The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 112

Translator: StormFrost

Editor: Misogi

Primitive Society is Good [6]

Having more kidneys was impossible. Chen Liguo could only rely on his two kidneys to drag out his ignoble existence.

Fortunately, Lang Qing didn’t force Chen Liguo to death and gave him some breathing room.

Chen Liguo did not see Fu Die for the next period of time. Even though Lang Qing often went out to hunt alone, Fu Die never came to find Chen Liguo while Lang Qing was gone.

The endless winter was imminent.

This world’s winter was extremely cold and especially harsh. Making use of the time left before snowfall, Lang Qing increased the amount of time he hunted a little.

He especially caught a lot of small animals for Chen Liguo. The meat of these small animals were fresh and tender and very suitable for fragile slaves like Chen Liguo to eat.

Lang Qing also prepared a lot of animal skins, firewood, and cured meat to get through the winter.

In reality, winter wasn’t very dangerous for a powerful warrior and he had lived very casually in the past years but this year he had a lot more to consider.

When Lang Qing returned home his little slave was huddled in bed, still asleep.

The fire inside the house cast a warm orange glow over the whole room. The man on the bed was fast asleep. His eyelashes were long and his white face was flushed. He was like a sleeping spirit which made Lang Qing involuntarily lighten his steps.

When Chen Liguo woke up he found that Lang Qing had already returned. He sat on bed for a while before he finally extricated himself from his sleep.

Lang Qing was in the middle of handling a little pig. The pig’s skin and meat were very delicious and tasted even better when it was turned into aspic. It was a creature very suitable for weak people. It was just that the pig’s body was very small and therefore very hard to catch. Nevertheless, this drawback wasn’t a disadvantage for Lang Qing. So long as he wanted to, he could still catch it.

Chen Liguo asked, "It’s snowing?"

Lang Qing looked out the door. Seeing a few floating snowflakes he responded, "En."

Chen Liguo sniffled and mumbled, "No wonder it’s so cold."

Lang Qing said, "The firewood is piled in the corner. If it’s cold add some yourself."

Chen Liguo sat unmoving on the bed.

Lang Qing gave him a glare and felt that he really was too kind to his little slave, letting him become lazy to this extent. Contrary to his thoughts, Lang Qing still grabbed some firewood and added it to the fire.

The fire became even more vigorous. Chen Liguo watched the fire in a daze.

After the first snow fell the temperature quickly fell along with it. The black ground solidified into solid frozen earth and soon after, thick heaps of snow began to pile up.

Lang Qing wasn’t very afraid of the cold, so things like fetching water and so on fell on him. In contrast, Chen Liguo thoroughly turned into a rice worm.

One day after Lang Qing had finished collecting water he came across Fu Die and Tu Si whom he had not seen for a long time. Tu Si sat in the snow wearing thin clothes and seemed to be crying. Fu Die stood by her side not knowing what to say.

Lang Qing didn’t care much about the two so he went back with the water. As a result, the next day the warrior whom Tu Si ended up following with started searching the entire tribe for her, saying that she was missing.

The warrior also came to find Lang Qing but his attitude was very respectful when he asked if Lang Qing had seen his woman.

Lang Qing said no.

The warrior did not doubt him when he heard this and left.

"Tu Si disappeared?" Chen Liguo was so idle right now that his balls hurt. Hearing this news he became spirited and asked, "It’s such a cold day, where did she go?"

Lang Qing raised his head and looked at him. He asked, "Why do you care about her so much?"

Chen Liguo thought, ’Is it not because I’m bored?’ But he still put on a ’humph, if you won’t say it then this one won’t ask’ expression.

Lang Qing brought the soup that he just finished making to Chen Liguo and watched him drink it before he said, "I saw her with Fu Die. She probably left with Fu Die."

Chen Liguo almost choked to death. He questioned, "Left? Where did they go?" Running around on a cold day like this would kill ah.

Lang Qing responded, "How would I know?" Fu Die was neither mated to a warrior, nor was she pregnant. She didn’t have any slaves either. Naturally she could go wherever she wanted.

