The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 108

Translator: StormFrost

Editor: Misogi

Primitive Society is Good [2]

Lang Qing woke up before Chen Liguo.

He woke up with his little slave still asleep right beside him.

This little slave was huddled up in his arms with ambiguous marks all over his lips and neck. His long eyelashes trembled slightly. He seemed to be having an uneasy dream.

Lang Qing should have called his little slave up and then make him get to work. However, he didn’t wake him up and instead carefully climbed out of bed and covered his white belly with a fur piece.

Chen Liguo slept until noon.

When he dazedly opened his eyes there was the smell of food in his nose.

"Get up." Lang Qing shouted.

Chen Liguo opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Lang Qing standing beside the bed.

His eyes were originally hazy with some sleepiness but when he realized that Lang Qing was standing before him they instantly became panicked——He was terrified of what Lang Qing did to him the day before.

"What are you afraid of?" Lang Qing saw the fear in Chen Liguo’s eyes. This fear made him very displeased. He reached out and clasped Chen Liguo’s chin. His tone, too, became cold.

Although Chen Liguo was afraid, his dignity as a priest made him force himself to get out of bed. The quilt slid off and exposed his body that was covered with ambiguous marks. These marks were particularity eye-catching on his fair skin. Usually, such marks would make people want to dote on the other but the person before Lang Qing’s eyes was a slave——No person would dote on a slave, thus Lang Qing’s expression just became a bit darker. He made no other movements.

Chen Liguo slowly climbed out of bed and felt that something seemed to be wrong with his body. His expression became blank for but a short moment as he very quickly realized why he felt like this.

He gnashed his teeth, his eyes becoming moist. Chen Liguo grabbed his pants and wanted to put them on. However, due to the high-intensity work out last night, the strength in his arms was a little off and they couldn’t help but shake when he wore his pants.

Lang Qing didn’t have any intention to help either and just looked at Chen Liguo indifferently.

After seeing that Chen Liguo had dressed, he turned and said, "Come here."

Chen Liguo stumbled and followed after Lang Qing.

Breakfast was surprisingly already done. However, it was still made by the too horrible to look at cooking technique of Lang Qing’s.

Only a bit of salt was added into the boiled water. When placed before him, all he could smell was a thick fishy smell.

Although Chen Liguo didn’t really want to touch it, he thought that he shouldn’t waste food and just pinched his nose and drank it down.

Lang Qing watched Chen Liguo drink the soup little by little and his eyes showed a slight bit of satisfaction.

He said, "I’m going hunting today. You are coming with me."

Chen Liguo felt his chrysanthemum which had been over-rubbed ache dully.

However, the master had spoken. Slaves had absolutely no right to refuse. No matter what Lang Qing told Chen Liguo to do Chen Liguo had to do it. Even if he ate Chen Liguo as reserve food, Chen Liguo could only sprinkle salt on himself.

When they headed out, Chen Liguo complained to the system, "Ai, this world truly has no human rights. I worked so hard in bed yesterday, can’t I even have a day off today?"

The system was indifferent the entire time. "After feeling good shouldn’t you work?"

Chen Liguo: "......" Unexpectedly not sure how to reply.

However, it had to be said that although Lang Qing seemed inexperienced, he really was gifted. Chen Liguo nodded his head and gave him a score of 94——The remaining six points were deducted because he still had to work today.

As the strongest warrior in the whole tribe, the range of which Lang Qing hunted in was very large. Usually he could go through the entire area alone. However, because he brought along Chen Liguo this time he had no choice but to ride his mount.

When Chen Liguo saw Lang Qing’s mount his eyes were glued to it. He thought that he had seen wrong but after carefully examining it, he found that he really hadn’t been mistaken——It was a huge cat.

The cat crouched on the ground, it’s entire body had the pattern of a Li Hua cat. It’s staring eyes were like a bell. If it shrunk more than a dozen times then it would be an authentic Chinese field cat.

After Lang Qing called the cat to him, it circled around him for a short while before it cried out ’meow meow’ a few times. The vibration of its mewing made Chen Liguo’s ears hurt.

