The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 114

Translator: StormFrost

Editor: Misogi

Primitive Society is Good [8]

Lang Qing thought that he had died.

The soil mixed with dirty water blotted out the sky and tumbled down from the mountains.

He ran with all his strength but still could not resist the power of nature. When the earth covered his head, what filled Lang Qing’s mind was his little slave——What would happen to him if he was gone? Would he be taken away? Would he be bullied? Would he...... forget him......

Lang Qing’s heart sank. His breath gradually weakened but he continued to struggle with all his might.

However, this time, his strength was too weak.

The earth imprisoned him and his body was wounded by all kinds of stones and debris around him. He could feel the oxygen drain from his lungs little by little......

Finally, Lang Qing’s body ceased to move. He was fused together with the soil and buried deep under the ground.

This was probably the end. Lang Qing was a little sad. He closed his eyes but a strange smiling face appeared in his mind. He had never seen this face before but he inexplicably felt that this face was his little priest’s, it belonged to him.

Lang Qing’s eyes were closed. In the end he knew that he could not make it.

In the midst of this problem, Chen Liguo was still making a dirty deal with his family’s system.

The system said, "I’ve found Lang Qing."

Chen Liguo asked, "Is he dead?"

The system answered, "Dead."

Chen Liguo didn’t think that Lang Qing really had died and thought that this big brother really wasn’t the protagonist of life. He sighed and said, "Save then I suppose."

The system questioned, "Are you sure?"

Chen Liguo affirmed, "Save!"

The system said, "Okay."

So it began to apply to headquarters for Lang Qing’s revival.

Chen Liguo was still squatting in the room watching the mess around him.

Everything that could be removed from Lang Qing’s house had been removed. It was said that the auction would be held in a few days. It seemed that everyone had forgotten about the 30 strong fighters that had died. There was no sense of sadness in the tribe, rather, they were happy about the upcoming auction. This was probably the cruelty of the primitive world. People would only remember the living and even a time of sadness was deemed unnecessary.

The people who chopped at the black bone vine changed several times before a cap was finally made in the vine around Chen Liguo and it was cut through.

All Chen Liguo ate these days were potatoes and the worst kind of food. This gave him an idea about the normal living standard of the slaves in this tribe.

Putting aside meat, even being able to lick the leftover bones thrown away by the owner was already preferential treatment. You also had to do a lot of heavy work every day and then warm the bed at night.

Only now did Chen Liguo truly feel what ’primitive society has no human rights’ really meant.

Chen Liguo asked the system how Lang Qing was the day before the auction.

The system said, "It will take three days to restore his body."

Chen Liguo cried, "Then aren’t I going to be sold?"

The system said, "Don’t be afraid, baby. A gentleman prefers death over humiliation. If your new master is too ugly, we could still choose to die."

Chen Liguo: "......"

As it turned out, the system seemed to have set a flag for Chen Liguo because at the end of the auction, Chen Liguo’s new owner was so ugly it was shocking.

It was said that this man already played many slaved to death. He had long coveted Chen Liguo and spent almost all his savings to get him.

After he successfully bought him, he walked to Chen Liguo while laughing ’heihei’ and suddenly yanked the vines around his neck. Chen Liguo fell to the ground. The man grabbed Chen Liguo’s face, wanting to kiss him but Chen Liguo dodged.

"What are you evading for!" He was very upset. He slapped Chen Liguo’s face, hitting it to the side. He said, "Do you still think that you’re Lang Qing’s slave? Do you believe that I’ll fuck you right here?"

Chen Liguo’s entire body trembled but he still stubbornly refused to compromise.

The man saw Chen Liguo’s attitude and sneered, "So stubborn. Okay." Then he turned and said to the warriors around him. "Today I offer you all a treat. Everyone can have a taste of this slave."

Everyone’s faces became excited when they heard this.

Chen Liguo looked at the surrounding and said in despair, "Kill me——"

The man sneered at him. "I bought you for a great price. Kill you? What beautiful thinking!" When he finished he tore apart Chen Liguo’s clothes.

Chen Liguo lowered his head and consulted with the system what method of dying was more beautiful. However, all of a sudden he heard the person tearing his clothes let out a wretched cry and then fall to the ground.

Chen Liguo looked up in astonishment. Warm blood gushed from the man’s body and splashed across his face. Chen Liguo’s mind was filled with strong bewilderment as he saw that an arrow had pierced the man from behind. He fell to the floor unmoving.

He died? How did he die? It seemed that everyone’s reaction was similar to Chen Liguo’s, shocked by the sudden scene.

However, they quickly figured out what was going on——Because someone continuously shot out arrows, and people continuously fell to the ground.