Chen Liguo’s heart beat like a drum. He asked the system how Fu Die was doing.

The system said, "Pretty good."

Chen Liguo repeated, "Pretty good?"

The system said, "Yes. Her completion degree is still slowly increasing." It was just that its speed was too slow, so it didn’t notify Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo couldn’t understand. Or rather, he never understood from the moment he received this identity coming to this world. In general, the system would choose a role that would help him facilitate his task but he was inexplicably a slave in this world. Could it be that for Fu Die, slaves had some special significance?

Chen Liguo drank the soup and felt Lang Qing rub the blue lotus on his waist.

It was unknown if it was fondness or loathing, but Lang Qing was very concerned about the pattern on Chen Liguo’s waist. Sometimes he would even lightly kiss it and lick it with his tongue.

Chen Liguo was already ticklish there. Kissed like that by Lang Qing made even his toes curl up. However, compared to Lang Qing his strength was too little and even if he was pushed down and licked everywhere, there was nothing that Chen Liguo could do against it.

Midwinter finally arrived and Lang Qing no longer went out.

The door of the house was tightly closed but the whistling wind outside could still be heard.

Chen Liguo nested in Lang Qing’s arms and watched the firewood in front of him occasionally crackle.

Lang Qing kissed Chen Liguo’s back and watched his back tense up because of it.

Chen Liguo vaguely said, "No more."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lang Qing suddenly reached out and pinched Chen Liguo’s ear drop then some doubt appeared in his eyes, seeming like he was confused over why he would do this. He said, "Zhi Shui, who am I to you?"

"Master." Zhi Shui quietly cried. The training Lang Qing put him through at that time finally showed its effect. He was afraid of going through that kind of thing again, so he called out that word with a quiet tremble.

Lang Qing was satisfied but still felt some unhappiness deep in his heart. He didn’t understand the source of this feeling, so he didn’t continue thinking about it. He hugged Chen Liguo’s body and fell into a tender silence.

A warm home, a warm person.

Chen Liguo leaned against Lang Qing’s chest and looked up at the wooden roof. His mind was a little muddled and his entire person was soft in Lang Qing’s arms.

Lang Qing asked, "Comfortable?"

Chen Liguo vaguely responded.

Lang Qing looked at Chen Liguo’s appearance and gave a low laugh. He liked the little slave’s dazed appearance.

The two stuck to each other for a long time. From beginning to end Lang Qing firmly clung to Chen Liguo, never letting go for a single moment.

In this kind of winter without books, without games, without electronics, this kind of exercise seemed to be the only pastime.

Chen Liguo didn’t have the power to refuse either. Whatever Lang Qing wanted him to do he could only follow.

This winter really was too long. Chen Liguo spent his days choked up and even started having the system put on TV shows in his mind.

Who knew if the system was deliberately retaliating against him or not as every day it would show him soap operas like 《Little pampered wife raises a ball》 and 《Unmarried mother rushes onward》.

Chen Liguo’s heart stood on end as he watched them. He asked, "You just hope for me to get pregnant that much?"

The system said of course not.

Chen Liguo questioned, "Then what are you showing me these for?"

The system said, "To show the dangers of premarital sex."

Chen Liguo: "......" How come he remembers that the system never opposed premarital sex before?

The system seemed to know what he was thinking and said, "Thoughts will always evolve."

Chen Liguo had nothing to say to the system.

When winter was half over Lang Qing took Chen Liguo out for the first time, saying that he would take him to the lake next to the tribe to catch fish.

Chen Liguo agreed. He felt like if he continued stifling at home he would become a dried fruit.

Afraid of Chen Liguo getting cold, Lang Qing tied him to his body like a child and supported him with one hand when they left.

Chen Liguo felt that this position was too shameful to directly look at. Just when he wanted to protest he heard Lang Qing say, "Either go out like this or continue stifling at home."

Chen Liguo could only spinelessly agree.

