The Path of Ascension

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Matt fidgeted with a ball of pure mana as he waited for Liz to finish getting ready. As the focus of the upcoming celebration, there was more attention given to ensuring every last thread was utterly perfect on her garment than Matt and Asters combined. Her dress was custom-made for the occasion, literally woven around her thread by thread, and was every bit as elaborate as their actual wedding outfits, though a radically different style.

While they, as hosts, could inform the dress code for the party, it was considered poor taste to diverge too far from the trends of the day. As such, Liz was still stuck in a floor-length dress woven out of actual sunlight, captured at sunset the night before to secure a glorious red-gold color. The hem faded into heatless flames, liquid gold flowed across its surface to accentuate her movements, and shed taken a potion to transform her hair into long phoenix feathers, each of which had been immaculately preened with supernatural precision by the dozen-odd dressers involved in Lizs preparations.

Aster was in a blue-white dress of ice and snow with a faint sheen of iridescence, and while Matt was still stuck in one of the absurd, too-tight bodybuilder outfits, he had been able to get an outer coat included as part of the dress code, so he didnt feel too outlandish. His was woven from some form of magical metal and hung around him in a way distinctly reminiscent of armor, but it still felt like a regular, cloth long coat.

As Lotus put the final touches on Lizs dress, Matt walked up to his wife and offered her his hand. Hello dear, you look... Radiant.

Liz rolled her eyes in a way that still managed to look dignified, no doubt thanks to some of the magic still active around her, but took his hand and took a few careful steps as she finished acclimatizing to her outfit outside of the zero-gravity dressing room.

Why thank you, dear Matthew. Ever my valiant knight, ready to shine in my brilliance?

Constantly, he beamed back at her, doing his best to keep her attention on him and not on the upcoming party. Shed been a regular bundle of nerves, and while they both had the self-control to play their parts no matter their anxiousness, it was no more pleasant for it.

Matt had been told plenty about the people who would be in attendance- nearly seventy thousand of the Empires most prominent nobility- as well as the political disposition of every one of them, but he couldnt keep it all straight. Liz could, somehow, and was tremendously nervous despite the fact she could straight-up punch someone in the face without immediate repercussions.

Would it cause them some problems in the long term? Maybe, but by the time it would be relevant, theyd be Ascenders, and that carried with it a prestige beyond practically anything else. Few crossed Duke Waters, least of all for any minor slipups he made before completing the Path, and theyd be in the same position as him one day.

It wasnt as though Liz were set to inherit her parents position, but she was set to have her own duchy within a shockingly short amount of time. That would only be meaningfully relevant after the war, but good relations with prominent members of the political environs could make life easier in so many ways, with similar considerations for Matts eventual guild. But again, Ascender. It simplified so many aspects of politics, from what Matt could tell.

Still, Liz was nervous, and hed do his best to support her in this.

Invitation? Wheres the-

Matt cut her off by producing the invite. Instead of a card or crystal like he had expected, the invitation was woven, a piece of impossibly fine and soft cloth, perfectly smooth and with text that ebbed and flowed organically, despite not even being embroidered, but rather woven into the actual textile. He had no clue how that was possible, but it looked impressive. Most important to them, it served as an actual key to enter the ballroom itself. Politics again.

They went back and forth for a while, letting Liz steady her nerves after being reassured that yes, everything was perfect, and she didnt need to worry about something going catastrophically wrong during the party. Matt cut her off when she started cycling back around to things theyd already addressed, and instead directed her downstairs to where her parents were. It was still a few hours before the actual start, but that didnt mean they couldnt get there early.

They came across Mara and Leon in the theater, where the pair of them were in their dressy/lounge clothes, surrounded by piles of snacks and drinks, for all appearances ready to watch a movie.

Except, on the screen was the ballroom they would be going to shortly.

Matt and Aster laughed, but Liz just sighed. Please tell me this doesnt mean you think something will go catastrophically wrong?

Of course not sweetie! We just want to see you do great as soon as we possibly can!

Listen to your mother, youre going to do great and we just want to celebrate that with you!

The popcorn the couple's hands dove into made those statements questionable, but Matt just smiled like he didn't see anything as Liz took a deep breath. Okay. Okay. [Portal], please?

