The Path of Ascension

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Emmanuel smiled as he watched Matt, Liz, and Aster stand tall in their moment of glory.

They had earned it.

He was even a little proud, himself.

His father and grandmother deserved more of the praise for changing the course of the Empire, but he hadnt been riding their accomplishments the whole time, and two new Ascender groups were the proof.

Emmanuel was almost as happy as the two idiots behind him vibrating with excitement. They hadnt stopped congratulating themselves in the last decade, and all the royals were tired of them.

The follow-up speeches had never seemed longer, but soon enough the ceremony came to an end and he could be at ease. None of the ambassadors had any new declarations of war, which was a relief, but there was still plenty of time for them to change their mind.

Mara and Leon thankfully managed to contain themselves until they and the rest of the ceremonys participants were out of the public eye, but started hogging their kids the instant they were all backstage. Theyd even managed to beat Duke Waters, despite not leaving the stage until several seconds after the Ascender.

Carissa flagged his attention from the side, and Emmanuel happily joined her. Talking to the kids was hardly required at this point, and any attempts to do so would be futile besides.

And he simply got such little time with his wife these days. Despite his best efforts, there was always something else to do which demanded his attention. Hed even looked into setting up a base in a Tier 47 rift and utilizing Allisons Talent to take advantage of its innate time dilation, but that wasnt quite viable during the war for a multitude of reasons.

Maybe after.

If they won, it could be a gift to himself, and if they lost, it was a consolation prize.

Ascenders knew he could use the break, and so could Carissa. She was understanding of his schedule and knew what being his spouse would be like going into this, but he still knew that he was neglecting her and their relationship. Stolen minutes between meetings wasnt enough forever and it was only their commitment to each other that made things work. He already intended to pamper her for a few millennia when they ascended and he was free of his responsibilities but that didnt make up for the lost moments in the here and now.

He tried not to linger on the thought, but it was times like this when he couldnt help but wish he didnt care so much. If he was just able to push things off like past rulers, he would be able to spend a few centuries lounging around with his wife if he so wanted. That only led to ruin, as central authority got spread out and delegated, and he knew it. It was part of the reason his grandmother was able to take over the throne an inattentive ruler.

He refused to allow such a thing to even be possible on his watch.

Peering into the future was still a laborious effort, but Matthews Talents made it far more manageable without expending outside resources. Under the right conditions, he could increase the mans forty million mana each second by more than tenfold, courtesy of various Tier 25 Talents in his arsenal, and he fed half a billion mana each second into his fathers Tier 50 Talent.

Golden threads wove themselves around everyone, and Emmanuel started pulling on them and checking people's futures.

Once he was sure nothing bad was going to happen with the core regions of the Empire, he pulled his perception outward and started looking at the Empire as a whole. With his limited mana generation, it was like shining a flashlight in a dark room, but that was fine. It took some care, but he was able to illuminate the things he needed to.

It felt greedy to consider pushing Matt to Tier 35 as soon as possible to get access to a higher mana generation, because it was. It was also a bad decision. He had checked, and Matt would be needed in the war at Tier 25.

So were Aster and Elizabeth, but he didnt have a personal stake in their advancement.

He was starting to scan some of his lesser nobles' pasts and futures when Carissa tapped his chin. Ok, enough work. Spend some time in the present.

Thoroughly caught, he just grinned. You're right, of course. Proffering a hand, he asked, Will you accompany me for a walk where we have to make the same small talk a hundred times over, my dear?

Carissa took his hand with a light snort. You're lucky I like you, because the rest of your proposal was dismal. Why dont you peer into the future and see just how long we need to stay before leaving? Im sure we can steal a few minutes to actually have dinner together tonight. I insist. Aunt Helen even offered to cook for us after the kids.

He was lucky.

That was true in more ways than one.

And he had already checked.

He knew his wife. He also knew she wouldnt like the answer.


Mara smiled as she hugged her youngest kids.

They made her so proud, and she was happy for them. She still couldnt believe that her youngest was almost two hundred years old, but she was happy to see Liz happy.

The poor girl had not handled the pressure of being the daughter of two royals well, and that hurt Mara, since it showed that she had failed at providing Liz a comfortable, normal life.

