The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 236 Fire Wolves

Orion's eyes narrowed as he focused on the two figures in the trees. He could sense that they were watching him, their eyes fixed on him with predatory intensity. But he didn't flinch or show any signs of fear. Instead, he remained calm and focused, his mind already working out a plan of action.

The forest was quiet, the only sounds coming from the rustling leaves and the occasional call of a bird. But Orion knew that this tranquility could be shattered at any moment. He needed to be ready for whatever came his way.

As he watched the figures in the trees, he took stock of his surroundings. The trees were tall and dense, blocking out most of the sunlight and creating a sense of foreboding. The ground beneath him was covered in a thick layer of fallen leaves, making it difficult to move quietly.

He could feel the weight of Atlas beneath him, the rhinoceros still and alert, waiting for his command. Orion knew that he could count on his loyal beast to have his back, no matter what.

The figures in the trees remained still, watching and waiting. Orion could sense that they were sizing him up, trying to determine his strength and weaknesses. He needed to make the first move, to take control of the situation before it was too late.

With a calm and measured voice, he addressed the figures. "I know you're there. Show yourselves."

There was a moment of silence, and then the figures emerged from the trees, their cloaks rustling in the breeze. They were both young men, their faces set in determined scowls. Orion could tell that they were skilled warriors, their muscles taut and their movements calculated.

Orion stood there, staring at the two men who had been following him through the forest. His mind raced as he tried to assess the situation. He knew that these men were after his points, and he also knew that they weren't going to give up easily. But he wasn't about to let them take what he had worked so hard to earn.

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice steady despite the adrenaline that was coursing through his veins.

The two men exchanged a quick glance as if deciding what to say. Finally, the one on the left spoke up. "We want your points," he said bluntly. "We've been following you for a while now, and we know that you're strong. We figure you must have a lot of points that we could use."

Orion eyed the men warily, sizing them up. They were both Third-Stage Warriors, like himself, but he could tell that they were not as experienced as he was. He could also see the hunger in their eyes, the desperation for points that drove them to follow him.

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[Name: Holden]

[Race: Human]

[Realm: Third-Stage Warrior]

[Talent: Flame Enhancement]

[Tier: B]

[Beasts: Fire Wolf]


[Name: Grady]

[Race: Human]

[Realm: Third-Stage Warrior]

[Talent: Wolf Enhancement]

[Tier: B]

[Beasts: Fire Wolf]


Orion eyed the two men carefully, sizing them up as they stood before him. He knew that they were both Third-Stage Warriors, but he could already determine their specific talents or the strength of their beasts.

"Do you think that the two of you can defeat me?" he asked calmly, his eyes locked onto theirs.

Holden and Grady exchanged another quick glance before Holden stepped forward, a smug look on his face. "We don't need to defeat you," he said. "We just need to take your points. And with the two of us working together, we can do just that."

Orion raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? And how do you plan on taking my points?"

"We have our ways," Grady replied cryptically, a sly grin spreading across his face.

Orion could sense that the two men were becoming more confident, likely due to the presence of their beasts. He watched as both Holden and Grady summoned their beasts, calling forth two identical Fire Wolves.

As Holden and Grady summoned their Fire Wolves, Orion's eyes locked onto the two beasts. He could feel the energy emanating from them, and his instincts told him that they were both Third-Stage Warrior Realm beasts.


[Beast Race: Fire Wolf]

[Elements: Fire]

[Realm: Third-Stage Warrior]

[Tier: C]

[Skills and Abilities:]

[Flame Fangs:] The Fire Wolf's fangs are imbued with flames, enabling it to deliver fiery bites to its enemies. This skill is particularly useful for burning through tough materials and leaving a lasting burn on its target.

[Fire Breath:] The Fire Wolf can exhale a powerful stream of flames, incinerating anything in its path. This ability is particularly useful for attacking multiple enemies at once or lighting fires to aid in battle or survival.

[Enhanced Speed:] The Fire Wolf has enhanced speed, allowing it to move with incredible agility and evade attacks with ease. Its fiery nature also grants it a boost in speed when running through fire-based environments.

[Heat Resistance:] The Fire Wolf is highly resistant to heat and flames, allowing it to move freely through fiery environments without being harmed. This skill also grants it resistance to fire-based attacks from enemies.


As Orion studied the Fire Wolves, he could sense their power and strength. He knew that they were Third-Stage Warrior Realm beasts, but what caught his attention was their Tier. They were C-tier, just like his own beast, Atlas. This was good news for Orion as it meant that they were evenly matched in terms of power and skill.

Orion observed the Fire Wolves as they prowled towards him, their eyes locked onto Atlas. He could see the flames flickering in their eyes, a clear indication of their fiery nature. As they approached, Orion could feel the heat emanating from their bodies, evidence of their heat resistance.

He looked closer and could see that the wolves had fiery fangs, imbued with flames that could burn through tough materials and leave a lasting burn on their targets. He could also see that they had the ability to exhale a powerful stream of flames, incinerating anything in their path. This was a dangerous ability that could be used to attack multiple enemies at once or light fires to aid in battle or survival.

Orion also noted that the Fire Wolves had enhanced speed, which would allow them to move with incredible agility and evade attacks with ease. Their fiery nature also gave them a boost in speed when running through fire-based environments. This could be a valuable advantage in battle.

Despite the Fire Wolves' impressive skills and abilities, Orion remained calm and composed. He knew that he had to stay focused if he was going to win this battle. He looked over at Atlas, who stood calmly beside him, ready to defend his master if needed.


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