Lang Qing carried Chen Liguo like a chicken——Oh no, it should be ’carried like an ant’ and got onto the cat’s back. Then he put Chen Liguo, who was smaller in size in front of him and reached out to pat the cat’s back, saying, "Gunzi, go."

The cat called Gunzi, mewed and then began to run about wildly.

Chen Liguo’s expression was a little unsightly. It was his first time riding this kind of mount and was therefore a little afraid. His resistance to Lang Qing’s hug also softened and he involuntarily shrank into Lang Qing’s embrace.

Lang Qing sensed Chen Liguo’s action. He reached out and pinched Chen Liguo’s butt, asking, "Afraid?"

The little slave snorted obstinately.

Lang Qing looked at the little slave’s face that had turned a little pale from fright and saw that his eyes carried a bit of dread, and was suddenly a little excited.

He buried his head in the crook of Chen Liguo’s neck and kissed it.

Chen Liguo didn’t dare move at Lang Qing’s kiss. He felt the change in Lang Qing’s body and didn’t doubt the least bit that he would continue yesterday’s exercise while they were riding on Gunzi’s back.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Fortunately, Lang Qing held back in the end. He knew that the little slave’s body wasn’t as good as his. If he continued to do him like this, the skinny little slave might just die like that——He had seen quite a bit of slaves that had been played to death like this.

The big cat seemed to ride on the wind.

They quickly left the tribe’s territory and reached a dense forest that Chen Liguo had never seen before.

This world really opened Chen Liguo’s eyes. Both the plants and animals were very similar to those in Chen Liguo’s original world. The only difference was how large they were in this world.

The place that Lang Qing hunted in was in the deepest part of the forest. That place wasn’t dangerous for him. He didn’t know why he wanted to bring the little slave along——He just felt that he didn’t want to let the little slave leave his side, so he made a decision like that. For a priest that lacked the strength to even truss a chicken, this forest was very dangerous. Even a roadside flower could be something that would take Chen Liguo’s life.

When getting off the big cat, Gunzi’s back, Chen Liguo was a little dizzy.

Lang Qing took his weapons and said to him, "Wait for me here." After speaking he left the cat and Chen Liguo behind and disappeared into the forest.

Chen Liguo and the curious cat stared at each other. Gunzi was very curious about Chen Liguo and really wanted to use it’s tongue and lick the person in front of it. Although its owner had repeatedly told it that it couldn’t randomly lick others, in the end it was still an animal and so this led to Chen Liguo seeing a pink tongue covered in barbs come towards him.

Chen Liguo hurriedly dodged in fright. If this lick landed, then he could directly go to the next world.

After he dodged he seemed to hear the system’s disappointed sigh.

Chen Liguo: "......" You’re that dissatisfied? You want me to die that much my system daddy.

Also dissatisfied was Gunzi and it gave a wronged meow.

Chen Liguo could unexpectedly hear the grievance and sadness in its tone and hurriedly patted the nearest paw a few times, saying, "Don’t lick me, it’ll kill."

Gunzi purred.

Chen Liguo listened to it act cute but wasn’t the slightest bit swayed.

Gunzi was a little sad and thought, ’this person before me doesn’t like me like owner does’——It was also only Lang Qing’s body of muscle that could endure Gunzi’s all out licking.

Cats were all tsundere animals and even Gunzi who have been tamed into a mount was the same. It saw that Chen Liguo didn’t intent on coaxing it and yowled a few times before actually vaulting away.

Chen Liguo stumbled at the wind and dust that Gunzi kicked up when it ran away. He stared blankly as Gunzi disappeared into the forest, leaving him all alone.

Chen Liguo speechlessly said, "I think that my journey in this world is already over."

The system said, "Congratulations."

Chen Liguo said, "Ai, cat’s are hard to deal with. Why keep a cat as a pet?"

The system said, "Strong, willful."

Chen Liguo: "......" Are we still able to communicate properly? Are we still able to communicate properly at all?

After the cat ran away the surroundings immediately became silent.