The strongest thirty warriors in the tribe had died in a landslide. This was a serious injury for the entire tribe. The joy of seizing someone else’s property made the rest of the tribe forget that they did not even send out a patrol team during the auction.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Chen Liguo witnessed the battle with his own eyes.

No, this was no longer a battle, but a massacre.

The arrows flew out from nowhere but had exceptional precision and hit all the men who had the power to fight straight to the ground.

Fresh blood splashed all over Chen Liguo. Others screamed and fled but his neck was tied so he could only sit in place and wait for everything to finish.

Fortunately, the archers did not seem to plan on killing Chen Liguo, so he survived.

Chen Liguo thought that it was another tribe attacking this tribe, which was true. However, he had only guessed part of it for the other tribe was the one created by Fu Die.

When Fu Die came with a group of women, dressed in leather armor to collect the loot, Chen Liguo was dumbfounded.

Fu Die had unexpectedly grown taller again. Her skin had turned into a beautiful bronze color and her slender limbs were full of strength. From her appearance he could see that she was a warrior who had fought a hundred battles.

However, this was not what shocked Chen Liguo the most. What shocked him the most was the bow in her hand.

It was not an ordinary bow, but a delicate composite bow. Judging by its craftsmanship, it was definitely not a product from this era.

Fu Die walked up to Chen Liguo and with a single slice cut off the vine around Chen Liguo’s neck. She said, "Zhi Shui, long time no see."

With difficulty, Chen Liguo managed to smile. "Long time no see."

A nearby woman walked over and said to Fu Die, "Chief, there are still about a hundred warriors in this tribe."

Fu Die asked, "They all escaped?"

The woman nodded.

Fu Die coldly said, "No need to chase. They will return. Process as planned."

The woman said yes.

Chen Liguo had previously heard that Fu Die was the chief but seeing it with his own eyes today, he still found it inconceivable.

Fu Die bent down and wiped the blood on his face. She warmly said, "Were you scared? Let’s go, can you stand?"

Chen Liguo said he could, so he stood up. However, he had sat for a long time and his legs were numb. When he tried getting up he stumbled a few times.

Fu Die saw this and directly reached out and princess carried him.

Chen Liguo: "......"

Fu Die said, "It’s okay Zhi Shui, you’re very light."

Chen Liguo: "......" Was not comforted at all, thank you very much.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up. The bodies were piled up and the arrows were recovered together with the loot.

It seems that Fu Die and the others did not plan on staying here for a long time. They packed up and prepared to leave.

However, even when they were heading out, she did not intend on putting Chen Liguo down.

Chen Liguo was a little hesitant. He asked, "Where are you going?"

Fu Die said, "Returning back to our tribe." She looked at Chen Liguo with tender care. This kind of stare made Chen Liguo’s hair stand up......

Chen Liguo let out an ’oh’.

Fu Die said, "It’s very good there. There are no slaves. You can be a priest there."

Chen Liguo smiled with difficulty.

Then, Fu Die turned and looked back at the mess of the tribe, she indifferently said, "Of course, it doesn’t matter if you like it here. In a few days we will come and take over the tribe." The thirty most powerful people in the tribe died in a natural disaster. This was now the tribe’s weakest time.

Fu Die knew how things worked and would not give them time to breathe.

What Chen Liguo could not understand the most was Fu Die’s attitude towards him. Why would Fu Die treat him so specially? To even personally carry him out of here......

Later, Fu Die’s one sentence gave Chen Liguo the answer.

She said, "I used to have an older brother who looked a lot like you."

Chen Liguo: "......"

Fu Die said, "He died."

Chen Liguo could only tell her not to grieve too much.

Then Fu Die said, "Isn’t there still you?"

Chen Liguo: "......"

For others, Fu Die’s tribe may be paradise since there were only women. Tall and short, fat and thin, pale and dark, gentle and provocative.

However, this was hell for Chen Liguo for he was gay, a gay who only liked men.

Chen Liguo: "Really feel that I am recklessly wasting God’s good gifts by staying here."

The system thought this as well.

When Fu Die brought Chen Liguo back most people expressed surprise. They knew that their chief loathed men, so they completely did not expect that she would one day personally bring back a man. However this man really did look pretty cute.

Fu Die said, "Live here from now on okay?" She pointed at a cabin not far from her home.

Chen Liguo had no reason to refuse, so he agreed.

Fu Die said, "There are no slaves here. Everyone is free." This was her dream and she would realize it.

In Fu Die’s tribe, Chen Liguo saw certain things which was why he was almost certain that Fu Die had transmigrated over. She had made a lot of things that could not have existed in a primitive world, included amongst these things were a few exquisite composite bows.