But seeing Liz so happy was like the best medicine for her.

Her youngest had proven to her naysayers that she was able to stand on her own and was publicly rubbing that fact into everyone's face.

She just hoped all three of the kids would survive the upcoming war.

Children needed to be able to live their own lives, but she still wished that they wouldnt have to throw themselves into the fray. One of Maras happiest moments in the last few thousand years was when Sam was promoted to Colonel and out of the frontline battles, but now her youngest would be venturing into the line of fire.

Leon squeezed her hand, knowing her feelings through their bond. She squeezed his hand back and sent a push of heartfelt feelings to him.

Things would be fine.

Liz was strong in her own right, and with Matt and Aster to back her up, Mara was sure nothing bad would happen to her baby.

Pushing away those thoughts, she focused on the people coming to congratulate her and Leon as if they had done anything of note.


They had simply given their children the room to grow. They werent any more proud of Liz for completing the Path as they were for any of their children.

A seemingly unthinkable thought to some of the nobles here, but neither she nor Leon wanted the kids to prove themselves. They just wanted them to be happy and successful in pursuing their passions.

If they had any real desires for their kids it would be grandchildren, but despite her subtle hints, they would wait until after the war for Matt and Liz to have any kids. That was a shame, as she was sure they would make the cutest grandbabies. Aster had sounded non-committal on the subject, but she had just become the most eligible bachelorette in the Empire. Maybe some subtle nudging would sway her.

A planet full of other foxes might do the trick?

Was there already one of those? No, it didnt seem like it. Shame.

As Mara was thinking about the logistics of filling a planet full of foxes then delivering that to Aster, she felt a tug through her own bond pulling her attention to the Maniake coming to talk to Liz. Mara, like Leon, wondered if there was going to be a scene.

Maybe a fight would break out?

That would spice up the party.

She readied some fireworks and prepared to set the carpet on fire as a distraction to steal some statues.


Frederic smiled and clapped along with everyone, filling his minor role in the ceremony. But internally, he was mentally exhausted.

Mana storage. He just had to get a Talent for mana storage.

Frederic had spent decades

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preparing for when Matthew would be able to supply his mana to the Empire, rearranging companies, buying mana storage companies out, commissioning new banks of mana crystal, drafting endless plans for how to properly shuttle people and goods around to maximize the use of this new and growing mana font.

And in an instant, all those plans were made irrelevant.

Objectively it was a good thing, certainly. Personally, he had expected his first few decades as a royal to have been spent more productively.

It was like the realm was set out to spite him, sometimes.


Rusty felt his blood and stamana burn with eagerness as Matt, Liz, and Aster walked down the hall and took their rightful place.

He so wanted to fight them.

Rusty had been lucky enough to hear about their new Talents, along with their Intents, and he couldnt be more excited. They all had abilities that sounded like a fist blast to fight against.

Zack had been a stick in the mud about sparring him, and trying to punch Allie was more frustrating than anything. She absolutely refused to teleport in a predictable fashion. It was cheating.

But Matt. He was all about standing still and taking hits. Someone who could last just as long as him, and throw up walls that he could punch through. There was no one more perfect to spar.

Asters Talent sounded cool too, for sure. He hadnt fought someone with a spirit space for a while, but they were always so much fun. He was still a little annoyed that the last time hed fought a guy with one, hed had the audacity to die to the shockwave Rusty had made as he punched his way out. Aster would be better, he already knew. The other guy had just been a wimp.

Liz had a bloody good Talent, but he was conflicted on how cool it was. It sounded like if he punched her hard enough, shed explode into blood. But that should be how he finished a fight. Not how he started it which made everything feel wrong.

He glanced over at Mara and Leon and wondered if he could steal the kids out from under their noses. A small cough from Emmanuel told Rusty that he needed to get through that obstacle first.

Oh well he could slip into the rift they were housed in for a spar he was sure. Bribing Allie was easy enough if one had a scone on hand.

His eyes drifted over to Melinda as he thought about the dangerous things they could do with her on standby.

Oh yes.

This idea was looking better by the moment.


