The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 150: Zhou Yis Memories [1]

Chapter 150: Zhou Yi's Memories [1]

Translator: StormFrost


Zhou Yi met Chen Liguo in high school.

He was playing basketball on the court that day. A boy in their school uniform slowly came up to him and greeted, "Classmate."

Zhou Yi thought that he wanted to play basketball too. Just as he was going to say, 'Come on, let's play together', he saw him smile with narrowed eyes and ask, "Classmate, do you still want this water bottle?"

This question had been too unusual, so Zhou Yi could not forget this person ever again.

Zhou Yi did not know Chen Liguo's name at that time. He only knew that he was a student in class one, had good grades, and was an orphan.

The classmate who told him all these things was full of pity. That classmate said, "Chen Liguo is too pitiful. He has no mother or father and has to earn his own tuition and living expenses. I don't know how he manages to survive."

Zhou Yi heard his words and recalled Chen Liguo's appearance. Inexplicably his heart felt somewhat uncomfortable.

At that time Chen Liguo was a little short due to malnutrition. His height was about the same as some girls. His entire person was thin and small. Zhou Yi felt that it would be no problem at all to lift him up.

Only, the two never interacted in school. Although Zhou Yi secretly paid attention to Chen Liguo he did not rashly come forward to talk to him. After all, it seemed that Chen Liguo did not have much time to deal with classmates.

Zhou Yi did not want him to be distressed.

And just like that three years passed and the university entrance exams arrived with the twinkle on an eye.

All throughout high school Zhou Yi and Chen Liguo's relationship went no further than that of regular school mates.

The math questions in that year's mathematics exam was particularly difficult. After solving it Zhou Yi knew that many people were going to cry. Sure enough, as soon as the ending bell rang the examination room was filled with anguished wails.

Many girls walked out while wiping their tears.

Seeing such a scene, a thought appeared in Zhou Yi's mind--I wonder how that small and skinny Chen Liguo did.

Fortunately, math was Chen Liguo's strength.

When the scores finally came out Chen Liguo's math score was actually a few points higher than Zhou Yi's. Only, his other subjects were slightly worse than his. Even so, attending a good university would be no problem.

After the scores came out Zhou Yi entered University A. It was the best science university in the country and it was also the school Zhou Yi had chosen to apply to long ago.

However, Zhou Yi did not expect that Chen Liguo also applied to University A.

The first time he saw Chen Liguo at university was at the hometown association meeting.

Zhou Yi had been dragged to attend by a classmates from his class. As soon as he entered he noticed Chen Liguo sitting in the corner.

Chen Liguo had grown a bit taller but was still thin and small. He was in the middle of studying and writing into a word book.

Zhou Yi thought about it. He walked over and greeted Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo saw Zhou Yi and had a somewhat humbled expression. He said, "I didn't expect to see you here."

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "Aren't we all in the same school. You didn't know that I came to University A too?"

Chen Liguo said, "I knew ah. It's just this school is so big……"

Zhou Yi asked Chen Liguo about a few things and learned about his recent situation.

Chen Liguo looked at Zhou Yi, his smile very sweet, as though he had eaten a delicious candy.

Seeing Chen Liguo's expression Zhou Yi's heart moved a little and he actually thought that Chen Liguo was a little cute.

Zhou Yi asked Chen Liguo for his phone number but heard him say, "I don't have a cell phone. If you have something……. You can come to my dormitory in the evenings to find me."

Zhou Yi agreed.

After the meeting dispersed Chen Liguo left in a hurry. Zhou Yi knew he was probably going to work.

After this first meeting the relationship between the two gradually grew closer.

Zhou Yi also began to understand Chen Liguo more, from his family background to his current situation.

Chen Liguo's life was very difficult but he never complained about anything. He seemed to be optimistic by nature. Even if God gave him such rotten cards he still played with delight.

"I think I live pretty well ah." Chen Liguo had said to him. "Look, I can still go to school, much better than most of the children from my orphanage."

Zhou Yi continued listening and watching and little by little got to know more about this interesting boy and all the more found Chen Liguo fascinating.

