. I cannot begin to express my congratulations, though you will soon see that I have tried my best. Within hours, we will start the public ceremony. I hope you have memorized your roles, and taken a last chance for a moment of peace.

His glowing eyes grew hard as he finished. After that, we have work to do.


Emmanuel waved, teleporting the duo out of his office before blinking down at the pair of documents in front of him as he put the final flourishes on them. Two new Dukes were being raised today, and their writs of nobility needed to be extra special.

With a thought, he checked in on his seneschal, squaring away the last few details for the ceremony today. All those that had been orbiting his palace for the last few years were rushing into the throne room at the fastest speed they could get away with without looking foolish and causing a scene.

A few were absent, and he would be looking in on their reasons why later, but it was a scant few, and most of them had already pleaded their absence in advance. Still, he had given the order, and their excuses had better be good ones if they wanted to miss this moment.

The moment the word went out, it only took two hours for the imperial throne room to become packed with over a million waiting people in its spatially expanded walls.

Waiting for him.

As he donned his ceremonial outfit, he couldnt help but wonder once again if he was doing the right thing. After today there was no going back. The bridge would be burnt beyond repair.

He wondered if the Empire could survive. If it did survive, how would he be remembered? Would the history books call him Emmanuel The Mad, who single handedly ruined the Empire?

Emmanuel hoped not. Not because he cared about what others thought of him, but because that would prove he had failed to live up to his father and grandmother's expectations. To his people's expectations.

Expectations that felt like the sky weighing on his shoulders.

Still, he could hold up the sky. That was why he had been chosen to replace his father. He was strong enough to manage.

Or at least, he hoped so.

Oh, how he hoped so.

When his seneschal messaged him that everyone had entered, he stepped through the side entrance in full regalia. Carissa was dressed to match, and with slow and steady steps, they walked to his throne as his seneschal called the nobles to order.

After seating his wife on a smaller throne next to his own, he sat down. That was the signal for his royals to sit in their own, slightly smaller thrones that were one step below his on the dais that elevated them all above those watching.

Emmanuel said nothing, and just let the murmurs turn into a silence that crept through the throne room as he watched everyone's expressions.

His wife and royals had stoic expressions that befitted their stations and gave nothing away to the watchers, which acted as a mirror to his own flat expression.

That was good.

His attention next went to the dukes of the realm as the royals each took their turn to give their speeches, now that the music had faded to a quiet background murmur. It was almost a shame, as it had been a new symphony he had been enjoying. The elaborate light show also died down, but he had seen that before. And while it was interesting, even a group of Tier 45s couldnt weave something he couldnt easily see through.

The dukes were far more interesting for him to observe while he had nothing to do but sit there.

The dukes who fell under the two kingdoms he personally controlled were clustered in their own little bunches, but the one that caught his eye was the one around Duchess Uveil, which he took note of, but said nothing and didnt let any expression show on his face. He wasnt exactly surprised that Duchess Uveil had come out on top of the political infighting that happened in his second kingdom, but she had had the lowest chance to succeed the last time he had peered into the future.

A development that bore looking into.

Had she been compromised? Another Great Power turning her against him for backing her fight to lead her faction? Unlikely, but it had happened before, and he couldnt let any such possibilities go unchecked in these trying times.

Emmanuel let his gaze travel to the other dukes from the other kingdoms and inspected them one by one, letting each of them feel the weight of his gaze before moving on.

Some shivered. Some slunk back. Some met his gaze. Some looked anywhere other than his eyes. Others stood tall.

His Empire in one location.

Or at least, the representatives of it.

He pondered for a moment at the sight that his grandmother, Agatha, had witnessed when she ascended to the throne after wresting it for herself through strength of arms. The Empire was barely half this size sixty thousand years ago, but the sight must have been eerily similar to what he saw now.

It was a sobering reminder that everything he was reaping now wasnt from his own hard work, but the accumulated efforts of his Father and Grandmother. They had turned the field and sowed the seeds, and it was his time to harvest the bounty of their effort while fending off the vermin that would come to ruin it.

As his gaze moved to the middle of the throne room and the multitudes of nobles lower than Dukes, he smiled slightly.

The dukes would perceive that as a slight, which it very much was. He was still angry that Ilkor had let such perversions go on under his nose. What few would understand was that attitude was directed at himself as much as them. That entire situation had been his fault just as much as it was Ilkors. There was a reason that he only controlled two kingdoms, as any more than that, and he couldnt be as attentive as he liked. When his attention waned, people started taking liberties

Still, that small rebuke would ensure that most of the nobles kept themselves in line for the coming decades just as well as shouting would have. His father had taught them that lesson well.

The news reporters were near the back and sides, mostly due to jockeying for the best view rather than any slight against them.