After going outside, Chen Liguo was horrified to find that if Lang Qing hadn’t removed the snow every day then their home would have been almost completely buried under it. There was only a vast expanse of snowy white between the heavens and the earth. Chen Liguo buried his head in the crook of Lang Qing’s neck, breathing out vapor.

Lang Qing’s body was like a natural stove. Because of the cold, Chen Liguo stuck even closer to him.

Holding Chen Liguo, Lang Qing went to the lake not far from the tribe. After boring a hole into the ice he quickly got away from that place.

In the blink of an eye, a crack appeared on the ice lake and a large over two meter long fish rushed out of it.

The fish was a bit like a crucian carp from Chen Liguo’s original world. However, it was a two-meter long crucian carp——Chen Liguo looked at it and felt his hair stand on edge.

The skin of the two people was pasted together. Lang Qing also felt the goosebumps appearing on Chen Liguo’s skin and found it a little funny. He patted Chen Liguo on the head and said, "Don’t be afraid."

Chen Liguo glared at Lang Qing and thought, ’humph, this one isn’t afraid humph.’

Lang Qing walked over and directly burst its head open with the stab of a prong. The fish continued to struggle frantically but Lang Qing was not in a hurry and watched it bounce everywhere until its struggles gradually began to slow.

Lang Qing walked over, grabbed it’s tail with a single hand, and slowly dragged it back home.

On the way Chen Liguo got a little bored, so he opened his mouth and bit Lang Qing’s shoulder. This beast’s muscles really were terrifyingly hard. Chen Liguo felt that if he bit down with all his strength the first to give in would probably be his own teeth.

Lang Qing glanced at him and said, "Don’t make trouble."

Chen Liguo bit for half a day but couldn’t bite into it. He was a little unconvinced and his brains suddenly heated up as he thought of a softer place——

When he thought back to it later, Chen Liguo felt that his IQ must have been frozen stiff because he actually bit Lang Qing’s tits.

The moment Lang Qing was bitten his entire body tightened up. He directly threw the fish onto the ground and seized Chen Liguo’s waist.

Chen Liguo was even biting with great gusto and only came to when his waist was grabbed by Lang Qing’s cold hand. As if waking from a dream, he realized what a stupid thing he had done.

Lang Qing asked, "You looking to fuck?"

Chen Liguo let go in fright and hid his head in Lang Qing’s chest, not speaking.

Lang Qing pulled his face out of his clothes and said, "I’ll satisfy you."

Chen Liguo felt the change in Lang Qing’s body and he opened his eyes wide like a pitiful little deer.

Lang Qing was not soft-hearted. He looked around and after finding a tree, this beast actually dug a hole in the tree and directly went in there with Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo really couldn’t bear looking back on the matters that happened next.

Under the heavens everything was cold and only Lang Qing’s body was hot.

Chen Liguo could only firmly hold him to death, afraid that he would freeze death here.

Lang Qing felt Chen Liguo’s rare passion and was already thinking about where they should do it next time......

However, considering Chen Liguo’s body, Lang Qing didn’t go overboard and after only one time took Chen Liguo back home.

Chen Liguo sobbed spasmodically, his expression particularly aggrieved.

Lang Qing asked, "What are you crying about?"

Chen Liguo pursed his lips and turned his head away.

Lang Qing grabbed Chen Liguo’s hand and put it on his chest. He said, "Come on, wipe clean your saliva."

Chen Liguo: "......" To be honest, why did he do something like that just now?

Dinner was fish soup. It was Chen Liguo who got to work and cooked.

Lang Qing sat next to him, staring at his milky white legs and slender waist.

Chen Liguo’s legs went soft but he didn’t have time to care about Lang Qing’s hoodlum actions. He boiled the fish meat and added a bit of salt and chili.

This carp was too big. Just eating its stomach meat was enough for Chen Liguo to eat well for a long time.

Lang Qing, however, did not eat a single bite. Chen Liguo didn’t understand why he didn’t eat at first. It was only later that he realized that he had been tricked by this bastard again.