The catalyst that drove Zhou Yi and Chen Liguo to live together was one time where Zhou Yi went to find Chen Liguo and heard the sound of quarreling come from Chen Liguo's dormitory.

Rather than quarreling, it was more like unilateral venting. Chen Liguo's roommate impatiently reproached Chen Liguo, asking if he could not return so late every day and disrupt their rest.

Chen Liguo, for his part, constantly apologized.

Zhou Yi listened outside with a frown.

If one could choose, who wouldn't want to be in bed at 10 in winter? Prepare a hot water bottle and play with their phone in the blankets?

However, Chen Liguo had no choice. His night shift required him to work until 12. By the time he came back and washed up it would be almost 1 in the morning.

Although there are fewer courses in university, compared to high school the study assignments freshmen had were no easy task. If Chen Liguo wanted to get a scholarship he couldn't skip classes.

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Zhou Yi did not go in that day. Instead he went to find a friend who was part of the student union and asked about the procedures needed to live outside.

Within a few days Zhou Yi invited Chen Liguo to come and live with him.

Chen Liguo asked how could that be in surprise.

Zhou Yi asked, "Why not?"

Chen LPguo saPd, "But how unfaPr Ps Pt for you to pay rent alone."

Zhou YP saPd, "You don't need to pay rent. It's fPne Pf you're responsPble for washPng the clothes and cleanPng up."

Chen LPguo refuted, "But--"

Zhou YP Pnterrupted hPm, sayPng, "Don't you return late every day? Your roommates don't have any Pssues about Pt?"

Hearing these words, Chen Liguo showed a somewhat helpless expression. He thought of how his roommates seemed to be having increasingly more issues about it but there was nothing he could do.

Chen Liguo always felt that he wronged them quite a bit.

Under Zhou Yi's insistence Chen Liguo reluctantly agreed.

So the two began to live together.

In fact, most of Zhou Yi's clothes couldn't be washed by hand, so there was very little housework that Chen Liguo would actually do.

However, with boys there were still small articles that needed to be changed. So one morning when he got up Zhou Yi was surprised to find that Chen Liguo had washed his socks and underwear.

Zhou Yi asked, "You washed it?" He would usually wash them himself after showering. Only, yesterday he lazily copped out. He didn't expect that Chen Liguo would do it for him.

"En." Chen Liguo was in the middle of hanging clothes on the balcony to dry and said, "I used hot water and cleaned them."

Zhou Yi was helpless. He said, "There's no need to go to the trouble……"

Chen Liguo said, "It's no trouble ah. Really no trouble at all." Chen Liguo had always felt a bit uneasy after moving in. This house was not big and Zhou Yi said to clean it only three times a week. There was nothing to really wash either. They would be damaged if washed by hand……

Just as Zhou Yi wanted to say something he discovered that although there was no expression on Chen Liguo's face, his ears had turned red. Evidently he was somewhat embarrassed.

Seeing such a look a smile appeared in Zhou Yi's eyes.

Chen Liguo finished hanging up the underwear and said, "I'll wash them for you from now on. I need to wash my own anyway."

Zhou Yi should have refused but as if demons and gods were at work he unexpectedly softly said an 'okay'.

So from then on Chen Liguo took over the job of washing Zhou Yi's underwear.

In the four years of university Zhou Yi's understanding of Chen Liguo grew deeper and deeper.

Though Chen Liguo felt some inferiority, he was optimistic. He was very obtuse about feelings but his brain was very smart.

Zhou Yi found that many girls around Chen Liguo actually had feelings for him but Chen Liguo was not aware at all.

Once Zhou Yi had tentatively asked him but Chen Liguo had laughed foolishly and said, "It's impossible for her to like me. I won't be that conceited."

Zhou Yi was very satisfied with Chen Liguo's slowness and felt that Chen Liguo would be the kind that was very difficult to be stolen away.

However, he did not expect that later Chen Liguo's slowness would make him beat his brains.

After living with Zhou Yi Chen Liguo's life became much better. Zhou Yi often cooked at home and even if he went to sleep first he would leave a light for Chen Liguo.

Everytime Chen Liguo came back to see the orange light at home his heart would feel warm.

Time at university flew by like the wind and soon they were confronted with graduation.