Kyle felt like he was walking around in a daze since he saw Matt, Liz, and Aster reveal themselves as the Empires newest Ascenders.

His friends had always been strong, but he hadnt realized just how strong they really were. He knew he was strong, but there was something different about one's own strength and being compared to three of the strongest people in the Empire.

More than that, he went over the last few weeks of interactions and started picking out all the little innuendos that Matt, Liz, and Aster had dropped in seemingly casual conversions. The assholes had been teasing them the entire time.

He didnt know how, but he would have his vengeance.

Looking to Vinnie, he noticed the same curious expression in his friend's eyes.

Tara looked spell-shocked, but Sam looked worse, and he reached out to steady her as she looked like she had forgotten to breathe and that she didnt need to.

Emily, Annie, and Conor looked equally shocked, but were holding it together better. Still, that didnt help Kyle. He still remembered Matt being an awkward kid who had run into Mathew because the big lug couldnt watch where he was going at the PlayPen. They had been Matts first real friends, which made the fact Matt was now standing in the single most prestigious position in the Empire feel even more shocking.

Matt was still just a friend who loved delving.

Then, Kyle's mind went to Aster. He remembered the fox being born and now she was a monster who could slap him around like a child.

He felt more then saw Katherine start to sway, and reached out to steady her.

He wasnt sure why he was so taken with the bond, but he had been smitten from the first moment he heard her quiet laugh. Aster had taken him aside to explain her painful history, so he was taking things slow, but he genuinely liked her, which made the gesture second nature.

Her quiet thanks seemed a little unsteady, but he understood why.

They had turned from the friends of the children of two royals to friends of the Empire's newest Ascenders. The first had earned them some flattering comments and a few nods, but the latter would turn them into an irresistible buffet for anyone looking to earn favors with Matt, Liz, and Aster.

He still wasnt sure how to process everything that was going on with his friends and the repercussions, but an elbow from Melinda woke him up. She was ever the mother of the group, and even if she was a lower Tier than him now, he knew better than to question her.

And it was a good call, as the moment the ceremony ended, they were flocked by social climbers who knew they didnt rate getting close to the real stars of the show.

Putting on a smile, Kyle made a note to record every moment of this to show Matt and Liz just how bad this sucking up was. He wouldnt bother with Aster, as she wouldnt even pretend to feel bad for him.

They might be ready for the endless stream of faces, but he sure wasnt, and the least his friends could do was pretend to care.

Seeing Melinda step forward and intercept the first of the guests, he moved up and took his place alongside them.

It was gratifying to see everyone in the box do the same. Even Katherine, despite looking like she was nauseous.

They couldn't fight in the wars alongside Matt, but they could make things a little easier on their friends by taking some of the attention off them.


Dominus Maniake sharpened his gaze as the masks fell away from the Empires newest Ascenders.

Elizabeth Moore.

Things had suddenly become more complicated, and many things began to make sense. Small wonder, that the woman had spent the last century taking her initial forays into noble society so slowly. It must have been a body double, and while impersonators were able to be truly flawless doppelgangers, it was ill-advised for them to perform any political actions.

He needed to reassess the woman, clearly. He held no illusions that even he could withstand the force of an Ascender. Should the throne come to blows between the two of them, he would fail. It would surely rankle for the Maniakes to lose their throne for two generations in a row, to another dynasty no less. But at least the Empire itself would never be stronger.

Of course, that was something of a worst-case scenario. In all likelihood, his rise to the throne had become infinitely simpler. There was a reason it was not the Worldwalker resting upon the Beast Throne, and it was certainly not due to any lack of strength. Ascenders as a rule abstained from political maneuvering and shunned anything which would delay their growth. Thirty thousand years of no Tier growth was utter anathema to them, and with this being so near the start of Emperor Sophrons reign, it would in truth be closer to sixty thousand years.

And yet, Elizabeth had not acted the part of an Ascender for whom a throne would merely be an uncomfortable chair to rest upon. He would need to meditate once he had the time, recalling the manners in which she acted during their meetings, but he would assume she was at minimum present for her own Majority. If she had been absent, that was in itself a sign that he had nothing to fear from the woman thanks to political suicide.

