The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 63: Recreating Spiritual Techniques

Until Long Xuan's storage bags were all full, including the ones he bought from Di Xin, he reluctantly left Di Xin's medicine garden. He had an urge to pluck all the spiritual herbs in the garden, but unfortunately, it was impossible.

Firstly, his medicine garden was too small to hold so many spiritual herbs. He would need to buy a large piece of land from his neighbor to fit everything.

Meanwhile, Long Xuan traded away all the spiritual insects and a large number of spiritual pills he had, including a substantial amount of Spirit Gathering Pills.

He couldn't help it; he had taken half of Di Xin's Grade 4 spiritual herbs.

When all his clones were also loaded with storage bags, he waved goodbye with a smile and left with a full load.

However, Di Xin was not in a good mood. Looking at her meticulously managed garden, she was extremely unhappy.

Her earthly paradise now had bald patches, looking like it had been chewed by a dog, almost destroyed by Long Xuan.

What was once a beautiful utopia now looked like it had been looted, becoming extremely ugly.

This was her cozy home she had built over countless years of effort, and now it had lost its warmth. She even had the impulse to kill...


After returning to his garden, Long Xuan immediately began directing his clones to transplant all the traded spiritual herbs into the cultivated land.

He also designated an area and spread spiritual soil to plant Grade 3 and Grade 4 spiritual herbs.

As usual, each clone was working enthusiastically, sweating profusely, while Long Xuan sat on the side as a supervisor.

Considering that the central area of the formation was too cold for most spiritual herbs to grow, he had to use the formation to isolate it.

However, this left a large area in the center vacant, so Long Xuan had to send clones to buy the surrounding land to make up for the empty space.

The formation also needed expansion, which required more time from his main body.

After doing all this, he left the clones to continue working and returned to his residence. Sitting at the table, he took out paper and pen and began to create a spiritual soil formula.

Spiritual soil can accelerate the growth of spiritual herbs and overcome the acclimatization problems of most high-grade spiritual herbs, so he couldn't afford to be careless.

He had no intention of using low-grade spiritual soil; he only planned to reference the soil refining process in the formula and replace all the materials.

First, he wrote "Spiritual Soil Formula" on the paper, indicating to his golden finger what he wanted to create. Then he began to think about suitable materials.

He suddenly remembered that bone meal could accelerate plant growth in games he played in his previous life. Without hesitation, he wrote "bone meal" as the first ingredient.

Luckily, Long Xuan's first guess was correct, and the paper showed a progress of [0.1%].

He smiled slightly...

Two months passed in the blink of an eye. During these two months, Long Xuan focused solely on the spiritual soil formula, doing nothing else, and the time passed peacefully.

However, there was a small incident with wood clone. Wood clone had been taking care of Elder Long's garden, and Long Xuan had not yet developed a spiritual art of hiding his cultivation stage, so he directly drained most of wood clone spiritual power, allowing it to maintain an extremely low level, and he was not afraid that Elder Long would be able to see any flaws.

As expected, Long Lie came looking for him during these two months. Long Xuan didn't want to know the reason, suspecting it was to ask for wine shamelessly, so he avoided meeting him.

Avoiding was simple: he told Elder Long that someone named Long Lie was outside, seemingly to collect a debt. Elder Long's face changed, and he activated the formation to expel Long Lie without listening to his explanation.

After being expelled several times, Long Lie cursed Elder Long and finally stopped coming.

His life returned to normal.

On this day, Long Xuan held a piece of paper, feeling both excited and slightly dissatisfied.

The spiritual soil formula was successfully created, thanks to the golden finger cheat, making failure impossible—only a matter of time.

Creating spiritual soil didn't require thousands of materials like refining Gu; less than a hundred materials were enough. Most of the words in the formula described the process of preparing the soil.

So, he surprisingly completed the spiritual soil formula in just two months, but he still felt unfulfilled.

What dissatisfied him was that this formula was only for high-grade spiritual soil, not peak-grade.

It seemed that high-grade spiritual soil was his limit.

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It wasn't that he couldn't guess the ingredients; it was due to material constraints. He couldn't obtain certain materials at his current stage, or they simply didn't exist in this region.

This high-grade spiritual soil formula was his limit, and Long Xuan sighed slightly, suppressing his dissatisfaction and settling for what he had.

The spiritual soil he created was snowy white, probably due to the large amount of bone meal used. It looked as pristine as winter snow, so he named it Pure Soil.

Pure Soil could accommodate more types of high-grade spiritual herbs than red soil and triple the growth speed of spiritual herbs.

Long Xuan was not too satisfied with his creation, but he had no idea how envious others would be if they knew he had high-grade spiritual soil.

In the entire Far west, even middle-grade spiritual soil was scarce. He had created high-grade soil and still felt unsatisfied.

After storing the Pure Soil formula, Long Xuan immediately headed to his garden.

The formula was done, so now he needed to quickly prepare the soil, a task naturally assigned to his five clones.

Upon arriving at the garden, Long Xuan was surprised by the scene. After two months of relentless effort by the clones, his garden finally took shape and looked completely new, showing the potential of a utopia.

The layout of his garden was similar to Di Xin's, with sections for flowers, fruits, and tea.

The only difference was his garden was much smaller, like a miniature version of Di Xin's garden.

But it was equally beautiful, especially with the abundant flowers of various colors, rare and exotic, competing to bloom, creating a stunning scene.

The entire garden was filled with the fragrance of flowers, providing a refreshing breath that could relieve fatigue.

Of course, protected by the formation, this earthly paradise was invisible to others; only Long Xuan, holding the formation key, could see it.

Upon entering, Long Xuan fell in love with the place.