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With an impressive show of magical power, Leon flicked a finger and opened a crackling gateway to the outdoors, yet the casting was so subtle that Matt couldnt even feel the magic involved. There was no doubt a portal there; he could see it and sense it. But according to his eyes and spirit, it was a completely mundane portion of space. It was almost to say that of course there should just be a portal out to a particularly nice area of the Capital, that was simply how the world worked.

Accordingly, none of the delicate balance of decorative magic piled on the three of them was so much as slightly mussed, and even held up admirably to the onset of environmental enchantments which kept the area comfortable without wavering.

The ballroom itself was a crystal sphere a couple miles in diameter, with elaborate balconies, private rooms, meandering gardens, and open spaces throughout the interior and even the exterior, with enchantments expanding or shrinking areas as needed to ensure that it neither felt too empty or too large. Hed been told it could hold millions of people comfortably, which given the incredible displays of variable spatial expansion enchantments hed seen since arrival, he could believe it.

Around them, the waitstaff bustled around making their final preparations for the gathering. Flowers were being brought to full and vibrant bloom, serving-trays were being loaded with the freshest foods untouched by even preservation wards, and the floor was being given a final polish by a pair of Tier 35s who were on their hands and knees, arms blurring as they carefully worked.

The three of them were quickly escorted to a private VIP room near the bottom of the sphere where they could see the city, and specifically the Feather Nestled Inn they were directly above, in the glass ceiling above them. It was already a striking view, but Matt knew it would only get better as they continued.

One of the servers, a stunning woman with silver hair, swung by with a drink for Liz, which she gratefully accepted and downed in a single gulp. Matt could tell she regretted her decision to drink the colder-than-ice drink so quickly, but the server had already offered a follow-up, a small shot of a warming potion to aid with brain freeze.

Thanks, Liz squeezed out even as one of her eyes twitched, and the woman nodded and vanished back to the hustle and bustle of the other waitstaff.

Matt just took Lizs hand, and the two of them just looked at the city above.

A couple hours later, Aster left to arrive with the other guests. Matt, as Lizs husband, was considered a direct accessory to her, and as such, it was also technically his induction into high society just as much as it was hers. Aster, as a teammate and adopted sister-in-law, didnt receive the same benefit. Shed be meeting up with Travis and Keith, as Lizs only siblings in the right Tier range to attend, and would be rejoining them soon enough.

He and Liz didnt leave right away, of course. It would be unseemly for the focus of the party to be out socializing with the guests before Lizs official debut. Instead, they needed to wait until well after the last guests had arrived. That took another couple hours, and it was only after the ballroom had left the Capital behind, the planet shrinking away above them, that one of the staff came to fetch them.

Matt gave Lizs hand a final squeeze as they walked through the doors and into the light.


ANNOUNCING THE PRINCESS ELIZABETH MOORE OF HESTIAL AND STORMHAVEN, ACCOMPANIED BY CONSORT MATTHEW MOORE N ALEXANDER OF LILLY the heralds voice boomed out, silencing all other conversation within the ballroom below.

Liz deliberately paused, allowing everyone present to realize what was going on and identify where they were. The balcony theyd emerged onto was positioned such that everyone in attendance could see it, nevermind that it wouldnt have existed just a few seconds ago. They were far in the air, set against the backdrop of the stars above, and Matt seemed transfixed at the sight before him.

He was so cute like that, and she sometimes wished she could see the world the way he did, where things were black or white, and being an Ascender meant he wouldnt have to worry about politics and nobles. That may have been what Uncle Aiden did, but he paid the price for that. Her parents had even used him as an example many times, as to how hard power wasnt everything.

It was the most important thing, from which all else flowed, but attempting to utilize ones combat prowess to manage a kingdom, duchy, barony, or even a single continent would be like making a chair with nothing but a hand saw. It might be possible, but it would be far more painful and would be substantially inferior to a chair made with knives, sandpaper, glue, varnish, and skills.

That she would one day be an Ascender would be the core of her power, but the reputation of Ascenders would almost do her a disservice. Ascenders were, almost as a rule, coarse, impatient, and abrasive, heedless of decorum and used to getting their own way. That was true back in the days when it was a way forward for disaffected noble scions, or the children of disgraced houses, and it only became more true with the Sophrons expansion of the Paths scope.