Now, at her Majority she had played a quite deferential role, restraining herself admirably not only in defense of herself, but in defense of Matthew- Quill. That wasnt the behavior of a woman dismissive of her duty. But it also wasnt the behavior of an aspirational Beast Queen.

But was it the behavior of a woman wishing to demonstrate her strength of character and suitability of rule, or the behavior of a perfectly proper princess, preventing any hint of her true nature as Torch from seeping out?

That was another consideration. Was she even truly extinguished? Talents which utterly severed ones connection to their bloodline element were rare, but far from unheard of. But was that simply an elaborate ruse unto itself? It must have been at least in part, as she had never used a non-blood skill since her Awakening, to his knowledge.

Bah, that level of subterfuge wasnt something he particularly cared for. He could do it, but it was an inferior experience to simply laying his claws into the problem and tearing it apart. Those born with the blood of beasts coursing through their veins understood that schemes were a waste of everyones time if one had enough power.

In time, the ceremony concluded, the Empires newest Ascenders being spirited off to their next stations. From his understanding, that included a short reception, just a couple of days wherein they would have the opportunity to meet various important figures, but also any friends and allies who were nearby.

Perhaps he should attempt to gain entry.

Not by force, naturally. That would simply be foolish. Instead, he simply sent a message to Elizabeth, congratulating her and requesting the opportunity to pass along his regards in person. Almost to his surprise, she accepted within a few moments.

The reception took place at what he colloquially knew as the Hall of Legends. He had been there twice before, once as a young dragonling and the second time when Light and Shadow had completed the Path themselves. There were two more statues this time, the empty pedestal just as tempting as the first time hed seen it, but he knew he had chosen correctly.

Strength was strength. He was no Ascender, but had chosen the path most conducive to his own development, and he didnt regret it. No self-important slab of stone would change that.

Elizabeth, Matthew, and Aster were currently beset by a group of nobodies. No doubt friends from the Path of Ascension. Some held bloodlines, so perhaps they were instead some of Asters friends from her time at the Nest.

Dominus managed to make his way towards the trio, and the conversation naturally died down as his presence washed over them. Likely not former Pathers, then. Those types always tended to grow defiant instead of meek.

My congratulations to the three of you. Elizabeth Torch. Matthew Quill. Aster Scoop. Are those truly to be your Ascender titles? They do not strike fear within the hearts of the weak, nor do they seem particularly indicative of your true capabilities.

Maniake, Elizabeth greeted, Thank you for your consideration. And no, were currently intending to change our titles to something more apt, but branding hasnt been a priority of late.

Understandable. So it is true, you do not take Torch to be emblematic of your true capabilities?

Elizabeth fixed him with a piercing stare, and Dominus heart raced. It was only his certainty that she wouldnt strike him that allowed him to maintain his steady facade. She wouldnt, not here, not down so many Tiers, not in front of every Royal in the Empire.

I recall a certain dragon being all too keen on calling me an extinguished phoenix. But if I were to, say, rip your bloodline out of you, what might our peers call you?

Dominus narrowed his eyes. You have claws, I will not deny, but what you speak of is impossible.

Piercing yellow eyes met his gaze, a cauldron just barely reaching a simmer behind them. Are you certain, Little Maniake?

Considering she likely didnt wish him dead, and ripping his bloodline out of him would involve tearing his spirit in two, he was. That she preferred a blood-based threat indicated her blood magic wasnt a front, but there was still more to learn. I am not so foolish as to tell an Ascender something is impossible. So I suppose you would be Ascender Extinguisher, and your colleagues would be?

Elizabeth knew what he was doing, but as she opened her mouth to speak, Aster cut her off. We considered Life, Death, and Eternity. But Death didnt quite suit me well enough. And The Extinguisher sounds like a bad movie, why would we ever go with that?

Given Matthews known endurance-based abilities, he would likely have been Eternity in that trio. That left Elizabeth as Life, and while Life could refer to a phoenix easily enough, he deemed it more likely they would have gone for a more overt fire and ice pair, were they to center around a pyromancer and cryomancer in their names.

I daresay The Extinguisher is more distinguished than Scoop.

Are you an Ascender? Yeah, thats what I thought. So I think wed be the experts on our names.