The biggest advantage of these composite bows was that they saved a lot of effort. However, making it was very troublesome and it required metal.

But since they were already made, these troubles could be presumed already overcome.

Chen Liguo was a little curious about what Fu Die did before she transmigrated over.

There were also some advanced products in Fu Die’s tribe like the waterwheel which made Chen Liguo gasp in amazement and he felt a profound admiration.

The system said, "Now this is the correct way to transmigrate."

Chen Liguo said, "If I did this then you would have me go to the next world."

The system said, "What you say makes a lot of sense but I still have something I need to tell you."

Chen Liguo asked, "What is it?"

The system said, "Lang Qing has resurrected and is looking everywhere for you."

Chen Liguo heard the two words ’Lang Qing’ and his back trembled slightly. His voice shook as he asked, "He returned to the tribe?"

The system affirmed, "En."

Chen Liguo asked, "He knows that Fu Die took me away?"

The system said, "Yes."

Chen Liguo solemnly said, "Could I get my golden finger back? I feel that he probably doesn’t need my help......"

The system gently said, "No can do."

Chen Liguo immediately shed tears. He really didn’t want to see Fu Die and Lang Qing fight. These two people weren’t easy to mess with and most importantly, he did not think that Fu Die could beat Lang Qing.

Chen Liguo: "If Lang Qing kills Fu Die——"

The system said, "We can then see each other in the next world."

The world before Chen Liguo turned black. He felt that his life lost its luster.

Chen Liguo saw Fu Die’s talent as the leader only a dozen of days upon entering her tribe. Her attitude towards others was not warm and could even be considered cold, but they all looked at her with eyes full of awe.

Tu Si who left the tribe with Fu Die was probably the closest person to her. She did not like Chen Liguo and secretly sulked for a few days because Fu Die personally brought him back.

However, Fu Die’s decisions almost never changed, so Tu Si couldn’t do anything about it. She could only hope that this priest would be unable to withstand the temptation of so many women and get driven out by Fu Die after breaking the rules.

However, Tu Si’s ideas would probably never come true for unfortunately, Chen Liguo only liked men.

The rainy season was long and humid. Chen Liguo’s heart, too, was wet to the extreme.

He learned from the system that after Lang Qing returned, he quickly sorted out the rest of the people and became the chief.

Looking at the night sky, Chen Liguo was shocked to hear this news. He said, "Didn’t Fu Die say that she wanted to destroy that tribe?"

The system bitterly and hatefully said, "It’s too late!"

Chen Liguo & System: "Ai!"

Fu Die saw Chen Liguo standing in the open space, looking up at the sky. She walked to him and said, "There are only two things that can shake people’s hearts in this world. One is the moral law within us; the second the brilliant starry sky above us."

Chen Liguo was shocked by this profound saying. Then he asked, "What?"

Fu Die: "......" Ai, sure enough he isn’t a transmigrator.

Chen Liguo thought, ’Don’t speak secret codes to me. If you go against me I will go out of character.’

Fu Die was a little upset and felt a sense of loneliness in her soul.

If Chen Liguo knew what she was thinking about, he would probably say: ’You feel lonely because you don’t have a system that wants to kill you every day’.

Fu Die also knew of Lang Qing’s return. She attached great importance to this news and after looking into it for a long time, decided to temporarily hold off on their attack.

Tu Si found it incomprehensible. "Why give up on attacking? There is only a little combat power left in that tribe."

Fu Die said, "Because Lang Qing alone is enough to deal with us."

Tu Si blankly said, "One person dealing with us? But we have so many people......"

Fu Die sneered, "If I give you ten people, can you beat Lang Qing?"

Tu Si bit her lips.

Fu Die, however, did not want to continue this topic anymore. She said, "Okay, let’s leave it at this."

Chen Liguo had a profound understanding about Fu Die’s words for Lang Qing’s combat power was absolutely explosive——Especially after being resurrected by the system.

System, this bastard, considerately told him that after it resurrected Lang Qing, his body’s quality became stronger. This time he would not die even after being covered by a landslide.

Chen Liguo could only pray to the heavens every day that he would not fall into Lang Qing’s hands again.

Chen Liguo’s job in Fu Die’s tribe was to forecast the weather. Fortunately, he had a system that could even forecast how many degrees the next day would be.

The system said, "Tomorrow will be between twenty to twenty four degrees, heavy rain."

Chen Liguo told Fu Die that it would rain tomorrow.

Fu Die looked at the sky that was full of stars and asked with some curiosity, "Can you really see tomorrow’s weather from the clouds?" She never really believed this kind of stuff but Chen Liguo’s predictions were always correct and after it happened many times, she had no choice but to believe it.