Chen Liguo stood in place and felt that he was like a poor little white rabbit, anyone could come and take a bit——That was his thought until he saw a real little white rabbit of this world.

That rabbit was two stories high and when it jumped the ground trembled. Moreover, it was jumping towards Chen Liguo right now.

Chen Liguo looked around and found a strange stone. It was pretty large and was stuck to the ground somewhat slantingly. It was just enough for Chen Liguo to hide in it.

Chen Liguo trotted over and hid under the stone as he watched the cute bunny bounce about and flee away from him.

The crisis was averted. Chen Liguo should have been relieved. However, he couldn’t muster up any happiness for the stone he hid in wasn’t a stone at all, but a flower’s stamen. When Chen Liguo was drawn into the flower bud by the stamen what went through his mind was, ’I, Chen Liguo, have moved about for so many years, but unexpectedly suffered a loss at a flower’s hand.’

Chen Liguo who was drawn into the flower bud thought that he would be greeted by dreadful digestive fluid but after entering, he found that the flower bud was filled with sweet, sweet nectar. Chen Liguo licked his lips and realized that it smelled pretty good.

He had only drunk a bowl of soup and ate a few potatoes. Now, he was very hungry and the nectar was placed right in front of him. He couldn’t endure it and drank a few mouthfuls. The more he drank the more addicted he became. When he sensed that something was wrong, he had already almost drunk himself full.

Chen Liguo drank the nectar and felt that something was wriggling on his leg. He lowered his head and found that the wriggling thing was actually the stamen in the bud.

Chen Liguo asked in terror, "Am I hallucinating?"

The system said, "No."

Chen Liguo asked, "Why is the stamen moving?"

The system was cold. "Weren’t you pulled in by another stamen just now?!"

Chen Liguo wanted to climb out of the flower bud but it was too late. His whole body was covered in nectar and he couldn’t muster any strength to pull himself out at all. The flower bud was also very very thick and Chen Liguo was completely unable to break it open.

Chen Liguo felt the stamen run along his leg towards an indescribable place.

Chen Liguo: "Ahhhhhh, I’m going to be fucked by a flower!!"

System: "......" Damn it burned its eyes.

Then the most frightening thing happened. Chen Liguo found that the stamen didn’t directly enter him but did some very provocative actions. The nectar he had just drank seemed to have some other effects as well——He felt his whole body begin to heat up.

Chen Liguo felt that he couldn’t run away anymore, so he said with difficulty, "They’re all flowers, can’t we have some pity for each other?"

System: "......" Still able to say some yellow jokes at this time.

When Lang Qing came back he didn’t see Chen Liguo at the place where he had left him and frowned. He whistled and called Gunzi over.

Gunzi directly jumped out from a nearby tree——Actually, it hadn’t gone far away and had always been secretly watching over Chen Liguo and also watched Chen Liguo get pulled in by the stamen.

Gunzi knew that the flower didn’t eat people and was a good thing. Every time it wanted to find a female cat it just needed to bite a flower and curry favor with them. Thus, it didn’t care about Chen Liguo who had been pulled in. It felt that that person was so weak, waiting in the flower for its owner to come back wasn’t bad.

"Where’s the person?" Lang Qing asked.

Gunzi took a few steps forward and licked the flower bud in front of it.

Lang Qing’s complexion changed. He walked over with a few steps and broke open the huge flower bud.

The petals were shattered into pieces. The dense nectar and Chen Liguo who was already delirious flowed out.

The priest’s body was covered with nectar and his white skin had turned pink. He was completely delirious and was saying something that Lang Qing couldn’t understand. He seemed to be begging for mercy.

Lang Qing saw the stamen wrapped around the little priest and his expression became a few degrees colder. He pulled out his weapon and directly chopped off the stamen.

The priest was still unconscious; he had drunk too much of this nectar. When he was lifted by Lang Qing he involuntarily rubbed against Lang Qing.

Lang Qing turned the priest around and inspected his body. When he determined that he hadn’t been possessed by the stamen his heart let out a sigh of relief.