Dominus chuckled, flaring the embers within his body to ripple the light he gave off alongside his rumbling body. An astute observation. I shall not keep you from your celebrations. Best of luck to the three of you in all your endeavors.

All our endeavors? Aster pushed, Bold words.

He turned back to the fox, pushing past the presence of her Intent with not inconsiderable effort. Whatever you accomplish benefits us all, so yes, all of your endeavors. Unless you plan to humiliate the Empire in some form, of course.

And here I thought you wanted to be Beast King. Youd really wish me good luck in beating you? Yes, Id say those are bold words.

The idea of an Ascender desiring the throne of the beast kingdom was utterly laughable. Especially this early into an emperors reign, no less. But he calmed himself.

For all her power and strength at arms, Aster was ultimately still an Ascender, and in many ways a child. Like many of the Empires first-generation nobility, she undoubtedly thought of rulership as a passing fancy, a pretty hat to wear and the ability to boss people around.

She didnt understand the weight of the mantle. How could she? Queen Mara herself certainly didnt act as though it were a heavy burden. She utilized her higher Tier as a crutch, outright relying on the improved speed and magic it brought to offset the sheer lackadaisical attitude she embodied. Without that, the Beast Kingdom would be in a sorry state indeed. And like mother-in-law, like daughter-in-law. Aster didnt see the sacrifices needed to ensure a kingdom stayed functional, didnt have the focus needed to pass harsh judgments or prioritize the greater good of all.

And she most certainly hadnt thought of the commitment. She was scarcely a century and a half old and already Tier 25. Her entire life had been spent advancing and growing stronger. Shed advanced Tiers so quickly, shed needed to. There had never been a moment in her life where she wasnt advancing in some form or another, and she would never be satisfied stagnating and simply waiting, with no meaningful personal improvements to be made.

And that was what rulership was.

She would need to be at Tier 47 or 48 for thirty thousand years, and she simply was not up to the task. And even if she was, would she be willing to break her bond, or force him to delay his own ascension for so long?

Besides, what would she even gain?

As an Ascender, she would already have the Emperors personal attention dedicated to obtaining the very best resources for her capabilities. As royalty, there was the potential to get more, but it was hardly untold amounts of riches in the way it would be for a normal duke. If her only desire was because she wished to be addressed as Queen Aster he could only hope that Emperor Emmanuels heir would be reasonable and make up a title that would serve to pamper her vanity. Or have the strength of arm to smack her down.

Perhaps this would be to his benefit. The presence of an Ascender signifying they desired the Beast Throne would certainly scare off many contenders for the throne, and when the time came and Aster decided she was unfit for the throne, he would be the only one poised to take it.

Yes, that could work.

I will repeat, he finally settled upon, I wish you the best in all of your endeavors. Ascenders know we need all the help we can get.

With his piece said, he turned tail and strode away, allowing the three of them to continue their excited chatter with their friends. His eyes paused on their group statue, seeing the harsh gazes of the trio staring back at him.

He was fortunate they were all on the same side.


Helen smiled from her recessed alcove as she watched Matt, Liz, and Aster finish The Path. They were good kids and deserved the limelight.

She would prepare a nice little meal for them for them later, before they went into the brutality of the battlefields. But for now, she just basked in their reflected light.

It felt good.

Her family grew a little stronger as she helped the people close to her become their best selves. It also healed a little part of her shattered Concept.

It had taken her thousands of years to understand why helping others fixed her Concept, but it came down to righting the wrong that she had allowed to happen so many years ago. Not her son dying. That was almost unpreventable. She could always second-guess the trainers she had hired for him growing up, but she knew she and her husband had done their best. People died in rifts, even some of the best, and it was no ones fault.

No, what she regretted was the way she had pulled into herself and neglected her husband's own grief, and missed the signs that he was starting to fall apart. She had failed as a partner to her husband, and in some twisted way, helping others rise up through their challenges, she was able to make up for her loss.

It was most certainly not a healthy way to cope, and she had had a dozen counselors and therapists tell her that over the many, many years, but it was her path.

Much like Matt, Liz, and Aster had their Path, she had her own.