Chen Liguo profoundly said, "I have my own belief."

Fu Die nodded, a trace of admiration on her face.

Basically, Chen Liguo depended on this to act great. Aside from forecasting weather he was just a poor salted fish.

Salted fish Chen Liguo prayed every day to not meet Lang Qing. However, if praying were useful, Chen Liguo would have long divorced the system.

So things that should happen would happen, and there was no escaping it. Therefore, one fateful night, Chen Liguo saw Lang Qing.

When he opened his eyes after waking up from his sleep and saw a black figure standing in front of him, he almost yelled in fright.

However, his mouth was firmly covered and he couldn’t make a single sound.

Lang Qing’s voice sounded out. He said, "Little slave, you’ve run for so long, isn’t it time to return home?" His voice was low and hoarse, making Chen Liguo’s bones go limp from listening.

However, now was obviously not the time to be enticed by his masculinity. Chen Liguo struggled but Lang Qing easily restrained his hands and feet.

Lang Qing said, "Have you lived well here?"

Chen Liguo softly whimpered.

Lang Qing said, "Don’t make a sound...... if you don’t want to see me kill them all." He could sneak to Chen Liguo’s side, naturally he could sneak over to Fu Die. Though it may be a little troublesome, if Lang Qing was determined to kill her then it probably wouldn’t be difficult.

Chen Liguo felt the hand on his mouth loosen up and choked out a few sobs. With a hint of despair in his voice, he asked, "You, what do you want to do?"

Lang Qing did not answer and just lowered his head to kiss Chen Liguo. His kiss was a little rough, like he had to vent the frustration in his heart from waiting too long.

Lang Qing said, "Guess what I want to do."

Chen Liguo trembled.

Lang Qing said, "Of course it’s to violate you right here. Fu Die’s right next to you but doesn’t know that you’re being......"

Chen Liguo choked with a sob and said, "You, you can’t do this to me. I’m not your slave anymore. I’m not......"

Lang Qing said, "You will always be my slave."

He slowly removed Chen Liguo’s clothes and then entered him.

Chen Liguo sobbed lowly, afraid of waking Fu Die who was sleeping not far away but Lang Qing did not show any mercy.

In the end, he could only cover his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from making any sounds.

For Zhi Shui, this night should have been very difficult but for Chen Liguo, it was so good his soul was practically flying.

When Lang Qing left the next day Chen Liguo’s clothes were back on his body. However, his swollen lips and his tear-stained cheeks told others what had happened last night.

Lang Qing did not leave any marks on exposed places but so long as Chen Liguo took off his clothes, one would be able to see that his skin was covered with Lang Qing’s marks.

Chen Liguo found a remote corner to make up for a day’s of sleep the next day and did not return to the tribe until it became dark.

Fu Die asked him where he went.

Chen Liguo forced a smile and said that he randomly walked around.

Fu Die fell deep in thought and said, "Is that so? Remember to come back early, it’s not safe at night here."

Chen Liguo nodded and said yes.

The seemingly long endless rainy season was finally coming to an end.

Autumn meant an abundance of food and the coming of winter.

Fu Die orderly organized the whole tribe. Some picked, some hunted, others began to weave clothes for winter.

As the tribe’s priest, Chen Liguo was still the most idle.

Fu Die did not intend on having him do heavy work. After all, based off of Chen Liguo’s physique, his strength was probably not as great as some of the women in the tribe.

Even so, no one had any problems with him being so idle for Chen Liguo could predict the weather very accurately——This was beyond imagination for the primitive people.

It was normal for those who were favored by god to be given special treatment.

Those who were reluctant to accept Chen Liguo at first were also gradually becoming accustomed to his existence.

Fu Die watched as the weather gradually cooled down and said that winter was coming.

Chen Liguo asked, "Will it be difficult to get through it?"

Fu Die, however, laughed when she heard this. The progress bar on her head slowly moved forward a little. Then she said, "It will be difficult, but what I feel more is expectation."

In winter, some slaves would be driven out of their tribe and Fu Die’s tribe was built on these people.

Chen Liguo’s admiration for Fu Die became a little deeper. He felt that this woman really was someone who did big things......


The Author Has Something To Say:

It’s been 41 degrees here for 10 days now. I feel like I’m going to die...... The most terrifying thing is that my great aunt came, been having diarrhea till I’ve become dizzy and can’t even live my life properly.

Thank you darlings for the mines, grenades, and rocket launchers. Special thanks for Qinglan and Juyuhua for the deep water torpedos and Juyuhua’s deep water bomb. Thank you all, you’ve gone to an expense.

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