Lang Qing held Chen Liguo in his arms and glared at Gunzi. "I told you to look after people, this is how you look after for me?"

Gunzi gave a few wronged meows.

Lang Qing said, "Even feel wronged?"

Gunzi cried ’meow meow meow’.

Lang Qing no longer paid attention to it and, while holding Chen Liguo, went to a nearby lake.

At the lake he washed away all the nectar on Chen Liguo’s body. Even the small amount inside a certain place wasn’t let off.

Chen Liguo unconsciously sobbed and his body constantly twisted and turned, making Lang Qing feel hot.

Lang Qing reached out and patted Chen Liguo on the face a few times and saw him open his eyes.

"Wu...... feels bad...... Wu......" Chen Liguo cried with no focus in his eyes. He had eaten so much nectar. Being able to open his eyes now was already pretty good.

Lang Qing wasn’t moved. He kissed Chen Liguo’s lips and tasted a sweet flavor.

The flavor of the nectar wasn’t bad but the person before him was even more delicious.

Lang Qing said, "You want it?"

The priest didn’t seem to understand the meaning of Lang Qing’s words. He let out a helpless and aggrieved look and his sobs became louder.

It would be a very simple thing for Lang Qing to possess the priest now but he didn’t do so.

He rubbed Chen Liguo’s head and said with a grave but brimming with induction tone, "If you want it then get it yourself."

The priest’s eyes were full of tears. He slowly, slowly approached Lang Qing and then cautiously kissed his lips.

Lang Qing showed a pleased expression.

The things that followed could not be described.

In any case, when Chen Liguo woke up once more he rained curses on Lang Qing, calling him a bastard.

He remembered everything that had happened after drinking the nectar and completely remembered what Lang Qing did to him and just how much he had lost control in the end.

Lang Qing returned to the tribe with the unconscious Chen Liguo. He also brought back the game he had caught.

His luck was pretty good and he had encountered a toothless-fox. The skin of this kind of animal was the best. Lang Qing had already decided to have the most skillful woman in the tribe make a beautiful dress for Chen Liguo.

His little slave was huddled up in his embrace, wrapped in a thick bundle of cat fur. He didn’t want anyone else to see any part of Chen Liguo’s skin.

When Lang Qing returned to the tribe, he happened to meet a warrior in his team.

The warrior noticed Chen Liguo on the back of Lang Qing’s mount. He was pretty quick-witted and immediately winked at Lang Qing, "How was the taste?"

Lang Qing’s relationship with him was good, so he lightly returned a ’pretty good’.

The warrior said, "I really admire you, to be able to buy a priest from another tribe." When the captives were auctioned off the price of the priest was the highest. In any case he couldn’t afford him.

Lang Qing lightly hummed an ’en’.

The warrior said, "Then I’ll be going first."

Lang Qing nodded then took Chen Liguo home.

Chen Liguo’s entire person was still dizzy. He didn’t want to drink honey and other similar things in his life ever again. Lang Qing, this bastard, took advantage of his situation and didn’t hold back at all, almost tormenting Chen Liguo to death.

Finally, when Chen Liguo couldn’t endure it anymore he broke down into loud cries in his arms. Only then did Lang Qing stop. He put Chen Liguo in the water and turned to find some medical herbs to feed him.

After the herbal medicine entered his mouth Chen Liguo’s body finally returned to normal and he also realized——It wasn’t that Lang Qing couldn’t cure him, but that he simply didn’t want to.

He wanted to see his little slave let himself go completely like he had no sense of mind.

After arriving home, Lang Qing boiled some hot water. After bathing Chen Liguo he directly tossed him onto the bed.

Chen Liguo shrunk into a ball, soft sobs still coming from his mouth.

Lang Qing knew that Chen Liguo had already sobered up and said, "What are you crying for?"

Chen Liguo glared at him and said, "You demon, one day you will be punished by god!"

Lang Qing countered, "Then why didn’t your god come save you?"

Chen Liguo cried even harder.