Zhou Yi had already begun to plan his future while in university, so he immediately entered his own company after graduation.

Chen Liguo was from the journalism department and went to a local newspaper office.

In fact, the scope of this newspaper office was good. It was because of Chen Liguo's excellent academic performance that he got the recommendation for such an opportunity. In the end, not a few months later he was transferred from the entertainment sector to the agricultural one……

During that time Zhou Yi had happened to be abroad for two months. When he came back he saw that the Chen Liguo whom he had raised with much care, so that he finally grew a little bit of meat had thinned down a circle. His originally white skin had darkened and he was practically like a poor child who had been mistreated by their stepmother.

Zhou Yi was a little angry and immediately found a connection to re-introduce a job to Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo originally did not want to go but Zhou Yi directly gave Chen Liguo a look and said that if he didn't go he wouldn't have a friend called Chen Liguo anymore.

Chen Liguo saw that Zhou Yi really was angry and carefully said, "Don't be angry, isn't it fine if I go?"

Zhou Yi saw his appearance and was both angry and distressed. He said, "Look at yourself, say it, how much weight did you lose?"

Chen Liguo said, "I'm not skinny ah, it's all muscles." After saying this he even rolled up his sleeve.

Zhou Yi said, "Not skinny? Fine."

That afternoon Zhou Yi went to buy a scale and forced Chen Liguo to stand on it.

After Chen Liguo got on with a bitter expression Zhou Yi pointed to the number on it asking, "This isn't skinny?"

Chen Liguo said, "This scale has a problem."

Zhou Yi remarked, "Oh?"

Chen Liguo was stared at by Zhou Yi until he was at his wits end. He could only put on a pitiful expression and said, "Okay, I was wrong. Isn't it fine if I go?"

Zhou Yi said, "If you thin down again see how I deal with you. Go and drink the soup I just made."

Chen Liguo was most afraid of the tonic soups that Zhou Yi made. He really didn't know what kind of messy medicinal ingredients Zhou Yi put in that chicken soup but either way the taste was so dreadful it made Chen Liguo shiver. Zhou Yi, too, was unwilling to drink a lot. Ultimately, Chen Liguo who was unwilling to toss it out could only drink everything with a bitter face.

Zhou Yi also got a bowl. He sat across from Chen Liguo and drank it irritatingly slow, watching as Chen Liguo's face wrinkled into a dumpling and secretly found it funny.

Chen Liguo said, "You eat some more meat. I can't each such a big chicken……"

Zhou Yi said, "If you can't finish it then throw it."

Chen Liguo: "That's such a waste!"

Zhou Yi said, "If not then what else is there to do."

Chen Liguo: "…… Then, then I'll eat it."

Zhou Yi's eyes were full of smiles.

In truth, the chicken wasn't big and a person could easily finish it. It was just that Chen Liguo found the taste too strange, so he pretended that he could not eat it. However, Zhou Yi had long since seen through his little thoughts, so ultimately Chen Liguo still pinched his nose and finished it.

After drinking the soup Zhou Yi got some fruits from the fridge for Chen Liguo to eat.

Chen Liguo asked, "What is this fruit? Why does it look so strange?"

Zhou Yi said, "Mangosteen."

Chen Liguo asked, "Is it expensive?"

Zhou Yi said, "Not expensive. It's even cheaper than the oranges outside. One yuan a pound, I even let the boss throw in an apple."

Then, Zhou Yi peeled quite a few for Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo laughed foolishly as he ate, saying that it was really delicious.

Zhou Yi saw his appearance and unable to hold back, reached out and grasped Chen Liguo's chin.

Chen Liguo was a little stunned from being held. He asked, "What are you pinching me for?"

Zhou Yi said, "Looks very soft."

Chen Liguo: "……"

When Zhou Yi and Chen Liguo first started living together he simply felt that this person was fascinating. Later, unbeknownst to him when, his feelings towards Chen Liguo gradually changed.

Chen Liguo did not notice the change in Zhou Yi's attitude towards him at all. Rather, it was Xu Shulian, Chen Liguo's foster sister who noticed it first.

Taking advantage of when Chen Liguo went to wash the dishes, Xu Shulian asked Zhou Yi, "You like my brother don't you?"