Finally, his gaze went to the envoys from the other seven Great Powers that had their own little raised box, keeping them separated from his nobles.

The Federation, Sects, and Republic envoys already had rolled up scrolls in hand, and he resisted the urge to smirk at them and simply make an announcement before dismissing everyone. They were presumptuous, and rebuking them like that would feel good. But it would be pointless theatrics.

No, it was time.

With a wave of his scepter, everyone created a path from the doors to himself as a purple carpet unraveled. Everyone looked to the doors, but they didnt open, and his seneschal didnt announce the final members of this show.

Once the attention and news recording equipment turned to focus on him, Emmanuel finally spoke. The Empire is made up of individuals. Of people. Some strong, some weak. Each and every one important. But together, we comprise one whole, proving that we are not alone in this realm. Though, there are others who have different beliefs and aims. If we can not protect ourselves against this opposition, we will be swallowed up. How can we safeguard thousands of worlds and quadrillions of people? Its quite a challenge, but we manage through the struggles of the many. Some of those struggles are more notable, but nations can only run with the effort of a million unsung heroes. Even the strongest person in the realm cant be everywhere all at once. That is why we have The Path of Ascension. It lets us sift through the ambitious, through the masses, through the overlooked, and through the forgotten.. And sometimes, those rare few people with more drive than their peers are found. The ones who stand above the rest and can do what few others can. Sometimes they are exceptional crafters, but usually, they are fighters. They destroy because that is the best way to protect ourselves and ensure that others wont dare to test us.

He didnt look at the envoys, but a number of his nobles did, and some of the news cameras panned over. The Federation envoys hand tightened ever so slightly on the scroll he held, but Emmanuel didnt miss it with his perception bathing the area.

Today, I have the great honor of introducing to the realm two new people who have clawed their way through mountains of bodies. They stepped over their peers and left them far behind. They caught up to generations older than them and proved once more that they were a cut above. They did so time after time, accomplishing the nigh impossible. They reached Tier 25 in less than two hundred years.

As the crowd started to murmur, Emmanuel called out, I summon Light and Shadow to the throne room!

The door opened, and there the two stood in their worn armor, wearing their iconic masks.

They paused for a brief moment as everyone in the realm stared at them.

Without looking anywhere but at him, the two of them started walking down the mile-long hall in lockstep.

The soft purple carpet that ate up the sounds of their steps created a space that was just for them.

Few knew the true nature of that stupid carpet, but it was, in truth, one of the Empires few Tier 48 defensive items. If anyone attempted to assault their new Ascenders while they stood upon its surface, they would be firmly rebuffed. Nobody would test it, not with him there, but the utmost of caution was required in such cases.

Emmanuel let a soft and gentle smile spread across his face as they walked through the throne room.

As they neared his dais, Emmanuel stood, which was mirrored by all his royals and wife.

At the same time, Light and Shadows masks melted away, revealing the true identity of the Ascenders. There were millions of bets that had just been concluded, and Emmanuel knew for a fact that none of the gambling houses had guessed the duo's true identities.

The cameras flashed and everyone took into the two.

Zack Varon was a large, well built man who Emmanuel knew would be more at home in a library than standing in front of a crowd. Though, he carried himself with a demeanor that made it look like he had planned every turn of his head a month in advance. It lent an air of command and control to him. Allison Spein was in many ways the precise opposite, drawing attention to herself through her striking, inky skin, body art, and unique hair coloration. A woman who was certainly chafing under the requirement to act with absolute decorum for the duration of the ceremony.

With a flourish, two scrolls appeared in his hand, and Emmanuel waited for the two to reach their designated locations.

Once they hit the mark, he started walking down his dais and met them at the bottom of the stairs, where they each went to one knee with their right arms crossing their left knees.

With my authority as the leader of the Empire, I validate that these two members of my Great Power completed The Empires Path of Ascension with no undue interference or assistance, following all rules as set by the Articles of the Shattering and the Empires sub clauses.

His [AI] blipped as it verified the achievement with Light and Shadows [AI]s, and then once more with the envoys, before being shared with the nobles and news stations.

As the information of their Path and everything they had received was verified and accepted as below the set thresholds, Emmanuel withdrew a sword and placed it on both their right shoulders at once.

His Domain clone was a perfect copy of himself, and together they spoke in unison. I, Emmanuel Sophron, third of my line, announce to the Empire and the Realm that the Ascenders Light and Shadow have been found worthy. To reward their accomplishment and my trust in them, I decree the two of you shall be raised as Dukes of the land to receive titles as befit your new status. The blade transferred from their right shoulder to the left before he withdrew it. Rise.

When the two of them stood, he presented the two of them with the scrolls he had made earlier.