She was a mother to the lost children of the Empire. She was there to raise them up, there to kiss their scrapes when they fell down. She was there after they grew up and went off to war to protect the things they cared about. She was there to make sure they had a shoulder to cry on when they needed one.

Helen wasnt a fighter, but she didnt need or want to be. She was proud to be a homemaker and make sure everything was running smoothly when those who did the fighting came home.

That was her path.

And she was so close to finishing it. Millions of years of work had almost come to fruition. Just a few centuries, a couple of ascensions surrounded by family, and shed be there. Perhaps for her next ascension, she should disguise herself and find some poor orphans to comfort? It had been a while since she had done that, but there was always someone who fell through the cracks. She couldnt save all of them, but she could save one more.

Contrary to her own expectations, she was growing impatient. She had spent millions of years on this path, and she had expected that when the end came, she would greet it solemnly. But if she could transform and fly to the finish line, she would in a heartbeat, decorum be damned.

Turning to her guards, she nodded, and they exited the ballroom and entered the halls of the palace.

A dozen turns later, she arrived at the kitchens Agatha had installed just for her.

No one else was allowed to use the kitchen or attached gardens, and while she appreciated the gesture, she really didnt mind cooking with the general staff. That said, she still used the kitchen as was intended; it was faster to have an entire place to herself. The gardens were still in perfect condition, as Turstal herself had cast the spell that ensured all her crops stayed at exactly the stage she wanted them at, and kept weeds from growing where they werent desired.

The kids deserve something special for their big day, and she had just the meals in mind.


Susanne clenched her fist as she watched the report of Matt, Liz, and Aster finishing The Path.

She was happy for them. Genuinely. They were her closest friends, but it stung to see them doing what she didnt think she could do.

A few years ago, she had just barely made it to Tier 23 while on The Path, and now at one hundred and seventy five years old, she was facing the prospect of not being able to make it any further.

Maybe if she were in a group, she could have managed it. Having a group was more than just splitting the load, it was splitting focus. She needed to be her own scout, her own support, her own tank, and each additional task she took on was less time she could devote to her sword. Decades ago, it seemed like a pointless distinction when Carol had explained what it would take to be a solo Ascender, the kind of warning that had always applied to other people rather than her. But now, it loomed as a cliff all too high.

Team Ascenders thrived as a group, a set of utterly unstoppable fighters each reaching the uppermost bounds of their respective capabilities, being utterly certain that their teammates could cover the areas they were ill-equipped for. Solo Ascenders had to do everything, and while some abilities lent themselves to that quite well - both Matt and Liz had the kinds of kits well-suited to fill any role - she was already pushing herself and her Talent to their limits just to get where she was now.

If she had a team, with a shield to watch her back, a staff to shape the rush of enemies as they approached, and a dagger to sneak past gaps in heavy armor, she could maybe have made it. They wouldnt even need to be as good as her, their simple presence would let her devote more time to her sword, and be the best damn sword in the Empire. Not that there was anyone who could have made it this far alongside her, so it was a moot point.

On the other hand, maybe it wouldnt have worked. It was something she had argued with both herself and Carol endlessly, but having someone else on her team that she could rely on might have hampered her Concept growth, enough to cancel out any benefits on the last legs of The Path. Being forced to rely on her own wits and skills for nearly two centuries had forged her will into unbending steel, and sped up her Intent formation to nearly record levels.

Nevermind the odds of finding someone early on who would eventually be able to form an Intent before two hundred years old. It was entirely possible that she had never even met someone else capable of the feat, immortals included, aside from the people currently on that stage.

As it was, she was being seriously injured every other rift. Those injuries had added up, slowing her down even as she pushed through and delved with missing limbs or deep wounds. Two delves with missing eyes were more than enough for a lifetime, far worse than Eternal Darkness had been.

Her most recent delve had taken her left leg, the second time she had lost it this month. At least the nurse who reattached it an hour ago was handsome.

Its best not to get overly attached to limbs, they have a bad habit of going missing when they are needed most. One of Lunas pieces of wisdom that had stuck with her.

There was just no one else to split the attention of the monsters with, which led to inevitable injuries.