Without even raising his head, Zhou Yi responded, "You don't?"

Xu Shulian had indeed liked Chen Liguo. Though she now claimed to no longer like him, who could truly know this kind of thing.

Xu Shulian said, "Don't trick my brother. He may be easy to trick but I'm not!"

Zhou Yi put down the book in his hand and lightly said, "Can you manage me?"

His vile and unscrupulous side was finally revealed when faced with his loverival.

Xu Shulian gnashed her teeth and said, "They all say you're gentle. I think they're all blind."

Zhou Yi said, "They even say that you're a goddess."

Xu Shulian: "……"

After a moment Xu Shulian seemed to have forcibly calmed herself down. She said lowly, "It's not easy for Chen Liguo, really, don't cheat him."

Zhou Yi said, "I won't."

Xu Shulian sighed and said, "Being liked by you, I don't know if it's a good or bad thing."

At that time neither of them noticed Chen Liguo's thoughts towards Zhou Yi.

After Chen Liguo finished washing the dishes he came out and saw the two talking. He asked, "What are you two talking about?"

Zhou Yi thought, 'We're talking about how to partition you up' but his expression was still serious and earnest. He said, "I'm talking to your sister about the major's courses."

Both Xu Shulian and Zhou Yi were in the financial department.

Chen Liguo commented, "Oh, so it's like this."

Xu Shulian looked at Chen Liguo and showed a grievous and lamentful expression, wondering how she didn't realize that Chen Liguo was so easy to cheat before. If she had known she would had strucken first to gain the upper hand.

Most university students went different ways after graduating.

However, Chen Liguo and Zhou Yi's relationship became better and better.

When Zhou Yi was busy with work there would be Chen Liguo to cook the food. The ingredients were all directly put into the fridge by the people that Zhou Yi called. Chen Liguo didn't know how much money it costed. When he asked Zhou Yi, he would tell him, "It's all things grown by family members. It doesn't cost much, they just want to have a peace of mind."

Chen Liguo was not stupid enough to really believe that these ingredients were cheap, so he insisted on payed a portion of the living expenses.

However, Zhou Yi said, "How about this, you pay for the water and electricity bills. The rest is on me."

Chen Liguo said, "How can we do that? How much can the hydroelectric bill be?" The time they spent at home wasn't much.

Zhou Yi said, "What waste is there, I can't eat it all myself anyway. Wouldn't the rest just be thrown away? Right, I'll make some soup tomorrow night."

As soon as Chen Liguo heard the word 'soup' his entire person felt unwell.

Zhou Yi saw his expression and really wanted to laugh.

The next night Chen Liguo drank Zhou Yi's soup and was surprised to discover that the taste was pretty good.

Chen Liguo asked, "What kind of soup is this ah? It tastes so good."

Zhou Yi said, "Pigeon."

Chen Liguo asked, "Didn't put in medicinal herbs?"

Zhou Yi said, "I did. Put a little less."

Chen Liguo tearfully said, "Can you make it like this from now on?"

Zhou Yi refused, "No can do."

Chen Liguo: "……"

Zhou Yi said, "I should still put in some medicinal herbs."

Chen Liguo remembered the taste of the chicken soup Zhou Yi had made before. That taste……

Zhou Yi saw Chen Liguo wrinkle his face into a bun and smiled. He asked, "Is it just so hard to drink?"

Chen Liguo said, "It's still alright……"

Zhou Yi laughed lowly.

Only then did Chen Liguo realize that Zhou Yi was joking with him. Chen Liguo asked suspiciously, "You didn't make the soup so hard to drink on purpose did you?"

Zhou Yi refuted, "I didn't ah."

Chen Liguo asked, "Really didn't?"

Zhou Yi answered, "Really didn't."

However, Chen Liguo still seriously doubted the authenticity of Zhou Yi's words. He felt that although Zhou Yi was good most of the time, sometimes he would be a little bad. Chen Liguo suspected he deliberately made the soup so difficult to drink.

Zhou Yi lived together with Chen Liguo from second year to graduation.

The two did not split up even after graduating. The place Zhou Yi worked at was not close by and Chen Liguo straightforwardly proposed that Zhou Yi should move out of here and live near his company.