Lang Qing didn’t bully his family’s little slave too hard and rubbed his little slave’s head, saying, "Sleep."

Chen Liguo dazedly fell asleep.

After falling asleep Chen Liguo had a dream. He dreamed that he had returned back to his infantile phase and was being breastfed by his mother in her arms.

For him, this kind of dream was very strange. Chen Liguo had almost no memories of his parents and didn’t even know what they looked like.

However, the warmth of being hugged in her arms felt so real.

Chen Liguo could even taste the sweetness of the milk.

And then he sucked and sucked, and then hazily woke up. As soon as he woke up he sensed a pair of eyes staring at him.

Chen Liguo cautiously looked up and saw Lang Qing’s somewhat twisted expression.

Lang Qing said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Liguo slowly withdrew his gaze and noticed that he was being held in Lang Qing’s arms and his saliva was still hanging on Lang Qing’s chest.

Chen Liguo: "......" Big brother, you can’t blame me for your chest being big ah.

Lang Qing swatted Chen Liguo on the head. "Sleep!"

Chen Liguo felt a little guilty and reached out and wiped away the saliva on Lang Qing’s chest. Then he fell asleep like nothing had happened.

Chen Liguo thought that this was the end of the matter. However, when he found that Lang Qing’s tit was swollen the next morning, he knew that he was finished.

The weather was a bit hot now and almost all the warriors wore nothing on their upper bodies. Lang Qing was no exception. He sat in bed in silence, the pressure in the air very very low.

Chen Liguo took a careful look and found that they really had been suckled swollen by him. One big and one small, it was extremely obvious. After he finished looking he hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Lang Qing said, "Stop pretending."

Chen Liguo: "......"

Lang Qing reached out and pulled Chen Liguo into his arms. He saw that Chen Liguo still carried a hint of drowsiness and at this moment, had a face that looked particularly cute and pitiful, and said, "Are you looking for a fight?"

Chen Liguo said, "I, I didn’t do it on purpose."

Lang Qing coldly said, "Oh."

Chen Liguo’s thought took a turn and he immediately shed tears. He said, "I dreamed about my mother. I, I just miss her too much."

Lang Qing’s eyes softened almost instantaneously. He grunted an ’en’ and didn’t continue making things difficult for Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo looked at his beautiful rear view and his perky ass and showed a perverted smile.

Lang Qing didn’t find any trouble with him but his tit was still swollen.

Thus Chen Liguo saw Lang Qing think of a method——This big brother added a new totem on his chest.

Chen Liguo felt great admiration for his quick-wit.

However, this admiration lasted only three seconds. Lang Qing said, "Tomorrow I’ll take you to the priest."

Chen Liguo had a bad premonition in his heart.

As expected, Lang Qing caressed Chen Liguo’s shoulder and lightly said, "It’s time for you to get the slave brand."

Once the slave brand was sealed onto his body, Chen Liguo would no longer have anything to do with the word ’priest’. His complexion instantly turned deathly pale. And he trembled out, "Must it be like this?"

This was rubbish, of course a slave needed to be imprinted with a slave brand.

Lang Qing’s expression was a little baffled. He said, "Of course, you are but my slave."

This was the master’s decision. As a slave, Zhi Shui had no right to refuse.

In the primitive society, the rules were cruel like this. Lang Qing may have love, but this love would never belong to Zhi Shui who was a slave.

Chen Liguo cried thinking, this tyrannical but tear-jerking drama, he really...... liked it to death ne, hehehehe. In any case this spicy chicken system could block his sense of pain. He won’t betray the revolution even if he’s baked into a pancake.

The Author Has Something To Say:

The song from yesterday really does exist. The name really is 《Primitive society is good》. It’s not doggerel that I thought of lahahaha. The tune isn’t nice to listen to but the lyrics are very interesting. Little older sisters, do you have any nutrient solution? The author wants to reach heaven_(:з」∠)_, begging for nutrient solution.

Thank you darlings for the mines, grenades, and rockets roar. Thank you all roar. Special thanks for SuMary’s deep water torpedo. Thank you roar!

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