Worse still was the burnout. Using her Intent to the point she simply had to was utterly exhausting, and she was constantly riding the line to where shed completely bottom out on her Willpower. If she did that, it could take years before shed be able to reliably use her Intent again, and with nothing but her Domain to rely on, that was just as sure of a death knell for her aspirations as anything else. Even now, she edged ever closer to the absolute bottom of what she could provide, and that was seeping into the rest of her life.

Most notably it heavily exacerbated her loneliness, which had started to become a large looming threat hanging over her like a shadow. Shed taken a full day off of training when Liz had mentioned in one letter that at various points they had been held back from advancing, that they had the time for honeymoons and Majority parties and other things that werent training, delving, or missions. Granted, saying they were taking time off was somewhat hyperbolic. They were more akin to abnormal missions, which always doubled as times where they could let their spirits settle from taking in so much new essence. Besides, she doubted that Luna would allow them to genuinely be stagnant, even if they werent delving, but still. Her down-time was hard-spent modifying skills, honing her Domain, practicing her form. Not prancing around noble parties, giving speeches, and competing with Chimeras and Inheritors.

Aster going to the Bond academy was one thing, that was at least mandatory, and she had been delving lightly while there. That they had even more spare time on top of that was what forced her deep into a funk.

Comparison is the thief of joy, echoed in her head. In any other place, in any other century, getting within spitting distance of the end of The Path would be monumental news, heard halfway across the Realm. A generation ago, maybe one person every five thousand years managed it in the Empire. That there were two new Ascender groups within a handful of decades in no way diminished her accomplishments, and by all rights, she had simply been unlucky on the timing, forced to compare herself against people she had met as peers in her first tournament.

It was cold comfort.

Looking at her messages, she looked at the one that sat there like a siren's call.

An offer from the Emperor.

He had talked to her when she completed her Intent at Tier 20, and explained everything she would be going through as a solo Ascender and the higher standard she would be held to. He had also offered her another way forward. If she couldn't or didnt want to finish the Path, she could step off and be given the same treatment as any other peak elite, and given a place in the war and on a team with Light, Shadow, and Matt, Liz, and Aster.

She had dismissed the offer at the time, but without having a real conversation with anyone in almost a year, she was considering it.

She wanted to say it was just her patriotic duty, but she was too aware of her own feelings for that lie to work even for herself.

Susanne was afraid. Afraid that failing the Path by not meeting the deadline would be a crushing blow she couldnt handle. She wanted to say she was made of sterner stuff, but even she was starting to wonder. That would be an unequivocal failure, but if she stepped off on her own, she could tell herself that if she really wanted to, she could have still completed The Path. That, and she was starting to grow desperate for human contact and interaction beyond the small moments she had to chat with the hospital staff between delves.

Shed done the calculations. Even if she managed to double her current advancement pace, shed reach Tier 24 at the age of 185, two years after the cutoff. And she wasnt about to double her pace any time soon. Her only hope was an Inspiration, but that would take a miracle.

It was impossible, and soon she would fail.

My Sword Never Falters had been the last portion of her Intent, and it thrummed through her even now.

Susanne Velar was very, very slightly more likely to falter than her sword.

But she refused to give up.

Her knuckles turned white as she grasped her sword, and she stood up to walk out of the hospital, turning her back to the recording of Matt, Liz, and Aster celebrating their accomplishment.

She worked her jaw and grit her teeth.

It had been impossible for her to join the Path, with a calligraphy Talent.

It had been impossible for her to utilize her Concept as her primary weapon at Tier 5.

It had been impossible for her to reach Tier 10 on the Path.

It had been impossible for her to finish Minkalla at Tier 11.

It had been impossible for her to form her Intent at Tier 20.

It had been impossible for her to reach Tier 23 on the Path.

It would be impossible for her to reach Tier 24 on the Path.

If I were to give up, she whispered to the air, to the realm, to herself, Simply because something was impossible, I would have done so a long time ago.

She turned back to face the recording, where Matt, Liz, and Aster stood in their Ascender robes.

But I didnt stop then. And I wont stop now.

Her eyes fixed on the smiling faces of her friends.

And if I fail, Ill fail knowing that I never gave up.

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