This world’s crucian carp and the crucian carp of Chen Liguo’s world both had a certain effect on the body, and that was the creation of breast milk,

Chen Liguo had always thought that the function of promoting lactation only had an effect on pregnant women but he didn’t expect the carp’s effect to become stronger when it became bigger. Thus——

Chen Liguo lay in bed and cried with loud wails.

Lang Qing comforted him and said that it would get better in a while.

Chen Liguo said, "You did it on purpose! I hate you!! I hate you!!"

Lang Qing looked at the little priest’s messy appearance from being tossed about by him. He said, "I didn’t know either."

It’d be funny if Chen Liguo believed him!! He questioned, "Then why didn’t you eat it——"

Lang Qing answered, "I don’t like eating fish."

Chen Liguo: "......" You big asshole!!!

Chen Liguo tearfully complained to the system about how annoying Lang Qing was, saying that he was a big liar, tricking him into eating crucian carp.

The system was apathetic. "You’ve already got the milk, will the child be far off?"

Chen Liguo: "......"

The system said, "You aren’t young anymore either. If you don’t give birth now who’s going to help you raise them later ah?"

Chen Liguo: "......" Daddy, when did your role become the evil mother-in-law?

However, no matter how much Chen Liguo cried and threw fits, the carp was still eaten. Thus, Lang Qing had an interest in Chen Liguo again.

Chen Liguo said, "What is eaten is grass, what is squeezed out is milk."

System: "......"

Chen Liguo said, "Tell me, how is the daughter of fate?"

The system said, "Alive. Probably living pretty well."

Chen Liguo thought that this was probably his only comfort.

The carp’s side effect stayed with Chen Liguo for the second half of winter and he became the sole dairy supplier in the entire tribe. This time, Chen Liguo genuinely experienced what ’feel as though my body has been hollowed out’ was.

Fortunately, the carp’s side effects finally disappeared when spring came.

Chen Liguo lowered his head and looked at his chest that had been tossed about for half a winter and thought that he was also a person with pecs now.

Lang Qing looked at Chen Liguo’s appearance and a slight smile appeared in his eyes.

The long winter finally passed.

As soon as spring came the snow quickly melted and flowed into the nearby river.

Lang Qing asked Chen Liguo if he wanted to eat fish.

Chen Liguo almost said ’I’ll eat your uncle.’

However, he endured in the end and shamefully said, "How else do you want to torment me?"

Lang Qing said, "It really was an accident."

Chen Liguo said, "If you eat it once then I’ll believe that it was an accident."

Lang Qing was quiet for a moment and then said without any misgivings, "Alright, I did it on purpose."

Chen Liguo: "......" How could this man be so shameless?

The system said to Chen Liguo, "You finally meet your match."

Chen Liguo: "......"

The system said, "Lang Qing really is a good man."

Chen Liguo: "Daddy love me once more ah daddy, I am your biological son ah daddy."

The system said, "The biggest failure of my life was having you."

Chen Liguo: "......" Tsk.

Spring had arrived and they could finally stop wearing thick fur clothes. Chen Liguo could also finally run around everywhere now.

And so vines were tied around his neck once again.

Lang Qing said, "If you dare run I’ll break your leg."

Chen Liguo coldly looked at Lang Qing, an unyielding will in his eyes.

Then Lang Qing said, "Look at me like that again and I’ll make you eat crucian carp."

Tears filled Chen Liguo’s eyes and he said with a trembling voice, "To what point are you going to force me?"

Lang Qing’s tone was a little strange. He said, "You are my slave. What I want to do to you, are they not very normal things?"

These words were correct——At least, they were in this current world.

Lang Qing asked, "When you were a priest could it be that you held compassion towards captive slaves?"

The little priest was severely hit by Lang Qing’s words and he seemed to finally realize that he fundamentally couldn’t ask Lang Qing to treat him as an equal for he had once calmly treated others like this too.

What was a slave? A slave was but private property.

Who would have pity for the furniture in their home?

Zhi Shui’s heart sank. He looked at Lang Qing and seemed to see his past self.