And so, if she wished to be treated as a proper peer, not simply a problem child or asset to be utilized, she needed to impress. She had to exemplify the traits which would lead to that, especially today. Refined, willing to play by the rules, patient, and overall simply one worthy of being taken seriously.

And she needed to be perfect the entire time.

Crystal steps began materializing, providing them with a path into the main crowd, and she took it with all the grace and poise she could muster. Matt took up a position just to her side, and she could tell how hard he was focusing on not messing up even a single step, keeping them in sync with hers. She would have liked to smile, but that wouldnt be appropriate at the moment and so wrestled the urge down.

Every last eye in the venue was fixed upon them, with a majority on her, and a smattering of polite applause broke out from those families among her parents factions as she reached the ballroom. The floor rippled beneath her feet like liquid gold, a faint wave emanating from her every footfall as she began the truly daunting task of greeting people. She kept her expressions carefully schooled, enhanced by a [Genuine Smile] enchantment as she slowly worked her way through the endless crowd.

Most of the interactions were polite. She simply greeted them by name, thanked them for attending, and maybe shared a few quick words before moving on. While a Majority party wasnt a party by the normal understanding, this was as close to a proper celebration as they came.

After all, she had genuinely achieved immortality, and that was an accomplishment, albeit a minor one by nobility standards. It was also very explicitly something of a training ground for younger nobles, where they could grow accustomed to the ballroom battlefield amongst other attendees of their Tier range.

Because this was a battlefield, no question about that.

The nobles were simply the most obvious layer, where barbed words and veiled threats were the weapons of choice. But below that were the socialites, be they waitstaff or guest. They were all competing to be the most helpful, the most noticed, and to make their own connections and forge their own future. Then there were the rest of the staff, the cooks and bartenders all looking to impress those in attendance to further their own careers in much the same way as the socialites. There was also the byplay between the socialites and nobles and between socialites and staff; it simply became a massive chaotic battleground trickier to navigate than even a minefield.

After all, with a minefield you could at least see where the explosions were happening.

As it was her Majority, a single unintentional insult was unlikely to result in a millennia-spanning grudge to spark, until it festered into something truly devastating. But it was still possible, and Liz did not want to start her official society life by making any new enemies.

The first spot of trouble came when, of course, she greeted Dominus Maniake. While she had to be perfect at all times, the Maniakes were one of the ducal families whose influence truly mattered, and would require her utmost attention. The oft-titled Scion of the Beast Kingdom rarely bothered hiding his contempt that her mother had usurped his familys normal position, and today was no exception. He towered over everyone else, of course, his body almost more dragon than human and completely covered in shining black scales speckled with silver, limned with incandescent blue-white light radiating from within, like he were a being of pure energy merely inhabiting scaled armor.

Elizabeth, he greeted, bearing his teeth in the blatant mockery of a grin. It is positively delightful that you have finally joined us in proper society. And I see your parents have already decided its time for you to select a new socialite, now that youve had your fun on the Path of Ascension.

Matt bristled by her side, but Liz patted him down with her hand that was resting on his, Not at all, Maniake. While I am flattered that you believe I could reach immortality upon the Path solely through my own efforts, and with a socialite at my side, Matthew has been a steadfast companion and aide throughout.

Oh but of course, he purred. Why else would your mother have provided you with such a perfect candidate to escort- I apologize- assist you upon your journey, if he were not such a perfect compliment to her poor, crippled daughter? A man with no ties of his own, yet so skilled at taking hits for you, and even providing you with mana. And with a bond, no less. Just what you needed to feel self-important.

My mother- Liz began, but the dragon carried on, heedless of her words.

Was very clever and subtle, of course. But come now, surely you see it? I thought you were intelligent. The poor little extinguished phoenix, smothered as she left the nest, given a spear just powerful enough to carry her to her third Tier, when she could properly meet someone strong enough to carry her, yet lost, scared and ignorant, from a planet so horribly mismanaged it would be trivial to slip in a few hidden agents under the Paths checks. He, of course, has a bond he cannot communicate with. What did he do to win you over? Did he shower you with gifts? Did he beg you to explain everything to him? Did he need you to explain what his little fox was saying to him? It must have felt nice, being wanted for once. To be useful, like you had any chance of inheriting your mothers strength. That he developed a Concept all about providing extra mana to you was a sheer coincidence, Im certain. And then there you were, all set up to excel on the Path without any worries. Then your mother refused a manager on your behalf at Tier 10, to ensure you wouldnt come under scrutiny, and had you fall off at Tier 15, just before you may be in any actual danger, or danger of true scrutiny?