Each was more than a writ of nobility. They were items made with the power only a Tier 50 held. The connection to the Realm itself. With these writs, they could channel a little bit of his own authority and majesty, showing anyone that they were who they said they were.

It was also a literal writ of their nobility and documented their powers and titles.

Ascenders, to attention.

Light and Shadow slowly proceeded to the side of the stage, settling into position alongside Ascender Waters, in his own ocean-blue robes. The senior Ascender winked and blew a kiss at the envoys, much to the consternation of the Sects representative. Emmanuel ignored it, and turned his attention back to the crowd before him, giving a light clap.

Please welcome the Empire's two newest Ascenders and Dukes.

His nobles applauded with far more enthusiasm than he and the royals, but Emmanuel just smiled through it all.

Then came the less-than-pleasant part of these proceedings.

The Vermin coming for his harvest.

The Guild envoy came first and nodded deeply to him and then Light and Shadow. The Overseer sends his regards, and wishes to reinforce our Great Powers bonds of friendship through the coming days.

Emmanuel nodded back, if more shallowly than the envoy. And I wish to make my stance of friendship clear as well. Please convey my thanks.

The Clans envoy gave less effusive congratulations, along with the Monster Collective and the Corporations. Which left the three rats.

Emmanuel wanted to wave them out of existence, but killing envoys was a bad precedent to set no matter how good it might feel.

If Aiden could restrain himself, Emmanuel could do it as well, even knowing how much bloodshed their proclamations would bring. The other Tier 50s might see the wars as simple games that ultimately saved lives, with the restrictions it put on war. Emmanuel saw it as a waste of his people.

The Republic envoy stood forward, and after nodding the proper amount, stood back up and opened his scroll, which gave off the unique aura of a Tier 50 before he started reading off.

In my capacity as envoy, I speak for Madam President Janet Olga. The Empire has threatened our interests and future with its unchecked expansion. With a second set of Ascenders, we can no longer sit idly by, and will declare war if the Empire does not halt all outward expansion and pay a number of resources as reparations. If you can not accept these terms as listed by this document, as is, we have no choice but to declare war.

The envoy paused, but Emmanuel just blinked at him before looking to the next in line.

The Sect envoy repeated the same thing, with only a few minor differences in the choice of words. The Federation envoy, on the other hand, surprised Emmanuel.

His speech started out similar enough to the Republic envoy, but at the end, he added. If the Empire is willing to return the territory stolen from us when we were unjustly attacked, and give a guarantee to declare war on the unrecognized entity called the Monster Collective for our lost land when we go to war with them, we are willing to sit out of this war.

Emmanuel smiled at the attempt to drive a wedge between himself and the Monster Collective. They didnt want to sit the war out, but they wanted to stir up trouble with his people in the future.

He was sure that when the war was at its worst, their spies and plants would bring up this moment as a way to hurt the morale of his populace.

We will not betray our former reasons for declaring war on the Federation. The bloodline humans and evolved beasts were being treated unjustly, and that war was fought for righteous reasons. We will not backtrack on those decisions. We accept all three of your declarations of war.

The envoys let their scrolls roll back up and then nodded in unison. The Republic envoy spoke for all of them as he said, Then we formally declare war, with the casus belli of unchecked expansion leading to aggression and threatening our interests, and with the surrender condition of full reparations.

The Guild envoy, who had taken a stance to the side, stepped forward and summoned his own scroll that carried Allisters aura. As stated by Allister, the Overseer of the Guilds. We, the Conglomerate of Guilds, will honor our alliance to the Empire and join in on their defensive war.

Finally, as if everyone had been waiting for that moment, the nobles let loose a collective murmur that was unrecognizable by the time it reached Emmanuel.

Some of them were happy with the declarations. Some were upset. But there was at least a sense of unity and anger at the Republican, Sect, and Federation envoys, which was a good sign. For at least the first portion of the war, they would have the moral high ground and would have the support of the populace.

Dismissing the envoys, Emmanuel turned back to his nobles.

We are at war. Prepare yourselves, your lands, and your people for the upcoming dangers.

While he would have preferred to have the envoys make their declaration later, they had expected and planned for this.

Once he turned to exit out of the rear door, his royals and Ascenders followed him.

Not turning back, he spoke to Duke Waters. Follow our initial plans, but expect them to change in the coming days. Light, you will be reporting to General Darrow. Shadow, we are going to take a round trip through the Empire.

The rest of his royals knew what to do, and only waited long enough to make sure he didnt have additional instructions for them before vanishing to their respective jobs.

Even before he reached his office, he was already getting notifications of battles starting along his borders.

War was truly here.

It was now only a question of if he could see the Empire through these troubled times.

He hoped so.

Oh, how he hoped so.

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