When Lang Qing said these words his attitude was very calm. All these notions were deeply ingrained in his mind and could not be shaken.

However, there seemed to be something blocking Zhi Shui’s throat and he realized that he could not say anything to rebuke Lang Qing.

Lang Qing watched as his little slave showed a look as if his entire world collapsed.

However, Lang Qing did not have any intention of comforting him. He knew that this day would come sooner or later. Perhaps it was a good thing that it came earlier.

The white snow melted and exposed the pitch-black earth. Little bits of green began to appear on the land, a sharp contrast to Zhi Shui’s deathly still heart.

His worldview was shattered. Lang Qing took advantage of this time and said to him, "You don’t need to think so much, just obediently be my slave and it’ll be alright."

They were such terrible words but they strangely made people feel at ease.

Lang Qing took off his clothes and murmured lowly as he took possession of his slave.

Chen Liguo looked at Lang Qing’s face, his heart bereaved. He thought, ’big brother, so long as I don’t eat carp, everything you say is correct.’

The system said to Chen Liguo, "Fu Die seems to have returned."

Chen Liguo asked, "How is her situation?"

The system replied, "Better than yours."

Chen Liguo: "......"

The system said, "At least she’s not a dairy supplier."

Chen Liguo felt that when he returned to his original world the first one that he had to silence was this spicy chicken system.

Fu Die really had returned but she came back quietly. Compared to when she left, Fu Die had actually grown taller. Before she had only been a little taller than Chen Liguo but now she was no less than a meter and eighty.

Her body had become stronger as well. Like a poised cheetah, her entire body was brimming with strength. The cold winter had washed away her weakness and with it also the innocence in her eyes.

Fu Die found Chen Liguo privately. The first thing she said almost made Chen Liguo dislocate his jaw. She said, "Zhi Shui, come with me. I have established a tribe."

Chen Liguo: "......"

Fu Die said, "There are no slaves there——"

In this moment, Chen Liguo finally understood why Fu Die’s destiny completion degree was rising. This girl’s objective was much much greater than he had thought——She actually wanted to overthrow slavery!

Fu Die said, "We are short of a priest. If you come, it’ll be just right."

Chen Liguo’s heart was moved. If he went with Fu Die, not only could he complete the task, but he could also not eat carp. Everything seemed perfect.

Fu Die asked, "Are you willing?"

Chen Liguo’s lips moved. Before he could say the word ’willing’ he swallowed it into his stomach.

Lang Qing who should have been hunting had unknowingly appeared behind Fu Die. He held his prey in his left hand, his weapon in the other, fresh blood still on his body.

Appearing silently, Lang Qing stared at the two people talking, just like a hunting beast——As soon as his prey revealed a gap, he would pound and bite his prey’s throat.

Chen Liguo didn’t doubt at all that if he agreed, Lang Qing would directly kill Fu Die.

Chen Liguo’s lips moved. He said, "No, I can’t go."

Disappointment appeared in Fu Die’s eyes. She instinctively felt that Chen Liguo was special so she paid more attention to him. However, she didn’t expect that he would actually refuse her invitation.

Fu Die asked, "Why?"

Chen Liguo wanted to say, ’Because the person you are poaching from is standing right behind you and can cut you down with a knife at any moment.’ But he could not say this, so instead he said, "I need to pay for my own sins." This was the perfect excuse. Chen Liguo clapped for his own wit.

However, judging from Fu Die’s expression, she didn’t really think that Chen Liguo’s excuse was perfect......

The Author Has Something To Say:

Not giving birth la. Hahahaha what should be done if Chen Liguo gives birth and can’t bear to leave his son and doesn’t want to leave hahahahaha. Truthfully, I want to see it. When I finish writing, I’ll give you all a pregnant orange to satisfy your cravings? Reasonably, without giving nutrient solution this pen can’t be bought (严肃

Thanking you darlings for the mine, grenades, and rockets.

StormFrost: Just a headsup, the author states in the next Author’s Note that there will be no Mpreg in the novel.

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