Really, Elizabeth, are you simply pretending to be ignorant? I had such high hopes for you, but it seems like mother, like daughter.

Liz allowed herself a polite laugh. Well, that certainly is quite the interesting story. And I must pass your fathers compliments to my mother, suggesting that she could orchestrate such a thing. Unless she isnt a, what was it, ignorant songbird who defeated me solely thanks to her connections as I believe he put it?

And what kind of simpleton at Tier 48 could not manage such a thing? My grandmother enacted plans which spanned centuries, a few scant decades would be trivial, particularly with the aid of a Seeker so very concerned about his nieces mental stability.

Liz repressed a grin as she asked, Are you insinuating that Emperor Emmanuel would undermine the sanctity of the Path simply for my well-being? I must say Im flattered.

Unfortunately, the Maniake wasnt an idiot. I do not believe I said any such thing, but I find it interesting you would draw that conclusion from my statement. Of course, it wouldnt be the first time such things have happened. The Maniakes have a long memory, and we recall the days when the Path of Ascension was little more than a nobles social club. Turning to Matt, his smile turned more draconic. But boy, youve been so very quiet for a socialite, shouldnt you be leaping to the defense of your darling?

Liz is more than capable of taking care of herself, here or in a fight. And I cant help but notice you didnt even attempt the Path, who are you to say what it is or isnt? She was proud, as Matt didnt get angry, and calmly sniped back at Dominus. But he and his words were waved aside by the youngest Maniake.

Pah, the only thing which truly matters is strength. Whether you pretend to do it on your own or utilize every resource available to your station, the Path doesnt last forever and neither do any lies hidden by it. But strength lasts forever. Now, I of course, do not mean to usurp the other truly riveting conversations you shall have with the rest of our peers, so I shall take my leave. Its been a pleasure.

Liz resisted the urge to glare at the retreating dragon, and fought back her simmering anger as she plastered another [Genuine Smile] on her face and moved on to the next guest.

Ingrid berg, an imposing Tier 13 woman with a polar bear bloodline, softly tutted, The manners of some people, you know? Honestly, it was like Dominus was wholly dismissive of Matthew, with no respect for the tremendous amount of work which socialites put in. Its not like theyre just courtesans, theres far more to them than simply sleeping their way to the top, and I admire anyone capable of pulling themselves all the way here from Lilly, wasnt it? Pity what happened there, their foolishness gave the Emperor such fertile ground to squeeze us all the further.

Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself, Matthew. I am Ingrid berg, scion of the berg family. If you dont know of us, we excel in many military matters and I am personally capable of delving Tier 17 rifts all on my own.

I know who you are, Matt replied simply.

You do? Oh marvelous, but I suppose I was just praising all of the hard work which socialites must undertake to fit into such an unfamiliar environment. You do your people proud.

Thank you Ingrid, for your kind words, Liz cut off the woman with a smile. It would be unsightly- not to mention punching down- for her to punch the woman in the face, no matter how satisfying it would be, and she didnt want to make Matt have to deal with the unbearable woman any longer than needed.

Unfortunately, between Ingrid and Maniake, the tone for the next several discussions had already been set, and it would be quite some time before their conversations didnt involve comparing Matt to a socialite in some way. Emily Destiera and her fiance were flattering, but given her fiance was also lowborn, it only made sense.

Its not as though its bad being a socialite, after all. Theres nothing wrong with a service or support-oriented build, and socialites offer their services in exchange for superior networking. My cousin actually took a socialite as a wife, and theyve been quite content. The utility provided by marrying someone genuinely supportive of you, particularly without further political ties, can absolutely be useful, you know.

Thank you, Lady Destiera, but Matt isnt a socialite. Liz responded, subtly pushing a bit more mana into her [Genuine Smile] enchantment.

Oh, I dont mean to say that he is, but if he were there is truly nothing wrong with that, and I would congratulate you on also finding a spouse valuable enough to forego political advantages for. Though, your family isnt particularly inclined to that, are they?

No, they arent, which Ive always appreciated.

Ah, you truly are fortunate, you know that? Destiera sighed as she said that and Liz couldnt tell if she was sincere or sarcastic, so let it slide.