Compared to this, Elder Long's garden was nothing. it couldn't compare to his garden, where even the lowest-grade spiritual herbs were Grade 2.

Thinking this, Long Xuan suddenly had an idea. He manipulated the formation key to secretly open a small gap near Elder Long's garden.

Spiritual beasts and insects have a far superior sense of smell than humans. Despite the distance, the spiritual bees could smell the flowers here.

The spiritual flowers in this garden were at least Grade 2, and there were even several Grade 4 cherry blossom trees in full bloom.

The allure of high-grade spiritual flowers to the bees was obvious.

Soon, Long Xuan heard the buzzing of bees. The swarm, numbering in the thousands, seemed to have navigated directly, flying excitedly towards the gap and swarming into the garden, heading straight for the Grade 4 cherry blossoms.

The bees were clearly planning to settle here permanently.

Seeing the bees busy in the garden, Long Xuan felt great, smiling slightly.

He realized what the garden lacked—life, the presence of animals.

Without living creatures, the garden, no matter how beautiful, was lifeless. The arrival of the bees finally brought some vitality.

He suddenly remembered something and rushed to the garden center, where the Iceberg Snow Lotus was planted.

The Snow Lotus was growing faster near the Divine Ice Flame, and its lifespan progress was already at 50%. It had become a ten-thousand-year spiritual herb, indicating a lifespan of twenty thousand years.

Yes, the thousand-year Iceberg Snow Lotus had successfully upgraded to a ten-thousand-year Snow Lotus, the only ten-thousand-year spiritual herb in the garden.

Surrounding it were other cold-loving spiritual herbs, planted to keep it company.

He couldn't leave such a large area empty, so he bought many ice-type spiritual herbs that could only grow in cold environments.

Among all the spiritual herbs in the garden, the ten-thousand-year Iceberg Snow Lotus was undoubtedly the most valuable.

In terms of fame and value among Grade 4 spiritual herbs, it was one of the top ones, and being a ten-thousand-year herb, it was the garden's most precious treasure.

The Snow Lotus was also a favorite of the spiritual bees, who knew its value and the quality of its honey.

However, the bees hovered anxiously around the Snow Lotus, unable to approach due to the extreme cold.

Any bee trying to collect nectar from the Snow Lotus would be frozen, so none dared to take the risk.

But there was always one daring bee. It flew over and dived into the Snow Lotus's bud.

Long Xuan's eyelid twitched.

"Goodness, this little one is brave! Maybe it has the potential to become a queen bee!" Long Xuan was intrigued, wondering if the bee could evolve into a queen after consuming the nectar from the ten-thousand-year Snow Lotus.

However, his hopes were soon dashed. The greedy bee collected nectar frantically, shivering from the cold but not stopping. When it finished, it found its wings covered in ice, unable to fly.

It struggled in vain, gradually losing its life force.

Long Xuan shook his head, realizing this little fool couldn't handle the responsibility of a queen bee.

He reluctantly retrieved the frozen bee from the Snow Lotus and placed it on the ground, saving its life.

The bee, after a long recovery, flew back to its unfinished hive, seemingly forgetting the danger.

Looking at the spiritual bee he had high hopes for, Long Xuan suddenly had another thought.


He hurriedly ran out of the medicine garden towards Elder Long's garden.

Soon after, he returned carrying a beehive as tall as half a person, his expression full of excitement, unable to hide his joy.

The large beehive was heavy, filled to the brim with honey, nearly overflowing.

Now that the spiritual bees had a better option and no longer needed this beehive, the honey in it would belong to him, right?

After waiting so long, he finally could enjoy some delicious spiritual honey!

So he returned, happily drinking honey while continuing to supervise the work, even adding some ice cubes.

The formula for the high-quality spiritual soil had been created. Now he needed to send his clones out to buy materials and then mix them into Pure Soil, which would be spread throughout the medicine garden.

It was a major project, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and he didn't know how long it would take to complete.

Long Xuan didn’t idle around. He took out tables and chairs from his storage bag, along with paper and pen, planning to design the second supporting spiritual technique for the "Ten Absolute scripture" while his clones prepared the spiritual soil.

He had already planned the type of the second supporting spiritual technique.

His offensive capabilities were insufficient, quite limited, and lacking in area-of-effect attacks. Therefore, he wanted to develop an area-of-effect spiritual technique.

Among the Five Elements, fire has the greatest destructive power, so he intended to design a technique that could release fire attacks. Although this attack method was simple, it was definitely practical.

With the fragrance of flowers and the taste of honey water, his thoughts flowed freely, and inspiration surged as many fantastic ideas poured into his mind in a short time.

The fire-releasing spiritual technique could be considered a very ordinary technique, one that anyone could think of. Similar techniques were quite common, and Long Xuan understood the principles fully.

However, he wanted something that stood out, something unique, to shine among other fire-based abilities. This required careful thought.

He didn't ponder for long. Since it was a supporting spiritual technique, it needed to fully utilize the five attributes.

He planned to develop a fire-based ability, so fire would be the primary attribute, with the other four attributes as secondary.

The fire would be enhanced by the support of the other attributes.

Utilizing the other attributes to achieve this effect was not difficult. It followed the same old pattern, using one of the Five Elements’ three major cycles: the generating cycle.

Since fire was the main attribute, the cycle route for the Five Elements should be:

Earth → Metal → Water → Wood → Fire

Pure fire alone might not be strong, but what if it were nourished by wood?

And what if the wood were nourished by water?


Starting with earth, then layer by layer as nourishment, until the final fire at the end—how powerful would this final fire be?

How great would the power of the fire-based spiritual technique released in this way be?

Long Xuan couldn't even imagine or estimate it.

But it was bound to be extremely terrifying and would definitely stand out among fire-based abilities.

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