Zhou Yi asked, "Then what about you?"

Chen Liguo said, "We have staff dormitories ah."

Zhou Yi remarked, "Oh."

As a result, Chen Liguo came back with a bitter expression just a few days later saying that their company's staff dormitory suddenly closed down and just gave them a resettlement fee for them to rent a place themselves.

Zhou Yi said, "So that's what happened. Then I'll have to wrong you to live with me for another period of time?"

In truth, Chen Liguo was somewhat unable to control his love for Zhou Yi by that time and was afraid that he'd expose himself and would be driven out by Zhou Yi--At that time he would certainly be in a awkward position.

Zhou Yi also perceived Chen Liguo's thoughts somewhat but was not sure and was also afraid of frightening him. Thus he decided to advance step by step.

In the end it turned out that advancing gradually was the biggest mistake Zhou Yi had ever made.

One day Zhou Yi pretended to be drunk and kissed Chen Liguo. Chen Liguo also reacted to him which made Zhou Yi ecstatic. Just as he was prepared to find a chance to make things clear to Chen Liguo, Chen Liguo insisted on moving out not a few days later.

"Why move out?" Zhou Yi asked him.

Chen Liguo did not give Zhou Yi an answer. He bowed his head, his entire person gloomy.

Zhou Yi asked, "Chen Liguo, why aren't you talking?"

Chen Liguo couldn't say anything. He was afraid that before he could even say a word his tears would fall.

Zhou Yi said, "Chen Liguo, answer me."

"Sorry." Chen Liguo looked at Zhou Yi's face and thought of the threats his fiancée made to him. He thought that if Zhou Yi showed a disgusted look towards him he would surely fall apart.

"Chen Liguo!" In the end Zhou Yi was a little angry. He said, "What do you mean? Say go and go? Not going to give me a reason?"

Chen Liguo said, "Really, sorry." With his mind in disarray, he really couldn't think of an excuse.

Zhou Yi looked at the shrinking Chen Liguo and recalled the matter of him kissing him a few days ago.

Could it be that Chen Liguo wanted to move out because of this? Could it be that him thinking Chen Liguo liked him was all his own delusion? Could it be that Chen Liguo just wanted to save him his last bit of face by not saying the reason?

For the first time Zhou Yi's thought fell into a whirl. He asked, "Chen Liguo, do you really want to go?"

Chen Liguo nodded slowly.

Zhou Yi said coldly, "Then leave. After leaving don't come back anymore."

Zhou Yi's voice was cold. So cold that Chen Liguo shivered. He thought that the heavens really were unfair sometimes. To take away the only warmth in his life.

Experiencing the cold alone wasn't the scariest thing for Chen Liguo but the cold after enjoying warmth was.

Chen Liguo dragged his luggage and slowly left.

Zhou Yi stood in the living room and stared at his back.

Chen Liguo felt as if there were countless needles pricking his back. How he wished to turn around and say to Zhou Yi, "I won't go, don't drive me away either okay?"

However, Chen Liguo dared not, so he opened the door and closed it, separating himself from Zhou Yi completely.

After Chen Liguo left Zhou Yi threw everything in the house.

It was his first time being so angry and his first time being unable to control his emotions.

"Chen Liguo, what a good person you are!" Finally Zhou Yi sat down in the living room and smoked. After smoking a pack he managed to calm down. He said, "If you let me find out that you moved out for someone else, I will--"

Recalling that expression of Chen Liguo's, Zhou Yi said to himself with gnashed teeth, "I'll break your legs and lock you up."

At that time Chen Liguo did not know what his beloved Zhou Yi was thinking. He dragged his luggage to a small place he rented then with his luggage in his arms he softly cried.

After crying he pulled a pair of underwear from his luggage and softly said to it, "Zhou Yiyi, you have so many underwears, just give me this one as a memento okay? I, I really……. like you."

Really like really like. Even if I use my life as a gift to you, I, am willing.

Slowly rub extras I guess. Crumple down, lie flat, want to eat hot pot. Ai.

Special thanks to Lag丶77, RainySky and Chi's deepwater bomb. Mwuah (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

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