I have been informed, thank you. Ah, Sir Daoud, its a pleasure, and congratulations upon your recent victory over your siblings.

The pleasure is mine, Lady Moore. Please, call me Boutaje.

Then call me Elizabeth. Has the celebration been to your pleasure thus far? Im certain none of our provided potions match what your family produces, but I trust we have been up to your standards in other areas?

You humble yourself, Elizabeth. Even your potions, and herbs, are far more than merely adequate. And rest assured, I cast no aspersions upon your consort. Ive seen the two of you fight together, and I must say, Im impressed. I would love to pit myself against your team once you reach Tier 17, and I would never say such things about a team which included a socialite. Theyre naught but utter leeches, preying upon the weaknesses of the flesh to reap the glory of their hard-won accomplishments.

Is preying upon a targets weakness not simply proper strategy? Or would you complain that an archer shooting around a shield is simply a leech upon the warrior who refused to wear armor? A new woman, with dark skin and covered in intricate tattoos, spoke up.

Lady Winiata, I apologize, I did not see you there.

It is no fault of your own, Lady Moore. I heard Master Daoud speaking about things which he over-presumes his knowledge in, and simply couldnt resist joining in. I hope I am not imposing?

Not at all. Liz turned her polite smile onto the new attention.

Boutaje openly sneered at Lady Winiata. Hmph. Of course you would draw such false equivalencies. Poisoning a foe in their sleep is no measure of your superiority in anything save underhanded tactics, and seducing your way into proper highblood is far more akin to that than exploiting a weakness in a proper duel. I have a seekers Talent. Even I don't resort to such deplorable tactics.

Lady Winiata shot back without a moment's hesitation, Yet they both end with the target dead, do they not? If socialites truly are such leeches, parasites of strength, surely a proper ruler ought to take at least moderate precautions against them, just as surely as one might take steps to avoid poison? That so many of our peers, including those as cautious as the Dobrescus, actively seek out such individuals for what they offer indicates that there is something present worthy of merit in what socialites may offer a noble house.

Boutaje took a polite sip of his spiced mead before responding, Aye, a warm bed and a pretty face. Its shameful the degree to which so many proper houses have sullied their bloodlines simply because an opportune courtesan tempted a scion into bed. Nothing which couldnt be obtained through more traditional means, no need to take one as a consort. Now, as I was attempting to say, I am quite pleased at how your consort, Elizabeth, is not simply some piddling socialite who has never seen more challenge than a filling duel.

He nodded to Matt in a sign of what seemed like actual respect, which she noted. But before she could say anything, a young man in a waitstaff outfit materialized from the crowd and handed Kiri Winiata a slightly glowing blue drink, complete with a small fruit bird flying through the liquid. Two other waitstaff with similar drinks slunk off in disappointment as the dark-skinned woman took an appreciative sip. As I was saying, Master Daoud, the socialites provide an invaluable service, beyond simply being good in bed. Though, of course, they are more than sufficient in that matter as well, and if you have never felt the joy of one who is Talented in bed, then I am sorry for you. Now, if you would excuse me, Lady Moore, I have heard tell that the Vixen is in attendance, and I do hope to find her before the first night has come.

Boutaje harrumphed as the other noble retreated. That woman will bring shame upon us all. Though, she is not incorrect that I ought to avail myself somewhat more of the refreshments. Elizabeth, your third teammate is rather fond of sweets, is she not? Is there anything in particular which she might recommend? I do always enjoy sampling new desserts at such occasions. Aster, wasnt it? I imagine the staff have specially prepared something delicious with an eye for her.

Matthew, would you care to assist Boutaje with determining what he may enjoy out of Asters suite of favorites? I do apologize, Boutaje, as I do hope we may speak more later, but I must be on now.

Oh but of course, Elizabeth. The party waits for no woman! He laughed. So, Matthew. May I call you Matthew? Matt it is, then! Tell me about what your

Liz had barely even started, but she already wanted to just collapse into one of the couches along the wall. But instead, she put on another [Genuine Smile] and kept going.

Master Joah, thank you for celebrating with me on this day. How have your farms been?

Lady Moore, the pleasure is all mine. And thank you for asking, you see

A week to go, she thought, another week where I must be absolutely perfect.

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